Trello API directions lead me to error every time - api

I am trying to automate a json export with cURL. I am following their directions found here
I am following their directions in step 1 and using this request to start an export
curl -X POST '{organizationNameOrId}/exports?key={key}&token={token}' --data 'attachments=false'
this starts an export and gives me the same output as in their example. then I go to step 2. I use this request just like they say in their directions
but instead of getting the same output as them I get a message that says
can't read the state of an export
then when I press enter I get
[1] random number
Done "then a bunch of empty space" + my original request in step 2 minus the token
has anyone else ever had this issue? I can't seem to find it anywhere

figured it out. they're missing the apostrophes around the url in step 2. it should be
curl '{orgIdOrName}/exports/{exportId}?key={key}&token={token}'


Gitlab API curl request

When I'm trying to use GitLab API GET request to get all commits from specific date range and specific branch, I receive only commits from NEXT day after I put since date.
I mean, if I define since date for example - from 2022-12-01T12:17:30.000+02:00 until 2022-12-15T15:01:36.000+01:00. But, my commits from curl request starting from 2 Dec 2022.
How does to include initial date to response?
curl -s --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <token>""?ref_name=${branch}&since=${since_date}&until=${until_date}" | jq -r '.[] | .committed_date + "\t" + .title'
Response which I receive:
By the way, I tried to use, but it didn't help me.
It could be a pagination problem. Try adding &per_page=100 to see if there are more commits. I think you can't get more than 100 items in one api call.
See for more info

GitLab API: pipeline not returning all jobs

I'm using the GitLab api, to list out the jobs in a pipeline. It's always been fine in the past, but I've added a couple of extra items to the flow and now it doesn't return all of the jobs:
$ curl --globoff -sSH "$CURL_HEADER" https://.../api/v4/projects/$CI_PROJECT_ID/pipelines/$PIPEID/jobs?scope[]=success | jq --raw-output '.[] | "\(.id)"' | wc -l
The jobs that are missing aren't retries (as noted here).
I can see the missing jobids in the web interface.
Is there a maximum of 20 jobs via this method?
So turns out this API response is paginated, there's no indication in docs for this item.
There is a general item describing this here, but it doesn't give a list of routes it is related to. If it did it would probably show up in a search far easier.
All I needed to do was append &per_page=100 (qq-ing for the & for my use case). Alternatively you can check the return header for the X-Next-Page value and then append &page=X to get the subsequent pages...
Related page variables are:
x-next-page: 2
x-page: 1
x-per-page: 20
x-total: 23
x-total-pages: 2

In Finding Broken links script ( using Selenium Robot Framework) -In Get Request URL's are going twice by appending

