how can I show the data label on the dot of the graph? ng2chart - angular8
That is the link I followed for the line chart. I was able to show the data on the pie graph but it seems like different on this line chart. Like the graph below, how can I show data on the graph?
I added a long line of code below. Typescript file can be also found in the the link above.
<div class="flex">
<div class="flex-item">
<div style="display: block;">
import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from "#angular/core";
import { BaseChartDirective, Color, Label } from "ng2-charts";
import { ChartDataSets, ChartOptions } from "chart.js";
import * as pluginAnnotations from "chartjs-plugin-annotation";
selector: "kt-chart1",
templateUrl: "./chart1.component.html",
styleUrls: ["./chart1.component.scss"],
export class Chart1Component implements OnInit {
public lineChartData: ChartDataSets[] = [
data: [180, 33, 200, 300, 333, 270, 200],
label: "Cost",
yAxisID: "y-axis-1",
public lineChartLabels: Label[] = [
public lineChartOptions: ChartOptions & { annotation: any } = {
plugins: {
labels: {
fontColor: ["green", "white", "red"],
precision: 2,
textShadow: true,
render: function (args) {
return args.value + "(" + args.toFixed(1) + "%)";
position: "inside",
datalabels: {
formatter: () => {
return null;
responsive: true,
scales: {
// We use this empty structure as a placeholder for dynamic theming.
xAxes: [{}],
yAxes: [
id: "y-axis-1",
position: "right",
gridLines: {
color: "rgba(255,0,0,0.3)",
ticks: {
fontColor: "red",
annotation: {
annotations: [
type: "line",
mode: "horizontal",
scaleID: "y-axis-1",
value: "200",
borderColor: "red",
borderWidth: 2,
label: {
enabled: true,
fontColor: "orange",
content: "200",
tooltips: {
callbacks: {
label: (item, data) => {
return "Cost: " + item.xLabel + " " + item.yLabel;
public lineChartColors: Color[] = [
// grey
backgroundColor: "rgba(148,159,177,0.2)",
borderColor: "rgba(148,159,177,1)",
pointBackgroundColor: "rgba(148,159,177,1)",
pointBorderColor: "#fff",
pointHoverBackgroundColor: "#fff",
pointHoverBorderColor: "rgba(148,159,177,0.8)",
// dark grey
backgroundColor: "rgba(77,83,96,0.2)",
borderColor: "rgba(77,83,96,1)",
pointBackgroundColor: "rgba(77,83,96,1)",
pointBorderColor: "#fff",
pointHoverBackgroundColor: "#fff",
pointHoverBorderColor: "rgba(77,83,96,1)",
// red
backgroundColor: "rgba(255,0,0,0.3)",
borderColor: "red",
pointBackgroundColor: "rgba(148,159,177,1)",
pointBorderColor: "#fff",
pointHoverBackgroundColor: "#fff",
pointHoverBorderColor: "rgba(148,159,177,0.8)",
public lineChartLegend = true;
public lineChartType = "line";
public lineChartPlugins = [pluginAnnotations];
#ViewChild(BaseChartDirective, { static: true }) chart: BaseChartDirective;
constructor() {}
ngOnInit() {
public randomize(): void {
for (let i = 0; i < this.lineChartData.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < this.lineChartData[i].data.length; j++) {
this.lineChartData[i].data[j] = this.generateNumber(i);
private generateNumber(i: number) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (i < 2 ? 100 : 1000) + 1);
// events
public chartClicked({
}: {
event: MouseEvent;
active: {}[];
}): void {
console.log(event, active);
public chartHovered({
}: {
event: MouseEvent;
active: {}[];
}): void {
console.log(event, active);
public hideOne() {
const isHidden = this.chart.isDatasetHidden(1);
this.chart.hideDataset(1, !isHidden);
public pushOne() {
this.lineChartData.forEach((x, i) => {
const num = this.generateNumber(i);
const data: number[] = as number[];
this.lineChartLabels.push(`Label ${this.lineChartLabels.length}`);
public changeColor() {
this.lineChartColors[2].borderColor = "green";
this.lineChartColors[2].backgroundColor = `rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.3)`;
public changeLabel() {
this.lineChartLabels[2] = ["1st Line", "2nd Line"];
// this.chart.update();

