Convert sysdate to BST(British Summer Time) - sql

I have a Java api which gets the data from oracle database which is in ET timezone. I want to query that table using sysdate on 2 columns but the sysdate should be picked as current BST date value not as ET date value.
select * from customers where sysdate between mem_registered_date and mem_deregistered_date;
How this can be done? please help

The simplest way to convert between time zones is to use a data type that understands time zones, a TIMESTAMP. Then when you've converted to the time zone you want then CAST it back to a DATE data type:
FROM customers
BETWEEN mem_registered_date AND mem_deregistered_date;
I'm assuming that you want the current time in the United Kingdom (BST in summer and GMT in winter), if you want the time zone UTC+1 then use:

If querying a column with a date-only value, without any time-of-day nor any time zone, that is, a column of a type akin to the SQL-standard DATE type, then use Java class LocalDate.
Generally best to use half-open definition of a span of time, where the beginning is inclusive while the ending is exclusive. This allows spans to nearly abut one another without gaps or overlap. So never use the SQL command BETWEEN for date-time ranges, as it is fully-closed (both beginning and ending are inclusive).
Get today’s date as seen in the wall-clock time used by the people of a particular region (a time zone).
BST is not a real time zone. For British time, use Europe/London.
ZoneId z = ZoneId.of( "Europe/London" ) ;
LocalDate today = z ) ;
The SQL will look something like this:
FROM event_
WHERE ? >= start_
AND ? < end_
Fill in the placeholders.
myPreparedStatement.setObject( 1 , today ) ;
myPreparedStatement.setObject( 2 , today ) ;
Load the date values from database into Java.
LocalDate start = myResultSet.getObject( … , LocalDate.class ) ;
The misnamed DATE in the Oracle database actually represents a date with time-of-date without the context of a time zone or offset-from-UTC. As such, this type cannot represent a moment, a specific point on the timeline. It the value is noon on the 23rd of January next year, we cannot know if that is noon in Tokyo, Toulouse, or Toledo — all different moments several hours apart. This DATE type is akin to the SQL-standard type TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE.
So for this data type, your question asking about time zones makes no sense. Apple and oranges. Involving time zones means you are tracking moments, specific points on the timeline. But the Oracle DATE cannot represent moments as discussed above.
To track moments, your should be using a column of a type akin to the SQL-standard TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.


In a SQL(Oracle) time query I get the month instead of the minutes

In our internal software, I'm querying the time of a task.
Because our software is based in Europe, the time is european time but I need the US one so I use the "at time zone to convert it.
To show you the problem, I've queried it twice. Onence before conversion and once after.
So the issue is that the "MM" of "HH:MM" is giving me the month instead of the minutes.
So I get 12:10(10 is the month) and I should have got 12:12 (it was 17:12 european time).
I put a screen capture of the results
Before and after
t.actual_start_dttm before_conversion,
to_char(cast(t.actual_start_dttm as timestamp) at time zone 'US/Eastern', 'HH:MM') after_conversion
from task t
where task_id = '695421'
You need to change the query and use 'MI' instead of 'MM'
t.actual_start_dttm before_conversion,
to_char(cast(t.actual_start_dttm as timestamp) at time zone 'US/Eastern', 'HH:MI') after_conversion
from task t
where task_id = '695421'
For more information you can refer below link :
Minutes has Format MI not MM...

