Unexpected behavior of also/apply, cannot pass references of a instance function into also/apply - kotlin

To sum up the question in a few words, here is the catch:
The also(strings::add) doesn't work, it says Type inference failed
fun test() = "Test String"
val strings = mutableListOf<String>()
// Type inference failed: inline fun <T> T.also(block: (T) -> Unit): T cannot be applied to receiver: String arguments: (<unknown>)
// None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied: public abstract fun add(index: Int, element: String): Unit defined in kotlin.collections.MutableList public abstract fun add(element: String): Boolean defined in kotlin.collections.MutableList
test().also(strings::add).let { /* Use the string later */ }
While doing the same with let does work in the same place:
val strings = mutableListOf<String>()
test().let(strings::add).let { println(it) } // prints true, no compile errors.
Here is the minimal reproducable code.
I want to use the string later so don't want to use let here. What should I do? If i try to use the apply the same compile error occur probably because both also and apply have same callback signature of KFunction1<T, T>. How should one pass these type of references with also/apply?

override fun add(element: E): Boolean as you can see, the function returns Boolean, but apply accepts block: T.() -> Unit, i.e. it accepts only functions that receive a single argument and return no value.


How to overload function with different return types and the same parameters in Kotlin?

I want to overload function with the same parameters (or without parameters at all) and different return types. Correct implementation should be chosen by the type of variable I assign returning value of a function to.
The only way to do this I found is using reified generics and comparing KClass'es:
inline fun <reified T: Any> read(): T {
return read(T::class)
fun <T: Any> read(t: KClass<T>): T {
return when (t) {
Int::class -> readInt() as T
UInt::class -> readUInt() as T
String::class -> readString() as T
// ...
else -> throw Exception("Unsupported type")
fun readInt(): Int {
// ...
fun readUInt(): UInt {
// ...
fun readString(): String {
// ...
The problem with this approach is that the compiler and IDEA are not smart enough to determine types at compile time for which there is no implementation. The most I can do is throw a runtime exception:
val int: Int = read()
val string: String = read()
val double: Double = read()
// ^^^^ No compile-time error here
Maybe I'm missing something and there is more "correct" way of doing this?
Maybe I'm missing something and there is more "correct" way of doing this?
No. You cannot do this at all. You must name the methods differently.

How to force Kotlin to call a particular overloaded method in Java interface?

There is a Java interface
interface MyContract {
<M> void execute(Class<M> argClass, Consumer<M> action);
<M, R> R execute(Class<M> argClass, Function<M, R> action);
When execute method is called from Kotlin code by default compiler always uses the first overloaded method, even when the expected type was explicitly set, there is a compilation error:
MyContract myContract = createSomehow();
val x: Int = myContract.execute(SomeClass::class.java, { it -> 1})
Compilation error:
Type mismatch: inferred type is Unit but Int was expected
To force compiler use the second overloaded method I add this boilerplate:
val fn: (SomeClass) -> Int = { it -> 1 }
val x: Int = myContract.execute(SomeClass::class.java, fn)
What is a normal syntactical way to express intention to call a particular overloaded method in this case?
This problem is not java-interop specific, if a similar interface was defined in Kotlin, the error would be the same. Looks like there is room for an overload resolution mechanism enhancement.
For a workaround you may use the fact, that overloaded methods have a different amount of type parameters, so you may specify them explicitly:
val x = myContract.execute<SomeClass, Int>(SomeClass::class.java) { it -> 1 }
This is still noisy, so I'd suggest declaring Kotlin-specific API:
internal inline fun <reified M> MyContract.execute(noinline action: ((M) -> Unit)?) = execute(M::class.java, action)
internal inline fun <reified M, R> MyContract.execute(noinline action: ((M) -> R)?) = execute(M::class.java, action)
Now it may be called with:
val x = myContract.execute<SomeClass, Int> { it -> 1 }

