I installed a SSL cerfificate to a website created with Prestashop 1.7. But it indicates to me that it is not totally safe since there is a request to the image of the smartblog v 3.0.0 by HTTP. Checking the code from Firefox developer tools. Previously, I tried to force the module to read photos only via https. Code editing did not produce results. From the information collected, it appears that the blog module has a problem loading photos via https. Therefore, duplicate content.
Link to the website
Screenshot dev tools
Part of the smartblog.php file:
public static function GetSmartBlogUrl()
$ssl_enable = Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED');
$id_lang = (int) Context::getContext()->language->id;
$id_shop = (int) Context::getContext()->shop->id;
$rewrite_set = (int) Configuration::get('PS_REWRITING_SETTINGS');
$ssl = null;
static $force_ssl = null;
if ($ssl === null) {
if ($force_ssl === null)
$force_ssl = (Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED') && Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED_EVERYWHERE'));
$ssl = $force_ssl;
if (Configuration::get('PS_MULTISHOP_FEATURE_ACTIVE') && $id_shop !== null)
$shop = new Shop($id_shop);
$shop = Context::getContext()->shop;
$base = ($ssl == 1 && $ssl_enable == 1) ? 'https://' . $shop->domain_ssl : 'http://' . $shop->domain;
$langUrl = Language::getIsoById($id_lang) . '/';
if ((!$rewrite_set && in_array($id_shop, array((int) Context::getContext()->shop->id, null))) || !Language::isMultiLanguageActivated($id_shop) || !(int) Configuration::get('PS_REWRITING_SETTINGS', null, null, $id_shop))
$langUrl = '';
return $base . $shop->getBaseURI() . $langUrl;
public static function GetSmartBlogLink($rewrite = 'smartblog', $params = null, $id_shop = null, $id_lang = null)
$url = smartblog::GetSmartBlogUrl();
$dispatcher = Dispatcher::getInstance();
$id_lang = (int) Context::getContext()->language->id;
$force_routes = (bool) Configuration::get('PS_REWRITING_SETTINGS');
if ($params != null) {
return $url . $dispatcher->createUrl($rewrite, $id_lang, $params, $force_routes);
} else {
$params = array();
return $url . $dispatcher->createUrl($rewrite, $id_lang, $params, $force_routes);
which template of smartblog that is not displaying correctly the images via https? I found a issue in that module a few weeks ago, just check the variable who is printing the route.
I had the same problem loading the post images with ssl actived. Just replacing the code in the line http:// for https:// . clear the cache and works.
i want use where for $query.
foreach ($oppId as $o) {
$id = $o['opportunity_id'];
When I use this. All items shown
i need get this query :
SELECT * FROM `opportunity` WHERE id =27 or id =28
this is all of my function :
public function actionShow($type = 0, $city = 0, $client = 0) {
$query = (new \yii\db\Query())->select(['*'])->from('opportunity ')->innerJoin('profile_details', 'opportunity.user_id=profile_details.user_id')->orderBy('id desc');
$query->Where('id !=-1');
if (isset($_REQUEST['type'])) {
$type = $_REQUEST['type'];
if ($type != 0) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['city'])) {
$city = $_REQUEST['city'];
if ($city != 0) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['client'])) {
$client = $_REQUEST['client'];
if ($client != 0) {
$oppId = \app\models\OpportunityControl::find()
->where('project_type_id = :project_type_id', [':project_type_id' => $client])
foreach ($oppId as $o) {
$id = $o['opportunity_id'];
You very much do not want to use strings to add to the query under any circumstances as that is ripe for SQL injection. I'd format it like this:
$params = [];
foreach ($oppId as $o) {
$params[] = $o->opportunity_id;
$query->andWhere(['in', 'id', $params]);
You should also adjust your other query params so that you are not passing variables into SQL via a string.
if (isset($_REQUEST['type'])) {
$type = $_REQUEST['type'];
if ($type != 0) {
$query->andWhere(['project_type_id' => $type]);
if (isset($_REQUEST['city'])) {
$city = $_REQUEST['city'];
if ($city != 0) {
$query->andWhere(['state_id' => $city]);
See the Yii2 guide on using variables in queries for what you are trying to avoid here. Specifically:
Do NOT embed variables directly in the condition like the following, especially if the variable values come from end user inputs, because this will make your application subject to SQL injection attacks.
// Dangerous! Do NOT do this unless you are very certain $status must be an integer.
