grpc-java, available field names for the method:ManagedChannelBuilder.defaultServiceConfig() - channel

Class : ManagedChannelBuilder
Method : defaultServiceConfig(Map<String,?> serviceConfig)
Available field names : MethodConfig, retryPolicy etc...
I am trying to create a parameter for the method but cannot find the available field names. I need a list of the field names for the serviceConfig.
Where can I find the list or do I need to look into the source code to find them out?

Service config definition is defined in this proto.
Service config object (Map<String, Object>) is a JSON like representation of the ServiceConfig protobuf. Note that field names in the map should be in lower camel case.


How to access values from list of maps in Apache camel message body

Perhaps this is easy, but I am somehow not able to crack it yet. Message body for an exchange is basically a list of maps with both key & value being string. As example,
[{'key'='val1'}, {'key'='val2'},...]
I am using simple expression to set this as a property which I would be using in subsequent routes. This is how I am setting it:
.setProperty("myProperty", simple("${body}"))
But this sets the complete body. I just want to (somehow) set only the values part to avoid setting the entire list of maps. What I have tried and not working so far:
.setProperty("myProperty", simple("${body}['key']"))
.setProperty("myProperty", simple("${body}[*]['key']"))
.setProperty("myProperty", simple("${body}[0]['key']")) // this returns only the first value, I want all
Any idea/suggestion how can I achieve this ?
You can access every level of your body with Simple expressions:
${body} // get whole list of maps
${body[0]} // get first map in the list (index 0)
${body[0][key]} // get value of key "key" from the first map in the list
What you cannot do in a Simple expression is a conversion of your data structure in another one.
However, you can simply plug a Java bean into your route
And do the conversion with Java
public class MyConversionBean {
public List<String> convertBody() {
// extract all values (or whatever) with Java;
return listOfValues;

Control AIF document service schema

On Dynamics AX 2012 R3 CU8 when you use the wizard to create a document service, the system generates the schema for the different operations in the service. Is there a way to control what gets generated?
For example, if I create a query with HcmWorker as the parent and DirPerson as the child with just a few fields that I'm interested in, the system generates the schema with a few things I don't like, out of which I'll mention a couple below:
It adds fields like AxdEntity_DirPerson_DirParty.Name even though I explicitly didn't include this field in the query
The minOccurs on this field is 1, which doesn't work because it is a computed field. I prefer that this field is not included. If that is not possible, at least I would like to have minOccurs = 0
To make matters even more intriguing, the standard service (HcmWorkerImportService) for importing workers has the minOccurs = 0 for the Name field.
I'm trying to figure out how to control these values.
Have a look into the initMandatoryFieldsMap method from the AxdBase class and overwrite it if needed in your HcmWorkerImportService.
The initMandatoryFieldsMap method specifies which fields are mandatory
in the XML that the document class sends or receives. This method is
used to specify mandatory fields for the document without specifying
them at the table level.
See: MSDN: Walkthrough: Creating a Service Using the AIF Document Service Wizard ("To override the initMandatoryFieldsMap method")
protected void initMandatoryFieldsMap()
See: AxdBase.initMandatoryFieldsMap Method

One to many mapping in mule data mapper

I have an input xml and it has only one Telephone child element,
<Telephone type="fax">
But my output XML has multiple Telephone child element,
<Telephone type="fax">
<Telephone type="fax">
I want to map from input element Number to output Number and also Extension element.
I can't change the schema because it is globally used.
I don't see any options to map using Element Mapping.
And I tried using adding Rule to the ContactMethod element, but no luck.
Above I is just example I asked. I need one to many mapping idea in datamapper.
See attached image, that is my actual requirement. Look at the Disclosure/CandidateDisclosure elements in source and destination
My source is XML and target is JSON, but the actual logic I need is similar for all the structures ..
I am maintaining a project which use DataMapper and faced the same issue. To solve it I add Java Transformer (you can use Groovy or other scripting languages) after DataMapper to group the one-to-many relationship.
Following is the pseudo code:
provide empty telpMap
foreach telpXml which is extracted from src/payload {
key = telpXml.get("#type");
if (telpMap.containsKey(key)) {
List number = telpMap.get(key).get("Number");
List extension = telpMap.get(key).get("Extension");
} else {
telpMap.put(key, telpXml);
return telpMap.values();

