Create table with values from one column and another column without intersection - sql

I have a table like so:
userid | clothesid
1 | 1
1 | 3
2 | 1
2 | 4
2 | 5
What I want from this table is a table like so:
userid | clothesid
1 | 4
1 | 5
2 | 3
How can I do this?
I've tried it with one entry as:
select distinct r.clothesid from table r where r.clothes not in (select r1.clothes from table r1 where r1.userid=1);
and this returns 4,5, but I'm not sure where to proceed from here

You can cross join the list of userids and the list of clothesid to generate all combinations, and then use not exists on the original table to identify the missing rows:
select u.userid, c.clothesid
from (select distinct userid from mytable) u
cross join (select distinct clothesid from mytable) c
where not exists(
select 1 from mytable t on t.userid = u.userid and t.clothesid = c.clothesid

I think you want:
select (case when t1.clothesid is not null then 2 else 1 end),
coalesce(t1.clothesid, t2.clothesid)
from (select t.*
from t
where t.userid = 1
) t1 full join
(select t.*
from t
where t.userid = 2
) t2
on t1.clothesid = t2.clothesid
where t1.clothesid is null or t2.clothesid is null;
Actually, I think I have a simpler solution:
select (case when min(t.userid) = 1 then 2 else 1 end), clothesid
from t
group by clothesid
having count(*) = 1;
Here is a db<>fiddle.

Left join all the combinations of userid and clothesid to the table and return only the unmatched rows:
select t1.userid, t2.clothesid
from (select distinct userid from tablename) t1
cross join (select distinct clothesid from tablename) t2
left join tablename t on t.userid = t1.userid and t.clothesid = t2.clothesid
where t.userid is null
Or with the operator EXCEPT:
select t1.userid, t2.clothesid
from (select distinct userid from tablename) t1
cross join (select distinct clothesid from tablename) t2
select userid, clothesid
from tablename
See the demo.
> userid | clothesid
> -----: | --------:
> 1 | 4
> 1 | 5
> 2 | 3


Get only rows where data is the max value

I have a table like this:
treatment | patient_id
3 | 1
3 | 1
3 | 1
2 | 1
2 | 1
1 | 1
2 | 2
2 | 2
1 | 2
I need to get only rows on max(treatment) like this:
treatment | patient_id
3 | 1
3 | 1
3 | 1
2 | 2
2 | 2
The patient_id 1 the max(treatment) is 3
The patient_id 2 the max(treatment) is 2
You can for example join on the aggregated table using the maximal value:
select t.*
from tmp t
inner join (
select max(a) max_a, b
from tmp
group by b
) it on t.a = it.max_a and t.b = it.b;
Here's the db fiddle.
Try this :
WITH list AS
( SELECT patient_id, max(treatment) AS treatment_max
FROM your_table
GROUP BY patient_id
FROM your_table AS t
ON t.patient_id = l.patient_id
AND t.treatment = l.treatment_max
You can use rank:
with u as
(select *, rank() over(partition by patient_id order by treatment desc) r
from table_name)
select treatment, patient_id
from u
where r = 1;
use corelated subquery
select t1.* from table_name t1
where t1.treatment=( select max(treatment) from table_name t2 where t1.patient_id=t2.patient_id

