End of week of current week in Snowflakes - sql

I have a date column called Close_Date.
How do i get the Close_date to only give me date for end of the current week?

You can use the Last_Day function. There is a parameter WEEK_START that affects which day is the last day of the week. Here is the link below:
SELECT LAST_DAY(current_date, 'week');

You can use the following SQL in your tables DDL and It will give you the Week ending date as Saturday of the Current week. For this you don't need to change session parameters every time.
SELECT TO_DATE('2021-01-01') AS DATE,
Change DATE as per your need.


SQL if last day of pervious month has value change the beginning date of next month to start from that day

Need help with this sql code, I would like to roll back start day of new month if last day of pervious month has values.
I would suggest nesting EOMONTH() in an IF statement.
Not sure what table(s) you're working with, but general layout would be:
IF(MAX(date_column) = EOMONTH(MAX(date_column), MAX(date_column), new_date)
Reference for EOMONTH():

Big query sql: month to date query

I have daily data and the code im using creates a report between some dates. I want to replace the date interval with month to date. So every time it will generate a month to date report based on which month we are in. Is there a simple way to do it? thanks :)
An example using BigQuery Standard SQL
your_date_field BETWEEN
DATE_TRUNC(CURRENT_DATE(), month) --to get start date of current month
You should be able to use that in a WHERE clause and

Hive - Query to get Saturday as week start date for a given date

I have an requirement in hive to calculate Saturday as week start date for a given date in hive sql.
Date week_start
03-27-2021 03-27-2021
03-28-2021 03-27-2021
03-31-2021 03-27-2021
04-07-2021 O4-03-2021
04-09-2021. 04-03-2021
I tried using pmod and other date functions but not getting desired output. Any insight is much appreciated.
Hive offers next_day(), which can be adapted for this purpose. I think the logic you want is:
select date_add(next_day(date, 'SAT'), -7)
This is a little arcane. next_day() gets the next date after the argument date with a given day of the week. So, go to the next Saturday and then subtract 7 days for the start of the week.

First day of the month

WHERE to_date(smz_loanservicing.as_of_date) = last_day(add_months(current_date, -1))
The above will provide data only if the loanservicing.as_of_date occurs on the very last day of the month.
Last month (May 31 2020) the last day of the month fell on Sunday.
Is there a way to get the the first day of the month and say if this particular date occurs between the first and last day of the month, show the date? Essentially there were no activities on Sunday so the data was missed.
I tried
between first_day(add_month(current_date,-1))
and last_day(add_months(current_date, -1))`
However I get syntax error.
You seem to want to check if your date column belongs to the current month.
The syntax you use would work in Oracle, so let me assume this is the database that you are running. I also assume that column as_of_date is of datatype date (or timestamp).
What you ask for should be as simple as:
as_of_date >= trunc(current_date, 'mm')
and as_of_date < add_months(trunc(current_date, 'mm'), 1)
Actually, your syntax would also work in Snowflake - and so would the above code.
Note: if as_of_date actually is a string, then you need to_date() to convert it.
You could just truncate the date to the month, then you don’t need the know the first or last day.
where trunc(as_of_date, ‘MM’) = trunc(current_date, ‘MM’)

How to group by week specifying end of week day?

I need to run a report grouped by week. This could be done by using group by week(date) but the client wants to set the day of the week that marks the end of week. So it can be Tuesday, Wednesday etc. How can I work this into a group by query?
The datetime column type is unix timestamp.
The WEEK() function takes an optional second parameter to specify the start of the week:
This function returns the week number for date. The two-argument form of WEEK() enables you to specify whether the week starts on Sunday or Monday and whether the return value should be in the range from 0 to 53 or from 1 to 53.
However, it can only be set to Sunday or Monday.
UPDATE: Further to the comments below, you may want to consider adding a new column to your table to act as a grouping field, based on WEEK(DATE_ADD(date INTERVAL x DAY)), as suggested in the comments. You may want to create triggers to automatically generate this values whenever the date field is updated, and when new rows are inserted. You would then be able to create a usable index on this new field as required.