Receive transformation map function to send into `List<>.mapNotNull()`

Im trying to write a function like transform that receives a function that will be used inside of mapNotNull but I cant find a way to do it.
val items: List<String?> = listOf(null, "cosa")
fun transform(transformer: (String) -> String?) {
items.mapNotNull(transformer) // <-------------------------------------- THIS DOES NOT COMPILE
fun main() {
val items: List<String?> = listOf(null, "cosa")
val transformer: (String) -> String? = {
val map = transform(transformer)
You can check how this works here: play.kotlinlang
How can I declare the parameter of fun transform to be able to pass it inside of the mapNotNull ?
The mapNotNull function is defined as:
public inline fun <T, R : Any> Iterable<T>.mapNotNull(transform: (T) -> R?): List<R>
in other words, the type of the parameter to the transform lambda is T, where T is the type of the Iterable being operated on. In your case, your iterable is a List of type String?.
Therefore, you need to declare your transformer as type (String?) -> String?, and only the non-null results of that transform will be included in the result.
To update the code you supplied on play.kotlinlang, with a few additional modifications to make the type declarations a bit more idiomatic -- note, I've left the code mostly as-is, despite the odd use of the additional transform function:
val items = listOf<String?>(null, "cosa")
fun transform (transformer: (String?) -> String?): List<String> {
return items.mapNotNull(transformer)
fun main() {
val items = listOf<String?>(null, "cosa")
val transformer: (String?) -> String? = {
// this of course means the output of transform will always be empty
val map = transform(transformer)
You have a list of nullable strings.
mapNotNull applies the transform function to an each element in a list and then checks if the result of this functions is null. So in this case, it passes a nullable string in the transformer function, and that function definitely cannot be of (String) -> String? type because the parameter here is a non-nullable string.
You should either declare the transformer function as (String?) -> String?, or remove nulls from list before calling mapNotNull:
Another option is to wrap transformer into a lambda function before passing it to mapNotNull and handle null elements there, for example:
items.mapNotNull { e -> e?.let(transformer) }
this applies transformer function to an element only if it is not null.

Is it possible to make safe inline Optional in Kotlin?

In Kotlin sometimes I have to work with double nullability. For example, I need double nullability, when I want to use T? where T may be a nullable type. There are a few approaches for doing this:
Holder<T>? where Holder is data class Holder<out T>(val element: T) - example1
boolean flag variable - example1
containsKey for Map<K, T?> - example1
The special UNINITIALIZED_VALUE for representing the second kind of null - example1
The last approach has the best performance, but it's also the most error-prone. So I've decided to encapsulate it in inline class Optional<T>:
inline class Optional<out T> #Deprecated(
message = "Not type-safe, use factory method",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("Optional.of(_value)")
) constructor(private val _value: Any?) {
val value: T?
get() =
if (isPresent) _value as T
else null
val isPresent: Boolean
get() = _value != NULL
companion object {
fun <T> of(value: T) = Optional<T>(value)
fun <T : Any> ofNullable(value: T?): Optional<T> =
if (value == null) EMPTY
else of(value)
val EMPTY = Optional<Nothing>(NULL)
private object NULL
inline fun <T> Optional<T>.ifPresent(code: (T) -> Unit) {
if (isPresent) return code(value as T)
inline fun <T> Optional<T>.or(code: () -> T): T {
ifPresent { return it }
return code()
The first problem with this Optional is public constructor, which allows creating instances with arguments of not matching type.
The second problem was noticed at testing time. Here is the failed test:
emptyOr { Optional.EMPTY }.value assertEql null
fun <T> emptyOr(other: () -> T): T = Optional.EMPTY.or(other)
Exception ClassCastException: Optional$NULL cannot be cast to Optional
at (Optional.kt:42) // emptyOr { Optional.EMPTY }.value assertEql null
If I remove inline modifier from Optional, the test will pass.
Q: Is there any way to fix these problems without removing inline modifier from Optional?
1 Examples include some context. Please read them fully before writing that I added incorrect links.
I implemented exactly the same utility in one of my projects: OptionalValue.kt. My implementation is very similar to yours, it is also an inline/value class, so it should be cpu/memory efficient and it passes all tests I throw at it.
Regarding your first question: about a public constructor. There is an annotation specifically for this case: #PublishedApi. I tried to reproduce ClassCastException from your example, but it worked for me without problems, so I believe it was a bug in Kotlin itself (?).
Also, to answer the question why do we need double nullability, I explained my point here

