Vue on input text, changes background color for both input fields - vue.js

I am using bootstrap-vue to display modal. Once the modal is opened using OPEN MODAL BUTTON, it displays two input fields. When I add a text to one of the input field, it changes color on both input fields. Is there a way to change color for the field which consists of datatype only?
<div id="app">
<b-modal id="modal-center" ref="modalRef" centered title="DISPLAY MODAL" v-bind:hide-footer="true">
<b-row class="my-1">
<b-col sm="11">
<div v-for="(listings, index) in list2" :key="index">
<b-form-input v-model="listings.rfidState1" placeholder="insert text" v-on:input="gotText()" :style="isChanged ? { 'background-color': '#33FF90' } : null" ></b-form-input>
<b-col><b-button block variant="info" v-on:click="hidemodal();">UPDATE</b-button></b-col>
<b-button block v-b-modal.modal-center variant="info">OPEN MODAL</b-button>
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
list2: [
{ text: "Learn JavaScript", done: false },
{ text: "Learn Vue", done: false }
isChanged: false
methods: {
this.isChanged = !this.isChanged;
Here is my code on jsfiddle

Yes this can be done with a few changes.
First, remove isChanged from your data, and add it as a property to each of your list2 objects, so each object looks like this:
{ text: "Your text", done: false, isChanged: false }
next, your :style="isChanged ? ", should instead be:
:style="listings.isChanged ? "
next up, your v-on:input="gotText" should take the index as a parameter like so:
last, your gotText method should receive the index and use it to update isChanged:
gotText(index) {
this.list2[index].isChanged = !this.list2[index].isChanged
This should answer your question, but if you want some of the behaviour changed ask away.
As suggested by n-smits, your data in the vue instance should not be an object, but a function that returns an object like this:
return {
list2: [..]
I recommend that you read his comment to understand why this is necessary.


How can the value change immediately after I clicked add or minus

Hi currently I am making a add & minus function and the problem I am facing is once I clicked add or minus, the value still remain the same... I use the watch property also and it still not working
The get_list is calling from a API
<b-row v-for="(data,i) in get_list" :key="i" class="mt-3 mx-0">>
<b-button pill
class="quantity-btn btn-secondary"
<span style="transform: translateY(-5%);">+</span>
<div class="px-2">
<b-form-input type="number" min="1" :max="data.quantity_available" :value="quantity" v-model="data.cart_quantity" class="quantity-input"></b-form-input>
<b-button pill
class="quantity-btn btn-secondary"
<span style="transform: translateY(-5%);">-</span>
data: () => ({
get_list: [],
method :{
addQuantity(id,style) {
minusQuantity(id,style) {
watch: {
quantity(newVal, oldVal) {
Take a look of this code in code proved above.
<div class="px-2">
<b-form-input type="number" min="1" :max="data.quantity_available" :value="quantity" v-model="data.cart_quantity" class="quantity-input"></b-form-input>
Here it seems cart_quantity is getting used in template instead of quantity due to this it's not getting updated.
to fix this issue, you can update the cart_quantity property of the data object instead of the quantity data property in the addQuantity and minusQuantity
methods: {
addQuantity(id, style) {
this.get_list.forEach(item => {
if (item.id_product === id && item.id_style === style) {
minusQuantity(id, style) {
this.get_list.forEach(item => {
if (item.id_product === id && item.id_style === style) {
Please remove watch property as well it seems not required.
The problem is that you are performing the add/minus operation on the quantity variable but in the template, you are using the cart_quantity variable which is not increasing/decreasing.
So, either use quantity or cart_quantity as per your logic.
addQuantity(id, style) {
// If you are using quantity as v-model
// this.quantity++
this.updateQuantity(id, style);
minusQuantity(id, style) {
// If you are using quantity as v-model
// this.quantity--
this.updateQuantity(id, style);
One more thing, you don't need to use value and v-model together at the same time. If you want to give some initial value to the input, simply assign that value to your cart_quantity on mounted and use it further.
The last thing, you don't need a watcher as well.