I do it with Arrays
But in your case save all ids in a Array is not possible,I do it with string inside foreach
$LastElement = end($oppId);
foreach ($oppId as $o)
$id = $o['opportunity_id'];
$StringWhere.=' id='.$id;
$StringWhere.=' or ';
I use this and it works perfectly as mentioned by metola. :)
$result = $client->call($session, 'catalog_product.update', array('123', array(
'name' => 'Product333222'
Here '123' is the Sku of product. Sku is not working here in update Api.
If i give Product ID in place of Sku it is working fine.
So what is the Issue behind that.
If anyone Knows please let me know.
Magento is a bit dull here.
Long story short:
If you are using a numeric value without specifying an identification type its assuming you are doing your works on a product id. If you where to insert "abc" as a value (not numeric) it will be treated as if it were a SKU.
Best way to solve this is to use an identification type (in your case "SKU") in your api call.
Please see this for more info on using the identification type. http://www.magentocommerce.com/api/soap/catalog/catalogProduct/catalog_product.update.html
Or see: Magento 1.5, numeric SKUs and productIdentifierType
Short story long:
The following function gets called trough the api
protected function _getProduct($productId, $store = null, $identifierType = null)
$product = Mage::helper('catalog/product')->getProduct($productId, $this->_getStoreId($store), $identifierType);
if (is_null($product->getId())) {
return $product;
As you can see that function is calling the following function in the product helper:
public function getProduct($productId, $store, $identifierType = null) {
$loadByIdOnFalse = false;
if ($identifierType == null) {
if (is_string($productId) && !preg_match("/^[+-]?[1-9][0-9]*$|^0$/", $productId)) {
$identifierType = 'sku';
$loadByIdOnFalse = true;
} else {
$identifierType = 'id';
/** #var $product Mage_Catalog_Model_Product */
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
if ($store !== null) {
if ($identifierType == 'sku') {
$idBySku = $product->getIdBySku($productId);
if ($idBySku) {
$productId = $idBySku;
if ($loadByIdOnFalse) {
$identifierType = 'id';
if ($identifierType == 'id' && is_numeric($productId)) {
$productId = !is_float($productId) ? (int) $productId : 0;
return $product;
Without specifying an $identifierType here and using a sku like '123' the thrid line is going to do a preg match with will result in true. Thus using its else function threating it as an ID in stead of sku.
In the end:
So, do your call like:
$result = $client->call($session, 'catalog_product.update', array('123', array(
'name' => 'Product333222'
), null, 'sku'));
I need help. when i open my index it shows that the nama_unit_kerja variable is not defined..
But i've put them in the SiteController. How can i fix this.
This is my SiteController code :
public function actionIndex()
//$this->layout = "//layouts/adr/main";
/* $browser = Yii::app()->browser->isMobile();
echo ($browser?'mobile':'not mobile'); exit; */
Yii::app()->user->returnUrl = array('site/index');
$lang = 'en';
if(isset($_SESSION['lang'])) $lang = $_SESSION['lang'];
// renders the view file 'protected/views/site/index.php'
// using the default layout 'protected/views/layouts/main.php'
$modelUnitKerja=new UnitKerja('searchKapTarReal');
$modelUnitKerja->unsetAttributes(); // clear any default values
$modelJenisKegiatan=new JenisKegiatan('searchKapTarReal');
$modelJenisKegiatan->unsetAttributes(); // clear any default values
if ((isset($_POST['unitKerja'])) or (isset($_POST['year']))){
$unitKerja = 0;
} else {
$unitKerja = $_POST['unitKerja'];
$nama_unit_kerja = UnitKerja::model()->findByAttributes(array("id"=>$_POST['unitKerja']))->nama_unit_kerja;
$year = $_POST['year'];
$year_nm = Year::model()->findByAttributes(array("id"=>$_POST['year']))->year;
$unitKerja = 0;
$year = Year::model()->findByAttributes(array("year"=>date('Y')))->id;
$year_nm = date('Y');
$nama_unit_kerja = UnitKerja::model()->findByAttributes(array("id"=>$_POST['unitKerja']))->nama_unit_kerja;
hopefully you are getting this error on this line because you are trying to access the property of yii base.
you can use it like
$nama_unit_kerja = UnitKerja::model()->findByAttributes(array("id"=>$_POST['unitKerja']));
For a module that I'm writing I need to retrieve a cart for a certain user (not necessary registered) after that a link is called and some data are passed.
