What is the exception that should be thrown when user input is blank? - error-handling

I've been searching for some time now, and I'm sure I've missed it, is there any documentation that states what should be thrown when a value is incorrect/blank?
For example, Python has ValueError and the documentation clearly states when to use it.
I have the following method:
proc getJobinfo {question} {
puts -nonewline "$question: "
flush stdout
gets stdin answer
set cleanedanswer [string trim [string totitle $answer]]
if {$cleanedanswer eq ""} {
# What error should be thrown?
return $cleanedanswer
I've searched throw, error, and catch, but couldn't find it.

Tcl doesn't have a pre-defined hierarchy of exceptions. The throw command takes 2 arguments: type is a list of words; and message is an error message for humans.
You could do something like
proc getJobinfo {question} {
if {$cleanedanswer eq ""} {
throw {Value Empty} "Please provide a suitable answer."
} elseif {[string length $cleanedanswer] < 5} {
throw {Value Invalid} "Your answer is too short."
} else ...
return $cleanedanswer
If you want to trap that error:
try {
set answer [getJobinfo "What is the answer to this question"]
} trap {Value *} msg {
puts "Value Error: $msg"
throw and try interact via the type words of the throw call. We throw "Value Empty" or "Value Invalid". In the trap, we match Value exactly, but we won't match * exactly. In hindsight the * should not be there.
The try manpage is not super clear at first read:
trap pattern variableList script
This clause matches if the evaluation of body resulted in an error and the prefix of the -errorcode from the interpreter's status dictionary is equal to the pattern. The number of prefix words taken from the -errorcode is equal to the list-length of pattern, and inter-word spaces are normalized in both the -errorcode and pattern before comparison.
pattern is not a pattern in the regexp or string match sense: it's a list of words that is matched one-by-one with the list of words thrown in the try body.
The try can be implemented with multiple traps to have cascading "catches":
try {
set answer [getJobinfo "What is the answer to this question"]
} trap {Value Empty} msg {
do something specific here
} trap {Value Invalid} msg {
do something specific here
} trap {Value} msg {
do something general for some other "throw {Value anything} msg"
} on error e {
this can be default catch-all for any other error
} finally {
any cleanup code goes here


Karate Api : check if a phrase is available response object array

I've a response
{ errors: [
code: 123,
reason: "this is the cause for a random problem where the last part of this string is dynamically generated"
} ,
code: 234,
reason: "Some other error for another random reason"
Now when I validate this response
I use following
And match response.errors[*].reason contains "this is the cause"
This validation fails, because there is an equality check for complete String for every reason ,
I all I want is, to validate that inside the errors array, if there is any error object, which has a reason string type property, starting with this is the cause phrase.
I tried few wild cards but didn't work either, how to do it ?
For complex things like this, just switch to JS.
* def found = response.errors.find(x => x.reason.startsWith('this is the cause'))
* match found == { code: 123, reason: '#string' }
# you can also do
* if (found) karate.log('found')
Any questions :)

How to override the NQPMatch.Str function

... Or how to change $<sigil>.Str value from token sigil { ... } idependently from the matched text. Yes I'm asking how to cheat grammars above (i.e. calling) me.
I am trying to write a Slang for Raku without sigil.
So I want the nogil token, matching anything <?> to return NqpMatch that stringifies: $<sigil>.Str to '$'.
Currently, my token sigil look like that
token sigil {
| <[$#%&]>
| <nogil> { say "Nogil returned: ", lk($/, 'nogil').Str; # Here It should print "$"
token nogil-proxy {
| '€'
| <?>
{log "No sigil:", get-stack; }
And the method with that should return a NQPMatch with method Str overwritten
method nogil {
my $cursor := self.nogil-proxy;
# .. This si where Nqp expertise would be nice
say "string is:", $cursor.Str; # here also it should print "$"
return $cursor;
Failed try:
$cursor.^cache_add('Str', sub { return '$'; } );
for $cursor.^attributes { .name.say };
for $cursor.^methods { .name.say };
say $cursor.WHAT.Str;
nqp::setmethcacheauth($cursor, 0);
Currently, most of my tests work but I have problems in declarations without my (with no strict) like my-var = 42; because they are considered as method call.
#Arne-Sommer already made a post and an article. This is closely related. But this questions aims:
How can we customize the return value of a compile-time token and not how to declare it.
Intro: The answer, pointed by #JonathanWorthington:
Brief: Use the mixin meta function. (And NOT the but requiring compose method.)
Create a NQPMatch object by retrieving another token: here the token sigil-my called by self.sigil-my.
Use ^mixin with a role
method sigil { return self.sigil-my.^mixin(Nogil::StrGil); }
Context: full reproducible code:
So you can see what type are sigil-my and Nogil::StrGil. But I told you: token (more than method) and role (uninstantiable classes).
role Nogil::StrGil {
method Str() {
return sigilize(callsame);
sub EXPORT(|) {
# Save: main raku grammar
my $main-grammar = $*LANG.slang_grammar('MAIN');
my $main-actions = $*LANG.slang_actions('MAIN');
role Nogil::NogilGrammar {
method sigil {
return self.sigil-my.^mixin(Nogil::StrGil);
token sigil-my { | <[$#%&]> | <?> }
# Mix
my $grammar = $main-grammar.^mixin(Nogil::NogilGrammar);
my $actions = $main-actions.^mixin(Nogil::NogilActions);
$*LANG.define_slang('MAIN', $grammar, $actions);
# Return empty hash -> specify that we’re not exporting anything extra
return {};
Note: This opens the door to mush more problems (also pointed by jnthn question comments) -> -0fun !

