Karate : Is it feasible to iterate Url to support pagination - karate

I have a rest endpoint with pagination, I want to verify expected parameter exists by traversing through all pages. One option I could think of is to have an array defined with page offset intervals like {0,25,50....}
Welcoming better approaches. Is it feasible to break the loop when my expected condition is met?
ex: Given url 'http://myhost.com/v1/cats/'+'#(offset)'
And request {name : 'Billie'}
When method post
Then status 201
Note: have not tested the above code, looking for better approach.

You should be able to figure this out with conditional logic: https://github.com/intuit/karate#conditional-logic
There should be some part of your response that tells you whether there is a "next" page or not. There are ways you can "loop" manually, refer this part of the docs: https://github.com/intuit/karate#polling


Algolia vue-instantsearch : disjunction between two distincts facets

Using algolia vue-instantsearch, i’m encountering a special case and i’m having an hard time finding a solution.
Refinement behaviors is that you get the results that matches all your refinement filters.
If i filter on a brand and a price, i’ll get the results that matches both the brand and the price.
I need to add some specific filters that work differently. I would like to be able to say “returns me the results that matches either refinementA, or refinementB, or refinementC.”
The reason is that those refinements are checking fields that are not present on all the products.
If i check a value for refinementA, i want to keep all the results that has no value for field corresponding to refinementA, but remove those that has a value for refinementA that does not match with the one i filtered one.
Im thinking about handling myself some inputs instead of ias-components, and modifying by hand each query that is send to algolia by checking the value of my own inputs when searchFunction is triggered (https://www.algolia.com/doc/api-reference/widgets/instantsearch/js/#widget-param-searchfunction).
I did not found yet how i can trigger a search from an non-vue-instantsearch input event, and i’m not sure how the above solution could affect the internal working of vue-instantsearch.
I’m looking for feedbacks about a more standard way of doing this, or for any advices !
I got the answer by exchanging with a vue-instantsearch maintainer.
vue-instantsearch does not provide any option to do it.
A workaround is to overwrite algoliasearch search method, that is used under the hood by vue-instant-search.
const client = algoliasearch('', '');
const originalSearch = client.search;
client.search = function search(queries) { ... }
More informations in this github issue : https://github.com/algolia/vue-instantsearch/issues/1102

Referencing input value by name in HTMX

I've started looking into using HTMX recently and I've ran accross a problem that I can't figure out. Essentially I have a select element which I use to make an http POST whenever the user makes a selection. In order to make that post however, I need to provide a token which is stored in the input about the select. Is there a way for me to reference in HTMX syntax the input from above using it's name "csrfmiddlewaretoken"?
So I figured out what my trouble was. In order for me to expand the payload of the hx-post request, what I needed to do was include the HTML elements that I wanted the contents of in the hx-post request. To do that you can use the hx-include attribute on the request emiting element, which references other elements by name and takes their value in the payload as a {name: value} pair.
<select name="sample_select" hx-post="link" hx-include="[name='csrfmiddlewaretoken']" hx-trigger="changed">...
The example select above would issue an HTTP Post request when the value of the select element would be changed. The request payload would then be
sample_select: selected_value;
csrfmiddlewaretoken: value
Keep in mind that if you have multiple elements on the same page with the same name, when you reference the name in the hx-include attribute then the HTMX library will take all the values from all the elements in the payload. I have not found a way to reference a specific element, or the closest one yet but if you know of a way please share.

Why I only getting id's back in response? IGDB api

I already read the documentation and I think I am making the simplest request in the correct way, but it always returns only the IDs, instead of all the fields of the games
Documentation example: Documentation Example
The request header is fine. I know this because I can get the expected request if fields = * as querystring
this is my request:
You have to provide the fields you want inside the body.
Like this:
fields age_ratings,aggregated_rating,aggregated_rating_count,alternative_names,artworks,bundles,category,checksum,collection,cover,created_at,dlcs,expansions,external_games,first_release_date,follows,franchise,franchises,game_engines,game_modes,genres,hypes,involved_companies,keywords,multiplayer_modes,name,parent_game,platforms,player_perspectives,rating,rating_count,release_dates,screenshots,similar_games,slug,standalone_expansions,status,storyline,summary,tags,themes,total_rating,total_rating_count,updated_at,url,version_parent,version_title,videos,websites;"

Retry until with dynamic path or params [duplicate]

I have a use-case where I need to first call an API to get a list of ID's. From this response a random ID is chosen. Next I call a 2nd API which uses the random ID as a component in the path.
It's possible the 2nd API call can return an empty response, therefore I want to utilize retry until but use a different random ID in the path per retry iteration.
I've tried a couple of things:
First "in-lining" the JS function in the path to get a random ID:
Given path firstPart, myGetRandomId(idList), lastPart
And retry until response.length > 1
Second, tried putting the JS function in a Examples: as part of a Scenario Outline:
Given path firstPart, <ID>, lastPart
And retry until response.length > 1
| ID |
| myGetRandomId(idList) |
The general issue I can't figure out is how to get the JS function to evaluate in either of this "in-line" kind of approaches.
And ideas/suggestions appreciated.
The way that the Karate retry until works is that it will re-play the request as-is and you can't modify it.
So you have to take a different approach. Use a JS loop. Look at this example in the demos:

Constrain Wikipedia Search API to generate only NS:0 pages

I am calling the Wikipedia API from Java using the following search query to generate redirected pages:
where the final 'D' is just an example for the continue-from.
I am interested in only iterating over items in namespace:0. In fact, if I don't, the continue return value includes category pages, which break the next query iteration.
Thank you in advance.
The parameter you need from the Allpages api is
but notice that when you omit it, then 0 is the default anyway.