Postgres upsert using on conflict - multiple fields in on conflict condition - sql

I'm trying to implement the concept of liking / disliking an item in a postgres db - when the user likes / dislikes something, I want to insert an item into my DB to represent this.
This is my schema:
id | postID | userID | type
1 2 1 like
Now if the user has already liked the item, and now they decide to dislike it - I want to update the type field, from like to dislike.
Similarly, if they've disliked something and now decided to like it, I want to perform the opposite update.
Furthermore, a user can only like / dislike something once - so if the user has liked / disliked the post previously and now decides to like / dislike it again, nothing should happen.
This means I need to implement an upsert statement in postgres, which inserts a new row, if the user has not interacted with the post previously, and updates the type field, if a row with the specified postID + userID + type already exists.
I was looking at doing this using the on conflict syntax -
INSERT INTO table_name(postID,userID,type)
SET type = 'like'
but I'm not sure what to pass into the ON CONFLICT section, since the match needs to happen on multiple fields.
I considered setting a unique index on the (postID, userID) fields - something like this:
create unique index idx_1 on table (postID, userID)
The problem is I want to use this DB in the future to store comment information, and a user is allowed to comment on the same post multiple times.
An example would be:
id | postID | userID | type
1 2 1 comment
2 2 1 comment
3 2 1 like

If you want to limit the number of updates to a row, you can use a check constraint and secondary column counting the updates.
alter table t add column num_updates int default 1 check (num_updates <= 2);
Then, if you want to prevent duplicate rows on types other than comment, you can use a filtered unique index:
create unique index unq_table_name_postid_userid
on table_name(postid, userid)
where type <> 'comment';
Then I think you can express the logic using on conflict:
INSERT INTO table_name (postID, userID, type)
VALUES(2, 1, 'like')
SET type = 'like',
num_updates = excluded.num_updates + 1;
This allows only one update. You might want more refined logic, such as updating the value only if type changes:
num_update = (excluded.num_updates = num_updates)::int + 1


Oracle : Create session sequence?

I have a table as follows
The table contains my application users and stores their clients. The column User Client ID refers to a foreign key linked to a different table that stores the clients details.
I need another column (User Client Counter) which is a just a counter of the clients of each user. I need it to start from 1 and goes up for each individual application user.
For the moment I'm populating this by counting the number of clients for each user + 1 before inserting a new row in the table :
select count(*) + 1 into MyVariable from Mytable where UserClientId = Something
Then I use MyVariable in the column User Client Counter
This methods works quite well, but in case the user is connected from two different sessions, the query may produce a wrong number of counts... in addition to that the performance may be bad in case of big tables...
Is there anyway better way to replace such process by using sequences ?
I've been looking to session sequences but there are reset after the end of each session.
(This column is a business need and cannot be replaced by something like rownumber in restitution queries. Since every client has to keep always the same identifier for the application user)
Thank you in advance.
I think you can just create a unique index on the app user and the running number:
create unique index idx on mytable (app_user_id, num);
And then insert with max + 1:
insert into mytable (app_user_id, client_id, num)
coalesce((select max(num) + 1 from mytable where app_user_id = :app_user_id), 1)
For this sort of requirement to be safe you will need to be able to lock rows at the right level so that you don't have two sessions that think the they are allowed to use the same value. The impact of this is that while one session is inserting a row for the 'Company X' user, another session will wait for the first user to commit if they're also trying to insert a row for 'Company X'.
This is super easy when you just have a table that stores information at the right level.
You can have a table of your users with a counter column which starts at 0.
-------------------------------------------------- --------------
Company X 1
Company Y 3
Company Z 1
As you insert rows into your main table, you update this table first setting the client_counter to be client_counter + 1 (you do this as one insert statement, no risky select then update!), then you return the updated value into your value for the client_id. This can all be done with a simple trigger.
create or replace trigger app_clients_ins
before insert
on app_clients
for each row
update app_users
set client_counter = client_counter + 1
where my_application_user = :new.my_application_user
return client_counter into :new.user_client_number;
Of course, like any sequence if you delete a row it's not going to allow your next insert to fill that gap.
(db<>fiddle )
if you want to have unique values to be inserted and there are chances that multiple users can insert rows into the same table at the same time then it is better to user Oracle Sequence.
INSERT INTO Mytable(id) VALUES (id_seq.nextval);
In you case I think you want different sequence created for each Customer, How many different Customers you have, if you have in 100's then i don't think create sequence will work as you may have to create as many sequence .

