How do I install the Kotest plugin for intellij from a github repository? - intellij-plugin

I have this repo but don't know how to actually use it.
Only did a git clone but what is next?

Ok, I managed to install it ! Steps are:
(On command line)
1) git clone the repo by running this git clone
2) Change directory to be inside the repo main folder and run gradle build.
(On IntelliJ IDEA)
3) Go to Prefrences->plugins and click on the little cog symbol at the top. Choose "Install plugin from disk"
4) Then choose the zip file created under \build\distributions folder.
Once you click ok it will install it and you will have to restart your IDEA.
One more thing that I am not sure is needed: I included this part in my pom.xml. (the version might be different for you).

FYI: version 1.0.0 of the plugin was released a few days ago, so now it can be installed through the IntelliJ plugin marketplace.
Don't forget to add the "kotest-runner-console-jvm" dependency to your project.

#Dawn answer works well instead of builing from the source code you can also directly download the plugin from jetbrains plugin repository and install it as per the instruction given in #Dawn answer.


Plugin and dependency not found

i've created a project with Jhipster, when i open the project with IntelliJ i have these problems in pom.xml:
pom.xml problems
I tried maven clean/package/install, the first two run successfully but when i run maven install a test fails:
test failure
I also tried to use plugin registry (in maven settings) and invalidate caches but still not work. In the end i tried different JDK but i have the same problems. Can someone help me please?
I use JDK 11.0.15, Node 16.15.1, Git 2.36.1 and i'm on windows 10.
For those interested in troubleshooting pom.xml i solved by updating the repository (on IntelliJ go file/settings/build, execution, deployment/build tools/maven/repositories both remote and local) and reloading all maven projects.

Can't install practically macro on eclipse

I can't install practically macro on eclipse.`
Communication with repository at
Read Timeout
Tried to install from here dragging and dropping
And tried to install it from eclipse marketplace, both said the same thing.
I have eclipse luna 4.4.1.
I want to be able to do key shortcut for run cofiguration. Apperently i need this plug-in but can't install it.
Go to and download PracticallyMacro_x.x.x.jar.
Then create a directory "PracticallyMarco" inside the eclipse/plugins directory.
Extract all files from PracticallyMacro_x.x.x.jar into eclipse/plugins/PracticallyMarco.
Restart eclipse. (Maybe you should restart eclipse with the -clean option.)
Then you can use the PracticallyMacro from the main toolbar:
See also the file eclipse/plugins/PracticallyMarco/Instructions.txt for more details.
There is a GitHub fork that seems to work:
If you browse the repo you can find the following update site:
I tested it on latest eclipse PHOTON and it seems to work.

Cannot add framework support in IntelliJ 14 Ultimate

I found a pretty old post with this question but unfortunately he didn't get any help. I hope someone can assist me.
I created a repo at GitHub. After cloning it to my computer I tried to add the following framework support: Maven, JSF, EJB, CDI, etc. I know I could add the files manually. But, I want to use what the IDE has to offer.
However, the only framework showing up is SQL, which is different from this post from stackoverflow and from their documentation.
Has anyone had this same problem and got it working?
Intellij reacts to changes in your Maven pom.xml file. Maven does not react to changes in your IntelliJ project module settings.
The steps that you should follow here are
Close IntelliJ
In a command shell, clone your Github repository.
Using an editor external to IntelliJ such as VI or Notepad, create a pom.xml in the root directory. Better yet, use a Maven Archetype to generate your pom.xml.
Now open IntelliJ. Choose File, New, Project From Existing Sources. Navigate to your pom.xml and follow the prompts.
I recommend checking Search for projects recursively and Import Maven projects automatically.
Finish the project creation.
Now, add dependencies to your pom.xml via the dependencies tag. See Maven Dependencies. Intellij will automatically react to dependencies that you add as long as it can see a Maven Repository on your local machine or on your network or on the Internet.
I know it is a little bit to late but I just post it because it is still an possible issue: You need to open YourProjectName.iml and make sure that the type (<module type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">) is JAVA_MODULE and not something else!(In my case it was WEB_MODULE)

SBT, dependencies, classpath and editors

I recently updated my sbt setup to version 0.11. As you may know, new SBT uses .ivy2 folder to store/cache all the retrieved jar files. I am using IntelliJ and I would like to know what is the recommended way of importing dependencies to the editor's classpath.
One option is to manually visit .ivy2 folder and select the dependencies. Is there a better/easier way to doing this?
I presume you use the SBT-plugin. According to the instructions on the linked page:
After each change to your dependencies, run gen-idea in the SBT Console. When prompted, reload the project.
I usually run
gen-idea no-classifiers no-sbt-classifiers
(see under "Usage" on github). IntelliJ (11 RC) will then ask you to reload the project, which is usually quite fast. Then the references to your SBT dependencies will be available.
You can try IvyIDEA plug-in.

How to deploy or package a maven plugin after building a maven-plugin project?

I have done an mvn install for a custom plugin and it gave me a bunch of directories in my target directory along with a jar. I'm stuck with the next step.
How do I bundle it?
Where do I place this?
What about the pom of this plugin?
What configuration changes do I have to make and where?
You can always test it on your local machine. Just run mvn clean install and it will be installed in your local repository. Then in the project you'd like to use it from, just add the plugin to the plugins section and set it up like any other plugin. This should be enough.
If you'll be using it in your company, you'll need to be able to deploy it to a Maven repository such as Nexus or Artifactory in order for other people to be able to download it.
Deploying it is the same as for regular artifacts:
mvn clean deploy