problem with my API in Jenkins: Invalid password/token for user: - api

When i try to connect to my Api with basic authentification on my Jenkinsfile after successfully running my container: (toto is the username/python is the password)
curl -u toto:python -X GET
i received this error in my console Output on my Jenkins server:
Error 401 Invalid password/token for user: toto
Problem accessing /pozos/api/v1.0/get_student_ages. Reason:
Invalid password/token for user: toto
Jenkins successfully builds my dockerfile and runs my container on the port 8080,i don't understand why it doesn't work...everything works normally when i don't use Jenkins,
Thanks so much for your help

I think the password will not work. You will need to create an API Token for the user. And then use that token as the password in the call.
So your call will be changed to
curl -u toto:<token> -X GET
Here is the link on how to generate and use the token
The API token is available in your personal configuration page. Click your name on the top right corner on every page, then click
"Configure" to see your API token. (The URL $root/me/configure is a
good shortcut.) You can also change your API token from here.


Problem accessing: Unauthorized, OpenDaylight

Im tring to access ODL, but I got this error
** I've installed all the features**
Error message
can you do:
curl -u admin:admin http://$ODL_IP:8181/restconf/streams
that is user admin, password admin (the default). The screen shot you
posted is just an unauthorized so I can guess that you didn't give the
right credentials when you were asked. Doing the curl above will verify
if that part is working or not.

JIRA CLI Commandline Not Authenticating With Password Federation

I'm having a few problems getting this JIRA commandline to work:
C:\tools\atlassian-cli-7.8.0>jira.bat --debug --verbose --options
basicAuthentication --server "" --user
FIRST.LAST#COMPANY.COM --password PASSWORD --action getServerInfo
It connects to the JIRA server, but gives this error:
org.swift.common.cli.CliClient$RemoteDisallowedException: User
'FIRST.LAST#COMPANY.COM' is not allowed to log in at this point in
time perhaps due to CAPTCHA requirements or too many failed login
This error always occurs despite the fact:
JIRA Web > Profile > Username is what I'm using to log in.
JIRA Web >
Profile > Groups is jira-software-users
The password provided to the
commandline is indeed the one that works when I login via the web.
have tried this both with and without --options basicAuthentication
This occurs regardless of how many times I successfully log out / log
in to the JIRA web UI.
Whenever I go to JIRA Web > Profile > Change
Password, it says: "Too many incorrect login attempts: Please log out
and log in again to access this function." (This also occurs
regardless of how many times I successfully log out / log in to the
JIRA web UI.)
A CAPTCHA is never shown on the JIRA Web UI's login.
NOTE: When we login to JIRA web ui, our company appears to defer to
federated authentication via "" into
which we provide the credentials we're providing the script, which
then takes us into JIRA.
How to get the commandline tool / jira server to accept the same credentials the jira web ui does?
Is this a permissions issue or something involving the password federation?
Suggestions for how to get this to work?
How to get it to actually clear the "too many incorrect logins" issue?
Cheers & Thanks!
Full trace of command is:
URL requested:
Request type: GET Content type: application/json options:
basicauthentication URL requested: Request type: POST
Content type: application/json Using basic authentication. Request
property X-Atlassian-Token, value: [no-check] Request property
Content-Language, value: [en-US] Request property Content-Type, value:
[application/json] json: {} Problem determination - response: 403:
null Problem determination - response url: Problem determination -
request url: Problem
determination - response data:
Forbidden (403)
Remote error: User 'FIRST.LAST#COMPANY.COM' is not allowed to log in
at this point in time perhaps due to CAPTCHA requirements or too many
failed login requests. Go to the user interface and login to clear the
org.swift.common.cli.CliClient$RemoteDisallowedException: User
'' is not allowed to log in at this point in
time perhaps due to CAPTCHA requirements or too many failed login
requests. Go to the user interface and login to clear the problem. at
at org.swift.jira.cli.JiraClient.getServerInfo(
at org.swift.jira.cli.JiraClient.handleRequest( at
at org.swift.common.cli.CliClient.doWork( at
org.swift.common.cli.CliClient.doWork( at
I managed to get this working by creating an API token and using that as the password. You can create an API token by visiting the site and selecting the API tokens on the left pane.
I hope this helps.

