Passing an rvalue as a ByRef parameter to VB6? - com

Background: I've got a set of VB6 DLLs that share a common "interface". Whichever version is installed locally has members of this interface invoked via COM interop (from VB.Net code, which I suspect might matter). I noticed today that one of the invocations passes [what I understand to be] an rvalue (hereinafter "an rvalue") to a VB6 function that does not have that particular parameter defined as ByVal.
Example Code:
Public Function VB6Function(input As String) As String
' Do interesting things with input
End Function
' get an instance of the VB6 class and pass our trimmed localString to it
result = vb6Instance.VB6Function(localString.Trim())
' Do interesting things with localString
I have not yet noticed an instance of the VB6 code changing the value of input, but I also haven't done an exhaustive search of the different DLL implementations (there are several hundred).
What would happen if VB6Function did change the value of input when input is "an rvalue"? For that matter, why doesn't this method invocation simply error out when "an rvalue" is passed?

What would happen if VB6Function did change the value of input when input is "an rvalue"?
Nothing. Or rather, nothing interesting.
When the called function changes the value of its argument, it makes no difference for the insides of that function whether the argument was provided byval or byref. All that matters is that there is a variable of certain type, thus, it can be acted upon.
For that matter, why doesn't this method invocation simply error out when "an rvalue" is passed?
Why would it error out? The passed argument as correct type (string), that is all that matters.
There is no notion of an rvalue in VB.
When you pass what you would call an rvalue to a method accepting something by reference, the compiler automatically passes the reference to a temporary location where the rvalue actually resides. The method gets its value byref, the caller does not care about pointers.
localString.Trim() allocates and returns a string. It has an address and can be passed around. Your code does not explicitly capture that address, but the compiler has no problem passing it to VB6Function byref. If VB6Function changes the value, it changes what that temporary location points to, which has no observable difference because it's going to be destroyed after the call either way.
As for why some people may have preferred receiving strings byref in VBA, it's specifically to avoid copying the entire string each time when calling the function. In VB.NET it's not a problem because strings there are immutable and therefore can be passed byval without copying, but in VBA that is not the case, so a byval string needs to be cloned for the purpose of the call. People avoided that by specifying byref, even though that technically gave them the power to mess with the passed variable.


How serious is BC42020 in an upgraded VB .Net project?

Consider the following line of code which used to compile without warnings.
Public SetUpDone = False
After upgrading a project to Visual Studio 2017 from Visual Studio 2005 over a hundred of these BC42020 warnings exist. The MSDN description of the warning simply states that the variable defaults to type object. I don't have a good idea of the seriousness of this type of warning. The debugger indicates that the code executes as I expect. Is it merely a performance type of issue?
Secondly, I thought that Visual Basic supported some form of Type Inference so I'm not clear about why it wouldn't be able to deduce that the type should be Bool.
Another example is the following where the function returns a String
Dim dayTxt = " " & GetTextFromIni("General", "Var50")
I would have thought that type inference would work here and deduce that dayTxt is a String.
Public SetUpDone = False
Is equivalent to this:
Public SetUpDone As Object = False
As suggested, type inference is only for local variables, not fields. With Option Infer On, this inside a method:
Dim SetUpDone = False
would indeed be equivalent to this:
Dim SetUpDone As Boolean = False
There are a couple of issues with the code as you have it. Firstly, it means that every use of that False value requires unboxing which makes your code slower. That's the case for any value types, i.e. structures. Value types are normally stored on the stack but, when boxed, are stored on the heap.
Secondly, it means that any member access will require late binding. That's not an issue for Boolean values because they have no members of interest anyway but if it was, say, a DateTime then the IDE would never provide Intellisense for that type because al it would see would be type Object and the existence of the specified member would have to be confirmed at run time, making the code less efficient again.
Thirdly, it means that the compiler can never confirm that you're passing the correct type as a method argument. For instance, if you have a method with a Boolean parameter, the compiler won't know that you're passing a Boolean if you pass that field because it's type Object. That also means that if you pass some other Object variable that doesn't contain a Boolean, the compiler can't warn you.
As suggested, you should turn Option Strict On in the project properties. That will flag every instance of you're not specifying the appropriate type for something. Fixing those errors will, at the very least, make your code a bit more efficient. It may even draw your attention to situations where exceptions will or could be thrown at run time. Having Option Strict On enforces strict typing so it makes you think more about the types you're using. Even if you're conscientious about that with Option Strict Off, you can still make mistakes that Option Strict On will prevent.

