Keyboard covering react-native-elements input - react-native

I am using the "Input" component from react-native-elements, not "TextInput". I need to focus scroll to the input when it is touched. The keyboard keeps covering the input even after using KeyboardAwareScrollView and KeyboardAvoidingView. Please help.


React Native KeyboardAvoidingView event

There is a way to create a component that run when KeyboardAvoidingView is running. For example, in a screen there are a TextInput (in the bottom like footer) and a Text. When I click in TextInput to edit (KeyboardAvoidingView is enable) I want the Text disappear. I know how can disappear the Text but I should find a way to detect when KeyboardAvoidingView open.

React native text input onblur event gets called on its own, preventing keyboard input to be processed

trying to build an OTP input screen. From what I read, it can be achieved by hiding the TextInput component and displaying the inputted text in views. I have shared a basic Expo snack link. The text input is not taking the values I press on the keyboard. here is the expo link - Can someone help me with what I am doing wrong?
Another issue I have noticed is that the keyboard doesn't show up if I press the back button and then again press the <Text> component from where I have called the onPress to call focus() on the TextInput. It will come up if I press the back button and then press the Text component only once. If I again close it using the back button, after that the keyboard stops coming up.
Below is the console log output based on the logging statements I have in the code snack (my actions are marked with >>>>>) -
1>>>>> App opens up
text input onfocus called
text input onblur called
keyboard did show
2>>>>> App stabilizes
3>>>>> I press the back button
keyboard did hide
4>>>>> I press the text component
calling focus
keyboard did show
5>>>>> I press the back button
keyboard did hide
6>>>>> I keep pressing the text component
calling focus
calling focus
calling focus
calling focus
calling focus
calling focus
I think the issue might be before the 2>>>>> part. The TextInput's onBlur is already called. That might be the reason why it is not taking keyboard inputs. Also, even after calling focus, the onFocus logging is absent, meaning that the text input never came into focus. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance :)
And if you solve this, please help me out with the issue of keyboard not appearing on pressing the Text component multiple times (6>>>>> part of the console output).
I don't clearly understand what are you trying to do by giving 0 height and width to TextInput, If you are trying to create an OTP input field you can simply use any third-party libraries like react-native-otp-input or try to use code from this existing snack

How to always show a keypad in react native?

I have a view, in which there is a redux form field linked to a text input.
First of all, is there a way to show that keypad on initial rendering without the sliding in animation?
Second, on finished editing, is there a way to still keep the keypad up there?
I have tried to set blurOnSubmit to false in TextInput, it seems to stop me from losing the focus by clicking outside.
Lastly, there is also a button on that page which will start a request with the input value, on resolved, a modal will slide up from the bottom to show a success screen. This modal is implemented using react-navigation. The modal is a relatively small rectangle shape with the rest part transparent. So users can see the original page even when the success modal is up. In this case, is there a way to always show the keypad in the original screen even when the modal is up?
First of all, is there a way to show that keypad on initial rendering without the sliding in animation?
No. React Native doesn't support a way to disable the slide animation.
Second, on finished editing, is there a way to still keep the keypad up there?
If the TextInput is being rendered inside a ScrollView, add keyboardShouldPersistTaps=handled. It will hold the focus.

Ignore TextInput pointer events

I have a view with a TextInput that you can edit. At a certain the TextInput should not be editable, and it's container should respond to a click on it in a different manner.
Setting editable: false in the TextInput does disable editing, but the pointer events to the touchable container above are not recieved. Even setting pointerEvents: "none" on it will not work.
If I replace the TextInput with any other component, clicks are recieved.
My only solution right now is to replace my TextInput with Text when I want the read-only-clickable state, but the styling gets messed up when I do that and I need to adjust the Text to position itself like the TextInput which isn't as trivial as I imagined it would be.
I should point out - I am only testing this on Android at the moment.
Any ideas?

How to prevent React Native to dismiss keyboard

In a react-native form, when switching from one TextInput to the next one, the second grabs focus for an instant and then suddenly RN dismisses the keyboard.
I have onSubmitEditing coded to move to next input, but the user needs to click on enter in the keyboard, I can also override onEndEditing however that forces you to move to the next input and maybe you didn't touch that one.
I found out that the problem is related to having TextInputs within a ScrollView, focus between inputs in this component doesn't work as expected.
keyboardShouldPersistTaps={true} is deprecated so need to use keyboardShouldPersistTaps="always"