Using Orika in place of Spring Data Commons

There are several Spring Data projects like Neo4j that use the Spring Data Commons to build up a PersistentEntity/PeristentProperty (basically type info plus property geters and setters) and EntityConverter to roll from a native store to Java. This is what the SDN (Spring Data Neo4j) does plus it bundling BeanWrapper converters to make sure that certain property types are allowed for the Neo4j data structure.
Basically Java beans are stamped with a #NodeEntity annotation and the beans is decomposed on writes into nodes (think a bean with only simple properties) interlinked by relationship objects.
Wondering if I can do the same with Orika? Means identifying classes via an annotation and processing each property when complex recursively. For example:
class Software {
String name;
Organisation organisation;
class Organisation {
String name;
Should be rolled into 2 nodes each containing the property name and a relationship object (denotes Organisation as a member of Software).
Here is an example of an Orika ClassMapBuilder supporting custom annotations, I think you can adapt it to meet your needs.
Gist : AnnotationClassMapBuilder
For Node (or DBObject of MongoDB) you can use a custom property resolver, take a look at: (ElementPropertyResolver)
Orika build mappers by class-map which are actually, just a collection of property-pair, property can be any thing which has name, type and setter or/and getter.
You can automatically create for each attribute in your beans an equivalent in Neo4J side, and let Orika build the mapper.
For example you can create a Person(name)->PrintStream mapper,
in which you create for each person's property (name) an equivalent that print data (System.out)
final Builder name = new Property.Builder()
.setter("append(\"My name : \").append(%s).append('\\n')");
factory.classMap(Person.class, PrintStream.class).fieldMap("name", name, false).add().register();
factory.getMapperFacade().map(person, System.out); // This print to default output stream, My name : xxxx

Entity Framework 4.1 Dynamically retrieve mapped column name

I am trying to construct an SQL statement dynamically.
My context is created dynamically, using reflection finding classes deriving from EntityTypeConfiguration and adding them to DbModelBuilder.Configuration.
My EntityTypeConfiguration classes specify HasColumnName to map the Entity property name to db table column name, which I need to construct my SQL statement.
namespace MyDomain {
public class TestEntityConfig : EntityTypeConfiguration<TestEntity>{
From What I have researched, it seems I can get access to this information through MetadataWorkspace, which I can get to through ObjectContext.
I have managed to retrieve the the entity I am interested in with MetadataWorkspace.GetItem("MyDomain.TestEntity",DataSpace.OSpace), which gives me access to Properties, but none of the properties, of Properties, give me the name of the mapped db column, as specified with HasColumnName.
Also I am not clear what DataSpace.OSpace is and why my model is constructed in this space.
If Anyone can shed some light on this I would be grateful
Further to #Ladislav's comments. I discovered I can get the information as follows
For the class properties
ctx.MetadataWorkspace.GetItem<ClrEntityType>("MyDomain.TestEntity", DataSpace.OSpace)).Members
For the table properties
So given that I only know the type MyDomain.TestEntity and Memeber "Name". How would I go about to get "dbName". Can I always assume that my mapped class will be created in CodeFirstDatabaseSchema, om order to dynamically construct the identity to retrieve it from SSpace and how would I get to the correct Member in SSpace. Can I do something like
var memIndex = ctx.MetadataWorkspace.GetItem<ClrEntityType>("MyDomain.TestEntity", DataSpace.OSpace)).Members["Name"].Index;
var dbName = ctx.MetadataWorkspace.GetItem<EntityType>("CodeFirstDatabaseSchema.TestEntity",SSpace).Members[memIndex];
MetadataWorkspace contanis several containers specified by DataSpace. Interesting for you are:
CSpace - description of conceptual model (this should contain properties)
CSSpace - mapping of conceptual model to storage model (this should contain how classes / properties are mapped to tables / columns)