Cognito AUTHORIZATION endpoint responsds with invalid client - amazon-cognito

I have set up a Cognito authorizer with an App client that is connected to Google Identity Provider.
"Callback URL" is http://localhost and "Sign out URL" is http://localhost/logout. I have enabled the "Authorization code grant" and the "Implicit grant" flows and the I want to implement the following flow :
User sends a GET request to the LOGIN endpoint (/login) which is the following:
User sends a POST request to the TOKEN endpoint (/oauth2/token) with the following parameters
Where <CODE_FROM_LOGIN> is the code returned by /login endpoint on the first step.
My problem is that the first endpoint (/login) works fine and I get the code, but the second endpoint always returns a Bad Request response with an "invalid client" message.
Is there something that can be missing from the configuration?
Also, if I choose to ask for a token from the login endpoint instead of a code, is this token equivalent with that of the TOKEN endpoint?

It seems that when one creates an AppClient the "Generate client secret" is enabled by default, but in subsequent views of the AppClient, one has to press show details to see that the password is set and what the password is.
For the scope of my needs, I just removed the password.

Invalid client is occured when you're generating client_secret for your app clients. You should add your client_secret in your request.


How to get access token using oauth 2.0 authorization grant type in rest assured

I have an api with oauth2.0 authorization grant type authentication which has the following steps -
Get method for authorization code which opens up a form in browser where you need to enter credentials. This results in a series of post redirect requests and finally returns a authorization code in third post response header
Now a post request is sent, with grant type authorization code containing client credentials and the above authorization code we got from the get request, in the body and it returns the access token
This is how it works in postman. How can I achieve the same thing using Rest Assured?
You need two handlers
Handler 1:
To redirect to oauth server. (requeter should identity list of grant types, generate url with client_id and state and redirect application to this url)
Once end user signs in and allows the grant. (assumed that user allows)
Handler 2:
oauth server redirects back to postman with a authorization_code and state.
You need to configure redirect to your server callback url.
Once you receive these two
Verify state is same as what you sent. if yes proceed.
send authorization_code, cleint_secret, client_id back to server to recieve access_token and refresh_token
Use access_token to access data.
Use refresh_token to get new access_token.

eBay API request error: 'Invalid access token. Check the value of the Authorization HTTP request header.'

I've registered as a developer with eBay and created an app.
I generated an Oauth (not Auth'n'Auth)
Using Postman to generate a simple request (image) and recieving an error for token invalidity
Error: Invalid access token. Check the value of the Authorization HTTP request header.
What am I doing wrong here?
If your token is for "sandbox" environment, make sure you use sandbox API endpoints for your requests as well.
Instead of,
One of the issues which might have happened is:
The access token might have expired
Use the refresh token to refresh the access token when it expires — you know when to do this when your call to the API returns a status code of 401 and the above body you saw in Postman.

POSTMAN rest client with magento REST api with Oauth. How to get Token and Token Secret?,please tell me step by step each process

magento REST API, how i will get token and token secret to be fill in
Postman REST resquest. I have only consumer key and consumer secret.
Please provide me the steps to follow.
First, you want to request a valid OAuth token and secret. Do this by hitting the /oauth/initiate URL of your Magento store with a GET parameter for oauth_callback. We're going to use httpbin so that we can echo anything that is passed to our callback. Make sure you have "Auto add parameters" checked on the OAuth 1.0 settings for Postman.
That will give you an oauth_token and oauth_token_secret, which are only temporary. These are referred to as a "request token" and secret. Save these values somewhere because you will need them later.
Now, assemble a new regular HTTP request to the /admin/oauth_authorize URL of your Magento store. This will return a login form where you can accept the oauth token and authorize your app, however since we're using Postman we aren't able to interact with the form.
Instead, view the source and pull out the form_key hidden input value. Then assemble a new HTTP request to fake the submission of the authorization form. Make sure it is a POST request. Your new HTTP request should look like this.
Now, you need to actually confirm the authorization. Simply issue a GET to the /admin/oauth_authorize/confirm URL of your Magento store with the oauth_token as your parameter. When you send this request it will redirect to your oauth_callback from the first step. Now, you can see why we used httpbin as our callback in the first step.
OK. So, we're almost home. The last piece of the puzzle is to use the oauth_token, oauth_secret, and oauth_verifier all together to get a valid and persistent "access token". So, take the oauth_token_secret from the first step, and combine and assemble a new OAuth request like so.
You should get a returned token and secret. These will never expire! You can use them to query products and stuff.
Now, you can assemble your OAuth requests like this. Edit: Note, you must check the "Add params to header" checkbox in order for Magento REST calls to work properly.

Okta: Failed to get authorization code through API call

I'm integrating Okta to my own IdP server by using Okta's API.
I'm implementing the Authorization code flow by following the steps below:
In my own server, use the /api/v1/authn endpoint to get the sessionToken.
Use the sessionToken to obtain the authorization by calling this endpoint: /oauth2/v1/authorize?client_id=" + clientId + "&sessionToken=" + sessionToken + "&response_type=code&response_mode=query&scope=openid&redirect_uri=" + redirectUrl + "&state=evanyang&nonce="
It's supposed to return a response with status code 302 and with the Location header containing the redirect url as well as the code value.
However, I keep getting a response with status code 200 and without the Location header, with a html body saying "You are using an unsupported browser." and "Javascript is disabled on your browser."
According to the API documentation:, the sessionToken parameter is sufficient to do this: An Okta one-time sessionToken. This allows an API-based user login flow (rather than Okta login UI).
Am I missing any extra requirement for getting the authorization code through API? Please help.
Thanks in Advance :)
The Authorization Code grant type and the Authorization endpoint in there are meant to be access through a browser, not a non-browser client.
This issue is caused by obtaining session id between obtaining session token and authorization code. Once the session token is used to get session id, it becomes invalid, which means it cannot be used to get authorization code anymore.
According to Okta, the Authorization Code grant type and the Authorization endpoint and be used through a API-based web app too, as long as the session token is provided in the request: In fact, one can use this script( to finish the flow.

Exchanging a Dropbox authorization code for a re-useable access token with php and oauth2

I am trying to exchange the authorization code I received without success. I am using the manual way where I omit the redirect url:<key>scope=&state=<state>
when this url is activated it will take the user to the authorization screen, if the user authorized the app, it DOES NOT redirect, instead it prints an authorization code such as:
Enter this code into <app-name> to finish the process.
How do I exchange this code for an access token?
If you're not supplying a redirect_uri parameter on /oauth2/authorize to automatically redirect the user, you can prompt them to copy that authorization code into your app manually. Then, your app should exchange that authorization code for an access token using /oauth2/token.
Also, note that /oauth2/authorize should be accessed on not, as it is a web page. The /oauth2/token endpoint is an API call, so that should called on
You can find the documentation for both of these here: