Error received: [SSL: BAD_LENGTH] bad length (_ssl.c:2408) - ssl

I made a game that can be controlled with voice command. To convert all the voice command into text I used IBM Cloud Speech to Text service. Everything is done except it is showing me the BAD LENGTH ERROR as you can see in the image.
This is the code for speech to text:
#### Initalize queue to store the recordings ##
CHUNK = 1024
# Note: It will discard if the websocket client can't consumme fast enough
# So, increase the max size as per your choice
# Buffer to store audio
q = Queue(maxsize=int(round(BUF_MAX_SIZE / CHUNK)))
# Create an instance of AudioSource
audio_source = AudioSource(q, True, True)
#### Prepare Speech to Text Service ########
# initialize speech to text service
authenticator = IAMAuthenticator('i3gkxvESZRUHnt0_Iv2PtMQaHd2roF1YgvTTIzq0tbop')
speech_to_text = SpeechToTextV1(authenticator=authenticator)
actions = []

I got that error solved by just uninstalling all the packages and reinstalling the required one.
It will simply run successfully by just that and even if you receive that error in the future, try doing this process again. It will work.
Apart from this, I was not been able to find any other solution.

websocket.create_connection has an option enable_multithread. This ensures multithreading is correctly handled. Enabling this may fix.


GtkTreeView stops updating unless I change the focus of the window

I have a GtkTreeView object that uses a GtkListStore model that is constantly being updated as follows:
Get new transaction
Feed data into numpy array
Convert numbers to formatted strings, store in pandas dataframe
Add updated token info to GtkListStore via GtkListStore.set(titer, liststore_cols, liststore_data), where liststore_data is the updated info, liststore_cols is the name of the columns (both are lists).
Here's the function that updates the ListStore:
# update ListStore
titer = ls_full.get_iter(row)
liststore_data = []
[liststore_data.append([row, col])
for col in my_vars['ls_full'][3:]]
# check for NaN value, add a (space) placeholder is necessary
for i in range(3, len(liststore_data)):
if liststore_data[i] != liststore_data[i]:
liststore_data[i] = " "
liststore_cols = []
[liststore_cols.append(my_vars['ls_full'].index(col) + 1)
for col in my_vars['ls_full'][3:]]
ls_full.set(titer, liststore_cols, liststore_data)
Class that gets the messages from the websocket:
class MyWebsocketClient(cbpro.WebsocketClient):
# class exceptions to WebsocketClient
def on_open(self):
# sets up ticker Symbol, subscriptions for socket feed
self.url = "wss://"
self.channels = ['ticker']
self.products = list(cbp_symbols.keys())
def on_message(self, msg):
# gets latest message from socket, sends off to be processed
if "best_ask" and "time" in msg:
# checks to see if token price has changed before updating
update_needed = parse_data(msg)
if update_needed:
print(f'Bad message: {msg}')
When the program first starts, the updates are consistent. Each time a new transaction comes in, the screen reflects it, updating the proper token. However, after a random amount of time - seen it anywhere from 5 minutes to over an hour - the screen will stop updating, unless I change the focus of the window (either activate or inactive). This does not last long, though (only enough to update the screen once). No other errors are being reported, memory usage is not spiking (constant at 140 MB).
How can I troubleshoot this? I'm not even sure where to begin. The data back-ends seem to be OK (data is never corrupted nor lags behind).
As you've said in the comments that it is running in a separate thread then i'd suggest wrapping your "update liststore" function with GLib.idle_add.
from gi.repository import GLib
I've had similar issues in the past and this fixed things. Sometimes updating liststore is fine, sometimes it will randomly spew errors.
Basically only one thread should update the GUI at a time. So by wrapping in GLib.idle_add() you make sure your background thread does not intefer with the main thread updating the GUI.