Instead of using chartjs-plugin-annotation, you can draw the labels directly on the canvas using the Plugin Core API. It offers a number of hooks that can be used to perform custom code. In your case, you could use the afterDraw hook and register it in the ngOnInit method as follows:
ngOnInit(): void {
afterDraw: chart => {
var ctx = chart.chart.ctx;
var xAxis = chart.scales['x-axis-0'];
var yAxis = chart.scales['y-axis-0']; // would be 'y-axis-1' in your code sample;, i) => {
var value =[0].data[i];
var x = xAxis.getPixelForValue(l);
var y = yAxis.getPixelForValue(value);
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.font = '12px Arial';
ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
ctx.fillText(value, x, y - 15);
Please have a look at this StackBlitz to see how it works.


How put label into bar with vue-charjs

Hi I need help with put value into bar with simbole % how de image
I try with install chartjs-plugin-datalabels but dont work.
The value I need is the value I get with which the bar is measured
The version is :
"chart.js": "^2.7.3",
"vue-chartjs": "^3.4.0",
I can't change the version becouse I have others graphics in these versions
My code
const horizonalLinePlugin = {
id: 'horizontalLine',
afterDraw: function (chartInstance) {
var yValue;
var yScale = chartInstance.scales["y-axis-0"];
var canvas = chartInstance.chart;
var ctx = canvas.ctx;
var index;
var line;
var style;
var fontSize = (200 / 114).toFixed(2);
ctx.font = fontSize + "em sans-serif";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
var data = ['20%', '30%', '40%', '60%', '10%', '30%', '20%'];
// var dataPresupuesto = ['10', '20', '30', '40', '10', '30', '20'];
var positionX = 130;
if (chartInstance.options.horizontalLine) {
for (index = 0; index < chartInstance.options.horizontalLine.length; index++) {
line = chartInstance.options.horizontalLine[index];
if (! {
style = "#080808";
} else {
style =;
if (line.y) {
yValue = yScale.getPixelForValue(line.y);
} else {
yValue = 0;
ctx.lineWidth = 3;
if (yValue) {
window.chart = chartInstance;
ctx.moveTo(0, yValue);
ctx.lineTo(canvas.width, yValue);
ctx.strokeStyle = style;
if (line.text) {
ctx.fillStyle = style;
ctx.fillText(line.text, 0, yValue + ctx.lineWidth);
import { Bar } from 'vue-chartjs'
// import ChartJSPluginDatalabels from "chartjs-plugin-datalabels";
export default {
beforeMount() {
extends: Bar,
mounted() {
// Overwriting base render method with actual data.
labels: ['S01', 'S02', 'S03', 'S04', 'S05', 'S06', 'S07'],
datasets: [
label: 'Producción',
backgroundColor: '#000349',
data: [40, 39, 10, 40, 39, 80, 40]
label: 'Presupuesto',
backgroundColor: '#3AA9E0',
data: [40, 39, 10, 40, 39, 80, 40]
scales: {
xAxes: [{
stacked: true,
categoryPercentage: 0.5,
barPercentage: 1,
scaleLabel: {
display: true,
labelString: 'Semanas Comerciales'
yAxes: [{
stacked: true,
responsive: false,
plugins: {
datalabels: {
display: true,
color: "white",
textAlign: "center",
font: {
weight: "bold",
size: 16
Please someone that cant help me

