Vert.x way to write coroutine blocking code - kotlin

I do have the project that uses both coroutines and Vert.x.
I'm trying to write a wrapper function to run blocking code on vertx worker thread pool
Something like:
suspend inline fun <T> executeOnWorkerThread(crossinline block: () -> T) =
withContext(**Vertx-Worker-ThreadPool**) {
So it may be used like
suspend fun usage(obj: Any): String = executeOnWorkerThread {
try {
// blocking code
} catch (e: Exception) {
// Exception handling
But this is not vert.x way. And I couldn't find the way to extract thread pool out of vert.x

suspend fun <T> awaitBlockingUnordered(block: () -> T): T {
return awaitResult { handler ->
val ctx = Vertx.currentContext()
{ fut -> fut.complete(block()) },
{ ar -> handler.handle(ar) }


Catching an error of a coroutine launch call

in the following code:
private fun executeCognitoRequest(result: MethodChannel.Result, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Any?) {
try {
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default).launch {
val requestResult = block()
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
} catch (exception: Exception) {
val cognitoErrorType = CognitoErrorType.getByException(exception)
result.error(cognitoErrorType.code, null, null)
if the call to block throws, will it be caught?
It will be caught, but the problem with your code is that you violate the principles of structured concurrency and launch a coroutine in the GlobalScope. So if you test your code from a main function like this:
fun main() {
runBlocking {
executeCognitoRequest(MethodChannel.Result()) {
the whole program will end before the coroutine has completed execution.
This is how you should write your function:
private fun CoroutineScope.executeCognitoRequest(
result: MethodChannel.Result,
block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Any?
) {
try {
launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
val requestResult = block()
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
} catch (exception: Exception) {
val cognitoErrorType = CognitoErrorType.getByException(exception)
result.error(cognitoErrorType.code, null, null)
Now your function is an extension on CoroutineScope and launch is automatically called with that receiver. Also, for blocking IO calls you shouldn't use the Default but the IO dispatcher.
However, I find your higher-level design weird, you start from blocking code and turn it into async, callback-oriented code. Coroutines are there to help you get rid of callbacks.

how to break from lambda passed to recursive function when provided condition met

I am writing a custom loop dsl and I want it's usage to look like below
var counter1 = 0
var counter2 = 0
loop {
counter1 += 1
stopIf(counter1 == 5) // loop should terminate here and not execute rest of the code if condition matches
counter2 += 2
stopIf(counter2 == 8) // loop should terminate here and not execute rest of the code if condition matches
I have following code which does allows me to write stopIf any number of times and anywhere in the loop body but when condition matches it does not terminate immediately but executes rest of the loop body and then terminates.
open class Loop {
var stop = false
val loopInterval = 1.seconds
suspend fun loop(block: suspend () -> Unit): Unit = loop(loopInterval, block)
suspend fun loop(minimumInterval: Duration, block: suspend () -> Unit): Unit =
loopWithoutDelay { delayedResult(maxOf(minimumInterval, loopInterval), block) }
private suspend fun loopWithoutDelay(block: suspend () -> Unit) {
if (stop) return else loopWithoutDelay(block)
suspend fun <T> delayedResult(minDelay: Duration, f: suspend () -> T): T = coroutineScope {
val futureValue = async { f() }
fun stopIf(condition: Boolean) {
if (condition) {
stop = condition // once stop condition matches, then do not override it with following false condtions
suspend fun loop(block: suspend Loop.() -> Unit) =
Loop().run { loop { block(this) } }
I have tried to use return with label but it did not work. Is there any way I can achieve this?
It can be done for example with throwing a lightweight exception. You have to declare custom exception:
class LoopStopException : Throwable("Stop look", null, false, false) // lightweight throwable without the stack trace
and catch it in loopWithoutDelay:
private suspend fun loopWithoutDelay(block: suspend () -> Unit) {
try {
while (true) {
} catch (e: LoopStopException) {
//do nothing
I didn't understand much about the function delayedResult, because none of the dsl's public functions return a result. However, I come up with an solution for cancelling the loop.
As far as I understood, we have to have a loop that doesn't block the current thread. Therefore, it must be run in a coroutine, but in order to be able to cancel the loop, the dsl must run its own coroutine. This inner coroutine is run using coroutineScope, so it suspends the parent coroutine until it's finished or cancelled.
class Loop {
private val loopInterval = 1.seconds
suspend fun loop(block: suspend () -> Unit) = loop(loopInterval, block)
suspend fun loop(minimumInterval: Duration, block: suspend () -> Unit):Job = coroutineScope {
launch {
while (true) {
delay(minOf(minimumInterval, loopInterval).toLongMilliseconds())
suspend fun stopIf(condition: Boolean) = coroutineScope {
suspendCancellableCoroutine<Unit> {
if (condition) it.cancel() else it.resumeWith(Result.success(Unit))
suspend fun loop(block: suspend Loop.() -> Unit):Job {
return Loop().run {
this.loop {

