V-for not working with dynamic data in template - vuejs2

My template has following:
<ul id="example-1">
<li v-for="item in getMenus" :key="item.id">
{{ item.name }}
async getMenus() {
this.$axios.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json', ['get'])
'Bearer ' + this.$store.state.auth.Token
const roleId = this.$store.state.auth.role.roleId
const url = `/role/${roleId}/menu`
let data = ''
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-async-in-computed-properties
const pal = await this.$axios
.$get(url, JSON.stringify(roleId))
.then(function(resp) {
data = resp.data
if (pal) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
return data
Above mentioned is my code. I checked my api its returing data. If i put directly my data as harcoded value then it works, if I use api then it doesnot work. I looke dinto console also that is also clear. I am new to vue. Any help will be highly appreciated.

You can't use async methods in v-for. Define an array in data section of a component and write results in the array at the end of getMenus function. You should call getMenus at some place in your code (for instance in mounted hook):
<li v-for="item in menuList" :key="item.id">
// in a component code
data: {
return {
menuList: []
mounted () {
// if you don't have any initialization after this call you can call it without await
async getMenus() {
// getting results
const { data: menuList } = await this.$axios
.$get(url, JSON.stringify(roleId))
this.menuList = menuList

This happens because inside async getMenus method you are returning data before it is even assigned a value. A better way to resolve this issue would be to set a variable in data options like:
data() {
return {
loading: false,
items: [] // This will hold all the getMenus() data
and inside getMenus update items array like:
created() {
methods: {
async getMenus() {
this.loading = true;
// All other logic here...
this.$axios.$get(url, JSON.stringify(roleId))
.then(resp => {
this.loading = false;
this.items = resp.data; // Set the response data here...
.catch(error => {
this.loading = false;
and then update your template like:
<li v-for="item in items" :key="item.id">
{{ item.name }}
In case, your async method is going to take some time to finish you can show a loading text or icon so that user know that at least something is happening instead of looking at a blank screen like:
<template v-if="loading">
<template v-else>
<ul id="example-1">
<li v-for="item in items" :key="item.id">
{{ item.name }}


AlpineJS async call to render array of objects

Having the following snippet trying to fill an array of object with async alpine call but I can not get any result. Hier is what I try.
<div x-init="experts.retrieveList" x-data="experts.list">
<template x-for="item in experts.list" :key="item">
<div x-text="await item.address" ></div>
external JS file
window.experts = {
apiUrl: 'http://bdb.local:8991/api/',
data: [],
list: [],
expertsForm: null,
retrieveList: () => {
const membersUrl = `${experts.apiUrl}members?include=user,association,affiliate`;
filterByParams: () => {
apiCalls: async (url) => {
let response = await fetch(url);
experts.list = await response.json()
return experts.list;
What is wrong in this case?
There are a few errors in this code:
You cannot use just a part of an Alpine.js component in the x-data="experts.list". If you don't define data variables directly in x-data, then it must be a real component that returns data and methods.
You cannot use an object as the key. It must be a string or number, like item.id or something like this.
The x-text="await item.address" seems incorrect. item.address should be a string, that has been already downloaded from the API.
In the component you need to use the this. prefix to access properties and methods.
Assuming your API returns the correct data format, something like this should work:
<div x-data="experts">
<template x-for="item in list" :key="item.id">
<div x-text="item.address"></div>
And the component in an external file:
const experts = {
apiUrl: 'http://bdb.local:8991/api/',
data: [],
list: [],
expertsForm: null,
init() {
const membersUrl = `${experts.apiUrl}members?include=user,association,affiliate`
filterByParams() {
async apiCalls(url) {
let response = await fetch(url)
this.list = await response.json()
The init() method is executed automatically by Alpine.js.

Duplicate keys Vuex Getters every time route changes

I am getting an array of objects from firebase and showing them characters component in list format using V-for. Everytime I go to homepage and returning to characters page the list are getting multiplied and showing me duplicate keys.
<ul class="characters-list">
<li v-for="allHero in getAllHeros" v-bind:key="allHero.id">
<router-link :to="{ name: 'characterDetail', params: { id: allHero.id } }">
<div class="hero-thumbnail">
<img :src="allHero.imageUrl" :alt="allHero.title" />
<div class="hero-detail">
<h3>{{ allHero.name }}</h3>
import database from "#/firebase/init";
computed: {
...mapGetters({ getAllHeros: "getAllHeros" }),
created() {
.then(snapshot => {
snapshot.forEach(doc => {
let heros = doc.data();
heros.id = doc.id;
this.$store.dispatch('fetchAllHeros', heros)
VUEX Module -
const state = {
allHeros: []
const getters = {
getAllHeros: state => {
return state.allHeros;
const actions = {
async fetchAllHeros({ commit }, heros) {
commit("setAllHeros", heros);
const mutations = {
setAllHeros: (state, payload) => {
When you route to a new page your Vuex store does not necessarily get reset to its initial state. Therefore every time that component is created you are adding more heros to the vuex store which is resulting in duplicate heros being added.
To prevent this, you can just use some simple logic to check if any heroes have been loaded:
created() {
if(this.getAllHeros.length == 0){
//Get heros from database..

