CPack Deb generator exclude files/targets - cmake

I'm trying to build a C++ Project with CMake that contains a shared library (Lua) , the problem I'm having is that I only want to ship the Packages with Lua when building a Tar.gz for Linux or an NSIS installer for Windows, when packaging a deb or rpm package the library should be listed as a dependency (liblua5.3-0) but not actually be packaged.
Is it somehow possible to exclude files or build targets in CPack based on the generator?

I think the answer is to install conditionally
I would probably make an option for this which is set at the top of my top-level cmake file, then use it in any install commands I come accross.
option(INSTALL_3RD_PARTY "Installs third party content" OFF)
If you don't like making users set too many options, could you derive it from ${CPACK_GENERATOR} if that's user-defined. In my projects, I tend to set CPACK_GENERATOR after my install commands, so that wouldn't work as well for me.


cpack conditonal behaviour based on generator

I have a build which is currently set up with steps as follows:
cpack -G TGZ
cpack -G RPM
I now have a problem in that there are files I wish to include in the RPM but not the tarball. Is there a way to make the install command conditional according to the generator used?
The simple and obvious way is wrong:
message("HELLO ${PACKAGE_TYPE}")
install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/foobar DESTINATION "/usr/lib" COMPONENT core RENAME "/usr/lib/only-install-me-for-RPM")
I believe it is wrong because the configure stage (running cmake) evaluates the conditional but cpack does not.
I do not want two builds as the install stage is the only part different. I do want more than one kind of installation package.
Why do I want to do such an odd thing? I can think of other legitimate reasons but in this case it is because of the introduction of /usr/lib/.build-id.
It is not possible to disable this behaviour from cmake (though it is possible in the .spec file see
In RHEL8 rpmbuild installs files (actually links) in /usr/lib/.build-id which I have not specificed myself.
In order to persuade cmake to make /usr/lib relocatable I have to install a dummy file in /usr/lib - see
This is not necessary for the tarball.
Currently used CPack generator can be retrieved from CPACK_GENERATOR variable. But this meaning works only inside a script specified with CPACK_PROJECT_CONFIG_FILE variable. Inside CMakeLists.txt the variable CPACK_GENERATOR has other meaning.
Because install command can only be issued in CMakeLists.txt, this command cannot be made conditional (based on CPack generator). But you may assign a COMPONENT for this installation. This component can be excluded from the components list later.
# Assign 'core_special' COMPONENT for installation
install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/foobar DESTINATION "/usr/lib" COMPONENT core_special RENAME "/usr/lib/only-install-me-for-RPM")
# ...
# Set config script for CPack.
set(CPACK_PROJECT_CONFIG_FILE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cpack_project_config.cmake")
# Exclude component "core_special" for all CPack generators except TGZ.
# Need to set 'CMAKE_<GENERATOR>_COMPONENT_INSTALL' to ON, otherwise CPack ignores CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL variable
# E.g create single archive/package from all components
# (other values - "IGNORE", "ONE_PER_GROUP" - will also work)

How to include a library using CMAKE in a cross-platform way

I am trying to use the assimp library in a cross platform C++ project. I include the repo as a git submodule, so, effectively, if someone downloads my project they will also download the ASSIMP project.
After I go through the assimp build / CMAKE instructions and (on Linux) type make install and from then on in my project I can use:
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} assimp)
However, there is no make install on Windows.
The only other way I have been able to include the library on Linux is to put (in my CmakeLists.txt file):
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/build/assimp/code/
This is not cross platform as it hardcodes the name and location of the .so file which will not work on Windows.
How can I expose the library so that I can do something like target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} assimp) on all platforms?
My directory tree looks like:
- src
- include
- assimp
- bin
Where the assimp directory in the include directory is the git submodule
I think you're going about this the wrong way. You don't need to build assimp in a separate step from your project, and you don't need to make install to make it available.
There are a number of ways of handling third party dependencies in Cmake, since you've already chosen to submodule the assimp repository, we'll start there. Assuming assimp is located in the root of your repository in a directory called assimp/ this would be a barebones project including it:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
project(Project myassimpproj)
# include your directories
# set any variables you might need to set for your app and assimp
# add assimp source dir as a subdirectory, effectively making
# assimp's CMakeLists.txt part of your build
add_subdirectory(/path/to/assimp ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/assimp)
add_executable(assimp_target main.cpp)
# be sure to link in assimp, use platform-agnostic syntax for the linker
target_link_libraries(assimp_target assimp)
There may be a better way of phrasing this using generator expressions syntax, but I haven't looked at assimp's CMakeLists.txt to know if it's supported (and this is a more generic way anyway.)
Not every project uses Cmake, so you may not be able to just add_subdirectory(). In those cases, you can effectively "fake" a user call to build them using their build commands on respective platforms. execute_process() runs a command at configure time add_custom_command() and add_custom_target() run commands at build time. You then create a fake target to make integration and cross your fingers they support Cmake someday.
You can also use the ExternalProject commands added to Cmake to create a custom target to drive download, update/patch, configure, build, install and test steps of an external project, but note that this solution and the next download the dependency rather than using the submodule'd source code.
Finally, I prefer to work with prebuilt dependencies, cuts down on build time, and they can be unit tested on their own outside of the project. Conan is an open source, decentralized and multi-platform package manager with very good support for C++ and almost transparent support for Cmake when used the right way. They have grown very stable in the last year. More information on how to use Conan with Cmake can be found here.

