While using Square checkout API for payment do we need to add transfer fee manually? - square

I want to use square checkout API for payment integration, I want to know that whether I need to manually add the transaction fee taken by the square in the checkout request generated or it will be added automatically.

With the Checkout API Square will automatically deduct the fees associated to a transaction.


How to REQUEST_METADATA from Square?

I'm making a call to Square using web api Android. The response of the transaction gives me CLIENT_TRANSACTION_ID. I want to know other information like transaction amount and the change as well as I can see in receipt email. I can't see how to give S.com.squareup.register.REQUEST_METADATA a value while firing an intent so that i can have S.com.squareup.register.RESULT_REQUEST_METADATA in response. Also what are the optional values we can give to square api against this key. The code is below
Charge With Square
I want to have information about this payment so that can be used in my application. For example payment done, payment currency, taxes etc.
You'll need to use the Retrieve Transaction endpoint to turn that ID into additional information. Note, you should only get CLIENT_TRANSACTION_ID if you do not process a card, and if you process a card payment, you should get back a SERVER_TRANSACTION_ID

Paypal Pro API for monthly payment with variable amount each month

I need suggestion for paypal pro API which allow me to pass variable amount each month. For some months,it can be zero too.
I tried with UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile but it gives me error of 11592 (Subscription profiles are not supported for recurring payments).
Please someone help me with easiest solution.
Based on the error you mentioned it sounds like you're using a PayPal Standard Subscription button, not Pro. If that's the case, then as the error says, you cannot update standard subscriptions with the APIs. You would have to use the recurring payments API to create the profile in order to then update it.
That said, you won't be able to do variable amounts with recurring payments profiles. you can only raise them by 10% every 120 days, so that typically doesn't work with what you're trying to do.
Instead, you'll need to use reference transactions. So if you're using Payments Pro that will be real simple. You just pass in the transaction ID of an original authorization or sale transaction along with a new amount you need to charge. PayPal uses the card details on file to process the new amount.
If you're using DoDirectPayment then you'll use DoReferenceTransaction for the future payments. If you're using PayFlow you would use the PayFlow API, of course, and change the parameters to match a reference transaction request.
You can also do the same thing with PayPal Express Checkout, but in that case you'll need to include billing agreement parameters in the SetExpressCheckout request, and then you'd use the billing agreement ID you get back from that in the DoReferenceTransaction request.
In any case you'll need to build your own script to run everyday, pull profiles that need to be charged, and charge them accordingly.

How to use Big Commerce Order API and make customer pay?

I would like to make an API call to Big Commerce backend to complete a purchase on a customer's behalf. Based on the API reference:
By default, I believe that one can only create an order that not yet paid by the customer. Please correct me if I am wrong.
So, my question is - How do you make a payment on behalf of a customer for the order? It is safe to assume that we have a tokenized credit card of our known customer in a payment gateway like Stripe.
My guess of how it could be done is when an order is created, I can set up a webhook to call the payment gateway to make a charge on the customer's credit card. Is this correct? Are there anything that I should watch out for?
Currently, you cannot use the BigCommerce API to process a payment or full transaction. We only allow payments through the control panel where you can enter credit card details or on the storefront made by the customer. If you'd like to make use of tokenization or recurring payments, it is better to use Rebillia or Recharge (apps).
As you stated, you would need to make a call to Stripe's API to charge the card on file with the customer's token. This should be fine. It won't make any calls back to BigCommerce, so I'd be mindful of error handling (such as if the card has expired) and how you'd retry or mark the order in BigCommerce. Depending on how it was configured, you would want to check order details to ensure you were only processing payments from API created orders.
I'm not sure of what PCI implications might be for the storage of the Stripe tokens. That would be another point for consideration.

Save and Verify the Card, Charge Later - Shopify

I'm setting up my first Shopify store and would like to offer a free trial of a product. The basic idea is the customer is shipped the product at no charge and has so many days to try out and return the product. If the product is not returned within the time period they are charged the amount agreed upon up front.
Within Shopify there is only the option to capture payment immediately or to authorize and then manually capture payment later (7 day auth limitation).
What I would like to do is validate the credit card, but not pre-auth, then the ship the product to the customer for try out. If they decide to keep the product then I charge them 30 days later as agreed by the customer.
The method I want to use with Shopify is the same as detailed by Braintree here
in the section "Save and Verify the Card, Charge Later".
You can use the option as you see it: authorize and then manually capture payment later
As an alternative, you could always capture the money, and if they actually do return it, refund them the money. That is how all TV sales work and they make bazillions doing that, so why not follow their lead?

Can PayPal REST API payments calculate shipping and taxes?

I have successfully used the PayPal REST API's to create and execute a payment in the sandbox, but even though I have shipping options and tax rates configured, they do not show up for the user. I expected the shipping options and calculated tax to appear before the user "approves" the payment. Is this feature supported via the REST API's, and if so what do I need to pass to make it happen?
The tax and shipping profiles are only for PayPal Standard transactions (the "Buy Now" buttons). API integrations like the Classic API and REST API are for more advanced integrations and are designed where PayPal returns the shipping address selected to you and your system chooses the tax rate and shipping rates before the customer confirms payment.
The PayPal shipping calculator only applies to Website Payments Standard transactions.
Express Checkout transactions will not use the shipping calculator.
This is related but doesn't answer the question fully I'm afraid.
I've just started looking into applying different state taxes using the PayPal REST API. The override_charge_models option when creating a new BillingAgreement looks hopeful. It allows you to apply a custom tax amount when creating an agreement.