changing a single value using v-model / full table is redrawn - vue.js

I was building an editable table, which began to crawl to a halt when the number of rows started to run in the 100's. This led me to investigate what was going on.
In the example below, when changing the value in the input, the whole table is redrawn, and the ifFunction() function is trigged 4 times.
Why is this happening? Shouldn't Vue be capable of just redrawing the respective cell? Have I done something wrong with the key-binding?
<div id="app">
<table border="1" cellpadding="10">
<tr v-for="(row, rowKey) in locations" :key="`row_+${rowKey}`">
<td v-for="(column, columnKey) in row" :key="`row_+${rowKey}+column_+${columnKey}`">
<span v-if="ifFunction()">{{ column }}</span>
<input v-model="locations[0][1]">
export default {
data() {
return {
locations: [
], // TODO : locations is not generic enough.
methods: {
ifFunction() {
return true;

The data property defines reactive elements - if you change one part of it, everything that's depending on that piece of data will be recalculated.
You can use computed properties to "cache" values, and only update those that really need updating.
I rebuilt your component so computed properties can be used throughout: created a cRow and a cCell component ("custom row" and "custom cell") and built back the table from these components. The row and the cell components each have a computed property that "proxies" the prop to the template - thus also caching it.
On first render you see the ifFunction() four times (this is the number of cells you have based on the data property in Vue instance), but if you change the value with the input field, you only see it once (for every update; you may have to click "Full page" to be able to update the value).
Vue.component('cCell', {
props: {
celldata: {
type: String,
required: true
isInput: {
type: Boolean,
required: true
coords: {
type: Array,
required: true
data() {
return {
normalCellData: ''
watch: {
normalCellData: {
handler: function(value) {
this.$emit('cellinput', {
coords: this.coords,
immediate: false
template: `<td v-if="ifFunction()"><span v-if="!isInput">{{normalCellData}}</span> <input v-else type="text" v-model="normalCellData" /></td>`,
methods: {
ifFunction() {
return true;
mounted() {
this.normalCellData = this.celldata
Vue.component('cRow', {
props: {
rowdata: {
type: Array,
required: true
rownum: {
type: Number,
required: true
template: `
v-for="(item, i) in rowdata"
:is-input="!!(i % 2)"
:coords="[i, rownum]"
methods: {
reemit(data) {
this.$emit('cellinput', data)
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
locations: [
["1", "John"],
["2", "Jake"]
], // TODO : locations is not generic enough.
methods: {
}) {
// creating a copy of the locations data attribute
const loc = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.locations))
loc[coords[1]][coords[0]] = value
// changing the whole locations data attribute to preserve
// reactivity
this.locations = loc
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<table border="1" cellpadding="10">
<tr v-for="(row, i) in locations" is="c-row" :rowdata="row" :rownum="i" #cellinput="updateLocations"></tr>
<!-- <input v-model="locations[0][1]">
<input v-model="locations[1][1]">-->


Embeded template in vue

I would like to use a local component in VueJS:
My component file (cleaned up a bit):
<template id="heroValuePair">
<td class="inner label">{{label}}</td>
<td class="inner value">{{c}}</td>
<td class="inner value">
<span v-if="c < t" class="more">(+{{t-c}})</span>
<span v-if="c > t" class="less">({{t-c}})</span>
<template id="hero">
<table class="hero card" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td>other data...</td>
<hvp label="Label" v-bind:c="current.level" :t="target.level" :key=""/>
var HeroValuePair = {
template: "#heroValuePair",
props: {
label : String,
c : Number,
t : Number
created() {
console.log("HVP: "+this.c+" "+this.t);
Vue.component("Hero", {
template: "#hero",
props: {
heroId : String
components: {
"hvp" : HeroValuePair
data: () => ({
hero: {},
current: {},
target: {}
computed: {
created() {
.then(res => res.json())
.then(res => {
this.hero = res.hero
this.current = res.current =
This outer Hero template is used in a list iterator:
<template id="card-list">
Card list
<div id="">
<div v-for="card in cards" class="entry">
<Hero :hero-id="" :key=""/>
Vue.component("card-list", {
template: "#card-list",
data: () => ({
cards: [],
created() {
.then(res => res.json())
.then(res => { = res.heroes
.catch((e) => alert("Error while fetching cards: "+e));
However, when I render the card list, it only produces the list of the first td in hvp template:
When I comment out the call of hpv the page is rendered correctly with all the HTML code from Hero template.
I tried to figure out what step I left out, but can't find the clue.
One last info: I used JavalinVue to support the server side, not nodejs-based Vue CLI. I don't know if it has any impact, but may be important.
After IVO GELOV spot the problem with multiple root tags, and because I can't move to Vue3, I tried to make it as a functional template, as he suggested. I removed the template and created the render function:
var HeroValuePair = {
template: "#heroValuePair",
functional: true,
props: {
label : String,
c : Number,
t : Number
render(createElement, context) {
console.log("HVP: "+context.props.c+" "+context.props.t);
if (typeof context.props.c === undefined) return createElement("td" )
else return [
createElement("td", context.props.label ),
createElement("td", context.props.c ),
createElement("td", context.props.t )
Although the console indicated the render is called correctly, the result is the same: there is neither the rendered nodes, nor the parent Hero component displayed. I tried to move into different file, tried the functional template format, but none worked.

