Add a number of tables to a bookmark in Word VBA while maintaining and expanding the bookmark - vba

I'm trying to create some automation using Word VBA and looking for some advice.
I have a bookmark in a document. What I want to do is call some VBA that goes to that bookmark and creates a number of tables, could be 1, could be 50 depending on some variables.
I would like to maintain that bookmark so that it covers the entirety of that new section of tables so that if someone runs the macro again, the tables are dropped and recreated nicely.
So far I have some code that creates the tables at the bookmark and recreates it but it seems to be creating the bookmark in the first cell as the tables nest.
Can anybody help me?
Private Sub InsertTableInBookmark(BookmarkName As String)
Debug.Print "[INFO] Started Private Sub InsertTableInBookmark"
Dim objRng As Range
Dim objTable As Table
Selection.GoTo what:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=BookmarkName
Selection.Expand wdParagraph
ActiveDocument.Tables.Add Range:=Selection.Range, NumRows:=9, NumColumns:=4, DefaultTableBehavior:=wdWord9TableBehavior
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add BookmarkName, Selection.Range
Debug.Print "[INFO] Finished Private Sub InsertTableInBookmark"
End Sub

Private Sub InsertTableInBookmark(BmkNm As String, t As Long)
Dim i As Long, BmkRng As Range, Tbl As Table
With ActiveDocument
If .Bookmarks.Exists(BmkNm) Then
Set BmkRng = .Bookmarks(BmkNm).Range
For i = 1 To t
Set Tbl = .Tables.Add(Range:=BmkRng.Characters.Last, _
NumRows:=9, NumColumns:=4, DefaultTableBehavior:=wdWord9TableBehavior)
With BmkRng
.End = Tbl.Range.End
If i < t Then
.Characters.Last.Next.InsertBefore vbCr & vbCr
.End = .End + 2
End If
End With
.Bookmarks.Add BmkNm, BmkRng
End If
End With
Set BmkRng = Nothing
End Sub
Note that I've added another parameter to the sub - t - for the number of tables to insert.


Convert hyperlinks into footnotes

I currently employ a VBA script to copy all the hyperlinks in an MS Word document and list them in a new document. However, I wonder if there is any way to update this VBA script such that it would translate those hyperlinks into footnotes without affecting the original display words --or live hyperlinks, for that matter. This would be really helpful as copying and pasting those hyperlinks back into the original document is very, very time-consuming. The VBA script I currently have:
Sub PullHyperlinks()
Dim Src As Document
Dim Link As Hyperlink
Dim iDoDisplay As Integer
Set Src = ActiveDocument
If Src.Hyperlinks.Count > 0 Then
iDoDisplay = MsgBox("Include display text for links?", vbYesNo)
Documents.Add DocumentType:=wdNewBlankDocument
For Each Link In Src.Hyperlinks
If iDoDisplay = vbYes Then
Selection.TypeText Link.TextToDisplay
Selection.TypeText vbTab
End If
Selection.TypeText Link.Address
Next Link
MsgBox "There are no hyperlinks in this document."
End If
End Sub
For example:
Sub Demo()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Long, Rng As Range, FtNt As Footnote
With ActiveDocument
For i = .Hyperlinks.Count To 1 Step -1
Set Rng = .Hyperlinks(i).Range
Rng.Collapse wdCollapseStart
Set FtNt = .Footnotes.Add(Rng)
FtNt.Range.FormattedText = .Hyperlinks(i).Range.FormattedText
With FtNt.Range.Hyperlinks(1)
.TextToDisplay = .Address
End With
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Moving words within a text

