Setting up SSL for localhost and LAN connections - apache

I have set up a LAMP server with phpmyadmin. I have apache2 configured (through the Headers mod) to only allow SSL connections, but this is keeping me from accessing phpmyadmin on the LAN. When I setup a subdomain and LetsEncrypt cert I have no problem accessing phpmyadmin (, but if I try to access it from the LAN or on the server itself, I can't do so securely, so I can't log in.
Well, on the actual server I can just jam https://localhost/phpmyadmin into the browser and accept the insecure connection warning, but that doesn't work when using a different computer on the LAN (https://server-name/phpmyadmin). I'm not crazy about having phpmyadmin accessible to the outside, even with password protection.
Is there a way to establish a secure connection on a LAN, or do I need some way to exempt the /phpmyadmin folder from the SSL requirement? Can this be done for LAN connections only?

You have to access the URL using the same hostname which was provided as CN or SAN during certificate generation.
Since you want to access the application locally using localhost and any CA will not sign your certificate which has CN value localhost, you need to live with slef sign certificate generated against localhost and import to your keystore.
Command to generate self-signed certificate against localhost:
openssl req -x509 -out localhost.crt -keyout localhost.key \
-newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -sha256 \
-subj '/CN=localhost' -extensions EXT -config <( \
printf "[dn]\nCN=localhost\n[req]\ndistinguished_name = dn\n[EXT]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:localhost\nkeyUsage=digitalSignature\nextendedKeyUsage=serverAuth")
Here is an article on the same.


Certificate auto installation for SSL communication [Client]

I have Tomcat-Apache set up to serve my application using 443(Apache).
Configured Apache for root certificate and key for enabling HTTPS access for my application.
On server i had to install this certificate to user personal store for HTTPS access.
Problem is if client wants to access he needs to manually install the certificate first. These are self signed certificates generated via openSSL.
openssl req -new -x509 -days 1024 -key ca.key -out ca.crt -config openssl.cnf
Is there a way to configure Apache, or install certificate in another store for client to trigger auto installation of certificate while accessing the site?

Squid proxy with ssl-bump - squid configuration error

i would like to install squid proxy with SSL bump, i am working on my Virtual lab and once everything is ok i will Test it on the real network.
i already created i directory for the cert and generated the cert as below:
#Generate Private Key
openssl genrsa -out 2048
# Create Certificate Signing Request
openssl req -new -key -out
# Sign Certificate
openssl x509 -req -days 3652 -in -signkey -out
then i fill the info and put the 'Common Name' something other than the domain or server_name. in addition, please find the below lines from the squid configuration file:
http_port 3128
#the problem is with the below line
ssl-bump cert=/etc/squid/ssl_cert/
key=/etc/squid/ssl_cert/ generate-host-certificates=on
version=1 options=NO_SSLv2,NO_SSLv3,SINGLE_DH_USE
# SSL Bump Config
ssl_bump stare all
ssl_bump bump all
and its not working and if i remove the SSL bump certificate line from the configuration, the proxy works but without SSL. my questions can we eliminate SSL-bump from configuration and can i manually copy the certificate to the client/user machine and added to his/her Internet browser.

Migrate SSL certificate from CPanel to DigitalOcean Apache server

This is my first time setting up HTTPS (2016. Scary, I know) and I am having trouble migrating a certificate from a server running CPanel.
There seems to be no Export button so I assume I can create myself an SSL certificate simply by copying the different keys I have:
Unfortunately I dont know how the file should be saved (I assume as * as mentioned in DigitalOcean. Yet I see they need other certificates (such as intermediate cert). Anothe unfortunality is that the site was hosted and run by an external manager so I dont have root access to export the ssl certificate using CLI.
How can I get around this?
Do I have to buy a new certificate?
Copying an SSL from server to server is, sadly, no easy matter. The SSL was generated from a CSR specific to the server itself, so it is very likely the SSL certificate itself is not valid on the new server.
If the SSL was self-signed, you can just make a new one on the new server using this command:
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout domain.key -x509 -days 365 -out domain.crt
If it was a SSL you paid for, contact the SSL provider to work with them to regenerate it for the new server.
Alternatively, you can use cert-bot to make a whole new SSL on the new server pretty quickly.

Securing a private IP address (https certificate)

I have an unusual use case :
a web server on the Internet is serving pages through HTTPS,
inside those web pages, there are calls to XMLHttpRequests to a locally connected device (IP over USB)
the device supports both HTTP and HTTPS,
the device is accessible on http(s)://
the http calls fail because of insecure content in a https page,
the https calls fail because the certificate is not trusted (self-signed),
Side question: Since the device is locally connected to the PC, the encryption is pretty useless: Does a http header exists that allows insecure connections to a specific URL ? (like CORS for cross domain)
Main question: Is it possible to obtain a certificate for a private IP address ?
Edit: it seems that Plex had a similar problem and solved it the way described on this blog. This is a way too big for me.
Is it possible to obtain a certificate for a private IP address ?
A certificate can be bound to an IP address (see this). You can issue a self-signed certificate to a private address, but a trusted CA will not issue a certificate to a private address because it can not verify its identity.
For example a certificate issued to would be theoretically valid in any context, and this should not be allowed by a trusted CA
Plex solves the problem with a Dynamic DNS and a wildcard certificate. The connection are done using the name (not the IP) of the device which is resolved to the private IP
Does a http header exists that allows insecure connections to a specific URL ? (like CORS for cross domain)
No, it does not exist. The browser blocks your XHR connections because they are HTTP connections initiated from a HTTPS page (mixed-content warning). Non-secure content can theoretically be read or modified by attackers, even though the parent page is served over HTTPs, so is normal and recommended that the browser warns the user.
To fix the mixed-content and https errors, you could serve the content through HTTPS and a self-signed certificate, and request users to import your root CA at browser.
An SSL certificate cannot be issued for Reserved IP addresses (RFC 1918 and RFC 4193 range)/ private IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6), Intranet for Internal Server Name, local server name with a non-public domain name suffix.
You could however use a 'self-signed' certificate. Here's how to create one:
Creating a Self-signed Certificate for a private IP
(example :
You need OpenSSL installed.
For example, on Ubuntu, you could install it by: sudo apt-get install openssl
(It may already be installed. Type "openssl version" to find out)
For Windows, you could try this:
Once OpenSSL is installed, go to OpenSSL prompt by entering 'openssl' on the console (LINUX), or the cmd prompt (WINDOWS).
$ openssl
Now do the following steps to create: Private key, Certificate Request, Self-signing the certificate, and putting it all together, by using the below commands:
i) Create KEY called mydomain.key:
OpenSSL> genrsa -out mydomain.key 2048
ii) Use the key to create a Certificate request called mydomain.csr
You could accept the default options, or specify your own information:
OpenSSL> req -new -key mydomain.key -out mydomain.csr
iii) use the above to create a certificate:
OpenSSL> x509 -req -days 1825 -in mydomain.csr -signkey mydomain.key -out mydomain.crt
iv) Put all the above to create a PEM certificate:
exit OpenSSL (OpenSSL> q) and go to certificate location and do:
$ sudo cat mydomain.key mydomain.crt >> is your self-signed certificate. You can use this in requests like if your server supports https. Remember to check the port number for https(443).

elasticbeanstalk ssl without custom domain

I'm trying to enable SSL on a Token Vending Machine hosted on Amazon Elastic Beanstalk. However, it tells me I need an SSL certificate if I try to enable a port 443 listener.
This would make sense if I had my own domain, but this is a system machine giving out tokens to a mobile app. The URL is of the form and will never be seen by an end user, so there's no need to get a custom domain.
Is it possible to enable SSL without the hassle of setting it up on a custom domain name? Pretty much every host I've used before had a wildcard SSL certificate for stuff you ran on a subdomain of their main host. In other words I would expect Amazon to have had setup a wildcard certificate for * Is this not the case?
The name of your app can be your 'custom domain',
If you are using a load-balancer with your elastic beanstalk application you can make use the directions here and use openssl to create your own cert. When you've installed openssl and the elastic beanstalk command line interface you can follow the steps by entering your domain name as ''
Using the following commands:
C:\>openssl genrsa 1024 > privatekey.pem
Loading 'screen' into random state - done
Generating RSA private key, 1024 bit long modulus....
C:\>openssl req -new -key privatekey.pem -out csr.pem
Loading 'screen' into random state - done
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated....
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:us
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:yourstate
Locality Name (eg, city) []:cityname
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:youname
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: your
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:****
C:\>openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in csr.pem -signkey privatekey.pem -out server.crt
C:\>iam-servercertupload -b server.crt -k privatekey.pem -s server -v
Next change your setting to use 443.