Do client SSL certificates need to be renewed? - ssl

I am working on an embedded device (Arduino) that connects securely to specific domains. To achieve this, certificates (domains), e.g., are uploaded to the device via an updater tool (WiFiNINA certificates updater in Arduino IDE).
I'm wondering whether these certificates will need to be updated in the future? The plan is to ship the devices to customers, so I'm hoping this will not be necessary.
As long as the server side domain/website/api keeps its certificates updated, I assume it will not be necessary to update certificates on the clients?

All certificates have a limited life time and this is true for client certificates too. Depending on the life time of the certificate and the expected life time of the device this means that the certificate needs to be renewed - assuming that normal certificate validation is done. Of course one might decide to use a different certificate validation on the server, like pinning to a specific public key and ignoring any expiration.


How the SSL/TLS CA certificate will update in my device if it is renewed from server maintainer?

How the SSL/TLS CA certificate will update automatically in client device if it renewed from website maintainer.
Actually Rooot CA certificate expiry for 1 or 2 years, after that server maintainer should go to certificate Authority renewal for further validity, so in this condition how the client device update new renewed certificate?
I could get some answers from websites like if the certificate expire then we will get some warning message and data communication also plain text , so that it is vulnerable for man in the middle attack.
There are many unclear aspects in your question - for example, what is this "device" that requires (or don't require) firmware upgrade - so I'll answer in general.
Yep, the way simplest to describe is just the firmware upgrade. If it is expected that a device needs checking against a well-known root certificate set, this is to be implemented by upgrading this set as well. It depends on OS and ditribution how it is implemented; e.g. in non-embedded Linux distributions it is present as a package named "ca-certificates" or similar. The package provides a directory of certificates in PEM form, or a single file of concatenated certificates, or both. The package is upgraded independently of other components, except possible relation on data form.
It is used in some cases that a certificate (as a combination of its subject, public key and attributes) is provided in two versions: self-signed - for newly updates users, and signed by a previous certificate - for users with old certificate database. Depending on client software, it may issue expiration warning, if old root is expired, or may not.
Some root certificates are provided with long lifetime (20-30 years) but used just to sign second level certificate which lives a few years; the latter, in turn, is used for end-user certificates (as web server). In such case, you don't need to react at all.

New SSL Certificate for each client deployment?

I have an application that is deployed to each client as a Virtual Machine. The latter is installed by the clients wherever they want (I don't necessarily know the final domain). The application comprises an JBoss Web Server that provides access to a configuration page, protected by SSL. Right now the server is using a self signed Certificate. However, I want the browsers to stop showing the warning messages associated to self signed certs. Moreover, I provide a free version of the application that has basic functionality.
For cases where the client is using a free version (and me wanting to reduce costs), what is the best approach when using a SSL cert, and not knowing the final domain (most of the time)?
It is acceptable to use a self-signing cert? If so, a different one
per client install?
Is it best to issue a new cert (maybe a free one) for each
Is is acceptable to use the same cert, signed by a proper CA, on all
of the deployment VMs?
A completely different approach?
Thanks guys!
It is acceptable to use a self-signing cert? If so, a different one per client install?
Ask your clients. Will they put up with a browser warning? or not?
Is it best to issue a new cert (maybe a free one) for each deployment?
It is best for the client to acquire his own SSL certificate. You can't do that for him. Nobody can.
Is is acceptable to use the same cert, signed by a proper CA, on all of the deployment VMs?
No, it entirely defeats the purpose. The certificate and the private key it wraps are supposed to uniquely identify the holder.
A completely different approach?
Handball the whole megillah to the clients. Self-identification is their problem, not yours.

TLS/SSL certificate verification

I am new to TLS/SSL so this might be a very basic question, but I've been searching a lot an could not find an answer.
I am trying to implement a TLS/SSL client. This client will run on an embedded unit with Windows OS on it (XPe or WES7). My implementation uses GnuTLS.
How do I get the list of trusted authorities to my unit so my client can verify the server's certificate? Is it supposed to be a file stored on the client side, that the client is responsible for keeping up to date? Or can my client somehow get this list from the internet each time it is needed and not maintain it locally?
The Certificating Authority (CA) master certificates are stored client side and the client is responsible for keeping them up to date. Keeping them up to date isn't as hard as it sounds, as CA certificates aren't changed that often - most are valid for 5-10 years at least.
Client side storage is necessary because any given internet site your application uses might be compromised.
To get a list, you might start by looking at the CA certificates distributed with a browser or at the cacerts file distributed with Java. Before releasing your code, you'll probably want to check that the certs you use are genuine by checking them against information provided by the CA.
Go to any Windows machine and run "certman.msc" from command-line. Export each CA certificate (Intermediate Certificates, Trusted Authorities) to file (BER, PEM), then import these certificates into your embedded software. Now you can validate email certificates, the same way Windows does (i.e. using various x.509 related RFCs and CRLs)

Can I put multiple alternative certificates for a host, in a single certificate file?