find the max for each value in SQL

i have tables like this
table 1
| -- |
| a |
| b |
| c |
table 2
|----|---| --- |
| a | 3 | t |
| a | 3 | f |
| b | 2 | t |
| a | 1 | b |
| c | 4 | t |
| b | 7 | d |
i want to get the max value for each element in table1 from table2
and the different parameter
so the expecited tabel should be like this
|----|---| --- |
| a | 3 | t |
| a | 3 | f |
| c | 4 | t |
| b | 7 | d |
You can try to compute all the maximums:
with Maxes as (
select cl1,
max(cl2) as cl2
from Table2
group by cl1)
and then join them with the original Table2, e.g.
with Maxes as (
select cl1,
max(cl2) as cl2
from Table2
group by cl1)
select t.*
from Table2 t join
Maxes m on (t.cl1 = m.cl1 and t.cl2 = m.cl2)
Depends on what features your RDBMS supports.
With Oracle you could do a CROSS APPLY to order table2 by descending cl2 and keep the top values (with ties):
select T1.c1, TM.maximum, TM.para
from Table1 T1
cross apply (
select *
from Table2 T2
where T2.c1 = T1.c1
order by T2.maximum descending
fetch first 1 row with ties
) TM
You can do the same in SQL Server with syntax select top 1 with ties instead of fetch first 1 row with ties.
Another option could be to use Analytical Functions to rank the results per col1 and then keep only the first ones.
select T.c1, T.maximum, T.para
from (
T1.c1, T2.maximum, T2.para,
rank() over (partition by T1.c1 order by T2.maximum desc) r
from T1
join T2 on T1.c1 = T2.c2
) T
where T.r = 1
Less stylish and probably(?) less performant would be computing the maximum for each c1 and then doing an equality:
select T1.c1, T2.maximum, T2.para
from T1
join T2 on T1.c1 = T2.c1
where T2.maximum = (select max(maximum) from T2 where c1 = T1.c1)
If you are trying to get the max tl.1 and if for the same values it is equal, you could try:
FROM table2
WHERE cl_2 in ( SELECT MAX(cl_2)
FROM table2
group by cl_1
cl_1 cl_2 para
a 3 t
a 3 f
c 4 t
b 7 d
Tested on MySQL :
You could use a join , but it makes no difference:
SELECT t1.cl_1,t2.cl_2,t2.para
FROM table2 t2
INNER JOIN table1 t1 on t2.cl_1=t1.cl_1
WHERE t2.cl_2 in (SELECT MAX(cl_2) FROM table2 group by cl_1 );
DENSE_RANK can be used to get whole rows that have a maximum of something within a partition.
Because when sorted descending, the top 1 will have rank 1.
select cl_1, cl_2, para
select cl_1, cl_2, para
, dense_rank() over (partition by cl_1 order by cl_2 desc) as rnk
from table1 t1
join table2 t2 using (cl_1)
) q
where rnk = 1
Use a CTE to get the max values, then select the rows with those values:
with maxes as
select t1.[cl.1]
, max(t2.[cl.2]) max_val
from table1 t1
inner join table2 t2
on t1.[cl.1] = t2.[cl.1]
group by t1.[cl.1]
select t1.[cl.1]
, t2.[cl.2]
, t2.para
from table1 t1
inner join table2 t2
on t1.[cl.1] = t2.[cl.1]
where t2.[cl.2] = (select m.max_val from maxes m where m.[cl.1] = t1.[cl.1])
This can also be achieved by joining the CTE:
with maxes as
select t1.[cl.1]
, max(t2.[cl.2]) max_val
from table1 t1
inner join table2 t2
on t1.[cl.1] = t2.[cl.1]
group by t1.[cl.1]
select t1.[cl.1]
, t2.[cl.2]
, t2.para
from table1 t1
inner join table2 t2
on t1.[cl.1] = t2.[cl.1]
inner join maxes m
on t2.[cl.2] = m.max_val

Select non existing Numbers from Table each ID

I‘m new in learning TSQL and I‘m struggling getting the numbers that doesn‘t exist in my table each ID.
CustomerID Group
1 1
3 1
6 1
4 2
7 2
I wanna get the ID which does not exist and select them like this
CustomerID Group
2 1
4 1
5 1
5 2
6 2
The solution by usin a cte doesn‘t work well or inserting first the data and do a not exist where clause.
Any Ideas?
If you can live with ranges rather than a list with each one, then an efficient method uses lead():
select group_id, (customer_id + 1) as first_missing_customer_id,
(next_ci - 1) as last_missing_customer_id
from (select t.*,
lead(customer_id) over (partition by group_id order by customer_id) as next_ci
from t
) t
where next_ci <> customer_id + 1
Cross join 2 recursive CTEs to get all the possible combinations of [CustomerID] and [Group] and then LEFT join to the table:
declare #c int = (select max([CustomerID]) from tablename);
declare #g int = (select max([Group]) from tablename);
customers as (
select 1 as cust
union all
select cust + 1
from customers where cust < #c
groups as (
select 1 as gr
union all
select gr + 1
from groups where gr < #g
cte as (
select *
from customers cross join groups
select c.cust as [CustomerID], as [Group]
from cte c left join tablename t
on t.[CustomerID] = c.cust and t.[Group] =
where t.[CustomerID] is null
and c.cust > (select min([CustomerID]) from tablename where [Group] =
and c.cust < (select max([CustomerID]) from tablename where [Group] =
See the demo.
> CustomerID | Group
> ---------: | ----:
> 2 | 1
> 4 | 1
> 5 | 1
> 5 | 2
> 6 | 2

