I am having below table and here I need to calculate the total distance travelled. For Ex:
enter image description here
Here I need to calculate the total trip distance its covered from Start Location to end location. like From A to A total distance is 55 km. From E to E 41 KM. Not sure how to calculate it in SQL. Can you any one help me to give some idea to fix this.
I want to implement a function in that could compute rolling mean and median on a time series data using nearest neighbour points and I am wondering how I can do it in SQL.
To illustrate what I am trying to do:
Assuming I have
data containing information on parked vehicles across all carparks in USA everyday (From 2022-01-01 till 2022-07-18) as well as their exact parking location (latitude longitude) and the cost of the vehicle.
Vehicle Tracking System containing 10 unique Tracker ID, Date Installed, its latitude and longitude in a particular carpark
Example of the first data:
Date, vehicle ID, cost of vehicle (in $), latitude, longitude
2022-07-18, 1, $4000, 3.15, 100.15
2022-07-18, 2, $3000, 3.11, 100.13
2022-07-17, 3, $5000, 3.12, 100.10
Example of second data:
Tracker ID, Date Installed, latitude, longitude
A, 2022-07-18, 3.14, 100.12
B, 2022-07-20, 5.10, 105.14
For each Tracker, I want to know what is the mean and median cost of the nearest 5 vehicles parked within 1km of its vicinity based on the past 5 days parking data, as well as past 10 days parking data from its date of Installation (Vehicles can freely move in and out of a carpark anytime)
Example of how my output should be:
Tracker ID, Mean_Cost_5, Median_Cost_5, Mean_Cost_10, Median_Cost_10
Tracker 1, $4000, $4000, $7000, $5000 (Using carpark data from 5 and 10 days before 2022-07-18)
This should be done for each of the 10 Trackers.
How can I implement it in SQL?
I am trying to find the average household income while using a weighted average. I have a data source of ZIP codes with the total population and the average household income. I want to be able to select multiple ZIP codes and still pull an accurate average household income.
Can I use SQL to pull a weighted average like this?
If you want the overall average, then use arithmetic:
select sum(total_pop * avg_hh_inc) / sunm(total_pop)
from t;
Note: If the values are stored as 4-byte integers, then this runs the risk of overflow. Just use a different numeric representation if that is an issue.
This question already has answers here:
SQL Query for Performing Radius Search based on Latitude Longitude
(4 answers)
Distance Calculation with huge SQL Server database
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
I wonder how I can create a query and select objects that are located within a radius of 50 km.
The information I can use is Longitude and latitude for every object. I would like to set my own location in the query and calculate the objects distance to my position based on its coordinates.
Assuming you're using a geography type, which you should be, use STDistance - see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb933808.aspx
select *
from yourtable
where place.STDistance(#myposition)<50000
In SQL I am looking at decimal and float. Float says it is an approximation. I need to store percentages. They don't have to be very large or small. Some examples are
Which data type should I use?
x is the total number of digits you want to be able to represent
y is the total number of digits after the decimal point that you want to be able to represent