Nuxt.js show window is not defined when load to production

I have an application with nuxt.js as a framework and it's running well in development mode. However, when I deployed to the server for production, it's show "window is not defined".
I think it's because highcharts-vue.min.js module not loaded in components so shows this error but I'm not sure about that. I attach some code and screen shoot results after deploying on the server
<highcharts class="hc" :options="chartOptions" ref="chart">
import {Chart} from 'highcharts-vue'
export default {
components: {
highcharts: Chart
data() {
return {
chartOptions: {
chart: {
type: 'spline',
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
title: {
text: 'Prakiraan Cuaca Kota Kupang',
"color": "#ebeefd",
"fontSize": "22px"
subtitle: {
text: 'Source:',
"color": "#ebeefd",
xAxis: {
categories: ['Tanggal'],
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Suhu'
labels: {
formatter: function () {
return this.value + '°';
"color": "#ebeefd",
tooltip: {
formatter: function () {
return 'Suhu : ' + this.y + '° C<br /><b>' + this.x + '</b>';
plotOptions: {
spline: {
marker: {
radius: 4,
lineColor: '#666666',
lineWidth: 1
series: [{
name: 'Kota Kupang',
marker: {
symbol: 'square'
data: [
"color": "#ebeefd",
title: '',
const self = this;
self.data_cuaca = datax
self.chartOptions.xAxis.categories = []
self.chartOptions.series[0].data = []
let ganjil = 0;
for (let index = 0; index < self.data_cuaca.length; index++) {
const element = self.data_cuaca[index];
if (ganjil % 2 == 1) {
const iconx =[0].icon+'.png';
const data_series = {
marker: {
symbol: "url("+iconx+")"