Receive data from host computer using Circuit Python on Circuit Playground Express

I am using a Circuit Playground Express from Adafruit, and I'm programming it with Circuit Python.
I want to read data transmitted from the computer to which the Circuit Playground Express is connected via USB. Using input() works fine, but I would rather get the buffer of the serial instead, so that the loop would go on while there's no input. Something like
import serial does not work on Circuit Python, or maybe I must install something. Is there anything else I could do to read the serial buffer using Circuit Python?
Aiden's answer lead me in the right direction and I found a nice (and slightly different) example of how to use supervisor.runtime.serial_bytes_available from Adafruit here (specifically lines 89-95):
A minimum working example for that takes the input and formats a new string in the form "RX: string" is
import supervisor
while True:
if supervisor.runtime.serial_bytes_available:
value = input().strip()
# Sometimes Windows sends an extra (or missing) newline - ignore them
if value == "":
print("RX: {}".format(value))
Tested on: Adafruit CircuitPython 4.1.0 on 2019-08-02; Adafruit ItsyBitsy M0 Express with samd21g18. Messages sent using the serial connection in mu-editor on macOS.
Sample output output:
RX: hello!
I got a simple example to work based on above posts, not sure how stable or useful it is, but still posting it here:
CircuitPython Code:
import supervisor
while True:
if supervisor.runtime.serial_bytes_available:
value = input().strip()
print(f"Received: {value}\r")
PC Code
import time
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('COM6', 115200) # open serial port
command = b'hello\n\r'
print(f"Sending Command: [{command}]")
ser.write(command) # write a string
ended = False
reply = b''
for _ in range(len(command)):
a = # Read the loopback chars and ignore
while True:
a =
if a== b'\r':
reply += a
print(f"Reply was: [{reply}]")
c:\circuitpythontest>python TEST1.PY
Sending Command: [b'hello\n\r']
Reply was: [b'Received: hello']
This is now somewhat possible!
In the January stable release of CircuitPython 3.1.2 the function serial_bytes_available was added to the supervisor module.
This allows you to poll the availability of serial bytes.
For example in the CircuitPython firmware (i.e. a serial echo example would be:
import supervisor
def serial_read():
if supervisor.runtime.serial_bytes_available():
value = input()
and ensure when you create the serial device object on the host side you set the timeout wait to be very small (i.e. 0.01).
i.e in python:
import serial
ser = serial.Serial(
ser.write(b'HELLO from CircuitPython\n')
x = ser.readlines()
print("received: {}".format(x))

Is it possible to set dynamic download delay in scrapy?

I know that a constant delay can be set in
however, if I set the delay to 2s it is not efficient enough. If I set the DOWNLOAD_DELAY = 0.
The crawler is able to crawl about 10 pages. after that, the target page will return something like " you are requesting too frequently ".
What I want to do is the keep the download_delay to 0. once the "requesting too frequently" msg is found in the html. it change the delay to 2s. After a while it switch back to zero.
is there any module can do this? or any other better idea to handle such case?
I found that is a extension call AutoThrottle
but is it able to customize some logic like this??
if (requesting too frequently) is found
increase the DOWNLOAD_DELAY
If right after you get anti-spider page, then in 2 seconds you can get data page, then what you are asking probably requires writing a downloader middleware
that checks for anti-spider page, reset all scheduled requests to a renew-queue, start a looping call when spider is idle to get request from the renew-queue, (the looping interval is your hack for a new download delay), and try to decide when the download delay is not necessary again (requires some tests), then stop the looping and reschedule all the requests in renew-queue to scrapy scheduler. You will need to use redis queue in case of distributed crawl.
With download delay set to 0, in my experience throughput can go easily above 1000 items/min. If anti-spider page pops up after 10 responses, then it is not worth the effort.
Instead maybe you can try to find out how fast does your target server allow, may be 1.5s, 1s, 0.7s, 0.5s etc. Then maybe redesign your product takes into consideration the throughput your crawler can achieve.
You can use Auto Throttle extension now. It is turned off by default. You can add these parameters in your project's file to enable it.
# The initial download delay
# The maximum download delay to be set in case of high latencies
# The average number of requests Scrapy should be sending in parallel to
# each remote server
# Enable showing throttling stats for every response received:
Yes, You can use the time module to set the dynamic delay.
import time
for i in range(10):
*** Operations 1****
time.sleep( i )
*** Operations 2****
Now you can see the delay between Operations 1 and Operations 2.
the variable 'i' is in the form of seconds.

