Generating distinct random numbers efficiently - cryptography

My main purpose is to spread a buffer over pixels of an image randomly and efficiently, but I'm stuck at generating distinct random numbers. What I simply want is to generate numbers between 0 and N, but I also want these numbers to be distinct. Also note that N usually will be quite large such as 20 million and the algorithm doesn't have to be cryptographically secure.
I can't use random shuffle method since N is quite large. I did some search and found Linear congruential generator but the parameter m is required to be prime, but my N is sometimes not.
Lastly, I tried the following approach but it's not quite efficient and reliable since it might throw maximum call stack size exceeded error.
next(max: number)
let num =
if (num <= max) return num
return next(max)

If numbers are distinct, then they are not random. Random numbers can repeat; distinct numbers are selected from an ever decreasing set. It is the difference between selecting numbers with replacement and without replacement.
You want numbers from 0 to 20 million. As you have found, that is too large for a shuffle. Better to use an encryption. Because an encryption is one-to-one, as long as you have distinct inputs you will get distinct outputs. Just encrypt 0, 1, 2, 3, ... and you will get distinct outputs.
You talk about using a linear congruential PRNG so I assume that security is not of great importance. 20 million is about 2^24 or 2^26 so you can write a simple four round Feistel cipher sized appropriately to do the work. Alternatively, use a standard library cipher with one of the Format preserving methods to keep the output within the bounds you want.


Determine whether there is a subset of size n which has a standard deviation <= s

Given a bunch of numbers, I am trying to determine whether there is a "clump" anywhere where numbers are very densely packed.
To make things more precise, I thought I'd ask a more specific problem: given a set of numbers, I would like to determine whether there is a subset of size n which has a standard deviation <= s. If there are many such subsets, I'd like to find the subset with the lowest standard deviation.
So question #1 : does this formal problem definition effectively capture the intuitive concept of a "clump" of densely packed numbers?
EDIT: I don't actually care about determining which numbers belong to this "clump", I'm much more interested in determining where the clump is centred, which is why I think that specifying n in advance is okay. But feel free to correct me!
And question #2 : assuming it does, what is the best way to go about implementing something like this (in particular, I want a solution with lowest time complexity)? So far I think I have a solution that runs in n log n:
First, note that the lowest-standard-deviation-possessing subset of a given size must consist of consecutive numbers. So step 1 is sort the numbers (this is n log n)
Second, take the first n numbers and compute their standard deviation. If our array of numbers is 0-based, then the first n numbers are [0, n-1]. To get standard deviation, compute s1 and s2 as follows:
s1 = sum of numbers
s2 = sum of squares of numbers
Then, wikipedia says that the standard deviation is sqrt(n*s2 - s1^2)/n. Record this value as the highest standard deviation seen so far.
Find the standard deviation of [1, n], [2, n+1], [3, n+2] ... until you hit the the last n numbers. To do each computation takes only constant time if you keep track of s1 and s2 running totals: for example, to get std dev of [1, n], just subtract the 0th element from the s1 and s2 totals and add the nth element, then recalculate standard deviation. This means that the entire standard deviation calculating portion of the algorithm takes linear time.
So total time complexity n log n.
Is my assessment right? Is there a better way to do this? I really need this to run fast on fairly large sets, so the faster the better! Space is less of an issue (I think).
Having been working recently on a similar problem, both the definition of the clumps and the proposed implementation seem reasonable.
Another reasonable definition would be to find the minimum of all the ranges of n numbers. Thus, given that the list of numbers x is sorted, one would just find the minimum of x[n]-x[1], x[n+1]-x[2], etc. This would be slightly quicker than finding the standard deviation because it would avoid the multiplications and square roots. Indeed, you can avoid the square roots even when looking for the lowest standard deviation by finding the minimum variance (the square of the standard deviation), rather than the sd itself.
A caution would be that the location of the biggest clump might be quite sensitive to the choice of n. If there is an a priori reason to select a particular n, that won't be a problem. If not, however, it might require some experimentation to select the value of n that fairly reliably finds the clumps you are looking for, whether you are selecting by range or by standard deviation. Some ideas on this can be found in Chapter 6 of the online book ABC of EDA.

How does rand() work? Does it have certain tendencies? Is there something better to use?

