I'm getting the error in vue.js - Unexpected side effect in "filteredTeamsData" computed property - vue.js

Unexpected side effect in "filteredTeamsData" computed property
I have imported the two JSON file
import seasonList from '../assets/data/season_list.json'
import team data from '../assets/data/match_team.json'
Code -
export default {
name: 'SeasonSplit',
components: {
data () {
return {
selected: '1',
teamData: teamData,
teamList: [],
seasonList: seasonList,
filteredData: [],
tableColumns: ['toss_wins', 'matches', 'wins', 'losses', 'pts']
computed: {
filteredTeamsData: function () {
this.dataArr = []
this.filteredData = []
this.teamList = []
teamData.forEach(element => {
if(element.season == seasonList[this.selected-1]){
// console.log(this.filteredData)
return this.dataArr

I'd do it as follows:
export default {
name: 'SeasonSplit',
components: {
data () {
let filteredData = [];
let teamList = [];
let dataArr = [];
teamData.forEach(element => {
if(element.season == seasonList[this.selected-1]){
return {
selected: '1',
teamData: teamData,
teamList: teamList ,
seasonList: seasonList,
filteredData: filteredData ,
tableColumns: ['toss_wins', 'matches', 'wins', 'losses', 'pts'],
filteredTeamsData: dataArr


Insert Many to Many Data into Shopware 6 Database using the Administration

I have created a plugin in the adminstration and I want to insert the manyToMany products with vehicles into Shopware 6 database. From the code below I am trying to insert '92961afbc50e4380b3af86b257630ade' into the 'product_id' column of the 'vehicles_product' table :
import template from './sw-vehicles-import.html.twig';
const { Component, Mixin } = Shopware;
Component.register('sw-vehicles-import', {
inject: ['importExport', 'repositoryFactory', 'feature'],
mixins: [
metaInfo() {
return {
title: this.$createTitle()
data() {
return {
importFile: null,
repository: null,
entity: undefined,
computed: {
created() {
this.repository = this.repositoryFactory.create('vehicles');
methods: {
onStartProcess() {
this.entity = this.repository.create(Shopware.Context.api);
this.entity.categoryFilter = 'CategoryName';
this.entity.featureFilter = 'FeatureName';
this.entity.products.productId = '92961afbc50e4380b3af86b257630ade';
this.repository.save(this.entity, Shopware.Context.api);
The build process doesn't work, what am I doing wrong? Could you help me please ?
You need to create a new entity collection for the association if it doesn't exist yet.
const { EntityCollection } = Shopware.Data;
if (!this.entity.products) {
this.entity.products = new EntityCollection(
const product = await this.repositoryFactory.create('product').get('92961afbc50e4380b3af86b257630ade', Shopware.Context.api);
this.repository.save(this.entity, Shopware.Context.api);

getters not reactive in vuex

I have following store defined:
state: () => ({
infoPackCreationData: null,
infoPackCreationTab: null,
getters: {
infoPackImage(state: any) {
return state.infoPackCreationTab && state.infoPackCreationTab.infopackContents
? state.infoPackCreationTab.infopackContents.filter((item: any) => item.type === "IMAGE")
: [];
mutations: {
setImageData(state:any, infopackImageData: any) {
state.infoPackCreationTab.infopackContents.filter((item: any) => {if(item.type === "IMAGE")
item = infopackImageData
console.log(item , 'this is items');
return item})
actions: {
setImageData(context: any, payload: any) {
context.commit('setImageData', payload)
and in my component I am using the computed to get the imageList:
computed: {
...mapGetters("creationStore", ["infoPackImage"]),
imageList: {
get() {
return this.infoPackImage ?? [];
set(value) {
this.$store.dispatch('creationStore/setImageData', value);
The problem is I want to edit a value of the imageList by index using draggable libarary,
but imageList does not act reactive and it just move the image and not showing the other image in the previous index:
async imageChange(e) {
this.loading = true
let newIndex = e.moved.newIndex;
let prevOrder = this.imageList[newIndex - 1]?.order ?? 0
let nextOrder = this.imageList[newIndex + 1]?.order ?? 0
const changeImageOrder = new InfopackImageService();
try {
return await changeImageOrder.putImageApi(this.$route.params.infopackId,
e.moved.element.id, {
title: e.moved.element.title,
infopackAssetRef: e.moved.element.infopackAssetRef,
order: nextOrder,
previousOrder: prevOrder,
}).then((res) => {
let image = {}
let infopackAsset = e.moved.element.infopackAsset
image = {...res, infopackAsset};
Vue.set(this.imageList, newIndex , image)
this.loading = false
return this.imageList
} catch (e) {
console.log(e, 'this is put error for tab change')
Array.prototype.filter doesn't modify an array in-place, it returns a new array. So this mutation isn't ever changing any state:
mutations: {
setImageData(state:any, infopackImageData: any) {
state.infoPackCreationTab.infopackContents.filter((item: any) => {if(item.type === "IMAGE")
item = infopackImageData
console.log(item , 'this is items');
return item})
So, if you intend to change state.infoPackCreationTab.infopackContents, you'll need to assign the result of filter():
mutations: {
setImageData(state:any, infopackImageData: any) {
state.infoPackCreationTab.infopackContents = state.infoPackCreationTab.infopackContents.filter(...)
However, since state.infoPackCreationTab did not have an infopackContents property during initialization, it will not be reactive unless you use Vue.set() or just replace the whole infoPackCreationTab object with a new one (see: Vuex on reactive mutations):
mutations: {
setImageData(state:any, infopackImageData: any) {
state.infoPackCreationTab = {
infopackContents: state.infoPackCreationTab.infopackContents.filter(...)