Twisted IRC Bot connection lost repeatedly to localhost

I am trying to implement an IRC Bot on a local server. The bot that I am using is identical to the one found at Eric Florenzano's Blog. This is the simplified code (which should run)
import sys
import re
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.words.protocols import irc
from twisted.internet import protocol
class MomBot(irc.IRCClient):
def _get_nickname(self):
return self.factory.nickname
nickname = property(_get_nickname)
def signedOn(self):
print "attempting to sign on"
print "Signed on as %s." % (self.nickname,)
def joined(self, channel):
print "attempting to join"
print "Joined %s." % (channel,)
def privmsg(self, user, channel, msg):
if not user:
if self.nickname in msg:
msg = re.compile(self.nickname + "[:,]* ?", re.I).sub('', msg)
prefix = "%s: " % (user.split('!', 1)[0], )
prefix = ''
self.msg(, prefix + "hello there")
class MomBotFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
protocol = MomBot
def __init__(self, channel, nickname='YourMomDotCom', chain_length=3,
chattiness=1.0, max_words=10000): = channel
self.nickname = nickname
self.chain_length = chain_length
self.chattiness = chattiness
self.max_words = max_words
def startedConnecting(self, connector):
print "started connecting on {0}:{1}"
def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
print "Lost connection (%s), reconnecting." % (reason,)
def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
print "Could not connect: %s" % (reason,)
if __name__ == "__main__":
chan = sys.argv[1]
reactor.connectTCP("localhost", 6667, MomBotFactory('#' + chan,
'YourMomDotCom', 2, chattiness=0.05))
I added the startedConnection method in the client factory, which it is reaching and printing out the proper address:host. It then disconnects and enters the clientConnectionLost and prints the error:
Lost connection ([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames):
<class 'twisted.internet.error.ConnectionDone'>: Connection was closed cleanly.
]), reconnecting.
If working properly it should log into the appropriate channel, specified as the first arg in the command (e.g. python botwar. would be channel #botwar.). It should respond with "hello there" if any one in the channel sends anything.
I have NGIRC running on the server, and it works if I connect from mIRC or any other IRC client.
I am unable to find a resolution as to why it is continually disconnecting. Any help on why would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
One thing you may want to do is make sure you will see any error output produced by the server when your bot connects to it. My hunch is that the problem has something to do with authentication, or perhaps an unexpected difference in how ngirc handles one of the login/authentication commands used by IRCClient.
One approach that almost always applies is to capture a traffic log. Use a tool like tcpdump or wireshark.
Another approach you can try is to enable logging inside the Twisted application itself. Use twisted.protocols.policies.TrafficLoggingFactory for this:
from twisted.protocols.policies import TrafficLoggingFactory
appFactory = MomBotFactory(...)
logFactory = TrafficLoggingFactory(appFactory, "irc-")
reactor.connectTCP(..., logFactory)
This will log output to files starting with "irc-" (a different file for each connection).
You can also hook directly into your protocol implementation, at any one of several levels. For example, to display any bytes received at all:
class MomBot(irc.IRCClient):
def dataReceived(self, bytes):
print "Got", repr(bytes)
# Make sure to up-call - otherwise all of the IRC logic is disabled!
return irc.IRCClient.dataReceived(self, bytes)
With one of those approaches in place, hopefully you'll see something like: 451 * :Connection not registered
which I think means... you need to authenticate? Even if you see something else, hopefully this will help you narrow in more closely on the precise cause of the connection being closed.
Also, you can use tcpdump or wireshark to capture the traffic log between ngirc and one of the working IRC clients (eg mIRC) and then compare the two logs. Whatever different commands mIRC is sending should make it clear what changes you need to make to your bot.

