Count in string terms and stored mapped to other value - pandas

I have a pandas dataframe which includes columns (amongst others) like this, with RATING being integers 0 to 5 and COMMENT is string:
1 some text
2 more text
3 other text
... ...
I would now like to mine (for lack of better word ) the key words for a list of strings:
list = ['like', trust', 'etc etc etc']
and would like to iterate through the COMMENT and count the number of key words by rating to get a df out like so
like 1 202
like 2 325
like 3 0
like 4 967
like 5 534
trust 1 126
how can I achieve this?
I am beginner so would really appreciate your help (and the simpler and more understandable the better)
thank you
hi at the moment I have been iterating through manually,
#DATA_df is the original data
word_list = ['word', 'words', 'words', 'more']
values = [0] * len(word_list)
rating_table = pd.DataFrame(tot_val, columns=word_list)
for i in len(word_list):
for g in len (DATA_df[COMMENT]):
if i in DATA_df[COMMENT][g]:
rating_table[i][DATA_df[RATING]-1] +=1
this give a DF like so
word words words more
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0
that I am then trying to add to.... it appears really clunky

I managed to solve it, key points learnt are use group by to pre-select data based on the rating, this slices the data and it is possible to alternate through the groups. also use of str.lower() in combination with str.count() worked well.
I am thankful if more experienced programmers could show me a better solution, but at least this works.
rating = [1,2,3,4,5]
rategroup = tp_clean.groupby('Rating')
#print (rategroup.groups)
results_list =[]
for w in word_list:
current = [w]
for r in rating:
stargroup = rategroup.get_group(str(r))
found = stargroup['Content'].str.lower().str.count(w)
c = found.sum()
results_df = pd.DataFrame (results_list, columns=['Keyword','1 Star','2 Star','3 Star','4 Star','5 Star'])
The one thing I am still struggling with is how to use regex to make it look for full words. I believe \b is the right one but how do I put it into str.count function?


Compare Values of 2 dataframes conditionally

I have the following problem. I have a dataframe which look like this.
start end
0 0 2
1 3 7
2 8 9
and another dataframe which looks like this.
1 ...
4 ...
8 ...
11 ...
What I am trying to achieve is following:
For each row in Dataframe1 I want to check if there is any index value in Dataframe2 which is in range(start, end) of Dataframe1.
If the condition is True, I want to create a new column["condition"] where the outcome is stored.
Since there is the possiblity to deal with large amounts of data I tried using
Like this:
range_start = df1.start
range_end = df1.end
condition = [
df2.index.to_series().between(range_start, range_end)
choice = ["True"]
df1["condition"] =, choice, default=0)
This gives me an error:
ValueError: Can only compare identically-labeled Series objects
I also tried a list comprehension. That didn't work either. All the things I tried are failing because I am dealing with a series (--> range_start, range_end). There has to be a way to make this work I think..
I already searched stackoverflow for this paricular problem. But I wasn't able to find a solution to this problem. It could be, that I'm just to inexperienced for this type of problem, to search for the right solution.
So maybe you can help me out here.
Thank you!
expected output:
start end condition
0 0 2 True
1 3 7 True
2 8 9 True
Use DataFrame.drop_duplicates for remove duplicates by both columns and index, create all combinations by DataFrame.merge with cross join and last test at least one match by GroupBy.any:
df3 = (df1.drop_duplicates(['start','end'])
.merge(df2.index.drop_duplicates().to_frame(), how='cross'))
df3['condition'] = df3[0].between(df3.start, df3.end)
df3 = df1.join(df3.groupby(['start','end'])['condition'].any(), on=['start','end'])
print (df3)
start end condition
0 0 2 True
1 3 7 True
2 8 9 True
If all pairs in df1 are unique is possible use:
df3 = (df1.merge(df2.index.to_frame(), how='cross'))
df3['condition'] = df3[0].between(df3.start, df3.end)
df3 = df3.groupby(['start','end'], as_index=False)['condition'].any()
print (df3)
start end condition
0 0 2 True
1 3 7 True
2 8 9 True

Reorder rows of pandas DataFrame according to a known list of values

I can think of 2 ways of doing this:
Apply df.query to match each row, then collect the index of each result
Set the column domain to be the index, and then reorder based on the index (but this would lose the index which I want, so may be trickier)
However I'm not sure these are good solutions (I may be missing something obvious)
Here's an example set up:
domain_vals = list("ABCDEF")
df_domain_vals = list("DECAFB")
df_num_vals = [0,5,10,15,20,25]
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"domain": df_domain_vals, "num": df_num_vals})
This gives df:
domain num
0 D 0
1 E 5
2 C 10
3 A 15
4 F 20
5 B 25
1: Use df.query on each row
So I want to reorder the rows according using the values in order of domain_vals for the column domain.
A possible way to do this is to repeatedly use df.query but this seems like an un-Pythonic (un-panda-ese?) solution:
>>> pd.concat([df.query(f"domain == '{d}'") for d in domain_vals])
domain num
3 A 15
5 B 25
2 C 10
0 D 0
1 E 5
4 F 20
2: Setting the column domain as the index
reorder = df.domain.apply(lambda x: domain_vals.index(x))
df_reorder = df.set_index(reorder)
df_reorder.sort_index(inplace=True) = None
Again this gives
>>> df_reorder
domain num
0 A 15
1 B 25
2 C 10
3 D 0
4 E 5
5 F 20
Can anyone suggest something better (in the sense of "less of a hack"). I understand that my solution works, I just don't think that calling pandas.concat along with a list comprehension is the right approach here.
Having said that, it's shorter than the 2nd option, so I presume there must be some equally simple way I can do this with pandas methods I've overlooked?
Another way is merge:
.merge(df, on='domain', how='left')

