Vue.js connector to Neo4j database not working - vue.js

i am new to vue.js and neo4j. i tried using the Vue-neo4j connector - But after implementing it according to the file, when i click connect nothing happens nor are there errors in the console. could you help me out. i will paste my code below
Vue-neo4j version : 0.4.0
Neo4j version: 1.2.7
I imported the vue-neo4j in main.js file
Code -
<!-- ============ Body content start ============= -->
<div class="main-content">
<breadcumb :page="'Version 1'" :folder="'Dashboard'" />
<input v-model="protocol" />
<input v-model="host" />
<input v-model="port" />
<input v-model="username" />
<input v-model="password" />
<button #click="connect()">Connect</button>
<!-- ============ Body content End ============= -->
import { echartBar, echartPie } from "#/data/echarts";
import { echart1, echart2, echart3 } from "#/data/dashboard1";
export default {
metaInfo: {
// if no subcomponents specify a metaInfo.title, this title will be used
title: "Dashboard v1"
data() {
return {
protocol: "HTTP",
host: "localhost",
port: 7474,
username: "neo4j",
password: "aqt123",
methods: {
connect() {
return this.$neo4j.connect(
driver() {
// Get a driver instance
return this.$neo4j.getDriver();
testQuery() {
// Get a session from the driver
const session = this.$neo4j.getSession();
this.$neo4j.desktop.connectToActiveGraph().then(driver => {
.run("MATCH (n) RETURN count(n) AS count")
.then(res => {
.then(() => {
.echarts {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;

In this example you are running the connect method but you aren't actually updating the state of your application afterwards. this.$neo4j.connect returns a Promise that you could use to set a property in the component and then change the UI based on that. Or if you are using vue-router, you could redirect the user to a new route when connected.
You could add a driver and error property to the component:
data() {
return {
protocol: "HTTP",
host: "localhost",
port: 7474,
username: "neo4j",
password: "aqt123",
driver: undefined,
error: undefined,
Then once the driver has connected successfully set the driver:
return this.$neo4j.connect(
.then(driver => this.driver = driver)
.catch(e => this.error = e)
Then in the template you could do something like this to change the UI based on whether the driver has been set or not:
<div v-if="!driver">
<!-- display any connection error -->
<div v-if="error">{{ error }}</div>
<input v-model="protocol" />
<input v-model="host" />
<input v-model="port" />
<input v-model="username" />
<input v-model="password" />
<button #click="connect()">Connect</button>
<div v-else>
<!-- show something different after the driver has been set -->
The driver has been set!


Get newest data after submit data without page reload using vue script setup + axios