I have read that it has something to do with time, also you get from including time.h, so I assumed that much, but how does it work exactly? Also, does it have any tendencies towards odd or even numbers or something like that? And finally is there something with better distribution in the C standard library or the Foundation framework?
You use time.h to get a seed, which is an initial random number. C then does a bunch of operations on this number to get the next random number, then operations on that one to get the next, then... you get the picture.
rand() is able to touch on every possible integer. It will not prefer even or odd numbers regardless of the input seed, happily. Still, it has limits - it repeats itself relatively quickly, and in almost every implementation only gives numbers up to 32767.
C does not have another built-in random number generator. If you need a real tough one, there are many packages available online, but the Mersenne Twister algorithm is probably the most popular pick.
Now, if you are interested on the reasons why the above is true, here are the gory details on how rand() works:
rand() is what's called a "linear congruential generator." This means that it employs an equation of the form:
xn+1 = (*a****xn + ***b*) mod m
where xn is the nth random number, and a and b are some predetermined integers. The arithmetic is performed modulo m, with m usually 232 depending on the machine, so that only the lowest 32 bits are kept in the calculation of xn+1.
In English, then, the idea is this: To get the next random number, multiply the last random number by something, add a number to it, and then take the last few digits.
A few limitations are quickly apparent:
First, you need a starting random number. This is the "seed" of your random number generator, and this is where you've heard of time.h being used. Since we want a really random number, it is common practice to ask the system what time it is (in integer form) and use this as the first "random number." Also, this explains why using the same seed twice will always give exactly the same sequence of random numbers. This sounds bad, but is actually useful, since debugging is a lot easier when you control the inputs to your program
Second, a and b have to be chosen very, very carefully or you'll get some disastrous results. Fortunately, the equation for a linear congruential generator is simple enough that the math has been worked out in some detail. It turns out that choosing an a which satisfies *a***mod8 = 5 together with ***b* = 1 will insure that all m integers are equally likely, independent of choice of seed. You also want a value of a that is really big, so that every time you multiply it by xn you trigger a the modulo and chop off a lot of digits, or else many numbers in a row will just be multiples of each other. As a result, two common values of a (for example) are 1566083941 and 1812433253 according to Knuth. The GNU C library happens to use a=1103515245 and b=12345. A list of values for lots of implementations is available at the wikipedia page for LCGs.
Third, the linear congruential generator will actually repeat itself because of that modulo. This gets to be some pretty heady math, but the result of it all is happily very simple: The sequence will repeat itself after m numbers of have been generated. In most cases, this means that your random number generator will repeat every 232 cycles. That sounds like a lot, but it really isn't for many applications. If you are doing serious numerical work with Monte Carlo simulations, this number is hopelessly inadequate.
A fourth much less obvious problem is that the numbers are actually not really random. They have a funny sort of correlation. If you take three consecutive integers, (x, y, z), from an LCG with some value of a and m, those three points will always fall on the lattice of points generated by all linear combinations of the three points (1, a, a2), (0, m, 0), (0, 0, m). This is known as Marsaglia's Theorem, and if you don't understand it, that's okay. All it means is this: Triplets of random numbers from an LCG will show correlations at some deep, deep level. Usually it's too deep for you or I to notice, but its there. It's possible to even reconstruct the first number in a "random" sequence of three numbers if you are given the second and third! This is not good for cryptography at all.
The good part is that LCGs like rand() are very, very low footprint. It typically requires only 32 bits to retain state, which is really nice. It's also very fast, requiring very few operations. These make it good for noncritical embedded systems, video games, casual applications, stuff like that.
PRNGs are a fascinating topic. Wikipedia is always a good place to go if you are hungry to learn more on the history or the various implementations that are around today.
rand returns numbers generated by a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG). The sequence of numbers it returns is deterministic, based on the value with which the PRNG was initialized (by calling srand).
The numbers should be distributed such that they appear somewhat random, so, for example, odd and even numbers should be returned at roughly the same frequency. The actual implementation of the random number generator is left unspecified, so the actual behavior is specific to the implementation.
The important thing to remember is that rand does not return random numbers; it returns pseudo-random numbers, and the values it returns are determined by the seed value and the number of times rand has been called. This behavior is fine for many use cases, but is not appropriate for others (for example, rand would not be appropriate for use in many cryptographic applications).
How does rand() work?
I have read that it has something to
do with time, also you get from
including time.h
rand() has nothing at all to do with the time. However, it's very common to use time() to obtain the "seed" for the PRNG so that you get different "random" numbers each time your program is run.
Also, does it have any tendencies
towards odd or even numbers or
something like that?
Depends on the exact method used. There's one popular implementation of rand() that alternates between odd and even numbers. So avoid writing code like rand() % 2 that depends on the lowest bit being random.

