Can we migrate a Database from Azure Sql Database directly to Azure postgreSql Database - sql

Is there a way to directly migrate your database in Azure SQL database to the Azure PostgreSQL database (HyperScale-Citus).
I have looked into the Azure migration services but it does not support this particular migration route.
I have an approach in mind but don't know if it will work?
We can make a backup of the Azure SQL database on the cloud itself
and then load that backup to Azure PostgreSQL database
But I do not where to make a backup. In azure blob storage or something else?

Frist way, you could try the tutorial #ffffff01 provided for you.
There this another way can help you achieve that: Data Factory can help you migrate the database/data from Azure SQL database to Azure PostgreSQL database directly.
Ref bellow tutorial:
Copy data to and from Azure Database for PostgreSQL by using Azure
Data Factory
Copy and transform data in Azure SQL Database by using Azure Data
Create Azure SQL database as source dataset and Azure PostgreSQL database as sink.
Hope this helps.


CETAS equivalent in Azure SQL database

It is possible to read data from Azure blob storage in Azure SQL database via openrowset or bulkinsert.
But is it possible to upload a file in blob through any SQL commands in Azure SQL DB ?
Similar to CETAS in Azure Synapse.
Unfortunately, that seems to be current limitation for SQLDB. below link has the details PolyBase features and limitations

SQL Azure database

Setting up SQL database API to create read update and delete Data in Azure
There is no such as SQL database API. We usually use REST API to manage the Azure SQL database.
You can create and manage servers and single databases in Azure SQL Database using the Azure portal, PowerShell, the Azure CLI, REST API, and Transact-SQL.
Choose the best one which is suitable for you.
Ref this document: Create and manage servers and single databases in Azure SQL Database

Backup users in Azure SQL Database

IN my scenario need to take azure sql database backup and restore in another azure sql database server.I have done it using Export and Import . But i need to take the backup of users from one DB to another with permissions.
You can use the script for creating a script that can be run on the exported/imported database to create users. Here is the script -
If the need is to move the On premises Logins to Azure SQL DB:There is a utility to move On-Premises SQL Server Logins to Azure SQL DB.
This scenario is documented in the Data Migration Assistant guide
Hope this helps.
Navtej S

Create an Azure SQL DB from an external mssql backup file

I have a backup file of an mssql database using which I would like to create a database in Azure SQL.I see option for restoring a database in azure. But I dont find an option to create a database in Azure SQL from an external backup file.kindly advise.
The data import steps might not be same as how we restore an on premise sql database.
The Data can easily be restored from a azure backup in azure portal ( just import it into a new sql db).
For migrating an on-premise sql database to azure sql database Microsoft provides a tool DMA (Data Migration Assistant). This tool provides a wizard based step by step approach to connect to your on-premise sql database source , select the objects to migrate , generate a script , follow the migration progress and errors if any during the process.
A few changes might be required post migration in the Azure sql database to update the pricing tier , performance and compatibility level.
Here is a document demonstrating a step by step process to migrate an on-premise sql database to azure sql database -

Is it possible to export data from MS Azure SQL directly Into the Azure Table Storage?

Is there any direct way within the Azure MSSQL ecosystem to export SQL returned data set into the Azure table storage?
Something like BCP but with the Table Storage connection string on the -Output end?
There is a service named Azure Data Factory which can directly copy data from Azure SQL Database to Azure Table Storage, even between other supported data stores, please see the section Supported data stores of the article "Data movement and the Copy Activity: migrating data to the cloud and between cloud stores" to know, but it is for Web, not like BCP command tool.
You can refer to the tutorial Build your first Azure data factory using Azure Portal/Data Factory Editor to know how to use it.
And as references, you can refer to the articles Move data to and from Azure SQL Database using Azure Data Factory & Move data to and from Azure Table using Azure Data Factory to know how it works.