I am trying to create two keyboard shortcuts which allow me to move selected words quickly to the right and left within a text. The selected text should move one word to the left or the right.
Here is what I want to do
1) Select words e.g. “this is” in the sentence “this is a tree”
2) Press e.g. ctrl + alt + arrow to the right
3) The sentence reads now as “a this is tree”
4) Press again ctrl alt + arrow to the right
5) The sentence reads now as “a tree this is”
The idea is to replace the cut / paste steps and make the process a bit more efficient and smoother.
I have no knowledge in VB, but managed to get close to by using Word’s macro-function.
Sub moveRight()
'moveRight Macro
Selection.moveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1
Selection.PasteAndFormat (wdFormatOriginalFormatting)
End Sub
The problem with this function is that the selected words are no longer selected once they are pasted. Hence, triggering the function again (=moving the text more than one word) results in an error (I would have to select the relevant text again). Is there any way that the selected words remain selected after they are pasted so that I can trigger the function repeatedly?
Many thanks.
You might like to try this solution. The first two procedures below should be called by your keyboard shortcuts. The both call the same executing sub, but with different parameters.
Sub MoveSelectionLeft()
' call with keyboard shortcut
GetSelection True
End Sub
Sub MoveSelectionRight()
' call with keyboard shortcut
GetSelection False
End Sub
Private Sub GetSelection(ByVal ToLeft As Boolean)
' 22 Apr 2017
Dim Rng As Range
Dim SelTxt As String ' selected text (trimmed)
Dim Sp() As String
Set Rng = Selection.Range
With Rng
SelTxt = Trim(.Text)
If ToLeft Then
.MoveStart wdWord, -1
.MoveEnd wdWord, 1
End If
Sp = Split(Trim(.Text))
If ToLeft Then
.Text = SelTxt & " " & Sp(0) & " "
.Text = Sp(UBound(Sp)) & " " & SelTxt & " "
End If
.Find.Execute SelTxt
End With
End Sub
A cheap way of doing this is with bookmarks. At some point before and after moving the text, run AddBookMark and DeleteBookMark respectively.
Public Sub AddBookMark()
Dim myDocument As Document
Set myDocument = ActiveDocument
myDocument.Bookmarks.Add "MySelectedText", Selection
End Sub
Public Sub DeleteBookMark()
Dim myDocument As Document
Set myDocument = ActiveDocument
End Sub
Sub moveRight()
Dim myDocument As Document
Set myDocument = ActiveDocument
Selection.moveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1
Selection.PasteAndFormat (wdFormatOriginalFormatting)
End Sub

Macro to insert comments on keywords in selected text in a Word doc?

I'm new to VBA and would greatly appreciate some help on a problem.
I have long Word documents where I need to apply standard comments to the same set of keywords, but only in selected sections of the document. The following macro worked to find a keyword and apply a comment (from question here
Sub label_items()
' label_items Macro
Do While Selection.Find.Execute("keyword1") = True
ActiveDocument.Comments.Add range:=Selection.range, Text:="comment for keyword 1"
End Sub
The two modifications are:
1) only apply the comments to user selected text, not the whole document. I tried a "With Selection.Range.Find" approach but I don't think comments can be added this way (??)
2) repeat this for 20+ keywords in the selected text. The keywords aren't totally standard and have names like P_1HAI10, P_1HAI20, P_2HAI60, P_HFS10, etc.
EDIT: I have tried to combine code from similar questions ( Word VBA: finding a set of words and inserting predefined comments and Word macro, storing the current selection (VBA)) but my current attempt (below) only runs for the first keyword and comment and runs over the entire document, not just the text I have highlighted/selected.
Sub label_items()
' label_items Macro
Dim selbkup As range
Set selbkup = ActiveDocument.range(Selection.range.Start, Selection.range.End)
Set range = selbkup
Do While range.Find.Execute("keyword 1") = True
ActiveDocument.Comments.Add range, "comment for keyword 1"
Set range = selbkup
Do While range.Find.Execute("keyword 2") = True
ActiveDocument.Comments.Add range, "comment for keyword 2"
'I would repeat this process for all of my keywords
End Sub
I've combed through previous questions and the Office Dev Center and am stuck. Any help/guidance is greatly appreciated!
It's a matter of adding a loop and a means of Finding the next keyword you're looking for. There are a few suggestions in the code example below, so please adjust it as necessary to fit your requirements.
Option Explicit
Sub label_items()
Dim myDoc As Document
Dim targetRange As Range
Set myDoc = ActiveDocument
Set targetRange = Selection.Range
'--- drop a bookmark to return the cursor to it's original location
Const RETURN_BM = "OrigCursorLoc"
myDoc.Bookmarks.Add Name:=RETURN_BM, Range:=Selection.Range
'--- if nothing is selected, then search the whole document
If Selection.Start = Selection.End Then
Selection.Start = 0
targetRange.Start = 0
targetRange.End = myDoc.Range.End
End If
'--- build list of keywords to search
Dim keywords() As String
keywords = Split("SMS,HTTP,SMTP", ",", , vbTextCompare)
'--- search for all keywords within the user selected range
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To UBound(keywords)
'--- set the cursor back to the beginning of the
' originally selected range
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=RETURN_BM
With Selection.Find
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Text = keywords(i)
If .Found Then
If (Selection.Start < targetRange.End) Then
Selection.Comments.Add Selection.Range, _
Text:="Found the " & keywords(i) & " keyword"
Exit Do
End If
Exit Do
End If
End With
Next i
'--- set the cursor back to the beginning of the
' originally selected range
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=RETURN_BM
End Sub

