Getting an error while npm install to start React Application - npm

I am getting errors while npm install. Even I am trying this in admin mode on my window pc. I tried everything but not able to get off from this error.
Firstly I get this as error:-
After working on some suggestions I am getting error as below:-
After further working on some more suggestions I am getting another error that is shown below:
After trying some more suggestions I am finally getting this as error:-


Trying to install react-native-google-nearby-messages

I keep getting an error when trying to react-native-google-nearby-messages for react native and I don't know why I keep getting it.
I tried googling errors but unfortunately this isn't a very common package.

Unable to connect react-native debugger in Ubuntu(22.04)

I am trying to install react native debugger(version 0.12.1) in ubuntu. The error message was as displayed in this screenshot on first launch.
However, even after installing react-devtools ^4.22.0 globally , it continues to display the same error message. I also looked into this discussion but it was not helpful.I am using npm as a package manager tool..
Any kind of help will be appreciable !!
Update-1 : I was able to successfully connect to the debugger ui. But i was unable to access element inspector and redux state.

Couldn't find a Program\n at Scope.getProgramParent

After installing expo-sms on my bare react-native app, Im unable to run my app as it keeps prompt this error:
Couldn't find a Program\n at Scope.getProgramParent
Anyone faces this error before?

react-native metro is path is missing in node_modules

Error is this
Error: Unable to resolve module metro/src/lib/bundle-modules/HMRClient
Here is additional error logs
This error appeared when I had to create a new project and ran react-native run-android just right after running react-native init PROJECT_NAME. Why I had to create another project is due to another error shown in this question.
Now I can't seem to run any of my react-native applications due to these problems. I am thinking this is a cache problem or somethings? maybe unstable package versions.
I have also found this solution in GitHub threads and actually removed the error log, but keeps crashing my application in android emulator (android studio)
I have tried reinstalling react-native-cli, but still have this error.

undefined is not a function(evaluation 'object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(arguments[i])')

I'm trying to run an app which I take from git. I ran npm install and react-native run-android then it occurred an error:
I have found solution on Internet for 2 days but there is no result. Can anyone fix this error please?
There's an actual workaround for this, and it worked for me. Try to activate Debug Js Remotely on your developer options, Reload and your app will work. As I said it's a work around, but you can continue working on your app