Appstoreconnect Api user update - api

I can’t understand how to create the http body of the Modify User Account api:
In particular the:
What are the required id and type properties of Data object? Could somebody provide a code or postman example of a request ?
This is the url of the topic:
Appstoreconnect Api - Update User

The PATCH request should look like this:
PATCH /v1/users/XXX
"data": {
"type": "users",
"id": "XXX",
"attributes": {
"allAppsVisible": false
"relationships": {
"visibleApps": {
"data": [
{"type": "apps", "id": "AAA"},
{"type": "apps", "id": "BBB"}
Where AAA and BBB are Apple IDs of your apps. You can find these on the App Information page, or in response to the /v1/apps API calls.


Facebook ads custom audience Data is missing or does not match schema error

i was building a integration with the facebook ads audience API, and according the documentation the request must be created like this:
Using the previus example a received a error 400:
"error": {
"message": "(#100) Data is missing or does not match schema",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 100,
"fbtrace_id": "AqrLd9uIw0D4BBFtHF33bdU"
For do this i used this documentation
Anyone has use this before?
Your schema field type is array but array use form multi-key qualification.
Change it to string: schema: 'FN'
In docs you can see all formats.
This payload with multi keys work for me:
"session": {
"session_id": 123,
"batch_seq": 1,
"last_batch_flag": true
"payload": {
"schema": [
"data": [

Chef Automate API

Starting to use the Chef Automate API.
I'm new to using APIs and I am confused as to what they mean by "Authorization Action" as listed on the documentation site:
I am using Postman as my utility/tool, and I have a Chef Automate admin API key. When I do a query:
GET {{ChefAutomateURL}}/apis/iam/v2/users?id=userid3
I would assume the reply would be only for that single user, but instead i'm getting everyone returned:
"users": [
"name": "user1",
"id": "userid1",
"membership_id": "a745cc00-8521-42a6-97ca-a60ccef931"
"name": "user2",
"id": "userid2",
"membership_id": "22e8e761-443b-45a3-9bdf-6ab4ccf79a"
"name": "user3",
"id": "userid3",
"membership_id": "67d2e924-2424-44d0-854d-c303f6c5ec"
... and I'm really confused as to why this isn't working.
This extends into my real desire, which is creating a local admin user, but again, when I try to do that, the response is just a JSON body with everyone:
POST {{ChefAutomateURL}}/apis/iam/v2/users
with this raw body:
"id": "userid4",
"name": "user4",
"password": "str0ng_password!"
I get a 200(OK) response like:
"users": [
"name": "user1",
"id": "userid1",
"membership_id": "a745cc00-8521-42a6-97ca-a60ccef931"
"name": "user2",
"id": "userid2",
"membership_id": "22e8e761-443b-45a3-9bdf-6ab4ccf79a"
"name": "user3",
"id": "userid3",
"membership_id": "67d2e924-2424-44d0-854d-c303f6c5ec"
I assume it has something to do with the "Authorization Action" as that's the only thing I'm not explicitly sending, but I don't understand what that is, or where/how it fits into the query.
I appreciate the help, thank you!

Zoho Recruit API Register / Login Candidate

Could someone guide me an idea of how to create the registration and login for candidates with the Recruit api? I'm making a flutter app and I need my candidates to register and log in trow the app and see the job opening, post jobs.
At the moment I created the user with [POST]
"data": [
"Email": "",
"First_Name": "TheName",
"Last_Name": "TheLastName",
"Mobile": "000000000",
"Expected_Salary": "8000000",
"Country": "PY",
"Departamento": "Central",
"C_I": "37114594",
"Ciudad_de_residencia": "City",
"trigger": [
Works Well, got success
"data": [
"code": "SUCCESS",
"details": {
"Modified_Time": "2022-06-15T20:47:23-04:00",
"Modified_By": {
"name": "Admin",
"id": "00000000000000"
"Created_Time": "2022-06-15T20:47:23-04:00",
"id": "00000000000000",
"Created_By": {
"name": "Admin",
"id": "00000000000000"
"message": "record added",
"status": "success"
But If I try to log in in the web version (for testing the new candidate) don't work, but if it see the dashboard, the user exist. Need to add something else?
Basically I need a register api and a login one for the created record of the candidate.
Any help will be awesome, Thanks

AWS API Gateway: How to combine multiple Method Request params into a single Integration Request param

I'd like to use API Gateway as a proxy to S3. The bucket is keyed by a composite key made up of two parts like this: [userId]-[documentId].
UserId comes to API Gateway as a path parameter, documentId comes in as a request parameter, for example: [gateway-url]/user1?documentId=doc1
How can I combine the two so that the s3 lookup URL has the following format: https://[bucket-url]/user1-doc1?
Thank you.
Setup your Method Request to accept the path param {userid} and query param {docid}.
Setup your Integration Request to accept both method.request.querystring.docid and method.request.path.userid as URL path params.
Finally, setup your integration endpoint URL as https://your-url/{userid}-{docid}.
A swagger snippet for this is as follows-
"paths": {
"/concat-params/{userid}": {
"get": {
"parameters": [
"name": "userid",
"in": "path",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "docid",
"in": "query",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {...},
"x-amazon-apigateway-integration": {
"responses": {...},
"requestParameters": {
"uri": "https:.../{userid}-{docid}",
Hope this helps,

Update Account (PUT) Endpoint in new Yodlee API for MFA

I am using the newer Yodlee Aggregation API that differs from what I was previously building off of.
I am currently using this endpoint in the account registration flow to put the MFA response:
PUT /{cobrandName}/v1/providers/{providerAccountId}
My request looks like this:
url: `${}providers/${providerAccountId}`,
headers: {
'Authorization': `cobSession=${self.appToken}, userSession=${token}`
form: {
'MFAChallenge': JSON.stringify(newMfa)
where is my personal rest url, providerAccountId is the appropriate providerAccountId for the refresh, self.appToken is the current cobrand session token, token is the current user's login token, and newMfa is a JSON object being stringified that matches this profile:
"loginForm": {
"mfaTimeout": 94650,
"formType": "questionAndAnswer",
"row": [
"id": "SQandA--QUESTION_1--Row--1",
"fieldRowChoice": "0001",
"form": "0001",
"label": "What is the name of your state?",
"field": [
"id": "SQandA_QUESTION_1_1",
"name": "QUESTION_1",
"isOptional": false,
"value": "Enter the answer",
"valueEditable": true,
"type": "text"
"id": "SQandA--QUESTION_2--Row--2",
"fieldRowChoice": "0001",
"form": "0001",
"label": "What is the name of your first school",
"field": [
"id": "SQandA_QUESTION_2_2",
"name": "QUESTION_2",
"isOptional": false,
"value": "Enter the answer",
"valueEditable": true,
"type": "text"
with the exeption being the value fields of the field object, which have been encrypted with PKI as per instructions.
However, when I carry out this PUT request, I get this error from Yodlee:
{ errorCode: 'Y803',
errorMessage: 'MFAChallenge or providerParam required',
referenceCode: 'p1460412835654A4Q24t' }
though I clearly have an MFAChallenge parameter in my form. Any ideas on why I could be getting this error if the MFAChallenge is present (and note that it is the only info that is passed through the PUT request other than through headers or url parameters)? I tried putting it through as body data, but that doesn't seem to work, and very few of the API endpoints actually seem to use body over form encoded strings, though there was at least one.
You have to send this information MFAChallenge as part of URL, see below example