SQL Server newID - how is it created?

I would like to use newId to generate random numbers. Usually you would use it just once, but I might be generating up to 10 random numbers per newId.
Is it random enough?
Usually you would use it just once, but I might be generating up to 10 random numbers per newId. Is it random enough?
It depends on how you extract the numbers from the newid. You cannot treat it as 128 independently random bits.
For example if you use the first 8 bits for generating one random number between 0 and 255, use the next 8 bits to generate another number, etc. then you will see that your numbers will not be uniformly random.
always 4
You should also try to avoid reusing the same bits to generate different random numbers as your numbers will become related. If in doubt, don't reuse the same number.
Note that there is also a RAND function which you can call. This returns numbers from a uniform distribution.
Yes, it's statistically random. It's simply a GUID.
How do you plan on generating 10 numbers from one seed though? CHECKSUM(NEWID()) is normally how you'd do it for one value, perhaps with modulo and ABS
NewID generates a GUID. It is random enough.
Random enough for what? When you say use it to generate, are you just going to use it to seed a PNRG? I'm not sure it's any better than a timestamp for that. Or are you going to extract bits from the GUID - that's a bad idea.

How can I test that my hash function is good in terms of max-load?

I have read through various papers on the 'Balls and Bins' problem and it seems that if a hash function is working right (ie. it is effectively a random distribution) then the following should/must be true if I hash n values into a hash table with n slots (or bins):
Probability that a bin is empty, for large n is 1/e.
Expected number of empty bins is n/e.
Probability that a bin has k balls is <= 1/ek! (corrected).
Probability that a bin has at least k collisions is <= ((e/k)**k)/e (corrected).
These look easy to check. But the max-load test (the maximum number of collisions with high probability) is usually stated vaguely.
Most texts state that the maximum number of collisions in any bin is O( ln(n) / ln(ln(n)) ).
Some say it is 3*ln(n) / ln(ln(n)). Other papers mix ln and log - usually without defining them, or state that log is log base e and then use ln elsewhere.
Is ln the log to base e or 2 and is this max-load formula right and how big should n be to run a test?
This lecture seems to cover it best, but I am no mathematician.
BTW, with high probability seems to mean 1 - 1/n.
That is a fascinating paper/lecture-- makes me wish I had taken some formal algorithms class.
I'm going to take a stab at some answers here, based on what I've just read from that, and feel free to vote me down. I'd appreciate a correction, though, rather than just a downvote :) I'm also going to use n and N interchangeably here, which is a big no-no in some circles, but since I'm just copy-pasting your formulae, I hope you'll forgive me.
First, the base of the logs. These numbers are given as big-O notation, not as absolute formulae. That means that you're looking for something 'on the order of ln(n) / ln(ln(n))', not with an expectation of an absolute answer, but more that as n gets bigger, the relationship of n to the maximum number of collisions should follow that formula. The details of the actual curve you can graph will vary by implementation (and I don't know enough about the practical implementations to tell you what's a 'good' curve, except that it should follow that big-O relationship). Those two formulae that you posted are actually equivalent in big-O notation. The 3 in the second formula is just a constant, and is related to a particular implementation. A less efficient implementation would have a bigger constant.
With that in mind, I would run empirical tests, because I'm a biologist at heart and I was trained to avoid hard-and-fast proofs as indications of how the world actually works. Start with N as some number, say 100, and find the bin with the largest number of collisions in it. That's your max-load for that run. Now, your examples should be as close as possible to what you expect actual users to use, so maybe you want to randomly pull words from a dictionary or something similar as your input.
Run that test many times, at least 30 or 40. Since you're using random numbers, you'll need to satisfy yourself that the average max-load you're getting is close to the theoretical 'expectation' of your algorithm. Expectation is just the average, but you'll still need to find it, and the tighter your std dev/std err about that average, the more you can say that your empirical average matches the theoretical expectation. One run is not enough, because a second run will (most likely) give a different answer.
Then, increase N, to say, 1000, 10000, etc. Increase it logarithmically, because your formula is logarithmic. As your N increases, your max-load should increase on the order of ln(n) / ln(ln(n)). If it increases at a rate of 3*ln(n) / ln(ln(n)), that means that you're following the theory that they put forth in that lecture.
This kind of empirical test will also show you where your approach breaks down. It may be that your algorithm works well for N < 10 million (or some other number), but above that, it starts to collapse. Why could that be? Maybe you have some limitation to 32 bits in your code without realizing it (ie, using a 'float' instead of a 'double'), or some other implementation detail. These kinds of details let you know where your code will work well in practice, and then as your practical needs change, you can modify your algorithm. Maybe making the algorithm work for very large datasets makes it very inefficient for very small ones, or vice versa, so pinpointing that tradeoff will help you further characterize how you could adapt your algorithm to particular situations. Always a useful skill to have.
