Google IMA sdk - Maximum call stack size exceeded - vue.js

In my Vue app I need to show ads using the Google IMA sdk.
However it seems that the AdDisplayContainer it's stuck in an endless update loop.
I have recreated the issue on JsFiddle with a bare minimum example.
You can check the error in the console.
As you can see there isn't much going on:
I import the google IMA sdk
I have basic markup for the video and ad container
I setup the adDisplayContainer
I have added a watcher to detect the issue
this.adDisplayContainer = new google.ima.AdDisplayContainer(
this.$refs.adContainer, this.videoContent);
It seems that it adDisplayContainer gets updated in a loop:
Error in nextTick: "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" <br>
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
In a production-like environment I get a similar error message:
InternalError: too much recursion
Do you know why is this happening and how to fix it?


How to find which React Native module is causing a crash

I have a React Native app. It works well most of the time, but in our automated error detection framework, I can see some users infrequently run into a crash in React Native. There is a SIGABRT and a bunch of lines like this in the stack trace:
I'm reasonably confident that the issue isn't directly in my application's code -- not only is the stacktrace all React Native stuff, but one of my coworkers triggered the error right after logging in a couple times, and I've never triggered this error myself despite testing the login flow many times.
Other websites make it seem like the error might actually be in a native module (but not React Native itself), but I wasn't able to figure out how to debug which native module it could be (the error doesn't happen often enough to easily just try disabling native modules one by one or anything like that).
Is there a way to get more information about what is actually causing a crash when the crash is in native code?

Warning: Can't call setState (or forceUpdate)

I know this question is asked before but I applied the solutions offered on Warning: Can't call setState (or forceUpdate) on an unmounted component
When I run this program in Expo the program starts and gives warning message "Warning: Can't call setState (or forceUpdate) on an unmounted component ..." but after some time it hangs up. If I build signed apk it takes too much time to install and the application immediately crashes after start up.
The source code of the application is here please give me the idea why I am still getting this warning message. Thanks in advance.
I didn't used React native user flux somehow right way. So that I have made changes to source code that mainly on App.js for the login process. All the changes could be seen as "stackoverflow question - warning-cant-call-setstate-or-forceupdate" commit messages on github for this question.

jainslee EventRouterExecutor stack size

I'am trying jainslee telestax implementation. and i want to find a way to get the number of the fired event in the jainslee stack. is there an api to get this?

CEFSharp3 ChromiumWebBrowser fails in rendering KML

I am trying to render a page having KML using Chromium browser but it fails with the following error:
"The operation failed because it would cause the application to exceed its storage quota."
The same page is rendered correctly using Google chrome.
Any help will be highly appreciated
Answer is among the discussions and comments under jornh direction as follows:
I managed to fix this issue by modifying the method "OnQuotaRequest" in file in project libcef_dll_wrapper. i compiled that both in 32 and 64 bit then used it in Cefsharp.Core project of the Cefsharp3.

what does middle guard protection failed %d mean?

When I build my app to my actual iPhone the debug area shows this:
[Allocator] Middle guard protection failed %d
[Allocator] Allocator invalid, falling back to malloc
It shows the 2nd line a total of 30 times. I have no idea what it means or how to fix it. It does not show this when I build to the simulator.
I am having issues with getting state preservation to work using storyboards and restoration ID's and I have a feeling this has something to do with a memory issue so it's dumping my memory and therefore I get no app restoration. Basically, when I go back to my app it shows me the last screen I was on for a second and then goes back to the root page.
Anyway, I'd like to fix this malloc stuff so I can at least rule it out the culprit, plus I don't want to have an issue with memory in general...
I've been googling this for a couple of weeks now too and can't find anything!
Looks like it's an issue with the Crashlytics framework. I have the same issue, and commenting this API call:
[Crashlytics startWithAPIKey:API_KEY];
removes that warning.
It does indeed seem to be an issue at Crashlytics. I know from other threads that they raised the "Allocator invalid..." issue in relation to another Middle error (not Middle guard protection failed %d), which later got marked as fixed.
I fixed this by deleting all the crashlytics stuff and using the new fabric/crashlytics framework. Problem solved.
(Interestingly, I had it only on an iPad, my iPhone 5C made no complaints at all.)