Mysterious error when accessing BRENDA with zeep - zeep

I'm trying to get all human Kcats and KMs from BRENDA using SOAP (technically zeep with Python3 I guess). I used this code, which follows the example code given here:
from zeep import Client
import hashlib
wsdl = ""
password = hashlib.sha256("password".encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
client = Client(wsdl)
parameters = (
"organism*Homo sapiens"
resultString = client.service.getKcatKmValue(*parameters)
and it gives me the error "Missing element organism (getKcatKmValue.organism)"
It's not clear to me what I'm doing wrong. Any insight would be appreciated.

If you run this command to inspect the definition of methods/operations:
python -mzeep
you can see the definition of getKcatKmValue as follows:
getKcatKmValue(email: xsd:string, password: xsd:string, ecNumber: xsd:string, organism: xsd:string, kcatKmValue: xsd:string, kcatKmValueMaximum: xsd:string, substrate: xsd:string, commentary: xsd:string, ligandStructureId: xsd:string, literature: xsd:string) -> return: ns0:ArrayOfKcatKmValues
so all of these parameters must be supplied which you are not passing in parameters hence the error.
a dict can also be passed to operation for a better visibility of passed arguments like this:
parameters = {
'email': "",
'password': password,
'ecNumber': ecNumber,
'organism': "organism*Homo sapiens",
'kcatKmValue': kcatKmValue,
'kcatKmValueMaximum': kcatKmValueMaximum,
'substrate': substrate,
'commentary': commentary,
'ligandStructureId': ligandStructureId,
'literature' : literature
# then pass dict as follows:
resultString = client.service.getKcatKmValue(**parameters)
hope this helps.


how to read the console output in python without executing any command

I have an API which gets the success or error message on console.I am new to python and trying to read the response. Google throws so many examples to use subprocess but I dont want to run,call any command or sub process. I just want to read the output after below API call.
This is the response in console when success
17:50:52 | Logged in!!
This is the github link for the sdk and documentation
This is the code
from py5paisa import FivePaisaClient
email = ""
pw = "mypassword"
dob = "mydateofbirth"
client = FivePaisaClient(email=email, passwd=pw, dob=dob,cred=cred)
In general it is bad practice to get a value from STDOUT. There are some ways but it's pretty tricky (it's not made for it). And the problem doesn't come from you but from the API which is wrongly designed, it should return a value e.g. True or False (at least) to tell you if you logged in, and they don't do it.
So, according to their documentation it is not possible to know if you're logged in, but you may be able to see if you're logged in by checking the attribute client_code in the client object.
If client.client_code is equal to something then it should be logged in and if it is equal to something else then not. You can try comparing it's value when you successfully login or when it fails (wrong credential for instance). Then you can put a condition : if it is None or False or 0 (you will have to see this by yourself) then it is failed.
Can you try doing the following with a successful and failed login:
Source of the API:
# Login function :
# (...)
message = res["body"]["Message"]
if message == "":
log_response("Logged in!!")
# (...)
# _set_client_code function :
def _set_client_code(self, client_code):
self.client_code = client_code # <<<< That's what we want
except Exception as e:
Since this questions asks how to capture "stdout" one way you can accomplish this is to intercept the log message before it hits stdout.
The minimum code to capture a log message within a Python script looks this:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class RequestHandler(logging.Handler):
def emit(self, record):
if record.getMessage().startswith("Hello"):
print("hello detected")
handler = RequestHandler()
logger.warning("Hello world")
Putting it all together you may be able to do something like this:
import logging
from py5paisa import FivePaisaClient
email = ""
pw = "mypassword"
dob = "mydateofbirth"
client = FivePaisaClient(email=email, passwd=pw, dob=dob,cred=cred)
class PaisaClient(logging.Handler):
def __init__():
self.loggedin = False # this is the variable we can use to see if we are "logged in"
def emit(self, record):
if record.getMessage().startswith("Logged in!!")
self.loggedin = True
def login():
logging.getLogger(py5paisa) # get the logger for the py5paisa library
# tutorial here:
logging.basicConfig(handlers=[PaisaClient()], level=0, force=True)
c = PaisaClient()