The accuracy of oracle when compare two date in SQL

It is in two procedures which are running in order. In procedure one, the running timestamp of system time is 2019/5/30 12:02:58.100. The sql is as below
insert into A(xxx,xxx,cdate) values(xxx,xxx,sysdate)
And I find the cdate field of this inserted row is 2019/5/30 12:02:58, without the millisecond.
And then procedure two runs, the running timestamp of system time is 2019/5/30 12:02:58.200. The SQL is as below
select xxx from A where cdate<sysdate
This returns none result. It is weird because I just inserted a row with cdate 2019/5/30 12:02:58. This should be less than sysdate.
When Oracle stores date value like 2019/5/30 12:02:58, does it throw millsecond away or does it just store it in background and not show it?
While comparing cdate<sysdate, which two values does it use? I guess it is using 2019/5/30 12:02:58 < 2019/5/30 12:02:58, so this returns false.
When Oracle stores date value like 2019/5/30 12:02:58, does it throw millsecond away or does it just store it in background and not show it?
A date value does not have any millisecond component to throw away. sysdate returns a DATE data type:
This data type contains the datetime fields YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND. It does not have fractional seconds or a time zone.
In your procedures you are looking at a TIMESTAMP value:
This data type contains the datetime fields YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND. It contains fractional seconds but does not have a time zone.
... or a variant that does have a time zone, like TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, as returned by systimestamp:
This data type contains the datetime fields YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, TIMEZONE_HOUR, and TIMEZONE_MINUTE. It has fractional seconds and an explicit time zone.
While comparing cdate<sysdate, which two values does it use? I guess it is using 2019/5/30 12:02:58 < 2019/5/30 12:02:58, so this returns false.
As your insert statement is using sysdate, it doesn't really matter at this point whether cdate is defined as DATE or TIMESTAMP, if the latter then the fraction seconds part is just truncated to zero. And sysdate also returns a DATE, so yes, it is either doing:
2019-05-30 12:02:58 < 2019-05-30 12:02:58
2019-05-30 12:02:58.000 < 2019-05-30 12:02:58
which may involve an implicit cast. Either way the result is indeed false.
If you want to compare values that might be within the same second then you have to use a TIMESTAMP. Define your column as one of the TIMESTAMP variants as appropriate, and then use systimestamp instead of sysdate both for your insert and for the comparison. It all has to be timestamps - if any part of what you do stays as a date then at some point the fractional seconds will be lost and you'll be in the same position you are now.
If your column is a DATE type then it doesn't store milliseconds. SYSDATE doesn't return them either. Ensure your column is a TIMESTAMP with a suitable number for fractional precision to store the milliseconds you want, and ensure you're comparing it with SYSTIMESTAMP

Oracle timestamp, timezone and utc

I have an application, using an Oracle 11g ( 64 bit) db.
I have a lot of entries in a Person table. To access data I'm using different application (same data).
In this example I'm using birth_time field of my person table.
Some application queries data with birth_time directly, some other with to_char to reformat it, and some other with UTC function.
The problem is this: with same data, same query, result are different.
In this screenshot you can see the result with Oracle Sql developer (
All the timestamp are inserted with midnight timestamp, and in fact the to_char(..) and birth_time result are at midnight. UTC hours are returned with one hour less (Correct according to my timezone!) but some entry (here one for example, the last one) is TWO HOURS less (only few on thousand are Three)!!
The same query executed with sql*plus return the correct result with one hour of difference for all the entries!
Does anyone have a suggestion to approach this problem?
The issue is born because one of our application made with adobe flex seems to execute queries with UTC time, and the problems appears when you look at data with this component.
Would it be possible for you to change the query used? If so, you could use the AT TIME ZONE expression to tell Oracle that this date is in UTC time zone:
13/11/20 23:00:00,000000000
Now, using AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' gets you the date you need:
13/11/21 00:00:00,000000000