Forcing data entry in order

I have a sql server database with ms access frontend.
I want to force data to be entered in a particular table in order.
eg I can only enter id = 2 after id = 1 has been added and I can only add id = 3 after 2 and 1 have been added.
What is the best way to enforce this? Do I need a restriction added to the access frontend or do I need to add a trigger or similar to the sql table?
i agree with #Vamsi Pamula, You can do that. But, however if you want to do only what your are looking for then :
First of all, When user tries to enter an new record, track the New ID Given Suppose 10 for now. And, first Query in the database for the Max id before like :
Select isnull(Max(id),0) from YourTable
Suppose the above query returned 8. So, 10 should not be allowed. Now now check :
if (ReturnedValuefromAboveQry + 1 = NEWID) then
msgbox "Allowed."
msgbox "Not Allowed."
End If
If you want to do so, keep that id as primary key and set it property as identity (auto increment). You no need to insert that value. Insert the remaining columns and that id will be automatically saved as 1,2 and so on

SQL insert row with one change

I have this table:
id text
1 lala
And i want take first row and copy it, but the id 1 change to 2.
Can you help me with this problem?
A SQL table has no concept of "first" row. You can however select a row based on its characteristics. So, the following would work:
insert into Table1(id, text)
select 2, text
from Table1
where id = 1;
As another note, when creating the table, you can have the id column be auto-incremented. The syntax varies from database to database. If id were auto-incremented, then you could just do:
insert into Table1(text)
select text
from Table1
where id = 1;
And you would be confident that the new row would have a unique id.
Kate - Gordon's answer is technically correct. However, I would like to know more about why you want to do this.
If you're intent is to have the field increment with the insertion of each new row, manually setting the id column value isn't a great idea - it becomes very easy for there to be a conflict with two rows attempting to use the same id at the same time.
I would recommend using an IDENTITY field for this (MS SQL Server -- use an AUTO_INCREMENT field in MySQL). You could then do the insert as follows:
INSERT INTO Table1 (text)
FROM Table1
WHERE id = 1
SQL Server would automatically assign a new, unique value to the id field.