Please kindly help me with this, because I'm new in vue.js.
So, I have 2 Vue files :
Greetinglist.vue, It calls data from api using axios.get
Greeting.vue, It posts data using
After submit data, how to refresh the data without reload the page ?
I'm using <script setup> tag.
<div class="p-2" v-for="(message, index) in messages" :key="index">
<h3>{{ }}<span>{{}}</span></h3>
<p class="text-slate-300 text-lg">{{ message.greeting }}</p>
<script setup>
import {ref, onMounted } from 'vue'
import axios from 'axios'
let messages = ref([]);
function getMessages() {
.then((result) => {
messages.value =
}).catch((err) => {
onMounted(() => {
<form #submit.prevent="store()">
<div class="">
<input type="text" placeholder="" v-model="">
<textarea name="" id="" cols="28" rows="10" placeholder="" v-model="messages.greeting"></textarea>
<script setup>
import { reactive } from 'vue'
import axios from 'axios'
import GreetingList from './GreetingList.vue'
const messages = reactive({
name: '',
greeting: '',
function store() {'', messages)
.then((result) => { = ''
messages.greeting = ''
.catch((err) => {
You can move getMessages function to greeting.vue, and change greetinglist.vue to use props
<form #submit.prevent="store()">
<div class="">
<input type="text" placeholder="" v-model="">
<textarea name="" id="" cols="28" rows="10" placeholder="" v-model="messages.greeting"></textarea>
<GreetingList :messages="messageList" />
<script setup>
import { reactive } from 'vue'
import axios from 'axios'
import GreetingList from './GreetingList.vue'
const messages = reactive({
name: '',
greeting: '',
let messageList = ref([])
function store() {'', messages)
.then((result) => { = ''
messages.greeting = ''
.catch((err) => {
function getMessages() {
.then((result) => {
messageList.value =
}).catch((err) => {
onMounted(() => {
<script setup>
If I understood your requirement correctly, I am assuming you have both the components in a single page and you want to get the details of newly added greeting from Greeting.vue in the GreetingList.vue reactively (without refreshing the route). If Yes, You can achieve that by calling a getMessages() method on successfully promise of and then pass the results in the GreetingList.vue.
Demo (I just created it using Vue 2, You can change it accordingly as per Vue 3) :
Vue.component('child', {
// declare the props
props: ['msglist'],
// just like data, the prop can be used inside templates
// and is also made available in the vm as this.message
template: `<div>
<div v-for="(message, index) in msglist" :key="index">
<h3>{{ }}</h3>
<p>{{ message.greeting }}</p>
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
messages: {
name: null,
greeting: null
// For demo, I am just mock data for initial greeting listing.
messageList: [{
name: 'Alpha',
greeting: 'Hi !'
}, {
name: 'Beta',
greeting: 'Hello !'
methods: {
store() {
// Post API call will happen here.
// on success, make a call to get list of greetings.
if ( && this.messages.greeting) {
getMessages() {
// Get API call will happen here. For demo, I am just using the mock data and pushing the newly submitted greeting in a exisiting messageList.
greeting: this.messages.greeting
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<input type="text" placeholder="Name" v-model=""/>
<textarea cols="28" rows="10" placeholder="Greeting" v-model="messages.greeting"></textarea>
<button #click="store">Submit</button>
<child :msglist="messageList">
<h1>Post component</h1>
<form #submit="submitData" method="post">
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter Title" name="tilte" v-model="userdata.title" /><br />
<br />
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter Author" name="author" v-model="" /><br /><br />
<button type="submit">Submit Data</button>
import axios from "axios";
export default {
name: "postcomponent",
data() {
return {
userdata: {
title: null,
author: null,
methods: {
submitData(e) {
).then((result) => {

Issue with nuxt/auth

For auth I do use nuxt-auth, when the login is successful, I want to redirect to the main page using this.$router.push('/'), then I get a response like blank page with the following message
// for login
<div class="limiter">
backgroundImage: 'url(' + require(`#/assets/login/images/bg-01.jpg`) + ')',
<div class="wrap-login100 p-l-110 p-r-110 p-t-62 p-b-33">
<form class="login100-form validate-form flex-sb flex-w">
<span class="login100-form-title p-b-53"> Login Admin </span>
<a href="" class="btn-face m-b-20">
<i class="fa fa-facebook-official"></i>
<a href="" class="btn-google m-b-20">
<img :src="require(`#/assets/login/images/icons/icon-google.png`)" alt="GOOGLE" />
<div class="p-t-31 p-b-9">
<span class="txt1"> Email </span>
<div class="wrap-input100 validate-input" data-validate="Email is required">
<input v-model="" class="input100" type="email" name="email" />
<span class="focus-input100"></span>
<div class="p-t-13 p-b-9">
<span class="txt1"> Password </span>
<div class="wrap-input100 validate-input" data-validate="Password is required">
<input v-model="auth.password" class="input100" type="password" name="pass" />
<span class="focus-input100"></span>
<div class="container-login100-form-btn m-t-17">
<div class="w-full text-center p-t-55">
<span class="txt2"> Not a member? </span>
Register now
export default {
auth: false,
data() {
return {
auth: {
email: null,
password: null,
mounted() {
if (this.$auth.loggedIn) {
methods: {
async submit() {
try {
const response = await this.$auth.loginWith('local', { data: this.auth })
} catch (err) {
store vuex index.js
export const getters = {
isAuthenticated(state) {
return state.auth.loggedIn
loggedInUser(state) {
return state.auth.user
layout default.vue
<div class="wrapper">
<Sidebar v-if="isAuthenticated" />
<div :class="isAuthenticated ? 'main-panel' : ''">
<Navbar v-if="isAuthenticated" />
<Nuxt />
<Footer v-if="isAuthenticated" />
import Sidebar from '#/components/layout/Sidebar.vue'
import Navbar from '#/components/layout/Navbar.vue'
import Footer from '#/components/layout/Footer.vue'
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
export default {
components: { Sidebar, Navbar, Footer },
computed: {
...mapGetters(['isAuthenticated', 'loggedInUser']),
// auth nuxt config
auth : {
strategies: {
local: {
token: {
property: 'token',
required: true,
type: 'Bearer'
user: {
property: 'user',
autoFetch: true
endpoints: {
login: { url: '/sign/login', method: 'post' },
logout: { url: '/sign/logout', method: 'post' },
user: { url: '/sign/user-login', method: 'get' }
base index ('/')
<div class="container">
<Logo />
<h1 class="title">Learn Nuxt</h1>
<div class="links">
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="button--green">
rel="noopener noreferrer"
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
export default {
computed: {
...mapGetters(['isAuthenticated', 'loggedInUser']),
In your vuex store, the state parameter in your getter only has access to local state. You can't access the auth state the way you tried.
In a vuex module, a getter gets 4 arguments, namely local state, local getters, root state and root getters. So if you would rewrite your getters like this it would probably work:
export const getters = {
isAuthenticated(state, getters, rootState) {
return rootState.auth.loggedIn
loggedInUser(state, getters, rootState) {
return rootState.auth.user
But I still think it is a bit redundant doing it like that. I would replace isAuthenticated with this.$auth.loggedIn in your default layout. The nuxt-auth module globally injects the $auth instance, meaning that you can access it anywhere using this.$auth.
I had same problem after authorizing user and redirect user to the home page.
After many tries and doing many works, the right config of auth in nuxt.config.js seemed like this:
auth: {
strategies: {
local: {
scheme: 'refresh',
token: {
property: 'access_token',
tokenType: false,
maxAge: 60 * 60
refreshToken: {
property: 'refresh_token',
data: '',
maxAge: 60 * 60
endpoints: {
login: {
url: 'url/of/token',
method: 'urlMethod'
refresh: {
url: 'url/of/refreshToken',
method: 'urlMethod'
logout: false,
user: false
cookie: false,
redirect: {
login: '/login/page',
logout: '/login/page',
callback: false,
home: '/home/page'
Note that I didn't have any refreshToken property, but I should set it as empty string in config to be able to work with nuxt/auth!
Hope I could help