Problem with updating charts (chartjs) in vue

I have difficult situation with updates dynamically data on charts. I created vue component that must render analytics from axios. There are several functions (methods) which parse arrived jsons from several API.
I created draw() - method for render every charts.
draw() {
if (this.mychart) {
const ctx = document.getElementById('main-chart');
this.mychart = new Chart(ctx,
type: 'line',
data: {
labels: this.labels,
datasets: this.datacollection
options: {
legend: {
display: true,
position: 'bottom',
responsive: true,
scales: {
xAxes: [{
type: "time",
display: true,
scaleLabel: {
display: false,
ticks: {
major: {
fontStyle: "bold",
fontColor: "#FF0000"
yAxes: [
id: 'y1',
type: 'linear',
position: 'left',
display: false
id: 'y2',
type: 'linear',
position: 'right',
display: false
id: 'y3',
type: 'linear',
position: 'left',
display: false
id: 'y4',
type: 'linear',
position: 'right',
display: false
id: 'y5',
type: 'linear',
position: 'left',
display: false
display: false,
gridLines: {
display: false
scaleLabel: {
display: true,
labelString: this.labelY
ticks: {
min: 0, // it is for ignoring negative step.
beginAtZero: true,
stepSize: 100
All operations for calculating (parsing) data I do in mounted hook.
Also added in mounted hook nextTick() for delay render charts before data finish parsing.
async mounted() {
await this.loadIncomings(this.clubsId),
await this.loadAvgIncomings(this.clubsId),
await this.loadAvgPayments(this.clubsId),
await this.loadAvgSchedule(this.clubsId),
await this.loadTrainings(this.clubsId)
this.$nextTick(() => {
Now if internet connection is fast - charts render at one time. If you refresh page - you must waiting approximately 5-20 seconds for parsing data, and after this - appear graphs.
But, if I have bad connection, some axios requests finish with errors, and appear not all charts. And also I must waiting longer for parsing.
Finally, I have situation, that when I refresh page - several seconds page is empty. If connection is bad- not all charts render.
After this I have several questions:
1)How I could start render some finished data by chartjs in first seconds?
I mean not waiting when all data will come and calculated. I would like , that my charts render step by step. I want see y-axis and x-axis after I click refresh window.
Now I am using nextTick() but it is like 2nd step, where 1st step - is parsing data (may be I don't correctly understand)
I found some answers on similar question with render dynamic data, and people offered use chart.update(). But I can't get it. Where I must input this? If you look at my component, I have special method - draw(). If input in final string in my method with parsing data like : this.draw.mychart.update() or this.mychart.update() - I receive error in browser.
For example this function:
async loadIncomings(clubsId) {
try {
for (let clubId in clubsId) {
clubId = clubsId[clubId]
let dateFrom = this.dateFrom
let dateTo = this.dateTo
let groupBy = 'month'
let potential = true
let definitely = true
await this.$store.dispatch('loadIncomings', { clubId, dateFrom, dateTo, groupBy, potential, definitely }) // here I am waiting data from store (in store I use axios)
this.draftData = this.$store.state.incomings
if (this.labels.length === 0) {
this.flagStartDate = true
await this.getIncomings(clubId)
this.flagStartDate = false
this.draw.mychart.update() // here I am trying to refresh charts like advice from forums
} catch (e) {
As you can see, this.getIncomingsTotal() - is last method for parsing data. After him, I am trying to update chart. But it's doesn't work.
Analytics-test.vue?b2a7:177 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'update')
at VueComponent.loadIncomings (Analytics-test.vue?b2a7:175:1)
at async VueComponent.mounted (Analytics-test.vue?b2a7:498:1)
2)Also I use vue2-datepicker. I want set range dateFrom/dateTo. But when I choose date - charts doesn't change.
I have watch() , where I can monitoring dates dateFrom() and dateTo(). And also I am trying to rechart graphs with new dates - but nothing changes.
watch: {
dateFrom() {
console.log('dateFrom changed to', this.dateFrom)
dateTo() {
console.log('dateTo changed to', this.dateTo)
Under I show you my component:
<div class="container">
<date-picker v-model="dateFrom" valueType="date"></date-picker>
<date-picker v-model="dateTo" valueType="date"></date-picker>
<canvas id="main-chart"></canvas>
import Chart from 'chart.js';
import DatePicker from 'vue2-datepicker';
import 'vue2-datepicker/index.css';
export default {
name: 'Analytics-test',
components: {
data: () => ({
dateFrom: new Date('2021-12-01'),
dateTo: new Date(),
flagStartDate: false,
chartData: null,
labels: [],
dataset: {},
draftData: null,
data: [],
datacollection: [],
clubsId: ['5c3c5e12ba86198828baa4a7', '5c3c5e20ba86198828baa4c5', '60353d6edbb58a135bf41856', '61e9995d4ec0f29dc8447f81', '61e999fc4ec0f29dc844835e'],
methods: {
draw() {
if (this.mychart) {
const ctx = document.getElementById('main-chart');
this.mychart = new Chart(ctx,
type: 'line',
data: {
labels: this.labels,
datasets: this.datacollection
options: {
legend: {
display: true,
position: 'bottom',
responsive: true,
elements: {
line: {
// tension: 0, // disables bezier curves
// bezierCurve: false
scales: {
xAxes: [{
type: "time",
display: true,
// gridLines: {
// display: false
// },
scaleLabel: {
display: false,
// labelString: 'Time'
ticks: {
major: {
fontStyle: "bold",
fontColor: "#FF0000"
yAxes: [
id: 'y1',
type: 'linear',
position: 'left',
display: false
id: 'y2',
type: 'linear',
position: 'right',
display: false
id: 'y3',
type: 'linear',
position: 'left',
display: false
id: 'y4',
type: 'linear',
position: 'right',
display: false
id: 'y5',
type: 'linear',
position: 'left',
display: false
display: false,
gridLines: {
display: false
scaleLabel: {
display: true,
labelString: this.labelY
ticks: {
min: 0, // it is for ignoring negative step.
beginAtZero: true,
stepSize: 100 // if i use this it always set it '1', which look very awkward if it have high value e.g. '100'.
// Выручка
incomingsClub(clubId) {
switch (clubId) {
case '5c3c5e12ba86198828baa4a7':
return { label: "Выручка Фрунзенской", borderColor: "#3e95cd", fill: false }
case '5c3c5e20ba86198828baa4c5':
return { label: "Выручка Чернышевской", borderColor: "#8e5ea2", fill: false };
case '60353d6edbb58a135bf41856':
return { label: "Выручка Василеостровской", borderColor: "#e8c3b9", fill: false };
case '61e9995d4ec0f29dc8447f81':
return { label: "Выручка Московской", borderColor: "#3cba9f", fill: false };
case '61e999fc4ec0f29dc844835e':
return { label: "Выручка Лесной", borderColor: "#c45850", fill: false };
case 'all':
return { label: "Выручка сети", borderColor: "#8e8786", fill: false };
return 'Неизвестный клуб';
async loadIncomings(clubsId) {
try {
for (let clubId in clubsId) {
clubId = clubsId[clubId]
let dateFrom = this.dateFrom
let dateTo = this.dateTo
let groupBy = 'month'
let potential = true
let definitely = true
await this.$store.dispatch('loadIncomings', { clubId, dateFrom, dateTo, groupBy, potential, definitely })
this.draftData = this.$store.state.incomings
if (this.labels.length === 0) {
this.flagStartDate = true
await this.getIncomings(clubId)
this.flagStartDate = false
// this.draw.mychart.update()
} catch (e) {
getDates() {
for (let item in this.draftData) {
if (item === 'items') {
for (let elem in this.draftData[item]) {
this.labels.push(this.draftData[item][elem].date.slice(0, 7))
bindDataDates(indexDate) {
return Array(indexDate).fill(null);
getIncomings(clubId) {
for (let item in this.draftData) {
if (item === 'items') {
for (let elem in this.draftData[item]) {
let positionDate = this.labels.indexOf(this.draftData[item][elem].date.slice(0, 7))
if (this.flagStartDate && positionDate > 0) {
let zerroArray = this.bindDataDates(positionDate) =
this.flagStartDate = false
} =
Object.assign(this.dataset, this.incomingsClub(clubId))
Object.assign(this.dataset, { yAxisID: 'y1' })
this.datacollection.push(this.dataset) = []
this.dataset = {}
getIncomingsTotal() {
for (let item in this.datacollection) {
if (! { = this.datacollection[item].data
const firstArr =
const secondArr = this.datacollection[item].data; = []
let length;
if (firstArr.length >= secondArr.length) {
length = firstArr.length;
} else {
length = secondArr.length;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const a = firstArr[i] === undefined ? 0 : firstArr[i];
const b = secondArr[i] === undefined ? 0 : secondArr[i]; + b);
} =
Object.assign(this.dataset, this.incomingsClub('all'))
Object.assign(this.dataset, { yAxisID: 'y1' })
this.datacollection.push(this.dataset) = []
this.dataset = {}
// Средняя сумма за жизнь
avgIncomingsClub(clubId) {
getDatesAvgIncome() {
async loadAvgIncomings(clubsId) {
getAvgIncomings(clubId) {
// Среднее кол-во оплат
avgPaymentsClub(clubId) {
async loadAvgPayments(clubsId) {
getAvgPayments(clubId) {
// Посещаемость
avgAttendanceClub(clubId) {
async loadAvgSchedule(clubsId) {
getAvgAttendance(clubId) {
// Тренировок
participantsCountClub(clubId) {
async loadTrainings(clubsId) {
async getParticipantsCount(clubId) {
watch: {
dateFrom() {
console.log('dateFrom changed to', this.dateFrom)
dateTo() {
console.log('dateTo changed to', this.dateTo)
async mounted() {
await this.loadIncomings(this.clubsId),
await this.loadAvgIncomings(this.clubsId),
await this.loadAvgPayments(this.clubsId),
await this.loadAvgSchedule(this.clubsId),
await this.loadTrainings(this.clubsId)
this.$nextTick(() => {
.container form {
display: flex;
I skipped code in other functions because it's doesn't matter. Situation with other the same.

