Open liberty and Test Class Name - jax-rs

Does test class/file names have to end as "IT" in order for the lilberty:dev maven goal to work? When I followed Creating a RESTful web service and issued "mvn liberty:dev" command in the finish folder, once I changed the test file name to be EndpointTest and the class name EndpointIT EndpointTest(and nothing else), I saw test errors in the console when pressing ENTER.
If I changed file/class names to EndpointTestIT (with "IT" at the end), the test worked again.
It seems to me that a file and class must have "IT" suffix. Would this be a requirement a design feature? Or did I miss reading something?

The IT suffix is a convention for Maven failsafe plugin, as discussed on Is the '' filename Suffix (instead of '') for JUnit Integration Tests a convention?:
All classes in the test directory that have the suffix IT are executed by this plugin in the integragion-test phase. (Tests with suffix Test are exectued by the Maven Surefire Plugin in the test phase.)
Additional information can be found in the Baeldung tutorial, Integration Testing with Maven.


Unable to run tests through commandline [duplicate]

We have a multi module project with the following structure
module 1
module 2
module e2e
parent pom
The module e2e contains our karate features (into the src/test/java/features folder)
We couldn't figure out how to run the karate tests using the "mvn test".
It always runs 0 tests, instead there are some feature files.
We have tried running "mvn test" from the root of the project, as well as from inside the e2e module
We have other maven projects (not multi module) and it works as expected.
Does it necessary to make some configuration action to do it?
Thanks a lot.
mvn test behind the scenes just looks for JUnit tests, it is that simple. Check that your JUnit class names end with Test - and that the maven tweak for the recommended directory structure is in place:
Otherwise unless you follow this process, it is difficult for anyone to help you:

No tests run in maven project with karate module

We have a multi module project with the following structure
module 1
module 2
module e2e
parent pom
The module e2e contains our karate features (into the src/test/java/features folder)
We couldn't figure out how to run the karate tests using the "mvn test".
It always runs 0 tests, instead there are some feature files.
We have tried running "mvn test" from the root of the project, as well as from inside the e2e module
We have other maven projects (not multi module) and it works as expected.
Does it necessary to make some configuration action to do it?
Thanks a lot.
mvn test behind the scenes just looks for JUnit tests, it is that simple. Check that your JUnit class names end with Test - and that the maven tweak for the recommended directory structure is in place:
Otherwise unless you follow this process, it is difficult for anyone to help you:

Selenium Maven Project

I am new to automated testing. I am trying to set up a Maven project for my Selenium test automation work. I put all the packages pertaining to envVariables, library, settings, resultLog, errScreenshots etc under src/test/java.
I have a couple of questions here
i)I showed this framework to my developer and he asked me to move some of the packages under src/test/resources. I am not sure whether this needs to be done or whatever I have configured is correct. If I need to move the packages to resources folder, what packages should I move? Can somebody please advise me on how to configure this?
ii) what should the src/main/java folder contain? I thought it will contain the src code of my application and test folder would contain unit tests and selenium tests. But my developer says the test folder will contain only unit test that test the classes in the src/main/java. It should not contain my selenium tests. Can somebody please explain this to me?
I am not sure about the structure of your automation project. I prefer the following hierarchy in MAVEN projects
| |-----java
| |-----Pages (contains application code arranged as one Class per Page)
| |-----Steps (calls the page objects and methods called in Pages)
| |-----Test (Opens browser and calls steps to perform test - TestNG)
|-----Environment Variables
The results are saved in C or D drive and are time stamped to avoid getting overwritten.
The automation helper library is created as a separate Maven project and is added as a dependency to the test project. In this way the helper library is independent from the test project and can be used across all projects if need arises.
All this being said, much of the structure is a matter of choice and varies according to your project requirements.
"src/main/" is for production code or test automation framework, not for test cases. "src/test/" is for testing stuff, including selenium tests. "java" folders are for classes, "resource" folders are for configuration and test data.
I suggest creating a separate maven module for your testing stuff: test framework and test cases.
Please refer maven directory layout page for more information.
UPDATE: I have created sample maven project to show how run selenium test with selenide.

How to run specified Selenese test by maven

I have Selenese with maven and testSuite with a lot of tests, my question how to run some of test cases?
Just like running any specific test in maven:
mvn test -Dtest=(YOUR_TEST_CLASS_NAME)
You can also supply test=TEST_CLASS* for all of that type, etc. Maven has some pretty good name and package matching. You may even be able to run a single test method by supplying the method name (although I have not tried this).
Check the Selunit maven plugin out, it provides include and exclude filters for Selenese suites in the pom.xml configuration.

How do I make the manifest available during a Maven/Surefire unittest run "mvn test"?

How do I make the manifest available during a Maven/Surefire unittest run "mvn test" ?
I have an open-source project that I am converting from Ant to Maven, including its unit tests. Here's the project source repository with the Maven project:
My question pertains to the primary module, called "base". This module has a unit test that tests the behaviour of the static method getVersion() in the class org.znerd.logdoc.Library. This method returns:
The getImplementationVersion() method returns a value of a setting in the manifest file. So far, so good. I have tested this in the past and it works well, as long as the manifest is indeed available on the classpath at the path META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (either on the file system or inside a JAR file).
Now my challenge is that the manifest file is not available when I run the unit tests:
mvn test
Surefire runs the unit tests, but my unit test fails with a mesage indicating that Library.getVersion() returned null.
When I want to check the JAR, I find that it has not even been generated. Maven/Surefire runs the unit tests against the classes, before the resources are added to the classpath.
Further investigation shows Surefire generates its own JAR file in a temporary directory, e.g.
And then uses this JAR to load the Library class. This JAR does not contain the resources I stuck under src/main/resources. So putting a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file also does not work.
So how do I tell Surefire to have my META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file available from the same class loader as the Library class.
Note that I use Maven 2.2.0, Java 1.6.0_17 on Mac OS X 10.6.2, with JUnit 4.8.1.
Well, as you pointed you, the problem is that the MANIFEST.MF is generated during package and directly included in the final jar and all this occurs after test. So I guess you'll have to either:
provide your own MANIFEST.MF (that would be available in target/classes before being merged during package). I don't know if this is an option (and if it will work).
put and run your test from another module depending on the JAR.