Accounting for DST in Postgres, when selecting scheduled items

I have a Postgres table of clock alarms (not really, but this is analogous, and easier to explain). Alarms are set by users with a 1 hour resolution, and users can be from many different timezones. The alarms are repeating daily. I want to reliably fetch the alarms that are supposed to go off at a particular hour of the day, and I am having problems with daylight saving time. How do I do this in the best way?
Alfred and Lotta both live in Stockholm (+1 hour from UTC, but +2h
when it's DST). Sharon lives in Singapore (+8 hours from UTC, no
During winter, Alfred sets an alarm for 4 AM. The alarm should go off
at 4 AM local time, all year. During summer, Lotta sets an alarm
for 5 AM. Again, it should go off at 5 AM all year round.
Meanwhile, Sharon has set an alarm for 11 AM.
All of these can be stored in the database as 03:00 UTC.
If I query the database in the winter for alarms that should go off at
03:00 UTC, I want Alfred's and Sharon's alarms. Singapore is now +7h
from Sweden, so 11 AM in Singapore is 4 AM in Sweden. Lotta's alarm
should not go off for another hour.
Conversely, if I query the database in the summer for alarms that
should go off at 03:00 UTC, I want Lotta's and Sharon's alarms.
Singapore is +6h from Sweden now, so 11 AM in Singapore is 5 AM in
Sweden now. Sven's alarm went off an hour ago.
How do I store this, and query the database?
I can change the db schema if necessary. At the moment, we don't adjust for DST at all, and in fact just have an "hour" integer field (which seems dumb, a time field would be better).
It seems I need to store both a UTC time and timezone information, but I don't know how to best achieve this in Postgres. I've found that Postgres has some sort of concept of timezones, but no timezone field type as far as I can tell. Also, I guess I need to do some calculations in SQL to determine how to offset the UTC time in the select, based on the timezone data and the creation date. I'm not great with SQL…
I do want to solve this in Postgres, as there can be a lot of "alarms", and I want to avoid the performance issues that come with fetching all of them into Ruby and filter there. (Yes, this is a Rails app.)
Use timestamp with time zone (timestamptz) for calculations.
Times for alarms can be time [without time zone].
But you have to save the time zone explicitly for every row.
Never use time with time zone (timetz) It's a logically broken type, its use is discouraged by PostgreSQL. The manual:
The type time with time zone is defined by the SQL standard, but the
definition exhibits properties which lead to questionable usefulness.
In most cases, a combination of date, time, timestamp without timezone, and timestamp with time zone should provide a complete
range of date/time functionality required by any application.
Demo setup:
CREATE TABLE alarm(name text, t time, tz text);
('Alfred', '04:00', 'Europe/Stockholm') -- Alfred sets an alarm for 4 AM.
, ('Lotta', '05:00', 'Europe/Stockholm') -- Lotta sets an alarm for 5 AM.
, ('Sharon', '11:00', 'Asia/Singapore'); -- Sharon has set an alarm for 11 AM.
It has to be time zone names (not abbreviations) to account for DST. Related:
Time zone names with identical properties yield different result when applied to timestamp
Get matching alarms for "today":
FROM alarm
WHERE (('2012-07-01'::date + t) AT TIME ZONE tz AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')::time
= '03:00'::time
('2012-7-1'::date + t) ... assemble timestamp [without time zone]
Could also just be now()::date + t for "today".
AT WITH TIME ZONE tz ... place timestamp at the saved time zone, resulting in timestamptz.
AT WITH TIME ZONE 'UTC' ... get according UTC timestamp
::time ... simplest way to extract the time component.
Here you can look up time zone names:
FROM pg_timezone_names
WHERE name ~~* '%sing%'
db<>fiddle here - demonstrating summer / winter
Old sqlfiddle
You would do it by using a full time zone name, e.g. America/New_York rather than EDT/EST, and storing the hour in that time zone not UTC. You can then remain blissfully ignorant of the offset changes for daylight savings.
Something like the following should work:
-- CREATE TABLE time_test (
-- user_to_alert CHARACTER VARYING (30),
-- alarm_hour TIME,
-- user_timezone CHARACTER VARYING (30)
-- );
SELECT user_to_alert,
END AS raise_alarm
FROM time_test;
SELECT user_to_alert
FROM time_test
SET timezone = 'UTC';
username text not null,
alarm_time_utc time not null,
alarm_tz_abbrev text not null,
alarm_tz text not null
INSERT INTO tzdemo (username, alarm_time_utc, alarm_tz_abbrev, alarm_tz) VALUES
('Alfred', TIME '04:00' AT TIME ZONE '+01:00', 'CET', 'Europe/Stockholm'),
('Lotta', TIME '05:00' AT TIME ZONE '+02:00', 'CEST', 'Europe/Stockholm'),
('Sharon', TIME '11:00' AT TIME ZONE '+08:00', 'SGT', 'Singapore');
SELECT username
FROM tzdemo
WHERE alarm_time_utc AT TIME ZONE alarm_tz_abbrev = TIME '03:00' AT TIME ZONE alarm_tz;
(2 rows)
Store the timezone offset the alarm was created in including whether it was or was not DST at the time
Also store the clock time converted to UTC
When querying, use the fact that full timezone names follow the current UTC rules for times to produce a time that's in the current time zone for the region. Compare to the stored timestamp in what the time zone was when that alarm was created.
This also allows you to cope with cases where the user changes location, and therefore changes timezone.
This approach can be extended by date-qualifying the timestamps when you want to do predictive querying, like "at what local time will alarm sound in location".
I'm not completely confident in this solution and would recommend careful testing.