How can I call a method from options of ApexChart with vue.js

I'm new with vue and apex charts, basically what I need is to call a method from the apex chart options, I created a file showing the problem I'm having:
I need to call the method currencyValue from chartOptions.dataLabels
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
offsetX: -25,
formatter: function(val) {
return val + " Reais"; <--- This works
// return this.currencyValue(val) <--- This does not work
Any suggestion ?
The problem is this inside the formatter callback is the chart instance (not the component instance) because it's declared as a regular function.
The solution is to use an arrow function to bind the component instance as the context:
export default {
methods: {
currencyValue(value) {⋯},
loadChartData() {
this.chartOptions = {
dataLabels: {
// ❌ don't use regular function here
//formatter: function(val) {
// return this.currencyValue(val)
// ✅
formatter: (val) => {
return this.currencyValue(val)
updated fiddle
You can put chartOptions in methods instead of in data.
Below is working code
const currencyValue = (val) => {
return "R$" + val;
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data() {
return {
series: [450, 300, 500]
methods: {
chartOptions() {
return {
labels: ['Paid', 'Pending', 'Rejected'],
plotOptions: {
radialBar: {
size: 165,
offsetY: 30,
hollow: {
size: '20%'
track: {
background: "#ebebeb",
strokeWidth: '100%',
margin: 15,
dataLabels: {
show: true,
name: {
fontSize: '18px',
value: {
fontSize: '16px',
color: "#636a71",
offsetY: 11
total: {
show: true,
label: 'Total',
formatter: function() {
return 42459
responsive: [{
breakpoint: 576,
options: {
plotOptions: {
radialBar: {
size: 150,
hollow: {
size: '20%'
track: {
background: "#ebebeb",
strokeWidth: '100%',
margin: 15,
colors: ['#7961F9', '#FF9F43', '#EA5455'],
fill: {
type: 'gradient',
gradient: {
// enabled: true,
shade: 'dark',
type: 'vertical',
shadeIntensity: 0.5,
gradientToColors: ['#9c8cfc', '#FFC085', '#f29292'],
inverseColors: false,
opacityFrom: 1,
opacityTo: 1,
stops: [0, 100]
stroke: {
lineCap: 'round'
chart: {
dropShadow: {
enabled: true,
blur: 3,
left: 1,
top: 1,
opacity: 0.1
tooltip: {
x: {
formatter: function (val) {
return val;
y: {
formatter: function (val) {
return currencyValue(val);
components: {
Methods can't be called in data or computed, they can be called in methods
One thing to be modified in html is below