Kotlin. Trying to use reified types to parse Lists and Arrays

I am trying to use reified type when parsing json.
It works perfectly with single json entry, but fails with list.
What am I missing in String.parseList() method?
How come ClassCastException upon .first() despite assignment passed one line earlier?
package qa
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import org.testng.Assert
import org.testng.annotations.Test
class ReifiedParseListTest {
data class User(var name: String = "userName", var age: Int = 0)
val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.javaClass.name)
val objectMapper = ObjectMapper()
val json: String = """[{"name":"Alice","age":1},{"name":"Bob","age":2}]"""
val expected: String = "[User(name=Alice, age=1), User(name=Bob, age=2)]"
inline fun <reified V> String.parseList(): List<V> = objectMapper
.readValue(this, Array<V>::class.java).toList()
fun checkParseList_OK() {
val actual: List<User> = objectMapper
.readValue(json, Array<User>::class.java).toList()
log.info("actual.first() is of type: {}", actual.first().javaClass)
Assert.assertEquals(actual.toString(), expected)
fun checkParseListReified_FAILS() {
val actual: List<User> = json.parseList<User>()
Assert.assertEquals(actual.toString(), expected)
// java.lang.AssertionError:
// Expected :[User(name=Alice, age=1), User(name=Bob, age=2)]
// Actual :[{name=Alice, age=1}, {name=Bob, age=2}]
fun checkParseListReifiedClassCast_FAILS() {
val actual: List<User> = json.parseList<User>()
log.info("actual.first() is of type: {}", actual.first().javaClass)
// java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to qa.ReifiedParseListTest$User
In this case, reified helps to propagate the type's class, but there's still type erasure.
To avoid that, you can use something like JavaType:
inline fun <reified V> String.parseList(): List<V> {
return objectMapper.readValue(this, objectMapper.getTypeFactory()
.constructCollectionType(List::class.java, V::class.java))
Note that without reified we wouldn't be able to use V::class.java
Now to answer your second question, how come that although val actual is List<User>, you get ClassCastException - the answer is again type erasure, with some obfuscation of platform types.
If you look at what this function returns (it's your function without asList() call:
inline fun <reified V> String.parseList() =
objectMapper.readValue(this, Array<V>::class.java)
You'll notice it returns Array<???>!, which is Kotlin's way of saying "it's something from Java, I hope it will work, but I can't promise". Now by calling toList() this relaxes the compiler, saying "yeah, in the end we return a Kotlin type, it will be alright". But that's a false promise, actually.
What you get is Array<Any> filled with LinkedHashMap, which of course fail when they're being cast to User based on a false promise we've given the compiler.
i finally end up with yet another solution, that seems to handle both single entities and lists
inline fun <reified V> String.parse(): V = objectMapper.readValue(this, object : TypeReference<V>() {})
fun checkParseSingle() {
val jsonSingle: String = """{"name":"Carol","age":3}"""
val expectedSingle: String = "User(name=Carol, age=3)"
val actual: User = jsonSingle.parse<User>()
Assert.assertEquals(actual.toString(), expectedSingle)
fun checkParseList() {
val jsonList: String = """[{"name":"Alice","age":1},{"name":"Bob","age":2}]"""
val expectedList: String = "[User(name=Alice, age=1), User(name=Bob, age=2)]"
val actual: List<User> = jsonList.parse<List<User>>()
Assert.assertEquals(actual.toString(), expectedList)
It fails because of Array<V>::class.java always returning class of Array<Any>. You can see it by executing the following code:
printReifiedArr<String>() // prints `class [Ljava.lang.Object;`
inline fun <reified V> printReifiedArr() {
Your function can be fixed by replacing Array<V>::class.java with a manual array class obtaining:
inline fun <reified V> String.parseList(): List<V> = objectMapper
.readValue(this, Class.forName("[L${V::class.java.name};") as Class<Array<V>>).toList()
Note: this approach uses boxed version of primitives array, other approaches can be found here.
You need to capture generic type which T:class.java won't give. But following will work for any generic type
inline fun <reified T> jacksonTypeRef(): TypeReference<T> = object: TypeReference<T>() {}
inline fun <reified T : Any> String.parseJson(): T {
return objectMapper.readValue(this, jacksonTypeRef<T>())