Vue.js data: undefined

I am new to Vue.js.
Please advice me.
I get comments: undefined so comments are not displaying.
xhr is normal with 200.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
<ul class="media-list">
<li class="media" v-for="comment in comments">
{{ $comment.body }}
export default {
data () {
return {
comments: []
props: {
postid: null
methods: {
getComments () {
this.$http.get('/blog/' + this.postid + '/comments').then((response) => {
this.comments = response.json().data;
mounted () {
Basically there are two problems:
$comment don't exist
You have no data on response.json().data, that's why you get a undefined
I used a different API just to test it (as I don't have access to yours).
<div id="app">
<ul class="media-list">
<li class="media" v-for="comment in comments">
{{ comment.familyName + ', ' + comment.givenName }}
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data () {
return {
comments: []
props: {
postid: null
methods: {
getComments () {
this.$http.get('//ergast.com/api/f1/drivers.json').then((response) => {
this.comments = response.body.MRData.DriverTable.Drivers;
mounted () {
Check out a working example here
this.comments = response.json().data;
console.log(this.comments) ;
to see what you get ;
you define comments=Array ;
maybe you get the response.json().data is not a Array;
Try using vm instead of this. In API response make sure what you are getting using console.log(). If response is already in json do not use response.json(). In HTML change $comment.body to comment.body. Make sure you have the body key in comments[] array.
<ul class="media-list">
<li class="media" v-for="comment in comments">
{{ comment.body }}
export default {
data () {
return {
comments: [],
postid: null
props: {
methods: {
getComments () {
let vm = this;
vm.$http.get('/blog/' + vm.postid +
'/comments').then((response) => {
vm.comments = response.data;
mounted () {
let vm = this;
My suggestion is to properly use try-catch statements.
I have found this is the safest and proper way to manage cases where variable could take undefined or null values, instead of trying to "if" everything.
try {
val = localStorage.getItem('accesstoken')
} catch (error) {
Take care!

VueJS: State from deleted component remains and affects the next one (sibling)

I have a notifications component that has some notifications item child components that are fed from an array in the parent component. The child component has the ability to update and delete itself. It can mark itself as read when clicked. It will make a request to the server with Axios and then change a button icon to close (fa-close). Which works fine. Now it can delete itself. When clicked it will send a delete request to the server, and when successful emit an event to the parent component to delete it from the array with splice. Now it works fine but the issue I'm having is that the new icon that I changed still remains for the next component (next item in the array). And that bugs me because I can't seem to find a way to make it display the initial icon which was initialize with the component. here's some code if that can help NotificationsItem.vue <template>
<li class="list-group-item list-group-item-info">
<button class="pull-right"
<i class="fa" :class="iconClass" v-show="!loading"></i>
<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin fa-lg fa-fw" v-show="loading"></i>
<!-- {{ notification.data }} -->
I'm the index {{ index}} and the ID is {{notification.id}}
<span class="hljs-tag"></<span class="hljs-name">li</span>></span>
export default {
props: ['notification', 'index'],
data() {
return {
loading: false,
icon: 'check',
markedAsRead: false,
computed: {
iconClass() {
return 'fa-' + this.icon;
methods: {
markAsReadOrDestroy() {
if (this.markedAsRead) {
} else {
markAsRead() {
let vm = this;
this.loading = true;
this.$http.patch('/notifications/markasread/' + this.notification.id)
.then(function(response) {
vm.loading = false
vm.markedAsRead = true
vm.icon = 'close'
.catch(function(error) {
vm.loading = false;
destroy() {
let vm = this;
this.loading = true;
this.$http.delete('/notifications/' + this.notification.id)
.then(function(response) {
vm.loading = false;
vm.$emit('deleted', vm.index);
.catch(function(error) {
vm.loading = false;
mounted() {
console.log('Notifications Item mounted.')
NotificationsList.vue <template>
<div class="list-group">
v-for="(notification, index) in notifications"
{{ notification.data['text'] }}
export default {
data() {
return {
notifications: notifications.data,
methods: {
remove(index) {
this.notifications.splice(index, 1);
mounted() {
console.log('Notifications List mounted.')
If anyone can help me that would be greatly appreciated.
You need to pass index as paramter in remove function, like following:
v-for="(notification, index) in notifications"
{{ notification.data['text'] }}
I found a fix by adding a key attribute on the child component with a unique value (the notification id). And that's it.

I am new to vue js ... can't display loaded data from a php file

Template part :
`<div class="col-sm-6" >
<ul class="list-group" id="pos">
<li class="list-group-item" v-for="(itm, index) in items">
<strong>{{index}} : {{ itm.sub }}</strong> - {{ itm.price }}
Script part :
new Vue({
el: '#pos',
http: {
root: '/vuetest',
headers: {
Authorization: 'Basic YXBpOnBhc3N3b3Jk'
data: {
items: []
created:function () {
this.items = resp.data;
console.log(this.items); // got data but not displayed in browser
My Source files are from cdnjs.cloudeflare.com:
vue.js (2.1.4)
vue-resource.js (1.0.3).
Well, this isn't that...
created:function () {
this.items = resp.data; // this is referring to the current function, and not to vue's scope.
console.log(this.items); // got data but not displayed in browser
So the correct use is:
created:function () {
var self = this
this.$http.get('index.php').then(function (resp,status,request) {
self.items = resp.data;
As MU commented above, better you to use Arrows functions, so the "this" will have the scope you want.
mounted () {
Then you can access all your Data properties normally with "this".