Mule 4 Write and Read from /tmp directory on Cloudhub usinf File Connector? - anypoint-studio

I want to store data on cloudhub in a temporary file. Is it possible to write and read from this /tmp directory? if yes, can someone tell me how ?

The recommended way is to use Object store
The /tmp directory may get lost if there is any outage or redeployment or anything which kills the worker. To access it you can use File connector read/write.

It's not a good idea to use /tmp directory to store application-specific production data (that too 53,000 records!!). That /tmp directory is meant for the app to store files and objects temporarily created during app's run, such as temp files created by dataweave during processing of large files.
The better option to deal with such a scenario is to use ObejctStore v2 which supports maxEntries, expirationInterval and entryTTL when used in CloudHub. You can maintain unlimited number of key/value pairs per application which the size of each value can be up to 10MB. See here for more details on ObjStore v2.


OperationalError: Attempt to Write A ReadOnly Database on Google Cloud Application

Recently, I have been trying to deploy an interactive Google App Engine that writes to a SQLite database, which works fine when running the app locally, but when running it through the server, I receive the error:
OperationalError: attempt to write a readonly database
I tried changing the permissions on my .db, .sql but no luck.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You can try changing permission of the directory and checking that .sqllite file exists and is writable
But generally speaking is not a good idea to rely on disk data when working on app engine as disk storage is ephemeral (unless you are using persistent disks on flex) but even then its better to use a cloud database solution
App Engine has exactly read-only file system, i.e. no files can be modified. It has, however, /tmp/ folder to store temporary files as the name suggests. It actually uses RAM, so not a good idea if the database is huge.
On app startup you can copy your original database file to /tmp/ folder and use it from there afterwards.
This works. However, all the changes in the database are lost when the app nodes scale to 0. Each node of the app has its own database copy and the data is not shared between the nodes. If you need the data to be shared between the app nodes, better use CloudSQL.

SFTP file locking semantics [duplicate]

How can I make sure that a file uploaded through SFTP (in a Linux base system) stays locked during the transfer so an automated system will not read it?
Is there an option on the client side? Or server side?
SFTP protocol supports locking since version 5. See the specification.
You didn't specify, what SFTP server are you using. So I'm assuming the most widespread one, the OpenSSH. The OpenSSH supports SFTP version 3 only, so it does not support locking.
Anyway, even if your server supported file locking, most SFTP clients/libraries won't support SFTP version 5. Or even if they do, they won't support the locking feature. Note that the lock is explicit, the client has to request it.
There are some common workarounds for the problem:
As suggested by #user1717259, you can have the client upload a "done" file, once an upload finishes. Make your automated system wait for the "done" file to appear.
You can have a dedicated "upload" folder and have the client (atomically) move the uploaded file to a "done" folder. Make your automated system look to the "done" folder only.
Have a file naming convention for files being uploaded (".filepart") and have the client (atomically) rename the file after an upload to its final name. Make your automated system ignore the ".filepart" files.
See (my) article Locking files while uploading / Upload to temporary file name for example of implementing this approach.
Also, some SFTP servers have this functionality built-in. For example ProFTPD with its HiddenStores directive (courtesy of #fakedad).
A gross hack is to periodically check for file attributes (size and time) and consider the upload finished, if the attributes have not changed for some time interval.
You can also make use of the fact that some file formats have clear end-of-the-file marker (like XML or ZIP). So you know, when you download an incomplete file.
A typical way of solving this problem is to upload your real file, and then to upload an empty 'done.txt' file.
The automated system should wait for the appearance of the 'done' file before trying to read the real file.
A simple file locking mechanism for SFTP is to first upload a file to a directory (folder) where the read process isn't looking. You can "make" an alternate folder using the sftp> mkdir command. Upload the file to the alternate directory, instead of the ultimate destination directory. Once the SFTP> put command completes, then do a move like this:
SFTP> move alternate_path/filename destination_path/filename. Since the SFTP "move" is just switching the file pointers, it is atomic, so it is an effective lock.

