Vue nuxt.config.js file ignored - vue.js

So i have the nuxt.config.js file in the project root directory with what follows:
modules: [
axios: {
proxy: true,
proxy: {
'http://localhost:8080/api/v1': 'http://localhost:3000/api/v1'
I've been struggling to understand why my calls were not proxed (the endpoint remains the same) and then i noticed that even if i break the syntax (removing commas or parenthesys or whatever) and restart the server, my app does not even care.
Can anyone help me make things work?

#nuxtjs/proxy already included
#nuxtjs/axios already includes #nuxtjs/proxy, so you don't need to install it separately; and you don't need to add it to modules array:
modules: [
//'#nuxtjs/proxy', // DON'T DO THIS
Proxy URL incorrect
Currently, you have it setup to append the original URL to the target, as shown in this example:
http://localhost:8080/api/v1/foo --> http://localhost:3000/api/v1/api/v1/foo
^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^
The config should look like this:
proxy: {
'http://localhost:8080/api/v1': 'http://localhost:3030'
Be careful of duplicate axios configs
If you used create-nuxt-app, nuxt.config.js already includes an empty axios config, which could be easily missed. If you inserted your own config at the top of the config object, it would be overwritten by the empty axios config that had been automatically inserted at the bottom of the object (which effectively disables the proxy):
// nuxt.config.js
module.exports = {
// your config
axios: {
proxy: true
// was automatically inserted; overwrites your config above
axios: {}


How to load base url axios from env in nuxt js

So first of all, I have 2 env file,
I tried to load BASE_URL from my env file, so I use nuxt/dotenv to load env file on nuxt.config.js, like this,
buildModules: [
['#nuxtjs/dotenv', { filename: '.env' + process.env.ENV }]
modules: [
axios: {
baseURL: process.env.BASE_URL,
redirectError: {
401: '/login',
403: '/login',
404: '/notfound'
But when I try to hit API login, it's always pointing to BASE_URL on .env.
What am I do wrong?
Here I wrote a quick answer on how to user env variables:
Here is an answer on how to use a specific file:
yarn add -D #nuxtjs/dotenv
In nuxt.config.js
modules: ['#nuxtjs/dotenv'],
buildModules: [
{ filename: '.env.' + process.env.ENV }
In package.json (your probably missed this one)
"scripts": { "dev": "ENV=dev nuxt" }
And finally, do not forget to add them all to your .gitignore file.
Meanwhile, this way of working is not the recommended way as stated in the official dotenv project:

In NuxtJS How to configure different paths for publicPath, outputDir, and indexPath

I have situation when i deploy NuxtJS App for production that I need put files in different paths.
I used this configurations before in Vue App in vue.config.js and it’s works fine:
module.exports = {
outputDir: path.resolve('../my_app/public/my_page'),
indexPath: path.resolve('../my_app/www/my_page.html'),
devServer: {
allowedHosts: [""],
proxy: {
'^/api': serverProxy,
'^/assets': serverProxy,
'^/files': serverProxy
How can do the same configurations in NuxtJS?
I tried this in nuxt.config.js but it not working:
build: {
// outputDir: path.resolve('../my_app/public/my_page'),
generate: {
dir: path.resolve('../my_app/www/my_page.html'),
there are different Dir properties that you can use in nuxt.config. I think
buildDir ,rootDir or srcDir can help you. However, you can access vue configuration and use your old solution by :
nuxt.config vue.config property

How to add service worker to Vue.js project?

I'm trying to use a service worker in my Vue.js project. I have it functioning with a very basic worker that I just dropped into my public/ directory (example below), but this doesn't allow me to load dependencies using require(), which is what I'd like to do next.
self.addEventListener('install', event => {
self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
const url = new URL(event.request.url);
I found service-worker-loader, but it presents me with this during compilation: Syntax Error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'unlink' of null. The error persists even when I provide a serviceWorker.js file that is completely blank. My vue.config.js has the loader configured:
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: {
module: {
rules: [
{ test: /serviceWorker\.js$/, use: { loader: "service-worker-loader" }}
And I'm referencing my worker using import registerServiceWorker from 'service-worker-loader!./serviceWorker';.
Am I missing something basic? What's the "standard" way to include custom service worker code into a Vue.js project?

