How to find X-RateLimit-Limit of a particular website - http-headers

This question may be silly but I want to know is there any way to read the X-RateLimit-Limit of a website if it exists?
And if so, how to read it? I have a website which blocks me after many requests and later restores after sometime...


Is it possible for others to find images on my server that aren't referenced on my website?

If I upload a file to my webserver, is it possible for anyone or any crawler of some sort to find that file even though I haven't linked to it from anywhere or referenced to it?
Say for example you have a site that hides content to non logged in users, if I know the path to an image file I am able to reach that file even though I am not logged in. This is the case of several sites I regularly visit. But is this really a problem, is it possible for people with bad intentions to find these images even though they can't log in?
My next question would of course be (maybe that's another thread though): how can I as a web developer, using a LAMP stack, protect file paths from being requested from non logged in users?

How to properly use a CDN?

Good evening everyone! Thank you for opening this post.
I currently bought myself the ProCDN from MediaTemple (basically EdgeCast) and have setup a CDN where now I go to (or it loads the normal website just fine...
However, I'm not sure which one to use.. Would I use this for the whole complete site to optimize, or use the links to add one by one for each script/stylesheet based on file size? (e.g. All JS/CSS will have the cdn-small while anything larger such as 300kb will have the cdn-large link)
And to say, if the correct way is to load the whole site as one link (e.g. everything is linked normally like js/jquery.js instead of a full link like Would I set a redirect from to for the best loading and that they only need to type in the domain not the full sub-CDN-domain?
Apologize if this isn't making sense or anything, but trying to do my best. To put it much more simple terms again is that I'm trying to find the best way to use my cdn-small/cdn-large for my website by having the user enter in the domain (https:// or http://) normally to serve my content as fast as possible near the user.
Kindly appreciate your time for reading this and wish you all a positive weekend.
Here is my live site if it even matters or want to experiement;

How do I implement a secure upload/download area?

I've been asked to create a solution where people log in and are able to upload and download off of our work server. So John uploads a photo, and Jen can download it, for example. They also have to authenticate themselves.
Can someone give me a rough overview of how to implement this? I'm familiar enough with MySQL, C#, and JavaScript.
The rough overview
This should just be a matter of planning out the pieces.
at the very top of the page, put some code that checks if a user is logged in. If not, show a login form (or redirect to...). If they are logged in, show the rest of the page. If not, you'll need some logic to show a form, and then check it once it's submitted for authentication, and set a SESSION cookie or something similar.
Once the user is logged in, on the homepage, you might have an file-upload form and a listing of existing files. How you would style would depend on how many files you might expect to have. To keep things extremely simple, you could simple iterate through whatever files are in the upload directory. If you expect many more files than that, you may consider using a db.
Handle a file upload by sanitizing filenames (checking for filetype/filesize if you want to limit those) and putting the file into the directory.
Force the users to download the files (instead of having the browser decide what to do with them) for security purposes. Implementing this on certain filetypes may also be acceptable.
Other thoughts
You probably would not want the users to be able to excecute any files, so keeping the file directory hidden would be a good idea.
Keeping track of who uploaded and downloaded what is also doable, but would add another layer of complication to the script.

VB.Net App to check personal Wordpress site for last post

I have a personal website that I want to see when the last post was made to it. Is there a way to find the last posted date on my blog?
In my application, I have a notification that I want to fire if we've made a 'News' post on our site so that our users are aware of any issues and I figured the best way would be to see when the last post was made.
Anyone have any ideas?
Since WordPress supports the metaWeblog API, you could use the XML-RPC.NET library to create a client that comminicates with your blog. You would use the metaWeblog.getRecentPosts method to get the most recent posts. You can find an example here.
You might even be able to automate the login process, and scrape the post titles, comparing the first one to the one that was stored last. If they're different, it would indicate an update has been made.
Here's a method I came up with to automate the login part:
You could even connect to the mySQL database and query for the last entry date. (probably easier)

Prevention from entire website downloading?

There is one IP (from China) which is trying to download my entire website. It downloads all my pages and loads the server significantly (I have more than 500 000 pages). Looking at the access logs I can tell it's definitely not a Google bot or any other search engine bot.
Temporarily I've banned it (using iptables rules), but it's not a solution for me, because some of my real users also have the same IP, so they are also banned and cannot acces the website.
Is there any way to prevent such kind of "user activity"? Maybe a mechanism which implements captcha if you try to request more than 5 requests a second or something?
P.S. I'm using Yii framework (PHP).
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
thank you!
You have answered your own question!
Make captcha appear if the request exceeds certain number per second or per minute!
You should use CCaptchaAction to implement, like this.
I guess the best way to monitor for suspicious user activity is really user session, CWebUser's getState()/setState(). Store current request time in user session, compare it to several previous values, show captcha if user makes requests too often.
Create new component, preload it via CWebApplication::$preload and check user activity in components init() function. This way you'll be able to turn bot check on and off easily.