Mutating a value in vue when the key didn't previously exist does not update the view

I have a table and a select box for each row. I want the check box to model a value in the data that doesn't actually exist, yet.
<tr v-for="item in someData">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="item.selected"></td>
<input type="checkbox" v-model=""></td>
My data when loaded from the DB looks like this:
someData: [
{'name': 'john'},
{'name': 'kate'},
{'name': 'aaron'},
When the user presses a Select All button it should update the selected key even if it doesn't exist (well thats the idea)
toggleSelect: function () {
this.someData.forEach(element => {
element.selected = !element.selected;
However the checkboxes don't react even though the values have been updated. To make this work I need to get the data and add the key/value manually prior to loading it into view and rendering
getDatabaseData: function () {
// some code omitted
response['data'].forEach(element => {
element["selected"] = false;
app.someData = response['data']
Am I doing it correctly? Am I right in thinking Vue won't be reactive to values that didn't exist prior to rendering?
Try this idea,
in vue component.
<input type="checkbox" v-model="selectAll"> Select All
<tr v-for="item in someData" :key="">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="selected" :value="">
{{ }}
data() {
return {
selectAll: false,
selected: [],
someData: [{ name: "john" }, { name: "kate" }, { name: "aaron" }]
watch: {
selectAll(value) {
// validate if value is true
if (value) {
this.someData.forEach(item => {
// push unique value
if(this.items.indexOf( === -1) {
} else {
// Unselect all
this.selected = [];
You have a selected variable where the selected Items are located. selectAll variable to select all items and push to selected variable.
You should be using Vue.set to update the value of the selected property on your objects in order to be reactive, like this:
import Vue from 'vue';
toggleSelect: function () {
this.someData.forEach(element => {
Vue.set(element, 'selected', !element.selected);

Array Reactivity Issues

I'm having issues with array reactivity, please see this example:
var app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: function () {
return {
grid: {
rows: [{}]
methods: {
addRow: function () {
setRow: function (row) {
this.$set(row, 'cell', 'Test');
watch: {
'grid.rows': {
deep: true,
handler: function (rows, oldRows) {
console.log('Rows updated', rows, oldRows);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<tr v-for="row in grid.rows">
<td><input type="text" v-model="row.cell"></td>
<td><button type="button" #click="setRow(row)">Set</button></td>
<button type="button" #click="addRow">Add</button>
If a row has not been edited manually, clicking "Set" button sets the field to "Test" and all the further updates to it are catched in watcher.
If a row has been edited manually first, watcher is not triggered, and clicking "Set" button does not immediately update the field. Adding another row updates the current row.
Is there a different way to add new array members? This page says it's ok to just add:
I've figured out the issue... All the properties of objects should be initialized.
So in my case, the proper way to add a row is: this.grid.rows.push({cell: ''});
It would be nice though to initialize object properties when binding to controls, if not initialized yet.