Auto Increment after delete in MySQL

I have a MySQL table with a primary key field that has AUTO_INCREMENT on.
After reading other posts on here I've noticed people with the same problem and with varied answers. Some recommend not using this feature, others state it can't be 'fixed'.
I have:
table: course
fields: courseID, courseName
Example: number of records in the table: 18. If I delete records 16, 17 and 18 - I would expect the next record entered to have the courseID of 16, however it will be 19 because the last entered courseID was 18.
My SQL knowledge isn't amazing but is there anyway to refresh or update this count with a query (or a setting in the phpMyAdmin interface)?
This table will relate to others in a database.
Given all the advice, I have decided to ignore this 'problem'. I will simply delete and add records whilst letting the auto increment do it's job. I guess it doesn't really matter what the number is since it's only being used as a unique identifier and doesn't have a (as mentioned above) business meaning.
For those who I may have confused with my original post: I do not wish to use this field to know how many records I have. I just wanted the database to look neat and have a bit more consistency.
What you're trying to do sounds dangerous, as that's not the intended use of AUTO_INCREMENT.
If you really want to find the lowest unused key value, don't use AUTO_INCREMENT at all, and manage your keys manually. However, this is NOT a recommended practice.
Take a step back and ask "why you need to recycle key values?" Do unsigned INT (or BIGINT) not provide a large enough key space?
Are you really going to have more than 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 unique records over the course of your application's lifetime?
If you've deleted the most recent entries, that should set it to use the next lowest available one. As in, as long as there's no 19 already, deleting 16-18 will reset the autoincrement to use 16.
EDIT: I missed the bit about phpmyadmin. You can set it there, too. Go to the table screen, and click the operations tab. There's an AUTOINCREMENT field there that you can set to whatever you need manually.
Primary autoincrement keys in database are used to uniquely identify a given row and shouldn't be given any business meaning. So leave the primary key as is and add another column called for example courseOrder. Then when you delete a record from the database you may want to send an additional UPDATE statement in order to decrement the courseOrder column of all rows that have courseOrder greater than the one you are currently deleting.
As a side note you should never modify the value of a primary key in a relational database because there could be other tables that reference it as a foreign key and modifying it might violate referential constraints.
Try :
SET #num := 0;
UPDATE your_table SET id = #num := (#num+1);
That'll reset the autoincremented value, and then count every row while a new value is created for it.
example : before
1 : first value here
2 : second value here
X : deleted value
4 : The rest of the table
5 : The rest of the rest..
so the table will display the array : 1,2,4,5
Example : AFTER (if you use this command you will obtain)
1 : first value here
2 : second value here
3 : The rest of the table
4 : the rest of the rest
No trace of the deleted value, and the rest of the incremented continues with this new count.
If somewhere on your code something use the autoincremented value... maybe this attribution will cause problem.
If you don't use this value in your code everything should be ok.
You shouldn't be relying on the AUTO_INCREMENT id to tell you how many records you have in the table. You should be using SELECT COUNT(*) FROM course. ID's are there to uniquely identifiy the course and can be used as references in other tables, so you shouldn't repeat ids and shouldn't be seeking to reset the auto increment field.
I came here looking for an answer to the Title question "MySQL - Auto Increment after delete" but I could only find an answer for that in the questions
How to delete certain row from mysql table?
How to reset AUTO_INCREMENT in MySQL?
By using something like:
Note that Darin Dimitrov's answer explain really well AUTO_INCREMENT and it's usage. Take a look there before doing something you might regret.
PS: The question itself is more "Why you need to recycle key values?" and Dolph's answer cover that.
What you are trying to do is very dangerous. Think about this carefully. There is a very good reason for the default behaviour of auto increment.
Consider this:
A record is deleted in one table that has a relationship with another table. The corresponding record in the second table cannot be deleted for auditing reasons. This record becomes orphaned from the first table. If a new record is inserted into the first table, and a sequential primary key is used, this record is now linked to the orphan. Obviously, this is bad. By using an auto incremented PK, an id that has never been used before is always guaranteed. This means that orphans remain orphans, which is correct.
There is actually a way to fix that. First you delete the auto_incremented primary key column, and then you add it again, like this:
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP column_name;
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name int not null auto_increment primary key first;
you can select the ids like so:
set #rank = 0;
select id, #rank:=#rank+1 from tbl order by id
the result is a list of ids, and their positions in the sequence.
you can also reset the ids like so:
set #rank = 0;
update tbl a join (select id, #rank:=#rank+1 as rank from tbl order by id) b
on = set = b.rank;
you could also just print out the first unused id like so:
select min(id) as next_id from ((select from (select 1 as id) a
left join tbl b on = where is null) union
(select min( + 1 as id from tbl a left join tbl b on =
where is null)) c;
after each insert, you can reset the auto_increment:
alter table tbl auto_increment = 16
or explicitly set the id value when doing the insert:
insert into tbl values (16, 'something');
typically this isn't necessary, you have count(*) and the ability to create a ranking number in your result sets. a typical ranking might be:
set #rank = 0;
select, a.amount, b.rank from cust a,
(select amount, #rank:=#rank+1 as rank from cust order by amount desc) b
where a.amount = b.amount
customers ranked by amount spent.
I can think of plenty of scenarios where you might need to do this, particularly during a migration or development process. For instance, I just now had to create a new table by cross-joining two existing tables (as part of a complex set-up process), and then I needed to add a primary key after the event. You can drop the existing primary key column, and then do this.
For a live system, it is not a good idea, and especially if there are other tables with foreign keys pointing to it.
I got a very simple but tricky method.
While deleting a row, you can preserve the IDs into another temporary table. After that, when you will insert new data into the main table then you can search and pick IDs from the temporary table. So use a checking here. If the temporary table has no IDs then calculate maximum ID into the main table and set the new ID as: new_ID = old_max_ID+1.
NB: You can not use auto-increment feature here.
You may think about making a trigger after delete so you can update the value of autoincrement and the ID value of all rows that does not look like what you wanted to see.
So you can work with the same table and the auto increment will be fixed automaticaly whenever you delete a row the trigger will fix it.
You can use your mysql client software/script to specify where the primary key should start from after deleting the required records.
Its definitely not recommendable. If you have a large database with multiple tables, you may probably have saved a userid as id in table 2. if you rearrange table 1 then probably the intended userid will not end up being the intended table 2 id.
Auto Increment Solution. It works perfect when you have inserted many records during testing phase of software. Now you want to launch your application live to your client and You want to start auto increment from 1.
To avoid any unwanted problems, for safer side
First export .sql file.
Then follow the below steps:
Step 1)
First Create the copy of an existing table
MySQL Command to create Copy:
CREATE TABLE new_Table_Name SELECT * FROM existing_Table_Name;
The exact copy of a table is created with all rows except Constraints.
It doesn’t copy constraints like Auto Increment and Primary Key into new_Table_name
Step 2)
Delete All rows If Data is not inserted in testing phase and it is not useful.
If Data is important then directly go to Step 3.
DELETE from new_Table_Name;
Step 3) To Add Constraints, Goto Structure of a table
3A) Add primary key constraint from More option (If You Require).
3B) Add Auto Increment constraint from Change option. For this set Defined value as None.
3C) Delete existing_Table_Name and
3D) rename new_Table_Name to existing_Table_Name.
Now It will work perfectly. The new first record will take first value in Auto Increment column.
Here is a step to solve your problem.
On your .php file, just add this query given below:
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
$dbname = "";
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
if ($conn->connect_error) {
die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
//write the number or id you want to start with the next user in AUTO_INCREMENT
$sql = "ALTER TABLE `table_name` AUTO_INCREMENT = number";
I hope your problem will be solved.
if($id == 1){ // deleting first row
mysqli_query($db,"UPDATE employees SET id=id-1 WHERE id>1");
else if($id>1 && $id<$num){ // deleting middle row
mysqli_query($db,"UPDATE employees SET id=id-1 WHERE id>$id");
else if($id == $num){ // deleting last row
mysqli_query($db,"ALTER TABLE employees AUTO_INCREMENT = $num");
echo "ERROR";
mysqli_query($db,"ALTER TABLE employees AUTO_INCREMENT = $num");
here is a function that fix your problem
public static void fixID(Connection conn, String table) {
try {
Statement myStmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet myRs;
int i = 1, id = 1, n = 0;
boolean b;
String sql;
myRs = myStmt.executeQuery("select max(id) from " + table);
if ( {
n = myRs.getInt(1);
while (i <= n) {
b = false;
myRs = null;
while (!b) {
myRs = myStmt.executeQuery("select id from " + table + " where id=" + id);
if (! {
} else {
b = true;
sql = "UPDATE " + table + " set id =" + i + " WHERE id=" + id;
} catch (SQLException e) {