Gatling use session.set and feed simultaneously

If I use .get("/***/quotes-${endPoint}/quotes?source=rtbp&userid=test&symbol=${pTypeSymbol}${authM}${pEqSymbol}") then ${pEqSymbol} work but
${pTypeSymbol} will be ${pEqSymbol} it's incorrect example of get it should be in code below
val getApiKeyScenario = scenario("getApiKey")
.exec(session => session
.set("endPoint", "v1")
.set("pTypeSymbol", "${pEqSymbol}")
.set("authM", "&apikey=***********"))
.check(checkIf(doLogResponse) {
.doIf(doLogResponse) {
If I try .set("pTypeSymbol", pEqSymbolFeed.readRecords.head("pEqSymbol")) will be loop
If I try .set("pTypeSymbol", s"${pEqSymbol.isDefined}") not found: value pEqSymbol
If I try s"${pEqSymbol}" not found: value pEqSymbol
I logs now is GET *******/quotes-v1/quotes?source=rtbp&userid=test&symbol=${pEqSymbol}&apikey=******
But should be GET *******/quotes-v1/quotes?source=rtbp&userid=test&symbol="Here my value from feed"&apikey=******
Please read the official documentation:
This Expression Language only works on String values being passed to Gatling DSL methods. Such Strings are parsed only once, when the Gatling simulation is being instantiated.
For example queryParam("latitude", session => "${latitude}") wouldn’t work because the parameter is not a String, but a function that returns a String.
In your example, you don't need to copy pEqSymbol into pTypeSymbol, you can directly write:
.exec(session => session
.set("endPoint", "v1")
.set("authM", "&apikey=***********"))
But if you insist on copying, you have to use the Session API:
.set("pTypeSymbol", session("pEqSymbol").as[String])

Can't figure out how to send a signed POST request to OKEx

I want to send a signed POST request to Okex: Authentication Docs POST Request Docs.
I always get back an "invalid sign" error.
I successfully sent a signed GET request. For the POST you also need to add the body in the signature. If I do that, none of my signatures are valid anymore. I already verified that my signature is the same as one produced by their official Python SDK (that's why I wrote the JSON by hand. Python has spaces in the JSON). I am new to Rust so I am hoping I am missing something obvious.
OKEx client implementations in other languages:
/// [dependencies]
/// hmac="0.7.1"
/// reqwest = "0.9.18"
/// chrono = "0.4.6"
/// base64="0.10.1"
/// sha2="0.8.0"
use reqwest::header::{HeaderMap, HeaderValue, CONTENT_TYPE};
use chrono::prelude::{Utc, SecondsFormat};
use hmac::{Hmac, Mac};
use sha2::{Sha256};
static API_KEY: &'static str = "<insert your key!>";
static API_SECRET: &'static str = "<insert your secret!>";
static PASSPHRASE: &'static str = "<insert your passphrase!>";
fn main() {
let timestamp = Utc::now().to_rfc3339_opts(SecondsFormat::Millis, true);
let method = "POST";
let request_path = "/api/spot/v3/orders";
let body_str = "{\"type\": \"market\", \"side\": \"sell\", \"instrument_id\": \"ETH-USDT\", \"size\": \"0.001\"}";
let mut signature_content = String::new();
type HmacSha256 = Hmac<Sha256>;
let mut mac = HmacSha256::new_varkey(API_SECRET.as_bytes()).unwrap();
let signature = mac.result().code();
let base64_signature = base64::encode(&signature);
let mut header_map = HeaderMap::new();
header_map.insert("OK-ACCESS-KEY", HeaderValue::from_str(API_KEY).unwrap());
header_map.insert("OK-ACCESS-SIGN", HeaderValue::from_str(&base64_signature).unwrap());
header_map.insert("OK-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP", HeaderValue::from_str(&timestamp).unwrap());
header_map.insert("OK-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE", HeaderValue::from_str(PASSPHRASE).unwrap());
header_map.insert(CONTENT_TYPE, HeaderValue::from_static("application/json; charset=UTF-8"));
let client = reqwest::Client::new();
let mut complete_url = String::from("");
let res = client
println!("{:#?}", res);
This returns an "Invalid Sign" error at the moment but should return a successful http code (if enough funds are on the account).
Solution was to use "" instead of " The latter produces the "Invalid Sign" error. But just for POST requests. Issue was therefore not Rust related.