Try to call the vuex getter in watch

I'm trying to call a Vuex getter in the component watch.
But it tells me that it is undefined what is not.
So i try to return the getter in the computed object but still doesn t work.
name: "FreeTalk",
computed: {
...mapGetters(['getCharacter','getResultStatus', 'getFreeTalkText', 'getResult', 'freeTalkResult', 'getFreeTalkNoNative', 'getFreeTalkMedium','getFreeTalkNative']),
progressStatus() {
return this.getResult.progress
getStatus() {
return this.getResultStatus
watch: {
progressStatus: (val) => {
if (val == 100) {
this.status = this.getStatus()
if (this.getStatus === 0) {
this.outputText = this.getFreeTalkNoNative.result;
} else if (this.getStatus === 1) {
this.outputText = this.getFreeTalkMedium;
} else if (this.getStatus === 2) {
this.outputText = this.getFreeTalkNative;
data() {
return {
outputText: '',
ready: false,
isRecordDone: false,
status: -1

Transform object to object where "equal" property exists to the value of "equal"

I have a deep object like cats below, and I'm looking for a simple way to remove all properties deeply where the nested property is set to equal.
const cats = {
love: {
meow: {
equal: 2,
dolphin: {
hi: 'meow',
doggo: true,
soup: undefined,
vampire: {},
deep: {
ocean: {
love: {
equal: 'hi',
To this:
const cats = {
love: {
meow: 2,
deep: {
ocean: {
love: 'hi',
You can use a recursive _.transform():
const cats = {
love: {
meow: {
equal: 2,
dolphin: {
hi: 'meow',
doggo: true,
soup: undefined,
vampire: {},
deep: {
ocean: {
love: {
equal: 'hi',
const fn = (collection) => _.transform(collection, (r, v, k) => {
if(_.isArray(v)) r[k] = fn(v);
else if (_.isObject(v)) {
if(_.has(v, 'equal')) r[k] = _.get(v, 'equal');
else {
const value = fn(v);
if(!_.isEmpty(value)) r[k] = value;
} else if(!_.isUndefined(v)) r[k] = v;
const result = fn(cats);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.11/lodash.min.js"></script>
Using #OriDori's answer I customized it to not set empty / unwanted props.
const fn = collection => lodash.transform(collection, (r, v, k) => {
if (lodash.isPlainObject(v)) {
if (lodash.has(v, 'equal')) {
r[k] = lodash.get(v, 'equal');
} else {
const d = fn(v);
if (lodash.size(d)) {
r[k] = d;

How to combine multiple filters in Vue.js

I would like to combine some filters in my Vue app:
app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
products: null,
productGroups: null,
productPackageWeights: null,
checkedProductGroupItems: [],
checkedProductPackageWeights: [],
created: function created() {
computed: {
productsFilter: function () {
return this.filterProductGroupItems;
methods: {
fetchData: function () {
var vm = this
vm.productPackageWeights = response.data.filter_data.product_package_weights;
vm.productGroups = response.data.filter_data.product_groups;
vm.products = response.data.products;
}).catch(function (error) {
alert('Het ophalen van de producten is niet gelukt');
filterProductGroupItems: function(data) {
if (this.checkedProductGroupItems.length == 0) return true;
return this.checkedProductGroupItems.includes(data.features.product_groups.value);
filterProductPackageWeights: function(data) {
if (this.checkedProductPackageWeights.length == 0) return true;
return this.checkedProductPackageWeights.includes(data.features.product_package_weights);
The code works only for the filterProductGroupItems. How can I combine the filterProductGroupItems and filterProductPackageWeights results in the computed productsFilter function? I'm also planning to make some more filter functions.
Please help
you can do this
computed: {
productsFilter: function () {
return [...this.filterProductGroupItems(), ...this.filterProductPackageWeights()];
or concat
computed: {
productsFilter: function () {
return this.filterProductGroupItems().concat(this.filterProductPackageWeights());
the problem may be that you could end up with an array that has [true, Obj, Obj ...] if one filter returns true, so you may want to change the filter to return an empty array
filterProductGroupItems: function(data) {
if (this.checkedProductGroupItems.length == 0) return [];
return this.checkedProductGroupItems.includes(data.features.product_groups.value);
filterProductPackageWeights: function(data) {
if (this.checkedProductPackageWeights.length == 0) return [];
return this.checkedProductPackageWeights.includes(data.features.product_package_weights);