CMake find protobuf compiled from source

I am trying to build a project that depends on Google Protocol Buffers compiled from source. My project should be platform independent and also should support cross-compilation, which is the reason that i prefer to use a locally built protobuf. However I would prefer not to include the whole library as a subproject as it would take too much to build.
My simplified CMakeLists.txt is:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
# find a boost install with the libraries filesystem and system
find_package(Protobuf REQUIRED)
I invoke CMake on Linux as:
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/built/protobuf/ ..
but it does not find the library and I get the following message:
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Protobuf" with any
of the following names:
Add the installation prefix of "Protobuf" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
"Protobuf_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If
"Protobuf" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has
been installed.
On Windows this procedure works.
I built the library on Linux using the suggested approach, which is not with CMake but with autotools.
What should I do differently?
cd protobuf/cmake
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install

How to use CMake to construct an OpenSceneGraph project?

I have just downloaded the OpenSceneGraph source, unzip it into
"~/OpenSceneGraph-3.0.1" directory and use CMake to create an out-of-source
eclipse make project in "~/OpenSceneGraph-3.0.1-build-eclipse-cdt"
directory. When I execute "make" in
"~/OpenSceneGraph-3.0.1-build-eclipse-cdt" directory, OpenSceneGraph builds
successfully. I have not run "sudo make install" as I do not want to
install OpenSceneGraph tightly into my Ubuntu system.
Now I want to use CMake to create a project using the compiled
OpenSceneGraph libraries. I use the following codes in CMakeLists.txt :
PROJECT( test_proj )
ADD_EXECUTABLE(test test.cpp )
But it seems that OpenSceneGraph could not be found by CMake.
Does anyone know how CMake could find the compiled OpenSceneGraph
libraries in the "~/OpenSceneGraph-3.0.1-build-eclipse-cdt" directory and
use it to create projects as if I have tightly installed OpenSceneGraph
using "sudo make install". Thanks for any suggestion.
You don't need to install OpenSceneGraph system-wide. Just choose a CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX that suits you (eg. ~/osg).
Using the install command makes sure that everything is correctly in place (i.e. in the correct directory structure) for FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake (the script CMake invokes when you call FIND_PACKAGE( OpenSceneGraph ) ) to find it.
Then, you should point any of OSG_DIR, OSGDIR, or OSG_ROOT as environment variable and point it to your install location, so CMake knows where to look for it.
#Hugues: I'll try to make it a bit clearer:
Setup up OpenSceneGraph:
Get OSG source.
When running CMake for it, choose a CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX that suits you, eg. ~/osg if you don't want a system-wide installation in (default) /usr/local. Do it either by stating -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/hugues/osg on the command-line or by setting it using a gui tool like ccmake or cmake-gui.
Run make install to build and install OSG.
Set the environment variable OSG_DIR to whatever you pointed CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. (export OSG_DIR=<whereever_you_installed_osg>)
Setup your project:
In your CMakeLists.txt, use FIND_PACKAGE( OpenSceneGraph ) (add desired optional arguments as desired).
Use the resulting variables (like ${OpenSceneGraph_LIBRARIES} in the appropriate places in your cmake file.
Run CMake for your project.
Add this below command in your CMakeLists.txt:
Then put the file FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake in src/cmake dir.
FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake can be found here.

cmake: install executables and create links to them

I'm using cmake and cpack to build my project and build packages. I'm creating a few executables in my project, let's call them EXE1 and EXE2.
When creating different versions of these executables, I want to name to reflect the version of the executable (let's say EXE1_1.0.0). I can change the name of the output for a target by doing set_target_properties.
However, now when doing an install, I want to do create a symlink to this versioned name of the executable, i.e. I want to have
the "versioned" executable installed in bin directory, i.e. EXE1_1.0.0
create a symlink to the "versioned" executable, i.e. create symlink EXE1, which points to EXE1_1.0.0
Can someone suggest me how to do this?
Second question is:
How to install configuration files /etc/MYPROJECT/ directory? What DESTINATION I need to use for configuration files, like I use bin for executables and lib for libraries? Is using an absolute path like /etc an acceptable practice with cmake?
I asked this question on cmake mailing list subsequently, and this is the response I received:
The validity of the answer will depend on which CMake version you use
and which set of platform you want to support.
Symlinks are not that portable
a) Creation may not be [currently] done portably but if you are
targeting Unix you can use cmake -E create_symlink to create one.
b) Depending on the CPack generator you use and CMake/CPack version
symlinks may be embedded in the package or not.
i.e. CPack pre 2.8.7 cannot create ZIP archive which contains
symlinks CPack 2.8.8 can do that now.
Then you can use an install(SCRIPT ... or install(CODE ...) to do that
at install time.
Another option if you are using RPM is to use package specific post
install script. cpack --help-variable
this last solution will off course only work for CPack RPM.
For second question
You can use absolute destination path, they should be handled just
fine by CPack DEB and RPM, I don't know for other.
If your software should be installed on Windows this is won't work
with archive generator (ZIP, TGZ, etc...) and/or NSIS.
May be you can do something like:
else() set(CONFDEST "etc") endif()
install(FILES yourconffile DESTINATION ${CONFDEST})