Extend existing Twisted Service with another Socket/TCP/RPC Service to get Service informations

I'm implementing a Twisted-based Heartbeat Client/Server combo, based on this example. It is my first Twisted project.
Basically it consists of a UDP Listener (Receiver), who calls a listener method (DetectorService.update) on receiving packages. The DetectorService always holds a list of currently active/inactive clients (I extended the example a lot, but the core is still the same), making it possible to react on clients which seem disconnected for a specified timeout.
This is the source taken from the site:
import time
from twisted.application import internet, service
from twisted.internet import protocol
from twisted.python import log
class Receiver(protocol.DatagramProtocol):
"""Receive UDP packets and log them in the clients dictionary"""
def datagramReceived(self, data, (ip, port)):
if data == 'PyHB':
class DetectorService(internet.TimerService):
"""Detect clients not sending heartbeats for too long"""
def __init__(self):
internet.TimerService.__init__(self, CHECK_PERIOD, self.detect) = {}
def update(self, ip):[ip] = time.time()
def detect(self):
"""Log a list of clients with heartbeat older than CHECK_TIMEOUT"""
limit = time.time() - CHECK_TIMEOUT
silent = [ip for (ip, ipTime) in if ipTime < limit]
log.msg('Silent clients: %s' % silent)
application = service.Application('Heartbeat')
# define and link the silent clients' detector service
detectorSvc = DetectorService()
# create an instance of the Receiver protocol, and give it the callback
receiver = Receiver()
receiver.callback = detectorSvc.update
# define and link the UDP server service, passing the receiver in
udpServer = internet.UDPServer(UDP_PORT, receiver)
# each service is started automatically by Twisted at launch time
log.msg('Asynchronous heartbeat server listening on port %d\n'
'press Ctrl-C to stop\n' % UDP_PORT)
This heartbeat server runs as a daemon in background.
Now my Problem:
I need to be able to run a script "externally" to print the number of offline/online clients on the console, which the Receiver gathers during his lifetime ( Like this:
$ pyhb showactiveclients
3 clients online
$ pyhb showofflineclients
1 client offline
So I need to add some kind of additional server (Socket, Tcp, RPC - it doesn't matter. the main point is that i'm able to build a client-script with the above behavior) to my DetectorService, which allows to connect to it from outside. It should just give a response to a request.
This server needs to have access to the internal variables of the running detectorservice instance, so my guess is that I have to extend the DetectorService with some kind of additionalservice.
After some hours of trying to combine the detectorservice with several other services, I still don't have an idea what's the best way to realize that behavior. So I hope that somebody can give me at least the essential hint how to start to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance!!!
I think you already have the general idea of the solution here, since you already applied it to an interaction between Receiver and DetectorService. The idea is for your objects to have references to other objects which let them do what they need to do.
So, consider a web service that responds to requests with a result based on the beats data:
from twisted.web.resource import Resource
class BeatsResource(Resource):
# It has no children, let it respond to the / URL for brevity.
isLeaf = True
def __init__(self, detector):
# This is the idea - BeatsResource has a reference to the detector,
# which has the data needed to compute responses.
self._detector = detector
def render_GET(self, request):
limit = time.time() - CHECK_TIMEOUT
# Here, use that data.
beats =
silent = [ip for (ip, ipTime) in beats.items() if ipTime < limit]
request.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain')
return "%d silent clients" % (len(silent),)
# Integrate this into the existing application
application = service.Application('Heartbeat')
detectorSvc = DetectorService()
from twisted.web.server import Site
from twisted.application.internet import TCPServer
# The other half of the idea - make sure to give the resource that reference
# it needs.
root = BeatsResource(detectorSvc)
TCPServer(8080, Site(root)).setServiceParent(application)