Using Wildcard in query criteria when referencing form input - vba

I am attempting to use a form to initiate and return query results based on user selected criteria (via a series of 24 combo boxes). So, if the user selects from a drop down, the subform requeries and returns results from query with the selected value as a filter. I need the user to be able to select as many or as few criteria as desired. I have that piece working using the following:
In the query that populates the subform, each criteria has:
Like "*" & [Forms]![formname]![cobx_name] & "*"
Like I said, this works. The problem lies in one of the criteria. There is a field that contains a sequential numeric value (from 1 to over 11,000). When I select, say 7, the query returns records with numerical value 7, 17, 27, 37, and so on. I need for the query to use wildcard and return all records when that specific combo box is null, but return only the one record that is equal to the value (i.e. just the record with value 7 for example) that the user selected.

LIKE and wildcard is intended for text not numbers. If you must use dynamic parameterized query, consider this:
BETWEEN Nz([Forms]![formname]![cobx_name], 0) AND Nz([Forms]![formname]![cobx_name], 99999)


Calculating the number of like records in an unbound text box on a form. in MS Access 2016

I have an unbound text box [txt_AmendmentOF] on a form to count the total number of Amendments a specific record has in the database. So the user knows which amendment they are on. Just a simple you are on Amendment 3 out of 8. i have this calculation i am using in the Control Source field of the text box [txt_AmendmentOF]:
there is a Field on my table called [Amendment] its text box on the form is called [txt_Amendment]. I have the calculation return a zero in [txt_AmendmentOF] if [txt_Amendment] is null. I need it to count the record number [MIPR_Number] that are the same and return the total number of Amendments count in the [txt_AmendmentOF] text box. on my table i have private key field called [ID] it is an autonumber format. The problem with the code above is it is counting all the fields that have a [MIPR_Number] and returning the total row count of that. i am not an expert here so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Update to post..
I have also tried this and got an error in the text box
Counting by a condition is one of the basic dataabase tasks. To get answers from a db, you have to query the database (and that is done by createing a query).
To count same[MIPR_Number]you have to group the data (a group contains same numbers), then count.
SELECT COUNT(id) as CountOfSameNr, [MIPR_Number] FROM Table GROUP BY [MIPR_Number]
Store this query as e.g CountMIPRNumber.
Now you have two options:
Use a Dlookup to get one value
=IIf(IsNull([txt_Amendment]),0,Dlookup("CountOfSameNr","CountMIPRNumber","[MIPR_Number] = " & [MIPR_Number]))
or add the query to form recordsource (join on [MIPR_Number], "SELECT * FROM TABLE" is forms query)
SELECT CountMIPRNumber.CountOfSameNr, TABLE.* FROM TABLE LEFT JOIN CountMIPRNumber ON TABLE.[MIPR_Number] = CountMIPRNumber.[MIPR_Number]
and reference the count field

MS Access - Query - Replace value

One of the fields contains ID of partner organisations. Wherever the field is populated it's one of the partner organisations. If the field is blank, it means it's the parent company. In my query, how can I populate the blank records with the ID of the parent company?
The only thing I found was to create an expression in a new field:
SELECT Valid_Learner.LearnRefNumber, Valid_Learner.FamilyName, Valid_Learner.GivenNames, Valid_Learner.DateOfBirth, Valid_Learner.Ethnicity, Valid_LearningDelivery.FundModel, Valid_LearningDelivery.PartnerUKPRN,
Replace([PartnerUKPRN],"","parentComanyID") AS UKPRN,
Valid_LearningDelivery.DelLocPostCode, Valid_LearningDelivery.LearnAimRef
FROM Valid_Learner RIGHT JOIN Valid_LearningDelivery ON Valid_Learner.LearnRefNumber = Valid_LearningDelivery.LearnRefNumber;
The new field ("UKPRN") should (for the purpose of this question) have the string "parentCompanyID" whenever it's blank in the PartnerUKPRN field.
The result is the UKPRN field displays IDs where the ID is present in the PartnerUKPRN field, but shows "#Error" where it's blank in PartnerUKPRN.
If "blank" means NULL, then you can use NZ() in MS Access:
NZ([PartnerUKPRN], "parentComanyID") AS UKPRN
This would be the "normal" way to write this logic. I don't know why REPLACE() would return an error.