Get "time with time zone" from "time without time zone" and the time zone name

First off, I realize time with time zone is not recommended. I am going to use it because I'm comparing multiple time with time zone values to my current system time regardless of day. I.e. a user says start everyday at 08:00 and finish at 12:00 with THEIR time zone, not the system time zone. So, I have a time without time zone column in one table, let's call it SCHEDULES.time and I have a UNIX time zone name column in another table, let's call it
My system time zone is 'America/Regina', which does not use DST and so the offset is always -06.
Given a time of '12:00:00' and a tz of 'America/Vancouver' I would like to select the data into a column of type time with time zone but I DO NOT want to convert the time to my time zone because the user has effectively said begin at when it is 12:00 in Vancouver, not in Regina.
Thus, doing:
results (at the moment) in:
but I really want:
I can't find any documentation relating to applying a time zone to a time, other then AT TIME ZONE. Is there a way to accomplish this without character manipulation or other hacks?
This can be accomplished by using string concatenation, casting, and the Postgres time zone view as such:
select ('12:00:00'::text || utc_offset::text)::timetz
from pg_timezone_names
where name = 'America/Vancouver';
However, this is fairly slow. There must be a better way, no?
I apologize for the confusion. The SCHEDULES table DOES NOT use time with time zone, I am trying to SELECT a time with time zone by combining values from a time without time zone and a text time zone name.
Thanks to all those involved for their (heated) discussion. :) I have been convinced to abandon my plan to use a time with time zone for my output and instead use a timestamp with time zone as it performs well, is more readable, and solves another problem that I was going to run into, time zones that roll into new dates. IE. '2011-11-21 23:59' in 'America/Vancouver' is '2011-11-22' in 'America/Regina'.
As I said in my last update, I have chosen the answer that #MichaelKrelin-hacker first proposed and #JonSkeet finalized. That is, a timestamp with time zone as my final output is a better solution. I ended up using a query like:
SELECT timezone(, now()::date + SCHEDULES.time)
The timezone() format was rewritten by Postgres after I entered (current_date + SCHEDULES.time) AT TIME ZONE into my view.
WARNING: PostgreSQL newbie (see comments on the question!). I know a bit about time zones though, so I know what makes sense to ask.
It looks to me like this is basically an unsupported situation (unfortunately) when it comes to AT TIME ZONE. Looking at the AT TIME ZONE documentation it gives a table where the "input" value types are only:
timestamp without time zone
timestamp with time zone
time with time zone
We're missing the one you want: time without time zone. What you're asking is somewhat logical, although it does depend on the date... as different time zones can have different offsets depending on the date. For example, 12:00:00 Europe/London may mean 12:00:00 UTC, or it may mean 11:00:00 UTC, depending on whether it's winter or summer.
On my system, having set the system time zone to America/Regina, the query
AT TIME ZONE 'America/Vancouver'
gives me 2011-11-22 14:00:00-06 as a result. That's not ideal, but it does at least give the instant point in time (I think). I believe that if you fetched that with a client library - or compared it with another TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE - you'd get the right result. It's just the text conversion that then uses the system time zone for output.
