How to make each Vue build include a version accessible in Vue app? - vue.js

In Vue, I'd like to be able to get the current build version. Preferably, it would be in YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM format (the build time), rather than a random hash (which would be ok too).
Here's how someone did this
Another idea:
have a bash script which updates .env file with a line VUE_APP_BUILD_VERSION=... (is there any utility for this?)
and then run npm run build
Any suggestions for simpler ways? Maybe get the .js file path and use that? /js/app.5e716dd8.js

You can use npm version patch in your build script, and get the version number from package.json.


How to get the version of a remote npm package using a bin script

I'm trying to set up an npx script to create a template project.
In package.json I have:
"bin": {
"init": "bin/init"
In the init script I'm using tag='v'$(npm pkg get version | tr -d '"') to get the version of the package. I then use git clone --depth 1 --branch $tag to clone that specific repository for that specific tag.
When I do yarn link and try use it locally, from within that specific project, it works because it's able to correctly pick up the package.json version. So the above only works if it's run inside an existing project. However that's not what I want to do.
I want to enable someone to run it even if they have nothing locally, by simply doing npx #matriarx/typescript init and it should create the new project by cloning it. More than that I want them to be able to clone any specific version by using npx #matriarx/typescript#0.0.1 init in order to clone a specific version.
However it seems that anything I try is only able to get the version from a local package.json that already exists.
I could just clone the current existing repository without specifying any tag, but that would defeat the point of having releases, then it would just clone any current code completely disregarding the release. So it has to clone the tagged release.
How can I get the remote package version stored on npm from the bin script without having anything locally before hand?
Alternatively is there a better way to do what I'm trying to do?
EDIT: I ended up just hardcoding the version in the script, which works but it sucks because it's tedious to have to update it every time I bump the version. Though for now I still don't know a better way to do it.
After some more time messing around I figured out there is a standard way of doing it, at least since npm 7.
If you have a project like example then you can create a completely separate project called create-example with a bin script.
When you use npm init example, npm will automatically search for a package prefixed with "create-" and execute its main bin script. So when running npm init example it will search for that create-example package and execute the bin script, which will install the example package.
This is how most of the bigger packages like react and next do it.
This approach comes with some disadvantages that I really don't like, for example it will show the incorrect dependencies on npm and it will cause you to have to maintain multiple projects and semvers on different projects. However it will also allow you to create a clean separation between the actual project and the installation of that project.
For some projects it might also make a lot more sense. For example if you have a project that doesn't have a package.json at all and you want to create a setup for it, it wouldn't make sense to create an npm package inside that project just for that. Instead you can create a separate "create-project" package just to set it up and keep npm out of the actual project. In other words it gives you a neat way to create bin scripts for a completely separate project that doesn't have anything to do with npm.
You could also just have created a normal shell script and execute it using curl but I guess npm just gives you another way to do it.
You still have to hardcode the version in that "create-project" package, I still have not seen a way to automatically determine the version from a remote package. The only way I've managed to do that is to completely download the package, get the version, then delete it, but that would be terrible for people with a slower internet connection or limited data.

If I install lodash.minby does it means it just installs this specific function?

I am getting rid of lodash, so some stuff I am redoing in es6 and other like this one I would like to keep but just this one function.
I see there is this npm but im not sure if i install this it will only install this, or the whole library, can anyone please confirm?
From the documentation:
The lodash method _.minBy exported as a Node.js module.
So, yes, it just installs this specific function from lodash
Yes, if you install lodash.minby, at the time of this writing, you will get version 4.6.0 which contains a package.json file, a file, a LICENSE file, and an index.js file. It has no other dependencies, so that is all you will get. The index.js file is over 2000 lines long, but that's what it takes apparently to implement the functionality.
In contrast, at the time of this writing, npm install lodash will give you version 4.17.21 which contains over 44000 lines of JavaScript spread out across many files. So that's about 22 times as large.

Blazor Javascript isolation with NPM dependencies

I'm trying to use the new Blazor Javascript isolation feature. I'm importing my own JS file as per the example ExampleJsInterop.cs. It works until I try to import an NPM module from within my script. In my package.json I have set up a dependency on interactjs, and in my script I have added import interact from 'interactjs'; at the top.
I'm getting a Failed to resolve module specifier "interactjs" error. I'm not sure how to get past that.
Previously I was using Webpack to bundle my script and dependencies together into a single file that is added into my index.html as a tag. This was working fine, but I'm not sure how to continue using NPM packages with JS isolation.
A bit late, but I've just finished solving a similar issue.
The npm files are installed to the hidden node_modules folder. This isn't available to your script when you are running your app, unless you do something to make it available. however, even if you copied the interactjs file into your scripts folder it would still not work if it was an npm file. Those are meant to run in nodejs not a browser. So you would still need to use your bundler. I tried webpack, but had some issues with certain files so ended up with snowpack instead. I just finished a bunch of articles on javascript interop - part 4 deals with npm
I forgot that I left this question open for almost a year!
I ended up solving it using Snowpack to bundle the NPM package into the Blazor wwwroot folder. Credit goes to this article for pointing me in the right direction:

New project with GULP

I made a project using GULP and I downloaded several modules with the NPM cmd. For a new project, should I copy/paste my old project with the files "gulpfile.js", "package.json" and the folder "node_module" or i have to redownload all the modules ? I tried to copy/paste and it worked perfectly, but maybe there is an another way to do it (like download each module with one command line) ?
Thank you !
Copying your old package.json file into your new project is perfectly reasonable when you also use a copy of your existing gulpfile.
Now, instead of copying your node_module folder just run npm install. It does exactly the same thing as copying and pasting but with the added bonus of checking package versions, deprecated dependencies, and so on...
Quick tip: If you ever run into problems as I have deleting/removing packages given that theirs paths might be longer than what the OS allows use the tool rimraf. Install it globally and then you can call rimraf on anything. CAUTION! this tool will erase everything no questions asked

which angular2 js file should be added in on the client side?

I am a semi noob in web development.
I just started playing around with angular2 today. And i ran into a problem..
If I were to install angular2 with npm to my local computer, which file is the js file that should be linked to the html page that show up on the client?
In their guide, i see a file called /node_modules/angular2/bundles/ But i don't even see this file at all.
Is there some script that i should run to build that file? Or is the file renamed? I am really confused.
I tried some file /angular2/bundles/angular2.js, but it doesn't even export ng variable to window!
I see that in, eventually ng gets exported. But what changed in alpha 53? (the version i get for doing npm install angular2)
In my projects, I a using
You might additionally need to install/add systemjs, just in case you are using the systemjs library.