How to implement parallel mapping for sequences in kotlin

I'm trying to implement a parallel implementation for both Iterable and Sequence in Kotlin. I got a little file, it consists of 4 extension functions, but the third one gives me an compiler error:
suspend fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.parallelMap(block: suspend(T) -> R) =
coroutineScope { map { async { block(it) } }.map { it.await() } }
suspend fun <T> Iterable<T>.parallelForEach(block: suspend (T) -> Unit) =
coroutineScope { map { async { block(it) } }.forEach { it.await() } }
suspend fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.parallelMap(block: suspend(T) -> R) =
coroutineScope { map { async { block(it) } }.map { it.await() } }
suspend fun <T> Sequence<T>.parallelForEach(block: suspend (T) -> Unit) =
coroutineScope { map { async { block(it) } }.forEach { it.await() } }
The compiler comes back and says that suspension functions can only be called inside suspension functions. Is there a way to implement this?
Edit: fixed bad copy/paste
Edit2: I thought of an implementation:
suspend fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.parrallelMap(block: suspend (T) -> R) =
asIterable().map { coroutineScope { async { block(it) } } }
.asSequence().map { runBlocking { it.await() } }
I was hoping that this would fire all the suspending functions and await them lazily. I'm just not sure if this is safe, or this saves time or not.
There is a problem with the core semantics of parallel execution for lazy sequences. Your current implementation does not start block(it) until the resulting sequence is iterated:
suspend fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.parallelMap(block: suspend(T) -> R) =
coroutineScope { map { async { block(it) } }.map { it.await() } }
Consider the following example:
sequenceOf(1, 2, 3).parallelMap { it * it }.forEach { println(it) }
For this sample the order of execution will be
val p1 = async { 1 * 1 }
val r1 = p1.await()
val p2 = async { 2 * 2 }
val r2 = p2.await()
val p3 = async { 3 * 3 }
val r3 = p3.await()
Note that the execution of the mapping operations is sequientional, not parallel.
What the compiler tells you is that the lambda of Sequence<T>.map {} is performed lazily on-demand outside of the context of the call (read: outside of your coroutine), so you can't use the coroutine you are currently in.
Frankly, I am not sure how one can both perform lazy computation and do it in parallel.

Getting status updates from a coroutine

Consider an asynchronous API that reports progress on its operations:
suspend fun operationWithIO(input: String, progressUpdate: (String) -> Unit): String {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
// ...
Is it possible to implement calls to progressUpdate such that callbacks are handled on the caller's dispatcher? Or is there a better way to deliver status updates back to the caller?
You should send progress updates on a channel. That will allow the caller to listen to the channel using whatever dispatcher it wants.
suspend fun operationWithIO(input: String, progressChannel: Channel<String>): String {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
// ...
The caller can use it by doing something like this:
val progressChannel = Channel<String>()
someScope.launch {
operationWithIO(input, progressChannel)
// Remember the call to progressChannel.close(), so that this iteration stops.
for (progressUpdate in progressChannel) {
How about wrapping the callback function and calling the wrapped function:
/** Return a new callback that invokes this callback on the current context. */
suspend fun <T> ((T) -> Unit).onCurrentContext(): (T) -> Unit =
coroutineContext.let { context ->
{ value: T ->
runBlocking {
launch(context) {
/** Perform a background operation, delivering status updates on the caller's context. */
suspend fun operationWithIO(statusUpdate: (String) -> Unit): String {
val cb = statusUpdate.onCurrentContext()
return withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
cb("Phase 1")
cb("Phase 2")
// In use
runBlocking {
val result = operationWithIO {
println("received callback status $it")
println("result is $result")

How would I "wrap" this not-quite-"by lazy" result caching function call in idiomatic Kotlin?

I can't use "by lazy" because the callbacks require suspendCoroutine, which borks in android if it blocks the main thread, so I have to use the following "cache the result" pattern over and over. Is there a way to wrap it in a funButUseCachedResultsIfTheyAlreadyExist pattern to encapsulate the xCached object?
private var cameraDeviceCached: CameraDevice? = null
private suspend fun cameraDevice(): CameraDevice {
cameraDeviceCached?.also { return it }
return suspendCoroutine { cont: Continuation<CameraDevice> ->
... deep callbacks with cont.resume(camera) ...
}.also {
cameraDeviceCached = it
When what I'd really like to write is
private suspend fun cameraDevice(): CameraDevice = theMagicFunction { cont ->
... deep callbacks with cont.resume(camera) ...
You can build a generalized solution by wrapping an async call as follows:
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineStart.LAZY
class LazySuspendFun<out T>(
scope: CoroutineScope,
private val block: suspend () -> T
) {
private val deferred = scope.async(Dispatchers.Unconfined, LAZY) { block() }
suspend operator fun invoke() = deferred.await()
fun <T> CoroutineScope.lazySuspendFun(block: suspend () -> T) =
LazySuspendFun(this, block)
This is a simple example of how you can use it. Note that we are able to compose them so that we use a lazy-inited value as a dependency to getting another one:
val fetchToken = lazySuspendFun<String> {
suspendCoroutine { continuation ->
Thread {
info { "Fetching token" }
info { "Got token" }
val fetchPosts = lazySuspendFun<List<String>> {
val token = fetchToken()
suspendCoroutine { continuation ->
Thread {
info { "Fetching posts" }
info { "Got posts" }
continuation.resume(listOf("${token}post1", "${token}post2"))
On the calling side you must be inside some coroutine context so you can call the suspending functions:
myScope.launch {
val posts = fetchPosts()
This solution is robust enough that you can concurrently request the value several times and the initializer will run only once.
I'll write this as an answer, since it's not possible to post much code in comments.
What you're looking for is something like this:
private suspend fun cameraDevice() = theMagicFunction {
suspend fun theMagicFunction(block: ()->CameraDevice): () -> CameraDevice {
var cameraDeviceCached: CameraDevice? = null
return fun(): CameraDevice {
cameraDeviceCached?.also { return it }
return suspendCoroutine { cont: Continuation<CameraDevice> ->
}.also {
cameraDeviceCached = it
Unfortunately, this will not compile, since closures cannot be suspendable, and neither are local functions.
Best I can suggest, unless I miss a solution there, is to encapsulate this in a class, if this variable bothers you too much.