Drilldown in Map with Vue.js

I'm trying to use the Drilldown in Map (vue-Highchart), but cannot get it working.
like this:
Anyone have any examples of this in Vue.js? Please.
Here is simple example of drilldown functionality(with vue-highcharts) which provides drilldown and drillup event from Vue-instance:
Vue.use(VueHighcharts, { Highcharts: Highcharts });
// helper script to load external script
let loadScript = function(url, onLoad){
var scriptTag = document.createElement('script');
scriptTag.src = url;
scriptTag.onload = onLoad;
scriptTag.onreadystatechange = onLoad;
// simple chart options
var options = {
chart: {},
title: {
text: 'Highcharts-Vue Map Drilldown Example'
subtitle: {
text: '',
floating: true,
align: 'right',
y: 50,
style: {
fontSize: '16px'
legend: {
layout: 'vertical',
align: 'right',
verticalAlign: 'middle'
colorAxis: {
min: 0,
minColor: '#E6E7E8',
maxColor: '#005645'
mapNavigation: {
enabled: true,
buttonOptions: {
verticalAlign: 'bottom'
plotOptions: {
map: {
states: {
hover: {
color: '#EEDD66'
drilldown: {
activeDataLabelStyle: {
color: '#FFFFFF',
textDecoration: 'none',
textOutline: '1px #000000'
drillUpButton: {
relativeTo: 'plotBox',
position: {
x: 70,
y: 280
series: [{
data: Highcharts.geojson(Highcharts.maps['countries/us/us-all']).map((d, i) => {
d.drilldown = true;
// set value just for example
d.value = i;
return d;
name: 'USA',
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
format: '{}'
let vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
isLoading: false,
options: options
created() {
// prepare events for chart from Vue instance = {
drilldown: this.drilldown.bind(this),
drillup: this.drillup.bind(this)
methods: {
drilldown(e) {
let { chart } = this.$refs.highcharts;
if (!e.seriesOptions) {
mapKey = 'countries/us/' +['hc-key'] + '-all';
if (Highcharts.maps[mapKey]) {
this.prepareDrilldownData(mapKey, e.point);
this.isLoading = true;
loadScript('' + mapKey + '.js', () => {
this.isLoading = false;
this.prepareDrilldownData(mapKey, e.point);
chart.setTitle(null, { text: });
drillup(e) {
let { chart } = this.$refs.highcharts;
chart.setTitle(null, { text: '' });
prepareDrilldownData(mapKey, point) {
let { chart } = this.$refs.highcharts;
data = Highcharts.geojson(Highcharts.maps[mapKey]).map((d, i) => {
// set value just for example
d.value = i;
return d;
chart.addSeriesAsDrilldown(point, {
data: data,
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
format: '{}'
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<highmaps ref="highcharts" :options="options"></highmaps>
<div v-if="isLoading" style="text-align: center; margin-top: 15px; font-size: 20px;">Loading...</div>
There is also jsfiddle if you want.