Would that be good enough for you? Can you either change your SCHEDULES.time field to be a TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE field, or (at query time) combine the time from the field with a date to create a timestamp without time zone?
EDIT: If you're happy with the "current date" it looks like you can just change your query to:
SELECT (current_date + SCHEDULES.time) AT TIME ZONE
Of course, the current system date may not be the same as the current date in the local time zone. I think this will fix that part...
SELECT ((current_timestamp AT TIME ZONE + schedules.time)
In other words:
Take the current instant
Work out the local date/time in the user's time zone
Take the date of that
Add the schedule time to that date to get a TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE
Use AT TIME ZONE to apply the time zone to that local date/time
I'm sure there's a better way, but I think it makes sense.
You should be aware that in some cases this could fail though:
What do you want the result to be for a time of 01:30 on a day when the clock skips from 01:00 to 02:00, so 01:30 doesn't occur at all?
What do you want the result to be for a time of 01:30 on a day when the clock goes back from 02:00 to 01:00, so 01:30 occurs twice?
Here is a demo how to calculate the times without casting to text:
CREATE TEMP TABLE schedule(t time, tz text);
INSERT INTO schedule values
('12:00:00', 'America/Vancouver')
,('12:00:00', 'US/Mountain')
,('12:00:00', 'America/Regina');
- p.utc_offset
+ EXTRACT (timezone from now()) * interval '1s'
FROM schedule s
JOIN pg_timezone_names p ON =;
Basically you have to subtract the UTC offset and add the offset of your local time zone to arrive at the given time zone.
You can speed up the calculation by hardcoding your local offset. In your case (America/Regina) that should be:
- p.utc_offset
- interval '6h'
FROM schedule s
JOIN pg_timezone_names p ON =;
As pg_timezone_names is a view and not actually a system table, it is rather slow - just like the demonstrated variant with casting to text representation and back.
I would store the time zone abbreviations and take the double cast via text without joining in pg_timezone_names for optimum performance.
FAST solution
The culprit that's slowing you down is pg_timezone_names. After some testing I found that pg_timezone_abbrevs is far superior. Of course, you have to save correct time zone abbreviations instead of time zone names to achieve this. Time zone names take DST into consideration automatically, time zone abbreviations are basically just codes for a time offset. The documentation:
A time zone abbreviation, for example PST. Such a specification merely
defines a particular offset from UTC, in contrast to full time zone names
which can imply a set of daylight savings transition-date rules as well.
Have a look at these test results or try yourself:
SELECT * FROM pg_timezone_names;
Total runtime: 541.007 ms
SELECT * FROM pg_timezone_abbrevs;
Total runtime: 0.523 ms
Factor 1000. Whether you go with your idea to cast to text and back to timetz or with my method to compute the time is not important. Both methods are very fast. Just don't use pg_timezone_names.
Actually, as soon as you save time zone abbreviations, you can take the casting route without any additional joins. Use the abbreviation instead of the utc_offset. Results are accurate as per your definition.
CREATE TEMP TABLE schedule(t time, abbrev text);
INSERT INTO schedule values
('12:00:00', 'PST') -- 'America/Vancouver'
,('12:00:00', 'MST') -- 'US/Mountain'
,('12:00:00', 'CST'); -- 'America/Regina'
-- calculating
SELECT s.t AT TIME ZONE s.abbrev
- a.utc_offset
+ EXTRACT (timezone from now()) * interval '1s'
FROM schedule s
JOIN pg_timezone_abbrevs a USING (abbrev);
-- casting (even faster!)
SELECT (t::text || abbrev)::timetz
FROM schedule s;