Vue 2 - change data value of all components

I have following setup:
Vue code:
Vue.component('ordering-filters', {
template: `
<a href="#"
:class="iconClass + faClass"
#click="orderCountries({orderBy, order})">
props: {
orderBy: {
type: String,
required: true
order: {
type: String,
required: true
iconClass: {
type: String,
default: "fa fa-lg text-muted"
faClass: {
type: String,
required: true
methods: {
Event.$emit('ordering-filters', params);
data() {
return {
isActive: false
HTML code:
<td class="col-md-6">Country Name
<div class="arrow-group">
fa-class=" fa-sort-asc"
fa-class=" fa-sort-desc"
<td class="countries-visible-filter col-md-3">
<div class="arrow-group">
fa-class=" fa-sort-asc"
fa-class=" fa-sort-desc"
I want to change isActive to all the ordering-filters components when click event is fired, set it to false for all and then set it to true on the clicked element. Is this possible?
You must delegate the control of the active element to the parent somehow. Here is one of the many ways to do that, using v-model (which is just a shortcut for :value and #input), and a simple computed prop.
Vue.component('ordering-filters', {
template: `<a href="#" #click="orderCountries()">
{{ filterId }}
<template v-if="isActive"> I'm on. </template>
props: ['value', 'filterId'],
computed: {
isActive() {
return this.value === this.filterId;
methods: {
orderCountries() {
// Do some ordering stuff
this.$emit('input', this.filterId); // The active element is now this one
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
activeFilterId: null
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<ordering-filters filter-id="one" v-model="activeFilterId"></ordering-filters> -
<ordering-filters filter-id="two" v-model="activeFilterId"></ordering-filters> -
<ordering-filters filter-id="three" v-model="activeFilterId"></ordering-filters>

In VueJS is it possible to bind something with v-model that is then rebound to another child?

I have an app for which I'm creating a custom component that will output a single row of a table. It contains a numeric field which is user-adjustable, and so within that custom component I'm using another custom component from the quasar framework (q-numeric). I'm struggling to see how I can bind a variable at the top-level through 2 components - perhaps it can't be done directly, but I was hoping to avoid lots of extra code in the middle component. So far it looks like this from the top down:
In the App.vue template, I have lines like this:
<config-item v-model="numParticipants">Number of Participants</config-item>
ConfigItem.vue, looks like this:
<td class="text-right"><slot></slot></td>
<td class="text-right">
#input="$emit('input', value)"
export default {
props: {
label: String,
value: Number,
min: {
type: Number,
default: 1
max: {
type: Number,
default: 1000
step: {
type: Number,
default: 1
But of course that won't work, because I'm now binding the property value to the q-numeric, which will mutate it. Really, I wan't to bind the top-level variable numParticipants to the q-numeric - is it possible to implement some kind of 'pass through' within my config-item component? Or does my component need to have it's own data element which it initialises from the passed-in properties, and updates in response to the q-numeric? I know I can do that, but I was hoping for a cleaner solution...
Update: You can propagate v-model-ability down a hierarchy by making a writable computed based on the prop (the prop must be named 'value'). The get function obviously returns the prop value; the set function does the $emit.
The computed spec is entirely fixed, so I have extracted it as a constant.
const vModelComputed = {
get() {
return this.value;
set(newValue) {
this.$emit('input', newValue);
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
numParticipants: 1
components: {
middleComponent: {
props: ['value'],
template: '<div>Value: {{value}} <q-numeric v-model="localValue"></q-numeric></div>',
computed: {
localValue: vModelComputed
components: {
qNumeric: {
props: ['value'],
template: '<div><input v-model="localValue" type="number"> inner value: {{value}}</div>',
computed: {
localValue: vModelComputed
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="app">
Participants: {{numParticipants}}
<middle-component v-model="numParticipants"></middle-component>
This is what I ended up with - seemed like the simplest approach. I was kind of hoping Vue would have a mechanism to hide this away when the 'middle' component effectively promises not to change the model, but just wants to hand it on to a child.
Basically, I created an intermediary data element ivalue, and initialised it in the mounted() event, and use the input() event of the child to emit an input() event back to the parent.
<td class="text-right"><slot></slot></td>
<td class="text-right">
#input="$emit('input', ivalue)"
export default {
data: () => ({
ivalue: 0
mounted () {
this.ivalue = this.value
props: {
label: String,
value: Number,
min: {
type: Number,
default: 1
max: {
type: Number,
default: 250000
step: {
type: Number,
default: 1