How can we log into a webserver using username password csrftoken and csrfmiddlewaretoken

I am trying to log into a server using my authentication(username and password) for app development purpose with swift 4. However my server requires csfrtoken and csrfmiddlewaretoken. How can I extract the csrfmiddlewaretoken value and make a Post request to log with all the other authentication?
Keep tadmans comment in mind. If you really want to do it the way as you described it in your question you would need to make a GET request in order to parse the CSRF token of your desired login page. The token should be located inside the login form.
I have added a bash script to extract the token from stackoverflow as a reference:
fkey=`curl | grep -P -o '(?<=value\=\")\w*(?=\")'`
echo $fkey # got the token
# make a post request with the freshly parsed token
curl -L -c cookies -d 'fkey='$fkey'&ssrc=head&email=MY_MAIL_ADDRESS&password=MY_PASSWORD&oauth_version=&oauth_server=&openid_username=&openid_identifier='$
# finally browse the site with your obtained cookies
curl -b cookies
It is convenient to set up a token-based authentication method via the Django REST framework. But this is only an option in case you are developing your own API.

how do you access a jenkins api which uses Github OAuth using CURL

I have a jenkins server using the Github OAuth plugin and authorized in the "Authorized applications" section of github, it works fine from my browser, i can access to the jenkins server as long as i'm authenticated with github.
Is there a way to access to the jenkins server api using oauth credentials/token from CURL or a ruby client?
I've generated a token in -> Personal access tokens -> Generate new token (there is no option to scope it to a third party application)
that token works fine to access github :
curl -H "Authorization: token cfbcff42e6a8a52a1076dd9fcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
however, that token is not valid for jenkins-server:
curl -H "Authorization: token cfbcff42e6a8a52a1076dd9fcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" https://jenkins-server/user/restebanez/api/json/\?pretty\=true
It generates this error:
<html><head><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1;url=/securityRealm/commenceLogin?from=%2Fuser%2Frestebanez%2Fapi%2Fjson%2F%3Fpretty%3Dtrue'/><script>window.location.replace('/securityRealm/commenceLogin?from=%2Fuser%2Frestebanez%2Fapi%2Fjson%2F%3Fpretty%3Dtrue');</script></head><body style='background-color:white; color:white;'>
Authentication required
You are authenticated as: anonymous
Groups that you are in:
Permission you need to have (but didn't): hudson.model.Hudson.Read
... which is implied by:
... which is implied by: hudson.model.Hudson.Administer
the jenkins server has installed GitHub API Plugin 1.58 and Github Authentication plugin 0.19
I'm probably missing some fundamentals of oauth b/c i have googled this for a while and i haven't found anything
I'm not sure if you ever got to the bottom of this, but after trying several routes I finally got a scripted build using Github OAuth on Jenkins. The trick is that the API token is not one for GitHub but rather one from Jenkins.
For my setup I have a machine user on github, I logged in normally via the web with that user, then clicked on the username in the upper right corner. From there I clicked "Configure" on the left-hand menu, and finally "Show API Token" in the main content area.
Once I had that I could run:
curl --user <username>:<api_token> https://jenkins-server/user/<username>/api/json/?pretty=true
More information.
You should just use a Jenkins API token. This is configurable per user. See $JENKINS_URL/me
This will allow your scripted client to access Jenkins regardless of whatever authentication strategy is being used.
You should use "Basic" rather than "token"
For example:
curl -H "Authorization: Basic cfbcff42e6a8a52a1076dd9fcxx"
This worked for me (using getting commit statuses as an example):
curl -X GET -u :${GITHUB_TOKEN} ${url}

How do I pass credentials to Sonar API calls?

When I try to call:
I get
How do I pass my credentials?
According to the newest documentation said: SonarQube now support two way authentication:
User Token
This is the recommended way. Token is sent via the login field of HTTP basic authentication, this way will be more safety, without any password. For more information about how to generate a token, please visit this page User Token. Use curl send request like this:
# note that the colon after the token is required in curl to set an empty password
HTTP Basic Access
Login and password are sent via the standard HTTP Basic fields:
According to the documentation SonarQube uses basic authentication. Try:
curl -u admin:SuPeRsEcReT ""
Obviously the mechanism for passing these credentials is dependent on how you are invoking the API.
This should also work from the web browser. Try logging into the Webui, your browser will normally cache the credentials.
This happens because authentication data does not include in your api call. This is how I solved it.
1.First install a rest client "Postman" to your browser.
2.Open it and put your API call url under "Normal" tab.
3.Go to "Basic Auth" tab and put username,password then click refresh headers.
4.Come back to "Normal" tab. You'll see a header named "Authorization" in header list.
5.Now click "send" button to view results.
6.If you are using 3rd party application, add "Authorization" header to your call with the value generated by postman.