BootstrapVue b-form-group label binding, label not showing

New to Vue.js, cannot get form group label to show in component. Am trying to create a component to save myself some time as will need to use this a lot of times.
<ZComplianceField :mylabel="foo" :property="user.applicationForm.rating" :isEditing="isEditing"></ZComplianceField>
<template slot="label">{{ mylabel }}</template>
:class="{view: !isEditing}"
export default {
name: "ZComplianceField",
props: {
mylabel: {
required: true
property: {
required: true
isEditing: {
required: true
The problem is that you´re binding your value <ZComplianceField :mylabel="foo"></ZComplianceField>.
Notice that you have a : in-front of mylabel. The : is shorthand for v-bind, which binds a data property.
What you want is to remove the :, so that your foo is treated a string.
Your other option is to define foo in your data and set it to a string.
data() {
return {
foo: "Some Label"

Show on several elements in the same component in vuejs

Looping out a number of boxes within the same component in vuejs.
Each box has a button that reveals more text using v-on:click.
The problem is that all the boxes respond to this at the same time.
Is there a way to target the specific button being clicked if there are several buttons in a component?
Is there some way to isolate each button so they all dont activate at once?
<div class="filter-list-area">
<button #click="show =!show"> {{text}} </button>
<ul class="filter-list-item-area">
<li class="filter-list-item " v-for="(items, key) in packages">
<img class="fit_rating">
<div class="filter-list-item-info" >
<p> Match: {{items.match_value}}</p>
<div v-for="(courses, key) in courses">
<transition name="courses">
<div class="courses2" v-show="show">
<p v-if="courses.Pu_Id === items.pu_Id">
import testdata from '../App.vue'
export default {
data (){
text: 'Show Courses',
testFilter: 'Sweden',
show: false
props: {
title: String,
likes: Number,
isPublished: Boolean,
commentIds: Array,
author: Object,
testuni: Array,
list: Array,
packages: Array,
courses: Array
this.text = 'Hide Courses'
this.text = "Show Courses"
mounted() {
watch: {
function() {
EDIT: I've created this before you posted the code example, but you could use same principle:
In your data add showMoreText, which will be used to track if show more data should be shown.
I would agree with #anaximander that you should use child components here
Simple example how to show/hide
<div v-for="(box, index) in [1,2,3,4,5]">
Box {{ box }} <button #click="toggleMore(index)">More</button>
<div v-show="showMoreText[index]">
More about box {{ box }}
export default {
data() {
return {
showMoreText: {},
methods: {
toggleMore(index) {
Adds a property to a reactive object, ensuring the new property is
also reactive, so triggers view updates.
this.$set(this.showMoreText, index, ! this.showMoreText[index])
This sounds like an ideal situation for a new child component, which will allow each instance of the new component to have its own separate state.
The child components can emit events to the parent, if cross-component communication is necessary.

vuejs semantic ui - drop down not displaying on arrow click

I'm faced with an issue where my semantic drop down in my vue project won't activate when clicking on the arrow icon but works when I click on the rest of the element. The drop down also works when I set the dropdown to activate on hover, but just not on click. Solutions I've tried:
tested if the dynamic id are at fault
tested if the back ticks are confusing things
placed the values directly into the semantic drop down
Aside from the dropdown not activating, the code below works as intended and brings back the selected value to the parent component and can be displayed.
<div class="ui selection dropdown" :id="`drop_${dropDownId}`">
<input type="hidden" name="gender" v-model="selected">
<i class="dropdown icon"></i>
<div class="default text">Gender</div>
<div class="menu">
<div class="item" v-for="option in options" v-bind:data-value="option.value">
{{ option.text }}
export default {
data: function () {
return {
selected: {}
watch: {
selected: function (){
this.$emit("dropDownChanged", this.selected)
props: {
options: Array, //[{text, value}]
dropDownId: String
mounted () {
let vm = this;
onChange: function (value, text, $selectedItem) {
vm.selected = value;
forceSelection: false,
selectOnKeydown: false,
showOnFocus: false,
on: "click"
The component usage:
<vue-drop-down :options="dropDownOptions" dropDownId="drop1" #dropDownChanged="dropDownSelectedValue = $event"></vue-drop-down>
The data in the parent:
dropDownOptions: [
{ text: 'One', value: 'A' },
{ text: 'Two', value: 'B' },
{ text: 'Three', value: 'C' }
dropDownSelectedValue: ""
Here is a fiddle of the above but simplified to use a flatter project. However the problem doesn't reproduce :(
I'm not sure what is causing your issue (as the examples on the Semantic Ui website look similar), but there is a workaround. For you arrow icon:
<i #click="toggleDropDownVisibility" class="dropdown icon"></i>
And then in the methods section of your Vue component:
methods: {
toggleDropDownVisibility () {