warning use of undefined constant.. this will throw an error in future version of php

This should be enough for someone to correct my issue - I'm very much a newbie at this.
It's a short bit of code to strip spaces from the ends of strings submitted in forms.
The warning message is saying "Use of undefined constant mystriptag - assumed 'mystriptag' (this will throw an error..."
How should I change this?
function mystriptag($item)
$item = strip_tags($item);
array_walk($_POST, mystriptag);
function t_area($str){
$order = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
$replace = ', ';
$newstr = str_replace($order, $replace, $str);
return $newstr;
You must use single quote in order for PHP to understand your parameter mystriptag.
So the correct line would be :
array_walk($_POST, 'mystriptag');

Perl6: check if STDIN has data

In my Perl 6 script, I want to do a (preferably non-blocking) check of standard input to see if data is available. If this is the case, then I want to process it, otherwise I want to do other stuff.
Example (consumer.p6):
use v6.b;
use fatal;
sub MAIN() returns UInt:D {
while !$*IN.eof {
if some_fancy_check_for_STDIN() { #TODO: this needs to be done.
for $*IN.lines -> $line {
say "Process '$line'";
say "Do something Else.";
say "I'm done.";
return 0;
As a STDIN-Generator I wrote another Perl6 script (producer.p6):
use v6.b;
use fatal;
sub MAIN() returns UInt:D {
$*OUT.say("aaaa aaa");
sleep-until now+2;
sleep-until now+2;
sleep-until now+2;
return 0;
If consumer.p6 works as expected, it should produce the following output, if called via ./producer.p6 | ./consumer.p6:
Process 'aaaa aaa'
Do something Else.
Process 'nbbasdf'
Do something Else.
Process 'xxxxx'
Do something Else.
I'm done.
But actually, it produces the following output (if the if condition is commented out):
Process 'aaaa aaa'
Process 'nbbasdf'
Process 'xxxxx'
Do something Else.
I'm done.
You are using an old version of Perl 6, as v6.b is from before the official release of the language.
So some of what I have below may need a newer version to work.
Also why are you using sleep-until now+2 instead of sleep 2?
One way to do this is to turn the .lines into a Channel, then you can use .poll.
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use v6.c;
sub MAIN () {
# convert it into a Channel so we can poll it
my $lines = $*IN.Supply.lines.Channel;
my $running = True;
$lines.closed.then: {$running = False}
while $running {
with $lines.poll() -> $line {
say "Process '$line'";
say "Do something Else.";
sleep ½;
say "I'm done.";
Note that the code above blocks at the my $lines = … line currently; so it doesn't start doing something until the first line comes in. To get around that you could do the following
my $lines = supply {
# unblock the $*IN.Supply.lines call
whenever start $*IN.Supply {
whenever .lines { .emit }

TCL, get full error message in catch command

proc test {} {
When I run this script I get error message:
invalid command name "aaa"
while executing
(procedure "test" line 2)
invoked from within
(file "./a.tcl" line 7)
If I run test command in catch I get only first line of error message.
proc test {} {
catch test msg
puts $msg
This prints:
invalid command name "aaa"
Is it possible to get full error message (file, line, procedure) in catch command? My program has many files and by getting just one line of error message it is difficult to find from where is it.
The short answer is to look at the value of errorInfo which will contain the stack trace.
The more complete answer is to look at the catch and the return manual pages and make use of the -optionsVarName parameter to the catch statement to collect the more detailed information provided. The return manual page gives some information on using this. But a rough example from an interactive session:
% proc a {} { catch {funky} err detail; return $detail }
% a
-code 1 -level 0 -errorstack {INNER {invokeStk1 funky} CALL a} -errorcode NONE -errorinfo {invalid command name "funky"
while executing
"funky"} -errorline 1
The detail variable is a dictionary, so use dict get $detail -errorinfo to get that particular item.