My idea was to receive back a previously id passed that can help me to identify a certain cart.
My big problem is that I've search a lot for code cart creation into prestashop. Finally I've found something into
/* Cart already exists */
if ((int)$this->context->cookie->id_cart)
$cart = new Cart($this->context->cookie->id_cart);
if ($cart->OrderExists())
unset($this->context->cookie->id_cart, $cart, $this->context->cookie->checkedTOS);
$this->context->cookie->check_cgv = false;
/* Delete product of cart, if user can't make an order from his country */
elseif (intval(Configuration::get('PS_GEOLOCATION_ENABLED')) &&
!in_array(strtoupper($this->context->cookie->iso_code_country), explode(';', Configuration::get('PS_ALLOWED_COUNTRIES'))) &&
$cart->nbProducts() && intval(Configuration::get('PS_GEOLOCATION_NA_BEHAVIOR')) != -1 &&
!FrontController::isInWhitelistForGeolocation() &&
!in_array($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], array('localhost', '')))
unset($this->context->cookie->id_cart, $cart);
// update cart values
elseif ($this->context->cookie->id_customer != $cart->id_customer || $this->context->cookie->id_lang != $cart->id_lang || $currency->id != $cart->id_currency)
if ($this->context->cookie->id_customer)
$cart->id_customer = (int)($this->context->cookie->id_customer);
$cart->id_lang = (int)($this->context->cookie->id_lang);
$cart->id_currency = (int)$currency->id;
/* Select an address if not set */
if (isset($cart) && (!isset($cart->id_address_delivery) || $cart->id_address_delivery == 0 ||
!isset($cart->id_address_invoice) || $cart->id_address_invoice == 0) && $this->context->cookie->id_customer)
$to_update = false;
if (!isset($cart->id_address_delivery) || $cart->id_address_delivery == 0)
$to_update = true;
$cart->id_address_delivery = (int)Address::getFirstCustomerAddressId($cart->id_customer);
if (!isset($cart->id_address_invoice) || $cart->id_address_invoice == 0)
$to_update = true;
$cart->id_address_invoice = (int)Address::getFirstCustomerAddressId($cart->id_customer);
if ($to_update)
if (!isset($cart) || !$cart->id)
$cart = new Cart();
$cart->id_lang = (int)($this->context->cookie->id_lang);
$cart->id_currency = (int)($this->context->cookie->id_currency);
$cart->id_guest = (int)($this->context->cookie->id_guest);
$cart->id_shop_group = (int)$this->context->shop->id_shop_group;
$cart->id_shop = $this->context->shop->id;
if ($this->context->cookie->id_customer)
$cart->id_customer = (int)($this->context->cookie->id_customer);
$cart->id_address_delivery = (int)(Address::getFirstCustomerAddressId($cart->id_customer));
$cart->id_address_invoice = $cart->id_address_delivery;
$cart->id_address_delivery = 0;
$cart->id_address_invoice = 0;
// Needed if the merchant want to give a free product to every visitors
$this->context->cart = $cart;
that is contained into FrontController.php (that seems to be called in every page). So, to me, a cart should always be present during a "user session".
But - yes, there's a but - when I try to retrieve a cart (in that way, into controller of my module)
$id_cart isn't there, so cart seems to miss. So I'm a little bit confused.
What's goin' on here? Someone could give me some pointers?
I've tried to replicate that function (only the else part) but it doesn't work
You can force cart generation when the user isn't logged in and there is no product in the cart:
$context = Context::getContext();
if (!$context->cart->id) {
$context->cookie->id_cart = $context->cart->id;
$id_cart = $context->cart->id;
Take a look at the processChangeProductInCart method in controllers/front/CartController.php
I'm using Prestashop 1.6, and #yenshiraks answer did not work for me. I cannot use $context->cart->add();, because $context->cartis null.
This is what worked in my case:
$context = Context::getContext();
$cart_id = null
if($context->cookie->id_cart) {
$cart = new Cart($context->cookie->id_cart);
$cart_id = $cart->id; // just in case the cookie contains an invalid cart_id
if(empty($cart_id)) {
$cart = new Cart();
$cart->id_lang = (int)$context->cookie->id_lang;
$cart->id_currency = (int)$context->cookie->id_currency;
$cart->id_guest = (int)$context->cookie->id_guest;
$cart->id_shop_group = (int)$context->shop->id_shop_group;
$cart->id_shop = $context->shop->id;
$cart_id = $cart->id;
$context->cookie->id_cart = $cart_id;
To answer the question at the end: Even though a cart is always generated in the FrontController, it is not saved to the database, therefore the id is null.
If you are in a context, where the FrontController is instantiated (any page of the frontend, $context->cart->add(); will suffice to save an empty cart to the database.
If on the other hand, you are in a script, that is called directly (like prestashop/modules/my_module/script.php), you have to use the above code.
Is there a more efficient way to list files from a bucket in Amazon S3 and also extract the meta data for each of those files? I'm using the AWS PHP SDK.
if ($paths = $s3->get_object_list('my-bucket')) {
foreach($paths AS $path) {
$meta = $s3->get_object_metadata('my-bucket', $path);
echo $path . ' was modified on ' . $meta['LastModified'] . '<br />';
At the moment I need to run get_object_list() to list all the files and then get_object_metadata() for each file to get its meta data.
If I have 100 files in my bucket, it makes 101 calls to get this data. It would be good if it's possible to do it in 1 call.
if ($paths = $s3->get_object_list('my-bucket')) {
foreach($paths AS $path) {
echo $path['FileName'] . ' was modified on ' . $path['LastModified'] . '<br />';
I know this is a bit old, but I encountered this problem and to solve it I extended the Aws sdk to use the batch functionality for this type of problem. It makes a lot quicker to retrieve custom meta data for lots of files.
This is my code:
* Name: Steves_Amazon_S3
* Extends the AmazonS3 class in order to create a function to
* more efficiently retrieve a list of
* files and their custom metadata using the CFBatchRequest function.
class Steves_Amazon_S3 extends AmazonS3 {
public function get_object_metadata_batch($bucket, $filenames, $opt = null) {
$batch = new CFBatchRequest();
foreach ($filenames as $filename) {
$this->batch($batch)->get_object_headers($bucket, $filename); // Get content-type
$response = $this->batch($batch)->send();
// Fail if any requests were unsuccessful
if (!$response->areOK()) {
return false;
foreach ($response as $file) {
$temp = array();
$temp['name'] = (string) basename($file->header['_info']['url']);
$temp['etag'] = (string) basename($file->header['etag']);
$temp['size'] = $this->util->size_readable((integer) basename($file->header['content-length']));
$temp['size_raw'] = basename($file->header['content-length']);
$temp['last_modified'] = (string) date("jS M Y H:i:s", strtotime($file->header['last-modified']));
$temp['last_modified_raw'] = strtotime($file->header['last-modified']);
#$temp['creator_id'] = (string) $file->header['x-amz-meta-creator'];
#$temp['client_view'] = (string) $file->header['x-amz-meta-client-view'];
#$temp['user_view'] = (string) $file->header['x-amz-meta-user-view'];
$result[] = $temp;
return $result;
You need to know that list_objects function has limit. It doesn't allows to load more than 1000 objects, even if max-keys option will be set to some large number.
To fix this you need to load data several times:
private function _getBucketObjects($prefix = '', $booOneLevelOny = false)
$objects = array();
$lastKey = null;
do {
$args = array();
if (isset($lastKey)) {
$args['marker'] = $lastKey;
if (strlen($prefix)) {
$args['prefix'] = $prefix;
if($booOneLevelOny) {
$args['delimiter'] = '/';
$res = $this->_client->list_objects($this->_bucket, $args);
if (!$res->isOK()) {
return null;
foreach ($res->body->Contents as $object) {
$objects[] = $object;
$lastKey = (string)$object->Key;
$isTruncated = (string)$res->body->IsTruncated;
} while ($isTruncated == 'true');
return $objects;
As result - you'll have a full list of the objects.
What if you have some custom headers?
They will be not returned via list_objects function. In this case this will help:
foreach (array_chunk($arrObjects, 1000) as $object_set) {
$batch = new CFBatchRequest();
foreach ($object_set as $object) {
if(!$this->isFolder((string)$object->Key)) {
$this->_client->batch($batch)->get_object_headers($this->_bucket, $this->preparePath((string)$object->Key));
$response = $this->_client->batch($batch)->send();
if ($response->areOK()) {
foreach ($response as $arrHeaderInfo) {
$arrHeaders[] = $arrHeaderInfo->header;
unset($batch, $response);
I ended up using the list_objects function which pulled out the LastModified meta I required.
All in one call :)