Joining tables without duplicate

I have 3 SQL tables as below:
Table 1
ItemId Name
A aa
B bb
Table 2
ItemId Category
A 1
A 2
A 3
B 1
Table 3
ItemId Dep
A D1
B D2
B D3
I need result as this
ItemId Name Category Dep
A aa 1 D1
B bb 1 D2
Is there any way to get this result without looping tables?
You can first JOIN the tables on ItemId and then use ROW_NUMBER and RANK for formatting.
I suggest you do the display format in the client side
SQL Fiddle
t1.ItemId, t1.Name, t2.Category, t3.Dep,
Rn_Cat = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY t1.ItemId, t1.Name ORDER BY t2.Category),
Rn_Dep = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY t1.ItemId, t1.Name ORDER BY t3.Dep),
Rnk_Cat = RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY t1.ItemId, t1.Name ORDER BY t2.Category),
Rnk_Dep = RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY t1.ItemId, t1.Name ORDER BY t3.Dep)
FROM Table1 t1
LEFT JOIN Table2 t2
ON t2.ItemId = t1.ItemId
LEFT JOIN Table3 t3
ON t3.ItemId = t1.ItemId
ItemId = CASE WHEN Rn_Cat = 1 THEN ItemId ELSE '' END,
Name = CASE WHEN Rn_Cat = 1 THEN Name ELSE '' END,
Category = CASE WHEN Rn_Cat = Rnk_Cat THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), Category) ELSE '' END,
May be Using UNION
Fiddle Here
Rank() over(Partition by t1.ItemId,t1.Name order by t2.Category,t3.Dep) as rn
Table1 t1 join Table2 t2 on t1.ItemId=t2.ItemId
join Table3 t3 on t1.ItemId=t3.ItemId
FROM CTE where rn=1
FROM CTE where rn>1
this will probably work:
;with cte_t1 as
select 'A' as ItemId, 'aa' as Name
select 'B' as ItemId, 'bb' as Name
cte_t2 as
select 'A' AS ItemId, 1 as Category
select 'A' AS ItemId, 2 as Category
select 'A' AS ItemId, 3 as Category
select 'B' AS ItemId, 1 as Category
cte_t3 as
select 'A' AS ItemId, 'D1' as Dep
select 'B' AS ItemId, 'D2' as Dep
select 'B' AS ItemId, 'D3' as Dep
cte_t4 as
SELECT T1.ItemId, t1.Name, T2.Category, T3.Dep, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by T1.ItemId, T2.Category) RowNumber
FROM cte_t1 t1 inner join cte_t2 t2
on t1.ItemId = t2.ItemId
inner join cte_t3 t3
on t1.ItemId = t3.ItemId
and t2.ItemId = t3.ItemId
case when a.ItemId = b.ItemId then '' else a.ItemId end as ItemId,
case when a.Name = b.Name then '' else a.Name end as Name,
case when a.Category = b.Category then '' else cast(a.Category as varchar(100)) end as Category,
case when a.Dep = b.Dep then '' else a.Dep end as Dep
from cte_t4 a
left join cte_t4 b
on a.RowNumber-1= b.RowNumber
Using this code -
SELECT table1.ItemID,
FROM table1, table2, table3
WHERE table1.ItemID = table2.ItemID AND table1.ItemID = table3.ItemID;
produces this output -
| ItemID | Name | Category | Dep |
| A | aa | 1 | D1 |
| A | aa | 2 | D1 |
| A | aa | 3 | D1 |
| B | bb | 1 | D2 |
| B | bb | 1 | D3 |
Is this what you are after, or do you wish to display a blank space for every repeat of a value?

SQL: 3 self-joins and then join them together

I have 2 tables to join in a specific way. I think my query is right, but not sure.
select t1.userID, t3.Answer Unit, t5.Answer Demo
table1 t1
inner join (select * from table2) t3 ON t1.userID = t3.userID
inner join (select * from table2) t5 ON t1.userID = t5.userID
NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM table1 t2 WHERE t2.userID = t1.userID AND >
and NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM table2 t4 WHERE t4.userID = t3.userID and t4.counter > t3.counter)
and NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM table2 t6 WHERE t6.userID = t5.userID and t6.counter > t5.counter)
and t1.date_submitted >'1/1/2009'
and t3.question = Unit
and t5.question = Demo
order by
From table1 I want distinct userID where date > 1/1/2009
userID Date
1 1/2/2009
1 1/2/2009
2 1/2/2009
3 1/2/2009
4 1/1/2008
So The result I want from table1 should be this:
I then want to join this on userID with table2, which looks like this:
userID question answer counter
1 Unit A 1
1 Demo x 1
1 Prod 100 1
2 Unit B 1
2 Demo Y 1
3 Prod 100 1
4 Unit A 1
1 Unit B 2
1 Demo x 2
1 Prod 100 2
2 Unit B 2
2 Demo Z 2
3 Prod 100 2
4 Unit A 2
I want to join table1 with table2 with this result:
userID Unit Demo
1 B X
2 B Z
In other words,
select distinct userID from table2 where question = Unit for the highest counter
and then
select distinct userID from table2 where question = Demo for the highest counter.
I think what I've done is 3 self-joins then joined those 3 together.
Do you think it's right?
SELECT du.userID, unit.answer, demo.answer
FROM table1
WHERE date > '1/1/2009'
) du
table2 unit
ON (userID, question, counter) IN
SELECT du.userID, 'Unit', MAX(counter)
FROM table2 td
WHERE userID = du.userID
AND question = 'Unit'
table2 demo
ON (userID, question, counter) IN
SELECT du.userID, 'Demo', MAX(counter)
FROM table2 td
WHERE userID = du.userID
AND question = 'Demo'
Having an index on table2 (userID, question, counter) will greatly improve this query.
Since you mentioned SQL Server 2005, the following will be easier and more efficient:
SELECT du.userID,
SELECT TOP 1 answer
FROM table2 ti
WHERE ti.user = du.userID
AND ti.question = 'Unit'
counter DESC
) AS unit_answer,
SELECT TOP 1 answer
FROM table2 ti
WHERE ti.user = du.userID
AND ti.question = 'Demo'
counter DESC
) AS demo_answer
WHERE date > '1/1/2009'
FROM table1
) du
To aggregate:
SELECT answer, COUNT(*)
FROM table1
WHERE date > '1/1/2009'
) du
JOIN table2 t2
ON t2.userID = du.userID
AND t2.question = 'Unit'