Vue JS: Forms are not getting cleared when router.push() method is executed after the logout

I am using Flask as a backend and Vue JS as front end for my development. Vuex for state store.
In the logout() I am clearing the authentication token from localStorage via store.dispatch('/logout') and then using router.push('/login') to navigate to Login.vue. I find that the form details entered before are not getting cleared. When the logout() is performed it navigates to the Login.vue with flash message stating 'You have been logged out successfully'.
Below is the code snippet for the same:
logout() {
.then((res) => {
.then(() => {
time: 5000,
flashMessageStyle: {
backgroundColor: 'linear-gradient(#e66465, #9198e5)',
.catch((error) => {
message: error.toString(),
time: 5000,
flashMessageStyle: {
backgroundColor: 'linear-gradient(#e66465, #9198e5)',
logout() is written in App.vue. Here router is an instance of vue-router.
To avoid the issue of form data not being cleared I have used router.go() instead of router.push() in the above code. But because of this implementation, the flash message is not getting displayed as the reload (because of router.go()) is overwriting the displaying of flash message which I don't want.
Please let me if it is possible to erase the form data after logout without getting into the trouble of not showing flash message.
Not sure how you have implemented Login.vue, but here is a Login.vue that I have implemented, and it works. One of the takeaways should be that my form model data values are initialized to empty strings.
<div id="login">
<form class="form-horizontal">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="username" class="col-md-offset-3 col-md-2 align-right">User Name</label>
<div class="col-md-3">
<input type="input" ref="username" class="form-control" id="username" v-model="username">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="password" class="col-md-offset-3 col-md-2 align-right">Password</label>
<div class="col-md-3">
<input type="password" class="form-control" id="password" v-model="password" v-on:keyup.enter="login">
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-md-offset-5 col-md-4">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default"
<span class="error-msg" v-if="errorMsg">{{ errorMsg }}</span>
import { loginUrl, axios, processAjaxLoginError } from '../globalvars.js'
export default {
name: 'Login',
data() {
return {
username: '',
password: '',
errorMsg: ''
methods: {
login() {, {
username: this.username,
password: this.password
.then(response => {
// Commit the token to the store
this.$store.commit('updateToken', { token: });
// Clear error message
this.errorMsg = '';
// Redirect to customer index view
.catch(error => {
this.errorMsg = processAjaxLoginError(error);
computed: {
token() {
return this.$store.state.token;
mounted() {

