How to start Redux in React Native - react-native

I am new to React Native and I want to add Redux to my project.
And I want to know if redux store values are saved when app is exited.
If it is not saved, how can I handle this problem?
In web development, we use cookie and local storage. Thanks in advance.
If I must use async storage, is there any easy way to approach this?

Redux state is usually emptied upon when an app is exited (not minimised).
What you should to instead is to use AsyncStorage to persist your access token, and get them from same storage when the app starts. You can do this in a didMount lifecycle, or any other means you may choose.

There is Ayncstorage for react native which is equivalent to localstorage in browser.
You can refer this
Or you can use redux-persist if you want to persist redux store when app exits which would otherwise get lost.


Best Way To Globally Instantiate Ably Connection in React Native

I am building a React Native game with multiple screens. I am trying to instantiate Ably one time and use it throughout the application without having to call new Ably('api-key') on every screen, as this is creating multiple new connections and making it impossible to keep a single connectionId. Is there a way to architect this so that I can define
const client = new Ably('api-key')
one time in App.js and use it throughout the other screens? Either by passing it as props through React Navigation props or using Context? The documentation on this is sparse as most of their documentation only uses this on one page.
Redux will not work. You can create an Ably client and pass it to other components using props, or just use React context to make it available to the whole application. Using redux to store an Ably client will cause an error since Ably clients aren’t serialisable.
See for more info.
Here are some examples:

how to store data in App even After User Logout and Close the App. in react native

Is it possible To store some data in App. Even after User logout it and close it from recent Apps.
if yes then How.
I heard About redux and redux persist. But I am not able to store data in app when I logout and close my app from recent app. So I dont know if I cant execute it properly.
is redux and redux persist really store data even after app logout and close from recent app ??
or is there another method or library for that..
I Build an app and used Expo.Sqlite as a data store.
I even build an ORM for it if you are interested I could post it here to.

Prevent reset of Redux State on React Native Fast Refresh (expo cli)

I am trying to understand how to combine react native fast refresh with redux. I have cloned the following project:
When changing code in the view ViewNotes.js fast refresh works fine. But when changing code in the reducer notesApp.js fast refresh resets the redux state.
How can I prevent that?
Is there a tutorial for react native and redux similar to the ones for react and redux? (
I solved it by saving the state on each change into a variable mycache defined in a new file statecache.ts. When creating the store I hydrate the state from this variable.
Thus the state is only resetted when I edit statecache.ts but not when I edit reducers / views.

How to intercept event of dev reload on React Native?

How can I intercept the reloading process on Android (Dev menu -> Reload)?
I want to clear some part of Redux store when is happend the action.
The question provides quite a little insight but seeing that some working is required on the redux store every time there is a reload, you can catch INIT action fired by Redux every time the store is initialised, IMO

How can a react-native app save a variable after the app is turned off?

I want to make an app remember some data that a user puts in even after he turns off the phone (like auto-login). How can this be done in React Native? Or which libraries/components should I research?
If you want to do something like auto-login you should probably be using react-native-keychain so that you can store user credentials in the keychain on the device in a more secure way.
If you are looking to store a particular application state or other non sensitive data you could use react-native-simple-store which provides a really simple wrapper around AsyncStorage and takes care of the boilerplate JSON.stringify/JSON.parse that you need to do for objects and arrays.
Hope that helps!
you can use flux stores, async store to store the current state in store, and re-route based on the store
can use componentWillMount mixing for setting up state before rendering view. for e.g.:
componentWillMount() {
LocalStorage.bootstrap(() => this.setState({bootstrapped: true}));
you can refer for example.
You can use AsyncStorage bundled with react-native. It creates key value pairs
AsyncStorage.setItem("key", "value").done() // both key and value have to be strings
AsyncStorage.getItem("key").then((value) =>{}).done()
You can check the documentation for more options