Nuxt static generated page and axios post

I have a Nuxt project. Everything is OK when I generate a static page.
However, I need to send a POST request to the other server.
I tried to use both a proxy in nuxt.config.js and just direct query, but after deploy to the ngnix eventually, nothing works.
Please help.
UPDATE. Steps to reproduce.
Create Nuxt App including axios and proxy
Configure your proxy for other webservice:
proxy: {
'/api': {
target: '',
pathRewrite: {
'^/api': '/',
changeOrigin: true,
call this service somewhere in the code:
const result = await this.$'/api/email/subscribe', {email: email})
run "yarn dev" and test the service. It works locally properly.
run 'nuxt generate' and deploy the static code hosting service, for example,
run your page which calls the above-mentioned service.
As a result, instead of making POST call to the, it calls localhost:3000/api/email/subscribe.
Be sure to install the nuxt versions of axios and proxy in your project #nuxt/axios and #nuxtjs/proxy
after that in your nuxt.config.js add axios as module plus this options for axios and proxy:
modules: [
// Doc:
//more modules if you need
** Axios module configuration
axios: {
proxy: true,
// See
proxy: {
'/api/': {
target: process.env.AXIOS_SERVER, // I use .env files for the variables
pathRewrite: { '^/api/': '' }, //this should be your bug
now you can use axios in any part of the code like this
const result = await this.$'/api/email/subscribe', {email: email})
it will internally resolve to AXIOS_SERVER/email/subscribe without cause cors issues.
EXTRA: test enviroments in local using multiples .env files
you can configure .env for dev and for production, after that in local you can use yarn build && yarn start for test your app with your production enviroment. You only need add this at the top of your nuxt.config.js file
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' && fs.existsSync('')) {
require('dotenv').config({ path: path.join(__dirname, ``) })
} else {
By definition on the Nuxt docs page what nuxt generate does is: Build the application and generate every route as a HTML file (used for static hosting).
Therefore, using proxy is out of question here. Take note that you path is not even being rewritten.
And probably the result you're looking for is not (wit /api), but
Nevertheless, if you use nginx then I don't think you should use Nuxt's proxy option. Nginx is built just for that so point your API calls there and in nginx config file just declare where it should point further.

r.js minified optimized file not running

BEFORE, I was using r.js to optimize and minify my javascript successfully. I had a main.js file that looked something like this:
baseUrl: "scripts/lib",
paths: {
jquery: "",
underscore: "",
d3: "d3-for-development",
katex: "", // or 0.2.0
mathjax: "",
shim: {
underscore: { exports: "_" },
chosen: { deps: ["jquery"] },
mathjax: {
exports: "MathJax",
init: function (){
tex2jax: {
inlineMath: [['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)']],
processEscapes: true,
return MathJax;
require( [
], function(
/////////////////////////// INITIALIZATION ///////////////////////////
and I could successfully run node build/r.js -o mainConfigFile=www/scripts/main.js baseUrl=www/scripts/lib name=../main out=www/scripts/main-optimized.min.js generateSourceMap=true preserveLicenseComments=false optimize=uglify2 to minify. Everything worked.
NOW, I have a config.js file that looks like this:
urlArgs: "bust=" + new Date().getTime(),
baseUrl: "scripts/lib",
paths: {
jquery: ["jquery-min", ""],
underscore: ["underscore-min", ""],
d3: "d3-for-development", // if we add patches separately, then we can just use
katex: ["katex-min", ""], // or 0.2.0
mathjax: "",
main: "../main",
shim: {
underscore: { exports: "_" },
chosen: { deps: ["jquery"] },
mathjax: {
exports: "MathJax",
init: function init() {
tex2jax: {
inlineMath: [['$', '$'], ['\\(', '\\)']],
processEscapes: true }
return MathJax;
require(["main"], function (main) {
// pass. by loading main, we run main.js
Instead of passing the minify/optimize arguments straight into the command line, I've created a rbuild.js file for that:
mainConfigFile: "../www/scripts/config.js",
baseUrl: "../www/scripts/lib",
name: "../config",
out: "../www/scripts/config-optimized.min.js",
generateSourceMap: true,
preserveLicenseComments: false, // this is necessary for generateSourceMap to work
optimize: "uglify2",
// removeCombined: true,
// findNestedDependencies: true,
paths: {
jquery: "jquery-min",
underscore: "underscore-min",
d3: "d3-for-development",
katex: "katex-min",
mathjax: "",
marked: "marked",
chosen: "chosen-min",
jsnetworkx: "jsnetworkx-min",
main: "../main",
and I run it with node build/r.js -o build/rbuild.js in the command line. It appears to run successfully and makes the config-optimized.min.js file, as expected. The output is:
Tracing dependencies for: ../config
Cannot optimize network URL, skipping:
Uglify2 file: /Users/Matthew/programming/prove-math/www/scripts/config-optimized.min.js
But when I visit index.html via my server, the page is blank. The JS console gives no errors or log messages, which suggests that no JS is being run. My server gives no errors, which suggests that everything has been sent to the client successfully, and the client JS is not running.
So I'm pretty convinced the JS is there but not running. Is there something wrong with my setup that causes config.js to not run the code? With no error messages, I am having trouble troubleshooting :)
So I commented out
generateSourceMap: true,
preserveLicenseComments: false, // this is necessary for generateSourceMap to work
optimize: "uglify2",
and it worked! THEN, I uncommented that stuff, and it STILL worked!
It seems that as of requireJS 2.2 (I was using RequireJS 2.1.6 BEFORE), you can now use
optimize: "uglify",
or nothing at all, since this is the default setting. As of requireJS 2.2, it DOES use uglify2 in this case. This is the closest thing to an explanation that I can give :/