C# to Vb.NET code convert

below code is c#
ctx.CreateStreamResponse(stream => new Session(_Sessions, stream).Process(),"video/mp4");
and i need to this code as VB.NET code. am converting as below
ctx.CreateStreamResponse(Function(stream) New Session(_Sessions, stream).Process(), "video/mp4")
But getting error
overload resolution failed because no accessible
"CreateStreamResponse" can be called with these arguments.
CreateStreamResponse needs 2 parameters
Stream (as my sample Function(stream) New Session(_Sessions, stream).Process())
content type (as my sample "video/mp4")
Anyone can help me, please
I believe the issue seems to be that the method which you pass into CreateStreamResponse should be a Sub not a Function. i.e:
ctx.CreateStreamResponse(Sub(stream) New Session(_Sessions, stream).Process(), "video/mp4")
CreateStreamResponse takes an Action(Of Stream) delegate as the first argument and a contentType of String as the second argument.
Thus you need to use Sub rather than a Function as in this case an Action delegate can only encapsulate methods that return void (sub procedures). Also, ensure that the Process method being invoked is also a Sub procedure.
If the problem persists then as suggested by Microsoft docs:
Review all the overloads for the method and determine which one you
want to call.
In your calling statement, make the data types of the arguments
match the data types of the parameters defined for the desired
overload. You might have to use the CType Function to convert one or
more data types to the defined types.
for more information see here

What is the significance of the CHANGING keyword when a method is called in ABAP?

I understand what IMPORTING and EXPORTING keywords do, but what is the significance of the CHANGING keyword?
IMPORTING passes an actual parameter as a formal parameter, thus transferring a value from the caller to the method. EXPORTING does the exact opposite, taking a value from the method and transferring it back to the caller. CHANGING combines these, transferring the value both from the caller to the method an back again, with any changes that happened in between.
Note that while IMPORTING and EXPORTING are reversed between declaration and call, CHANGING is not.
Also, when declaring Subroutines with FORM and ENDFORM, the CHANGING keyword can be used either like CHANGING myvar or CHANGING VALUE(myvar).
CHANGING myvar makes it so that the value of myvar is changed as soon as it is changed in the subroutine.
In contrast, if CHANGING VALUE(myvar) is used, if the form does not return properly (if it throws an exception by example), the value of myvar will remain unchanged, in the calling code, even if it was changed in the subroutine that crashed.

How do I use Thread.VolatileWrite with reference types with Option Strict On?

Wrapping the argument in CObj or DirectCast shuts the compiler up, but the value is still not written.
Option Strict On
Imports System.Threading
Module Module1
Dim str As String
Sub Main()
Thread.VolatileWrite(str, "HELLO") ' Compiler error.
Thread.VolatileWrite(CObj(str), "HELLO") ' Fails silently.
Thread.VolatileWrite(DirectCast(str), "HELLO") ' Fails silently.
End Sub
End Module
There is no overload of Thread.VolatileWrite which takes a String argument. The only reference type supported is Object.
Because VolatileWrite is updating the variable str and Option Strict is On the compiler complains because in theory VolatileWrite could attempt to write a value to that variable which is not of type String (the compiler only sees that it might write any Object). In fact, as the VolatileWrite method also only takes a String you could write code which would attempt to do this. It would fail for reasons beyond the scope of this question.
When you wrap the expression in a COjb/CType/DirectCast expression (really anything with parenthesis) then the variable is no longer considered a variable but a value - it's treated the same way as if you'd just type a string literal there. Since values don't have storage locations the ByRefness of VolatileWrite is ignored which means it no longer writes which means it can no longer write a bad value which means the compiler doesn't need to warn anymore.
To get the behavior you want with a string type variable use the System.Threading.Thread.MemoryBarrier method before your writes and after your reads. See this thread for additional information: How do I specify the equivalent of volatile in

Visual Basic 6.0 to VB.NET declaration

How do I declare "as any" in VB.NET, or what is the equivalent?
The closest you can get is:
Dim var as Object
It's not exactly the same as VB6's as Any (which stores values in a Variant) but you can store variables of any type as Object, albeit boxed.
VB.NET does not support the as any keyword, VB.NET is a strongly typed language, you can however (with .NET 3.5) use implicit typing in VB
Dim fred = "Hello World" will implicitly type fred as a string variable. If you want to simply hold a value that you do not know the type of at design time then you can simply declare your variable as object (the mother of all objects) NOTE, this usually is a red flag for code reviewers, so make sure you have a good reason ready :-)
As Any must be referring to Windows API declarations, as it can't be used in variable declarations. You can use overloading: just repeat the declarations for each different data type you wish to pass. VB.NET picks out the one that matches the argument you pass in your call.
This is better than As Any was in VB6 because the compiler can still do type-checking.
I suppose you have problems with converting WinAPI declarations. Sometimes you can get away if you just declare your variable as string or integer because that is the real type of value returned.
You can also try marshaling:
<MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.AsAny)> ByRef buff As Object
VB.NET doesn't support the "As Any" keyword. You'll need to explicitly specify the type.