Queries in access runtime return different result

I have a form with a few controls. The values entered into the controls are passed to the WHERE clause of a query I use to populate a list box on the same form.
Some of the columns that I am filtering on have null values. When the control is left empty, it should pull in all rows unfiltered by that column.
So part of my WHERE clause looks like this:
(person.last_name like [Forms]![frmFilterPerson]![txtLastName] & "*"
OR [Forms]![frmFilterPerson]![txtLastName] Is Null)
When I run my application in the full version of access, and I leave the txtLastName control blank, I get back ALL results, including the ones where the last name is null
However, when I run it in Access Runtime, I do not get all results, only the ones that have a value in the table for last name.
Any suggestions on how I can retrieve the rows that have null values while I have a filter in my where clause based on a control on my form?
You can use this old trick - comparing the field with itself:
person.last_name Like Nz([Forms]![frmFilterPerson]![txtLastName], person.last_name) & "*"
person.last_name Is Null
person.last_name Like Nz([Forms]![frmFilterPerson]![txtLastName], person.last_name) & "*"
[Forms]![frmFilterPerson]![txtLastName] Is Null

SSRS how to use multiple criteria in expression - based on a row value and a field name

Please look at the image below, my dataset has two processes, 'logs processed' and 'stacked at kilns'.
I need to take the total 'stacked at kilns' and divide it by the total 'logs processed' for each length.
so for example for field name 5.4 (dataset field length), I would like to divide 2784/2283 to return a percentage of the recovery.
my expressions currently is
(Fields!process.Value = "Logs Processed") AND (Fields!Length.Value=Fields!Length.Value)
, Fields!cubes.Value
, Nothing)
, "Wetmill_to_Kiln")
But this returns the value of all lengths where process is 'Logs Processed' not for just length 5.4 as per example.
So each length field is dynamically created (3.3,3.6,3.9 .... 6,6.3,6.6)
I would like to get the total for 'stacked at kiln'/'logs processed' for each length field.
any help appreciated as always
example of my desired output in bottom image.
current output:
Desired output:
*****UPDATE AS PER TPHE*********
I have created a text box inside the column group. this returns the value for that group but how can I reference the value of that text box.
if I use something like ReportItems!tbxSource.Value how can I reference the value of the textbox when the it is dynamically created across the column group? there are then mulitple instances of that textbox name?
with reference to the picture how do get the value of the white <> from the textbox with green <>
Since you are using a column group, you can put your expression into a text box within the group and it will execute on only the data that is captured within each column. So if your code for the Logs processed row is something like Sum(Logs) and your code for the Stacked at Kiln row is something like Sum(Stacked), your expression code for the recovery row would be Sum(Stacked)/Sum(Logs). The key is to make sure that it is within the column group.
So what I got to work was to create two variables on the column group. one called kilntotal and one called logtotal. the variables value was equal to the result of this expression:
I then use these variable in my logic in my recovery % row:
Thanks for the input and your time.

Multisearch form for a query in access

I should make a query in Access that have 4 criteria. If I Run this query by the structure view of the query it works. Then I built a form to insert the criteria in 4 text boxes and get more easy the use of the query. I create the form using the tutorial on the official site of microsoft 1; i tried first the query with only one text box and one criterium and it works; when I use 4 text box, following the tutorial, it doesn't work. The criterium that I use for each field in the query is the follow:
Switch(Not IsNull([Forms]![frmRICmp]![cod]),[Forms]![frmRICmp]![cod])
I tried to use also
IIf(IsNull([Forms]![frmRICmp]![cod]), Like "*", [Forms]![frmRICmp]![cod])
but also in this case it doesn't work.
can someone tell me the right instrtuction to use in the query's criteria
So if I gather correctly you need to perform a multi search where if any of the boxes are null you would like to return all the values. and more than one text box can be used simultaneously. TO do this you have to amend do the following.
Amend the Query Field (Note i'm referring to field and not criteria)
For the first Text Box Assuming name is COD and Field Name is also COD
If the Current field name is COD insert another field with the same name and amend to
[COD]=[Forms]![frmRICmp]![cod] OR [Forms]![frmRICmp]![cod] Is NULL
then in the criteria field use the following value
For the second Text Box Assuming name is COD2 and Field Name is also COD2
If the Current field name is COD2 insert another field with the same name and amend to
[COD2]=[Forms]![frmRICmp]![cod2] OR [Forms]![frmRICmp]![cod2] Is NULL
then in the criteria field use the following value
and continue the same process for all 4 text boxes.