Can I use the File connector in Mule Cloudhub for FTPS

Is there a way to configure a File connector for use in cloudhub, specifically related to reading in a file over FTPS and putting it into a file before beginning the actual processing of the contents?
I'm in cloudhub, which does not provide a filesystem in the same sense that a local/on-prem Mule setup has. One standard practice when dealing with streams (FTPS or similar) in order to avoid processing over the open stream is to take the incoming stream and use the File connector (outbound in this case) to put the inbound stream into a file, and then use that file for your flow process. How is this managed in CloudHub?
File Connector is to read files from paths specified on the server. They cannot be used to read from remote servers.
I case you want to have a File to start your flow with try the following.
<flow name="ftp_reader_flow">
<ftp: inbound> Read from the remote directory
<file:outbound> to a local directory
<flow name="actual_processing_flow">
<file:inbound> read from the local directory.
... Continue with the processing
Hope this helps.
You can use the connector for temporary data with the tmp directory.
From the MuleSoft Documentation:
Disk Persistence
CloudHub does not guarantee that writing to disk survives hardware
failures. Instead, you must use an external storage mechanism to store
information. For small amounts of data, you can use the Object Store.
For applications that have large data storage requirements, we
recommend use of a cloud service such as Amazon S3. For temporary
storage, the File connector is still available and can be used with
the /tmp directory.
You can use File Connector in CloudHub as well, But Make sure your are reading or writing the file from classpath -src/main/resource or any folder from project classpath only.

SFTP file lock mechanism

How can I make sure that a file uploaded through SFTP (in a Linux base system) stays locked during the transfer so an automated system will not read it?
Is there an option on the client side? Or server side?
SFTP protocol supports locking since version 5. See the specification.
You didn't specify, what SFTP server are you using. So I'm assuming the most widespread one, the OpenSSH. The OpenSSH supports SFTP version 3 only, so it does not support locking.
Anyway, even if your server supported file locking, most SFTP clients/libraries won't support SFTP version 5. Or even if they do, they won't support the locking feature. Note that the lock is explicit, the client has to request it.
There are some common workarounds for the problem:
As suggested by #user1717259, you can have the client upload a "done" file, once an upload finishes. Make your automated system wait for the "done" file to appear.
You can have a dedicated "upload" folder and have the client (atomically) move the uploaded file to a "done" folder. Make your automated system look to the "done" folder only.
Have a file naming convention for files being uploaded (".filepart") and have the client (atomically) rename the file after an upload to its final name. Make your automated system ignore the ".filepart" files.
See (my) article Locking files while uploading / Upload to temporary file name for example of implementing this approach.
Also, some SFTP servers have this functionality built-in. For example ProFTPD with its HiddenStores directive (courtesy of #fakedad).
A gross hack is to periodically check for file attributes (size and time) and consider the upload finished, if the attributes have not changed for some time interval.
You can also make use of the fact that some file formats have clear end-of-the-file marker (like XML or ZIP). So you know, when you download an incomplete file.
A typical way of solving this problem is to upload your real file, and then to upload an empty 'done.txt' file.
The automated system should wait for the appearance of the 'done' file before trying to read the real file.
A simple file locking mechanism for SFTP is to first upload a file to a directory (folder) where the read process isn't looking. You can "make" an alternate folder using the sftp> mkdir command. Upload the file to the alternate directory, instead of the ultimate destination directory. Once the SFTP> put command completes, then do a move like this:
SFTP> move alternate_path/filename destination_path/filename. Since the SFTP "move" is just switching the file pointers, it is atomic, so it is an effective lock.

How to access system properties from a Tomcat app deployed on Cloudbees?

I want to run a Tomcat app in Cloudbees. This app accesses some private and confidential properties from the file system. How could I access a file system on Cloudbees? Please note that it should be highly protected, e.g. 700 or similar.
RUN#Cloud platform don't provide a persistent (nor distributed) filesystem. So you can't use it to as canonical store for those files, but need to use an external file store to match your security requirements, and copy them as application is starting (or lazy-load) to directory. As files are stored on RUN#Cloud there is no security issue as your server instance is fully isolated, and files will be deleted after application undeployed/passivated
So you can use Amazon S3 or comparable to store files
Another option is for you to attach properties to the RUN#Cloud instance as configuration parameters, and access them as System properties. See
If they data is modest in size - you could consider using properties - using the CLI you can set them using
bees config:set propertyName=value
you can then access that as a System property (for example) in your application. The properties themselves are stored encrypted by cloudbees.
I've actually moved to OpenShift since then and I solved the problem. Thank you for your answers