Custom sort in SQL Server

I have a table where the results are sorted using an "ORDER" column, eg:
Doc_Id Doc_Value Doc_Order
1 aaa 1
12 xxx 5
2 bbb 12
3 ccc 24
My issue is to initially set up this order column as efficiently and reusably as possible.
My initial take was to set up a scalar function that could be used as a default value when a new entry is added to the table:
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[Documents_Initial_Order]
( )
When a user wants to permute 2 documents, I can then easily switch the 2 orders.
It works nicely, but I now have a second table I need to set up the same way, and I am quite sure there is a nicer way to do it. Any idea?
Based on your comment, I think you have a very workable solution. You could make it a little more userfriendly by specifying it as a default:
alter table documents
add constraint constraint_name
default (dbo.documents_initial_order()) for doc_order
As an alternative, you could create an update trigger that copies the identity field to the doc_order field after an insert:
create trigger Doc_Trigger
on Documents
for insert
update d
set d.doc_order = d.doc_id
from Documents d
inner join inserted i on i.doc_id = d.doc_id
Example defining doc_id as an identity column:
create table Documents (
doc_id int identity primary key,
doc_order int,
doc_value ntext
It sounds like you want an identity column that you can then override once it gets it initial value. One solution would be to have two columns, once call "InitialOrder", that is an auto-increment identity column, and then a second column called doc_order that initially is set to the same value as the InitialOrder field (perhaps even as part of the insert trigger or a stored procedure if you are doing inserts that way), but give the user the ability to edit that column.
It does require an extra few bytes per record, but solves your problem, and if its of any value at all, you would have both the inital document order and the user-reset order available.
Also, I am not sure if your doc_order needs to be unique or not, but if not, you can then sort return values by doc_order and InitialOrder to ensure a consistent return sequence.
If there is no need to have any control over what that DOC_ORDER value might be, try using an identity column.