Is there any way to get the social account link in React Native? - react-native

I am developing an app with React Native and need to get Facebook, Twitter, Instagram account link when the user signups. And I need to send it to the server with API.
How can I get the account links? Should I add any SDK for that?

You can use Firebase auth for your app, refer the following link


how to code- send connection/friend request in react native app

Functionality: Send a connection/friend request to another user of the same app built on react native
Can anyone please suggest how do I code this functionality
You are trying to make a social app. Rather than sending in-app notifications and friend requests , you should structure your app properly about how the requests flow will be processed via backend. That's how facebook , instagram does , they have their servers for each functionality and upon click of any request buttons in the app ,those api's are called and respective friend requests are sent to the user. So structure your code-architecture first.
Do find the link below , it may help you
React native social app

Opening gmail emails in my react native email client app

I am trying to integrate an email client in my app. I checked the g-mail API
documentation but I was not able to locate any material for react native apps.
Most of the questions I could find were on how to open an email client.
How can I get email data into my app and make my own email client?
(I only need it for gmail)
i have tried to use gmail API but I could not find any third party libraries for this task.
How can I use googleapis into react native?

Publish on facebook and twitter like instagram

I am making a social media app in react native where I want to add feature to publish the post on Facebook and Twitter same as in Instagram.
As I have gone through many articles and documentation it says that publish_actions has been deprecated and we should use Share Dialogs but I don't want that popup coming, it should directly post on Facebook. How to achieve that and how does Instagram does it ?
From Facebook documentations:

React Native Firebase: How do you implement Twitter login?

I'm trying to implement twitter login in a React native app, and I'm using the the react-native-firebase library, but the documentation's Twitter section is completely empty.
Does anyone know how to do this?

How do i integrate Linkedin login with React native?

There are really none maintained wrappers for linkedin SDk. Is webview Oauth the only alternative i have?
Use the OAuth SSO (single sign on) login
And add the linked-in provider according to their instructions on the readme.
See linkedin instructions for setting the client id and key:
Use React Native Linkedin login.