I am not sure what's wrong in the below Get Request, when i run the script in Get Request link appended.
Issue :
GET Request : url=
Please see the below code and the Report screenshot.
I am stuck here! Really appreciate for the help.
${BROWSER} chrome
*** Test Cases ***
Open Browser ${url3} ${BROWSER}
Maximize Browser Window
Close Browser
*** Keywords ***
Comment Count Number Of Links on the Page
${AllLinksCount}= get element count xpath://a
Comment Log links count
Log ${AllLinksCount}
Comment Create a list to store link texts
#{LinkItems} Create List
Comment Loop through all links and store links value that has length more than 1 character
: FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 1 ${AllLinksCount}-1
\ Log ${INDEX}
\ ${link_text}= Get Text xpath=(//a)[${INDEX}] #<-- for what ? -->
\ ${href}= Get Element Attribute xpath=(//a)[${INDEX}] href
\ Log ${link_text}
\ log to console ("The link text is "${link_text}" & href is "${href}" ${INDEX})
\ ${linklength} Get Length ${link_text} #<-- you are checking text not href ? -->
\ Run Keyword If ${linklength}>1 Append To List ${LinkItems} ${href}
Log Many ${LinkItems}
Remove Values From List ${LinkItems} javascript:void(0) #<-- don't forget checking content on list -->
${linkitems_length} Get Length ${LinkItems}
Log Many ${LinkItems}
#{errors_msg} Create List
Create Session secondpage
:FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE ${linkitems_length}
\ Log Many ${LinkItems[${INDEX}]}
\ ${ret} get request secondpage ${LinkItems[${INDEX}]}
\ log to console ${ret}
\ log ${ret}
\ ${code} Run Keyword And Return Status Should Be Equal As Strings ${ret.status_code} 200
#\ log to console "Gonna link" ${LinkItems[${INDEX}]}
# \ click link ${LinkItems[${INDEX}]}
#\ Capture Page Screenshot
#\ Click Link link=${LinkItems[${INDEX}]}
\ Run Keyword Unless ${code} Append To List ${errors_msg} error :${LinkItems[${INDEX}]} | ${ret.status_code}
${check} Run Keyword And Return Status Lists Should Be Equal ${errors_msg} ${EMPTY}
Run Keyword Unless ${check} Fail Link \ assertion Failed with msg:\n#{errors_msg}
Sleep 1
Ok, the "problem" is with these two lines:
Create Session secondpage
${ret} get request secondpage ${LinkItems[${INDEX}]}
As your screens show, your list of items (#{LinkItems}) already contains full url links, e.g.: but the Create Session keyword adds another in front of each list item.
Think about it as BASE_URL set up by Create Session keyword and an endpoint, e.g. /index.html. Create Session and Get Request are used together, the former setting up BASE_URL, the latter the endpoint part of the URL. You can see the documentation for the Create Session keyword, it explains its second parameter:
url Base url of the server
To solve this, you'd need to store in #{LinkItems} only everything after last / (it seems so in your case), so for example only /index.html or /shop.html

splunk rest api search using R

I am trying to replicate the curl method mentioned in splunk rest api doc into R to perform search using R. Sorry, I won't be able provides details on the parameters to replicate. Hence attaching the link for reference.
curl -u admin:changeme -k https://localhost:8089/services/search/jobs -d search="search *"
This returns me a sid from curl. However when I try to replicate the same in R using httr it returns list of all search details. I have tried using both POST & GET in httr just in case. Below is sample code. Ideally below one should return me a sid. however it returns list of existing search details. Not sure what I am missing. I am new to Rcurl,httr. I tried curlperform as well, there also same. Seems, something is missing out. What exactly -d does in curl, is this the thing I am missing to replicate ?
response <- GET(splunk_server,path=search_job_export_endpoint,
config(ssl_verifyhost=FALSE, ssl_verifypeer=0),
authenticate(username, password),
result <- read.table(text=content(response, as="text"), sep=",", header=TRUE,

Bitfinex API Post Headers

I am having trouble properly setting headers for the Bitfinex API ( I have no trouble with the un-authenticated Get calls but I cannot get my authenticated Post calls working. An example call that I am working with is a Post to "/balances". I am hoping that somebody who uses the API can help me with what I am doing wrong. Here is some sample input and output (fake keys of course) that I am currently generating:
Private Key:
API Key:
{"request": "/v1/balances","nonce": "1413737362"}
Base64 Payload:
Using the OpenSSL command:
echo -n 'e3JlcXVlc3Q6IC92MS9iYWxhbmNlcyxub25jZTogMTQxMzczNzM2Mn0=' | openssl dgst -hmac 012345abcdef -sha384 -hex
to get a signaure of
So I get the Headers:
"X-BFX-APIKEY" "000111aaafff"
"X-BFX-PAYLOAD" "e3JlcXVlc3Q6IC92MS9iYWxhbmNlcyxub25jZTogMTQxMzczNzM2Mn0="
"X-BFX-SIGNATURE" "b18953370fad9bd5dd482d6ae07aeb96fdebd812e98cbf847f2d923bf66d1579eb31e10e1d79c7ae8405c54e28d0ae2a"
I have been trying everything I can think of and the responses I get from the API switch between "Invalid X-BFX-SIGNATURE." and "Invalid json.".
Where is the flaw in my process? I cannot see what I am doing incorrectly.
I was using a Unix system call to run the OpenSSL command. The result was returned in two lines, I was only reading the first line. Reading all lines until encountering and End of File solved the problem.