For each element in the array find the number of ways to present it as a sum of two other numbers from this array

You are given the size of an array and the array itself. I know this problem can be solved effectively with the use of the binary search idea, but i don't know how to use it here. Would appreciate any help and code in c++ or python.
Here is the input-output example:
3 3 2 2 1
2 2 0 0 0
P.S. Sorry for my English, I'm from Russia and I'm 16
Try below code, it is not the exact output you want, but is very close:
import itertools
count =[]
stuff = [3,3,2,2,1]
for L in range(0, len(stuff)+1):
for subset in itertools.combinations(stuff, L):
if len(subset) ==2:
add = sum(subset)
count.append(len([i for i in stuff if i == add]))
print count

Add 'document_id' column to pandas dataframe of word-id's and wordcounts

I have following dataset:
import pandas as pd
jsonDF = pd.DataFrame({'DOCUMENT_ID':[263403828328665088,264142543883739136], 'MESSAGE':['#Zuora wants to help #Network4Good with Hurric...','#ztrip please help spread the good word on hel...']})
0 263403828328665088 #Zuora wants to help #Network4Good with Hurric...
1 264142543883739136 #ztrip please help spread the good word on hel...
I am trying to reshape my data in the form of
docID wordID count
0 1 118 1
1 1 285 1
2 1 1229 1
3 1 1688 1
4 1 2068 1
I used following
for i in jsonDF['MESSAGE']:
for j in sortedValues(wordsplit(i)):
gives me following result
0 17
1 help 2
2 wants 1
3 hurricane 1
4 relief 1
5 text 1
6 sandy 1
7 donate 1
8 6
9 please 1
I can get word counts
I have no idea to to append Document_ID to the in the above dataframe.
Following functions were used to split words
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
import re
def wordsplit(wordlist):
j=re.sub(r'\d+', '', j)
j=re.sub('RT', '',j)
j=re.sub('http', '', j)
j = re.sub("(#[A-Za-z0-9]+)|([^0-9A-Za-z \t])|(\w+:\/\/\S+)", " ", j)
if not j in stopwords.words('english'):
yield j
def wordSplitCount(wordlist):
'''merges a list into string, splits it, removes stop words and
then counts the occurrences returning an ordered dictitonary'''
string1=''.join(list(itertools.chain(filter(None, wordlist))))
j = []
for i in string1.split(" "):
i=re.sub(r'&', ' ', i.lower())
if i not in stopwords.words('english'):
return OrderedDict(cnt)
def sortedValues(wordlist):
'''creates a dictionary list of occurenced w/ values descending'''
return sorted(d.items(), key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True)
string split and and assign unique ids to Pandas DataFrame
'DOCUMENT_ID' is one of the two fields in each row of jsonDF. Your current code doesn't access it because it directly works on jsonDF['MESSAGE'].
Here is some non-working pseudocode - something like:
for _, row in jsonDF.iterrows():
doc_id, msg = row
words = [word for word in wordsplit(msg)][0].split() # hack
wordcounts = Counter(words).most_common() # sort by decr frequency
Then do a pd.concat(pd.DataFrame({'DOCUMENT_ID': doc_id, ...
and get the 'wordId' and 'count' fields from wordcounts.

Extractive Text Summarization: Weighting sentence location in document

I am looking at an extractive text summarization problem. Eventually, I want to generate a list of words (not sentences) that seem to be the most important. One of the ideas that I had was to the words that appear early in the document more heavily.
I have two dataframes. the first is a set of words with their occurrence counts:
words occurrences
0 '' 2
1 11-1 1
2 2nd 1
3 april 1
4 b.
And the second is a set of sentences. 0 is the first sentence in the document, 1 is the secont.. etc.
0 Site Menu expandHave a correction?...
1 This will be a chance for ...
2 The event will include...
3 Further, this...
4 Contact:Share:
I managed to accomplish my goal like this:
weights = []
for value in words.index.values:
weights.append(((len(sentences) - sentences.index.values) *
words['occurrences'] *= weights
words occurrences
0 '' 0
1 11-1 5
2 2nd 5
3 april 0
4 b. 12
However, this seems sort of sloppy. I know that I can use list comprehension (I thought it would be easier to read on here without it) - but, other than that, does anyone have thoughts on a more elegant solution to this problem?