I have a web service which is secured through HTTPS. I also have client software which talks to this web service, using libcurl (which may be linked to OpenSSL, or linked to GnuTLS; I don't know which one, it depends on how the user installed libcurl). Because the web service is only ever accessed through the client software and never through the browser, the web service utilizes a self-signed certificate. The client software, in turn, has a copy of this self-signed certificate and explicitly checks the connection against that certificate.
Because of Heartbleed, I want to change the private key and certificate. However I want my users to experience as little service disruption as possible.
For this reason, I cannot change the key/certificate on a fixed date and time. If I do this then all users must upgrade their client software at that exact date and time. Otherwise, the upgraded client software won't work before the server change, while old versions of the client software won't work after the server change.
Ideally, I want to tell my users that I'm going to change the certificate in 1 month, and that they have 1 month time to upgrade the client software. The client software should be compatible with both the old and the new certificate. Then, after 1 month, I can issue another client software update which removes support for the old certificate.
So now we've come to my question: can I append the old certificate and the new certificate into a single .crt file? Will this cause libcurl to accept both certificates? If not, what should I do instead? Does the behavior depend on the SSL library or version?
Tests on OS X seem to indicate that appending both certificates into a single file works, but I don't know whether this is OS X-specific behavior, or whether it works everywhere. My client software has to support a wide range of Unix systems, including Linux (multiple distros) and FreeBSD.
Short answer: You can't.
Long answer:
Yes you can put multiple certificates in a single .crt file, regardless of platforms.
However HTTPS can only serve one certificate, instead of a crt file. So it's not the file that is limiting you, it's the protocol.
You could have a look at SNI
to be able to serve another certificate based on the SNI information sent by the client at the beginning of the SSL Handshake
Alternatively, you could use a separate TCP port (or IP, or both) that will serve the new certificate.
But you say
The client software, in turn, has a copy of this self-signed certificate and explicitly checks the connection against that certificate.
This then requires you to release a version of your software for your clients to run, to at least have the copy of the new certificate you are going to use.
I guess you should better use a certificate signed by well-known CA, to decouple your server certificate from its validation chain, but that indeed means paying.
Yes a cert file should be able to hold multiple certificates. I would expect this to be broadly supported.

Renew SSL certificates on huge number of machines

I'm using SSL certificates in a client-server application; both the client and the server are using 2 certificates that will expire soon. Normally, you'd just replace the certificates with new ones, but this cannot happen at once because of the huge numbers of clients.
So, if only the servers and a part of the clients are updated, the rest of the clients won't be able to authenticate anymore.
A quick fix is to replace the binaries with a version which simply disregards expiry date of the certificates; the update of the clients can be done sequentially, as long as it will finish before the certificates expire.
Long term solutions I thought about:
use Puppet to push new certificates on clients
unfortunately, not viable because not all clients are/will be managed via Puppet
use a second set of certificates
if first set has expired, use the second one
in this manner, server will have new certificates, a part of clients will have new certificates and the rest of the clients will have old certificates, but everything works
client requests a new certificate from the server, if the current one has expired.
Are there any other solutions?
I assume you use the SSL certificates for an online SSL connection, like HTTPS, or SFTP.
The big question is: Do you still trust and want to use your server-side key! If so you can just re-issue the server certificate with a new expiration date still using the old key and thus extending the lifetime. The question is, if you still trust the old key or if it should be replaced. Old clients may still connect to you at that point.. You are still using the same public / private key pair, just made a new 'lifetime version' of the certificate for it. (That is what most public servers do..)
Using two sets of active SSL certificates for different keys on the server side is not really viable and only possible if you have good control over the handshake process on the client side and your server application supports it. The issue is that during an SSL negotiation, the server has to send its certificate first and the only indication it might get from the client is a ServerName extension during the ClientHello. (Assuming the client actually sends one). Otherwise the server is 'at a loss' on what the other side will or will not support. (There are some other extensions that might help for in indicating supported CA certificates, but your clients should support those).
The first is the most practical for the clients that do support it. Just renew their certificates (and perhaps keys) and push them. And you are done with those.
For the others, updating the client software and making sure they generate a new key and request a new certificate from the server when they need it (or in advance) might be the best solution.