Avoid mutating a prop : vuejs 2

Here what appears in the console when I run my code:"Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's value. Prop being mutated: "isChecked"".
I have seen what other posts say about it but i can't adapt it on my problem.
Could someone explain it to me please?
<div class="checkBox-container">
<input type="checkbox"/>
<!-- <div class="check" :class="[size]" v-if="!isChecked"></div>
<div class="check" :class="[size]" v-else>
</div> -->
<div class="check" :class="[size]" #click="changeVal">
<div v-if="isChecked">v</div>
<div><label class="label">{{label}}</label></div>
<div><span class="subLabel">{{subLabel}}</span></div>
export default {
name: "ax-checkbox",
props: {
label: String,
subLabel: String,
size: String,
isChecked: false,
checks: []
methods: {
changeVal() {
this.isChecked = !this.isChecked;
<div class="filters">
<ax-checkbox label="Où :" subLabel="Ville" size="small"></ax-checkbox>
<div class="separator"></div>
<ax-checkbox label="Quoi :" subLabel="Thématique(s)" size="small"></ax-checkbox>
<div class="separator"></div>
<ax-checkbox label="Quand :" subLabel="Dans..." size="small"></ax-checkbox>
The prop you are mutating is isChecked.
So, create a local data variable (initialized it with isChecked) and mutate it instead:
export default {
name: "ax-checkbox",
props: {
label: String,
subLabel: String,
size: String,
isChecked: false,
checks: []
data() {
return {isCheckedInternal: this.isChecked}
methods: {
changeVal() {
this.isCheckedInternal = !this.isCheckedInternal;
And replace it in the template:
<div class="checkBox-container">
<input type="checkbox"/>
<!-- <div class="check" :class="[size]" v-if="!isCheckedInternal"></div>
<div class="check" :class="[size]" v-else>
</div> -->
<div class="check" :class="[size]" #click="changeVal">
<div v-if="isCheckedInternal">v</div>
<div><label class="label">{{label}}</label></div>
<div><span class="subLabel">{{subLabel}}</span></div>
Note: The code above will use the prop isChecked only as initializer. If the parent changes in any way the value it passed to isChecked, the child component will not pick that change up. If you want to pick it up, add a watch in addition to the proposed code above:
watch: {
isChecked(newIsChecked) {
this.isCheckedInternal = newIsChecked;
There are some possible improvements to your code. Here are some suggestions:
subLabel prop should be sub-label
instead of emitting a changeVal value, emit update:isChecked and then you can use :is-checked.sync="myCheckedValue" in the parent.
This way you can still bind internally to the prop isChecked and not change it, but emit events and react to when the parent changes isChecked instead.
If you wanted to go the extra mile (and think it is worth it), you could also add a model option to your component, so you can be able to use v-model instead of :is-checked.sync.
See demo below.
Vue.component("ax-checkbox", {
template: '#axCheckboxTemplate',
props: {
label: String,
subLabel: String,
size: String,
isChecked: false,
checks: []
model: { // <== this part to will also enable v-model besides :is-checked.async
prop: 'isChecked',
event: 'update:isChecked'
methods: {
updateIsChecked() {
this.$emit("update:isChecked", !this.isChecked);
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
myCheckedValueSync: false, myCheckedValueVModel: false,
<script src=""></script>
<template id="axCheckboxTemplate">
<div class="checkBox-container">
<input type="checkbox" :checked="isChecked" #change="updateIsChecked" />
<div class="check" :class="[size]" #click="updateIsChecked">
CLICK ME<div v-if="isChecked">v</div>
<label class="label">{{label}}</label><span class="subLabel">{{subLabel}}</span>
<div id="app">
<div class="filters">
<pre>parent's myCheckedValueSync: {{ myCheckedValueSync }}</pre>
<ax-checkbox label="Où :" sub-label="Ville" size="small" :is-checked.sync="myCheckedValueSync">
<pre>parent's myCheckedValueVModel: {{ myCheckedValueVModel }}</pre>
<ax-checkbox label="Quoi :" sub-label="Thématique(s)" size="small" v-model="myCheckedValueVModel">
As it appears you're trying to update the value of a property passed into your component, your component is in fact a custom input component. Take a look at the excellent Vue docs on this topic. I've summarised the idea below.
2-way databinding in Vue is handled by v-model. Applied to your isChecked property this comes down to v-model="isChecked", which is in fact syntactic sugar for :value="isChecked" #input="evt => isChecked =".
Thus for your component, you need to do the following:
Update the name of the isChecked property to value
In your changeVal method, emit an input event, like:
changeVal() { this.$emit("input", !this.value); }
If need be, you could still also emit the changeVal event.