I have a Windows Form application with a checkbox that presents different behaviour according to the user. The component appears in the form only for the user who installed first the application.
For other users that have the same privileges, in the same machine, the checkbox is not visible. I already tried to uninstall and reinstall the application with different users, but the problem persists.
In my code, thereĀ“s nothing that changes the Visible property to true or false, I just let the default value to true
Appreciate any help, thanks!
Try resize the window that contains the checkbox. You are probably setting the size or the location of the checkbox in a wrong way. Try to use proper anchor property and see if the problem resolves.
I'm using VS 2010 and need to make a change in an MSI installer.
I'm not that familiar with the installer creation -- it seems very limited.
I needed to add a new dialog that pops up and asks the user to select one of two possible installation directories. The dialog is the "RadioButtons (2 buttons)" dialog.
Depending on which radio button you select, the ButtonProperty sets TARGETDIR to either:
I have the DefaultValue for the button set to [ProgramFiles64Folder]MyInstall
I've got everything working -- at least when the user selects one of the radio buttons.
The problems are:
The default radio button isn't preselected when the dialog is displayed and it's possible for the user to advance to the next screen without selecting one of the radio buttons. How can I prevent that?
When the default value is set to something like [ProgramFiles64]MyInstall, on uninstall I get an error that it could not access the network location [ProgramFiles64]MyInstall -- even if that is not the location where the files were installed. If the path for the DefaultValue is a fully expanded absolute path, then there is no error.
With this code you van preselect the radiobutton: radiobutton.Checked = true
In my application, I have to verify if a particular button is enabled or not. It gets enabled after I fill in certain values.
But, the problem is the properties for the button is EXACTLY the same when its enabled and disabled. (Even the value of isEnabled is false in both cases)
If I try to click on that button, it gets clicked in both cases (even it gets clicked when its disabled but however since its disabled nothing happens)
So, how do I proceed now?
Are you sure all the properties are exactly same? Do you have access to the color property? Font color or background color. If yes, then I am sure color for enabled and disabled button would be different. If this is the case- viola!
You can check the height and width of the object to identify the object .
Mostly in masked scenario it will be zero .
Well, if the button is disabled, then clicking it will yield no result. If this is for a web-based application, then you can include a checkpoint in your code to check that no request/response is sent from the webpage. (ie. no communication is initiated from the browser).
is there anyway to capture and cancel or do something like me.activate when the show desktop event is triggered and make my form visible?
The show desktop event is triggered by another app which is installed in some of my users pc. I am not trying to make my form always on top of other open windows.
Thanks in advance.
Alright, you mean to let your form stay on TopMost even if ToggleDesktop() in shell32.dll is executed.
By far I can say: there is none. They tried to experiment at codeguru but it seems there were no successfully results.
I have a RadioButton in my QML Desktop Application, and when I set it to unchecked, It really becomes unchecked, but I can't see that untill it contains mouse. I tried a lot of ways to resolve it, and didn't find any good one. so I decided to refresh the page, or even just thr RadioButton, in order to set the RadioButton to it's really state, and I hope that after the refreshing the button will be shown as unchecked one.
Do you have any idea how to refresh or reload it? Thanks ahead!!
Seems you just got bitten by a bug the QML components for the desktop (or what kind of radio button component you are using?). Not overly surprising, this is still unreleased code not intended for production use.
Refreshing the radio button as in unload it and reload it just after that is possible with the help of the Loader element. Just clear the source attribute temporarily.
I am still relatively new at VB.Net and Visual Studio and I'm assuming that this is a simple fix, but I'm not sure.
I have an asp:checkbox control on an aspx page I am working on. This checkbox is within a custom control and previously was posting back every time it was clicked. I am in the process of ajaxifying the page and have come across a problem. When I remove the attribute AutoPostBack="True" from the asp:checkbox, the vb code returns False when I check myCheckbox.checked (this is on a postback else where on the page what has not be ajaxified), even though I can see the box is indeed checked.
I am assuming that because the checkbox no longer posts back, for some reason the VB code (or the view state maybe) doesn't see it as having been checked. Is this correct, and if so, how to I correct it?
I changed the checkbox from an ASP control to be an HTML input of type checkbox and now it works :)
I am assuming that because the checkbox no longer posts back, for some reason the VB code (or the view state maybe) doesn't see it as having been checked.
This is correct, your toggling of the checkbox is happening only on the client side, so your server side is unaware of the change.