Can't change the language in microsoft cognitive services spellchecker

Here is the Microsoft Python example of using spellchecker API:
import http.client, urllib.parse, json
text = 'Hollo, wrld!'
data = {'text': text}
# NOTE: Replace this example key with a valid subscription key.
key = 'MY_API_KEY'
host = ''
path = '/bing/v7.0/spellcheck?'
params = 'mkt=en-us&mode=proof'
headers = {'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': key,
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
# The headers in the following example
# are optional but should be considered as required:
# X-MSEdge-ClientIP: 999.999.999.999
# X-Search-Location: lat: +90.0000000000000;long: 00.0000000000000;re:100.000000000000
# X-MSEdge-ClientID: <Client ID from Previous Response Goes Here>
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(host)
body = urllib.parse.urlencode(data)
conn.request ("POST", path + params, body, headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
output = json.dumps(json.loads(, indent=4)
print (output)
And it works well for mkt=en-us. But if I try to change it, for example to 'fr-FR'. It always answers me with a blank response to any input text.
"_type": "SpellCheck",
"flaggedTokens": []
Has anybody encountered the similar problem? May it be connected with my trial api key (though they do not mention that trial supports only English)?
Well, I've found out what the problem was. 'mode=proof' — advanced spellchecker currently available only if 'mkt=en-us' (for some Microsoft reasons it does not available even if 'mkt=en-uk'). For all other languages, you should use 'mode=spell'.
The main difference between 'proof' and 'spell' is described like this:
The Spell mode finds most spelling mistakes but doesn't find some of the grammar errors that Proof catches (for example, capitalization and repeated words).

How to pass same parameter with different value

I am trying the following API using Alamofire, but this API has multiple "to" fields. I tried to pass an array of "to" emails as parameters. It shows no error but did not send to all emails. API is correct, I tested that from terminal. Any suggestions will be cordially welcomed.
http -a email:pass -f POST 'sampleUrl' from="" to="" to="" subject="test_sub" bodyText="testing hello"
I am giving my code:
class func sendMessage(message:MessageModel, delegate:RestAPIManagerDelegate?) {
let urlString = "http://localhost:8080/app/user/messages"
var parameters = [String:AnyObject]()
parameters = [
"from": message.messageFrom.emailAddress
var array = [String]()
for to in message.messageTO {
parameters["to"] = array
for cc in message.messageCC {
parameters["cc"] = cc.emailAddress;
for bcc in message.messageBCC {
parameters["bcc"] = bcc.emailAddress;
parameters["subject"] = message.messageSubject;
parameters["bodyText"] = message.bodyText;
Alamofire.request(.POST, urlString, parameters: parameters)
.authenticate(user: MessageManager.sharedInstance().primaryUserName, password: MessageManager.sharedInstance().primaryPassword)
.validate(statusCode: 200..<201)
.validate(contentType: ["application/json"])
.responseJSON {
(_, _, jsonData, error) in
if(error != nil) {
println("\n sendMessage attempt json response:")
println("Server response during message sending:\n")
let swiftyJSONData = JSON(jsonData!)
First of all if you created the API yourself you should consider changing the API to expect an array of 'to' receivers instead of multiple times the same parameter name.
As back2dos states it in this answer:
Although POST may be having multiple values for the same key, I'd be cautious using it, since some servers can't even properly handle that, which is probably why this isn't supported ... if you convert "duplicate" parameters to a list, the whole thing might start to choke, if a parameter comes in only once, and suddendly you wind up having a string or something ...
And I think he's right.
In this case I guess this is not possible with Alamofire, just as it is not possible with AFNetworking:
Alamofire probably store's its POST parameter in a Dictionary which doesn't allow duplicate keys.