#submit.prevent not working on vue md-input

when I click 'login button' even I don't fill data in md-input it still running,
I test my onSubmit() method by login with my user and it works!
I don't think I do thing wrong in the method so I guess that my form is incorrect.
here is my code :
my form
<form #submit.prevent="onSubmit">
<login-card header-color="green">
<h4 slot="title" class="title">CCRP Sign On</h4>
<p slot="description" class="description">IT solution by เจ้เก๋ IT-PM</p>
<md-field class="md-form-group" slot="inputs">
<md-input v-model.trim="userId" type="text"></md-input>
<md-field class="md-form-group" slot="inputs">
<md-input v-model.trim="password" type="password"></md-input>
<md-field class="md-form-group">
<md-button slot="footer" class="md-simple md-success md-lg" type="submit">Login</md-button>
in scrpit methods
async onSubmit() {
const authData = {
userId: this.userId,
password: this.password
await this.login(authData).then(() => {
if (this.isAuthenticated) {
} else {
can you help me solve this?
Your understanding of "prevent" key is quite incorrect.
All it does is not reload the form after submit action. However the submit action will be called irrespective of whether the prevent is used or not.
It is just preventing the default functionality of form getting reloaded after each submit.
On the other hand what you need to do is validate your form before actually submitting it.
Example :
//- Requires "vuelidate" - npm install vuelidate
import { validationMixin } from "vuelidate";
import { required, email } from "vuelidate/lib/validators";
export default {
name: "FormValidation",
mixins: [validationMixin],
data: () => ({
form: {
email: null,
password: null
userSaved: false,
sending: false,
lastUser: null
validations: {
form: {
email: {
password: {
methods: {
getValidationClass(fieldName) {
const field = this.$v.form[fieldName];
if (field) {
return {
"md-invalid": field.$invalid && field.$dirty
clearForm() {
this.$v.$reset(); = null;
this.form.password = null;
saveUser() {
this.sending = true;
// Instead of this timeout, here you can call your API
window.setTimeout(() => {
this.lastUser = `${}`;
this.userSaved = true;
this.sending = false;
}, 1500);
validateUser() {
if (!this.$v.$invalid) {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.md-progress-bar {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
left: 0;
<!-- Calling validateUser insted of submit action -->
<form novalidate class="md-layout" #submit.prevent="validateUser">
<md-card class="md-layout-item md-size-50 md-small-size-100">
<!-- Title of the form -->
<div class="md-title">Login</div>
<!-- Inputs for the form -->
<md-field :class="getValidationClass('email')">
<label for="email">Email</label>
<span class="md-error" v-if="!$">The email is required</span>
<span class="md-error" v-else-if="!$">Invalid email</span>
<md-field :class="getValidationClass('password')">
<label for="password">Password</label>
<!-- to show errors in case validation fails -->
<span class="md-error" v-if="!$v.form.password.required">The email is required</span>
<span class="md-error" v-else-if="!$">Invalid email</span>
<md-progress-bar md-mode="indeterminate" v-if="sending"/>
<md-button type="submit" class="md-primary" :disabled="sending">Create user</md-button>
<md-snackbar :md-active.sync="userSaved">The user {{ lastUser }} was saved with success!</md-snackbar>

Simple If return in VUE.JS method

Template won't show v-if when method return true.
I can log the username password and the failed attempt in the else section of my login method. If I try to log the loginFailed var I get loginFailed is not defined.
<div class="container-big">
<div class="container-header">
<h1>Our Login</h1>
<p v-if="loginFailed">
Login Failed
<div id="loginContainer" class="container-login">
<input id="login" type="text" placeholder="username" v-model="username" spellcheck="false" >
<input id="key" type="password" placeholder="password" v-model="password" spellcheck="false" >
<div class="container-signin">
<button class="signin" id="go" #click="login()"></button>
export default {
name: 'Login',
data () {
return {
msg: 'This is your login',
password: '',
username: '',
loginFailed: false
methods: {
login () {
if (this.username !== '' && this.password === 'pass') {
this.$router.push( { name: 'dashboard', path: '/dashboard' }) }
else {
console.log('failed attempt')
this.loginFailed === true;
return this.loginFailed
What I want to do is if login failed show
<p v-if="loginFailed">
Login Failed
In the login() method, you're performing a comparison when you should actually assign a value to the loginFailed property:
this.loginFailed === true;
Change that line so that it actually assigns true to this.loginFailed:
this.loginFailed = true;
side note: You most likely don't need to return anything from login() since it's simply dealing with instance properties, you might want to remove this line:
return this.loginFailed