EDIT: a proof of why the base of the log function doesn't matter with big-O notation:
log N = log_10 (N) = log_b (N)/log_b (10)= (1/log_b(10)) * log_b(N)
1/log_b(10) is a constant, and in big-O notation, constants are ignored. Base changes are free, which is why you're encountering such variation in the papers.
Here is a rough start to the solution of this problem involving uniform distributions and maximum load.
Instead of bins and balls or urns or boxes or buckets or m and n, people (p) and doors (d) will be used as designations.
There is an exact expected value for each of the doors given a certain number of people. For example, with 5 people and 5 doors, the expected maximum door is exactly 1.2864 {(1429-625) / 625} above the mean (p/d) and the minimum door is exactly -0.9616 {(24-625) / 625} below the mean. The absolute value of the highest door's distance from the mean is a little larger than the smallest door's because all of the people could go through one door, but no less than zero can go through one of the doors. With large numbers of people (p/d > 3000), the difference between the absolute value of the highest door's distance from the mean and the lowest door's becomes negligible.
For an odd number of doors, the center door is essentially zero and is not scalable, but all of the other doors are scalable from certain values representing p=d. These rounded values for d=5 are:
-1.163 -0.495 0* 0.495 1.163
* slowly approaching zero from -0.12
From these values, you can compute the expected number of people for any count of people going through each of the 5 doors, including the maximum door. Except for the middle ordered door, the difference from the mean is scalable by sqrt(p/d).
So, for p=50,000 and d=5:
Expected number of people going through the maximum door, which could be any of the 5 doors, = 1.163 * sqrt(p/d) + p/d.
= 1.163 * sqrt(10,000) + 10,000 = 10,116.3
For p/d < 3,000, the result from this equation must be slightly increased.
With more people, the middle door slowly becomes closer and closer to zero from -0.11968 at p=100 and d=5. It can always be rounded up to zero and like the other 4 doors has quite a variance.
The values for 6 doors are:
-1.272 -0.643 -0.202 0.202 0.643 1.272
For 1000 doors, the approximate values are:
-3.25, -2.95, -2.79 … 2.79, 2.95, 3.25
For any d and p, there is an exact expected value for each of the ordered doors. Hopefully, a good approximation (with a relative error < 1%) exists. Some professor or mathematician somewhere must know.
For testing uniform distribution, you will need a number of averaged ordered sessions (750-1000 works well) rather than a greater number of people. No matter what, the variances between valid sessions are great. That's the nature of randomness. Collisions are unavoidable. *
The expected values for 5 and 6 doors were obtained by sheer brute force computation using 640 bit integers and averaging the convergence of the absolute values of corresponding opposite doors.
For d=5 and p=170:
-6.63901 -2.95905 -0.119342 2.81054 6.90686
(27.36099 31.04095 33.880658 36.81054 40.90686)
For d=6 and p=108:
-5.19024 -2.7711 -0.973979 0.734434 2.66716 5.53372
(12.80976 15.2289 17.026021 18.734434 20.66716 23.53372)
I hope that you may evenly distribute your data.
It's almost guaranteed that all of George Foreman's sons or some similar situation will fight against your hash function. And proper contingent planning is the work of all good programmers.
After some more research and trial-and-error I think I can provide something part way to to an answer.
To start off, ln and log seem to refer to log base-e if you look into the maths behind the theory. But as mmr indicated, for the O(...) estimates, it doesn't matter.
max-load can be defined for any probability you like. The typical formula used is
Most papers on the topic use
An example might be easiest.
Say you have a hash table of 1000 slots and you want to hash 1000 things. Say you also want to know the max-load with a probability of 1-1/1000 or 0.999.
The max-load is the maximum number of hash values that end up being the same - ie. collisions (assuming that your hash function is good).
Using the formula for the probability of getting exactly k identical hash values
Pr[ exactly k ] = ((e/k)**k)/e
then by accumulating the probability of exactly 0..k items until the total equals or exceeds 0.999 tells you that k is the max-load.
Pr[0] = 0.37
Pr[1] = 0.37
Pr[2] = 0.18
Pr[3] = 0.061
Pr[4] = 0.015
Pr[5] = 0.003 // here, the cumulative total is 0.999
Pr[6] = 0.0005
Pr[7] = 0.00007
So, in this case, the max-load is 5.
So if my hash function is working well on my set of data then I should expect the maxmium number of identical hash values (or collisions) to be 5.
If it isn't then this could be due to the following reasons:
Your data has small values (like short strings) that hash to the same value. Any hash of a single ASCII character will pick 1 of 128 hash values (there are ways around this. For example you could use multiple hash functions, but slows down hashing and I don't know much about this).
Your hash function doesn't work well with your data - try it with random data.
Your hash function doesn't work well.
The other tests I mentioned in my question also are helpful to see that your hash function is running as expected.
Incidentally, my hash function worked nicely - except on short (1..4 character) strings.
I also implemented a simple split-table version which places the hash value into the least used slot from a choice of 2 locations. This more than halves the number of collisions and means that adding and searching the hash table is a little slower.
I hope this helps.

How can one compute the optimal parameters to a start-step-stop coding scheme?

A start-step-stop code is a data compression technique that is used to compress number that are relatively small.
The code works as follows: It has three parameters, start, step and stop. Start determines the amount of bits used to compute the first few numbers. Step determines how many bits to add to the encoding when we run out and stop determines the maximum amount of bits used to encode a number.
So the length of an encoding is given by l = start + step * i.
The "i" value of a particular code is encoded using unary. That is, a number of 1 bits followed by a terminating 0 bit. If we have reached stop then we can drop the terminating 0 bit. If i is zero we only write out the 0 bit.
So a (1, 2, 5) start-step-stop code would work as follows:
Value 0, encoded as: 0 0
Value 1, encoded as: 0 1
Value 2, encoded as: 10 000
Value 9, encoded as: 10 111
Value 10, encoded as: 11 00000
Value 41, encoded as: 11 11111
So, given a file containing several numbers, how can we compute the optimal start-step-stop codes for that file? The optimal parameters are defined as those that will result in the greatest compression ratio.
These "start-step-stop" codes looks like a different way of calling Huffman codes. See the basic technique for an outline of the pseudo-code for calculating them.
Essentially this is what the algorithm does:
Before you start the Huffman encoding you need to gather the statistics of each symbol you'll be compressing (Their total frequency in the file to compress).
After you have that you create a binary tree using that info such that the most frequently used symbols are at the top of the tree (and thus use less bits) and such that no encoding has a prefix code. Since if an encoding has a common prefix there could be ambiguities decompressing.
At the end of the Huffman encoding your start value will be depth of the shallowest leaf node, your step will always be 1 (logically this makes sense, why would you force more bits than you need, just add one at a time,) and your stop value will be the depth of the deepest leaf node.
If the frequency stats aren't sorted it will take O(nlog n) to do, if they are sorted by frequency it can be done in O(n).
Huffman codes are guaranteed to have the best average compression for this type of encoding:
Huffman was able to design the most
efficient compression method of this
type: no other mapping of individual
source symbols to unique strings of
bits will produce a smaller average
output size when the actual symbol
frequencies agree with those used to
create the code.
This should help you implement the ideal solution to your problem.
Edit: Though similar, this isn't what the OP was looking for.
This academic paper by the creator of these codes describes a generalization of start-step-stop codes, start-stop codes. However, the author briefly describes how to get optimal start-step-stop near the end of section 2. It involves using a statistical random variable, or brute-force funding the best combination. Without any prior knowledge of the file the algorithm is O((log n)^3).
Hope this helps.
The approach I used was a simple brute force solution. The algorithm followed these basic steps:
Count the frequency of each number in the file. In the same pass, compute the total amount of numbers in the file and determine the greatest number as maxNumber.
Compute the probability of each number as its frequency divided by the total amount of numbers in the file.
Determine "optimalStop" as equal to log2(maxNumber). This is the ideal number of bits that should be used to represent maxNumber as in Shannon information theory and therefore a reasonable estimate of the optimal maximum amount of bits used in the encoding of a particular number.
For every "start" value from 1 to "optimalStop" repeat step 5 - 7:
For every "step" value from 1 to ("optimalStop" - "start") / 2, repeat step 6 & 7:
Calculate the "stop" value closest to "optimalStop" that satisfies stop = start + step * i for some integer i.
Compute the average number of bits that would be used by this encoding. This can be calculated as each number's probability multiplied by its bit length in the given encoding.
Pick the encoding with the lowest average number of bits.