In which field the cursor is? (ms word, vba)

In a VBA Word macro, I'd like to get a Field-object for the field which contains the cursor.
The obvious try fails:
Private Sub Try1()
MsgBox Selection.Fields.Count
End Sub
The array is empty. Then I tried:
Private Sub Try2()
Dim oRange As Range
Set oRange = Selection.GoTo(What:=wdGoToField)
MsgBox oRange
End Sub
The cursor does not move, the message is empty.
I can iterate over ActiveDocument.Fields, compare the ranges and find the containing fiels. But probably there is a simple direct way?
My current production code with iteration over Document.Fields:
Sub Test()
Dim oField As Field
Set oField = FindWrappingField(Selection.Range)
If oField Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "not found"
MsgBox oField
End If
End Sub
Private Function FindWrappingField(vRange As Range)
Dim oField As Field
Dim nRefPos As Long
' If selection starts inside a field, it also finishes inside.
nRefPos = vRange.Start
' 1) Are the fields sorted? I don't know.
' Therefore, no breaking the loop if a field is too far.
' 2) "Code" goes before "Result", but is it forever?
For Each oField In vRange.Document.Fields
If ((oField.Result.Start <= nRefPos) Or (oField.Code.Start <= nRefPos)) And _
((nRefPos <= oField.Result.End) Or (nRefPos <= oField.Code.End)) Then
Set FindWrappingField = oField
Exit Function
End If
Next oField
Set FindWrappingField = Nothing
End Function
The following function determines whether the selection spans or is within a field.
Function WithInField(Rng As Word.Range) As Boolean
' Based on code by Don Wells:
' Approach : This procedure is based on the observation that, irrespective of _
a field's ShowCodes state, toggling the field's ShowCodes state _
twice collapses the selection to the start of the field.
Dim lngPosStart As Long, lngPosEnd As Long, StrNot As String
WithInField = True
lngPosStart = Selection.Start
lngPosEnd = Selection.End
With Selection
' Test whether the selection has moved; if not, it may already have been _
at the start of a field, in which case, move right and test again.
If .Start = lngPosStart Then
If .Start = lngPosStart + 1 Then
WithInField = False
End If
End If
End With
End Function
You can use the function with code like:
Sub TestWithInField()
Dim Rng As Word.Range, c As Word.Range, StrRslt As String
Set Rng = Selection.Range
For Each c In Rng.Characters
StrRslt = StrRslt & c.Text & ",WithInField:" & WithInField(Rng:=c) & vbCr
MsgBox StrRslt
End Sub
I had the same problem and I solved with the code below:
Sub Test()
NumberOfFields = Selection.Fields.Count
While NumberOfFields = 0
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
NumberOfFields = Selection.Fields.Count
End Sub
Of course, I have to know that the cursor is in a field.
Apparently, when you select a range extending to the right, at some moment the field will be selected. The end of the range doesn't count (it not acuses a field range)
I use this code
Sub GetFieldUnderCursor()
Dim NumberOfFields As Integer
Dim oFld As Field
Dim TextFeld As String
Dim Typ As Integer
Dim pos As Integer
Dim NameOfField As String
'update field. Cursor moves after the field
'select the field
Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
'check if there is a field
NumberOfFields = Selection.Fields.Count
If NumberOfFields = 0 Then
MsgBox "No field under cursor"
Exit Sub
End If
Set oFld = Selection.Fields(1)
TextFeld = Trim(oFld.Code.Text)
Typ = oFld.Type '85 is DOCPROPERTY, 64 is DOCVARIABLE
If Typ = 85 Or Typ = 64 Then
pos = InStr(15, TextFeld, " ")
If pos > 0 Then
NameOfField = Trim(Mid(TextFeld, 12, pos - 11))
MsgBox NameOfField
End If
End If
End Sub

How to delete a text in a table cell when a specific word is found

In my code below, when the word isn't there, all the table contente is deleted. How to fix it? Text is in Cell(1,1) for multiple tables.
Sub DeleteText()
StartWord = "Orientation:"
For Each oTbl In ActiveDocument.Tables
Set oRng = oTbl.Range
With oRng
.Find.Execute Findtext:=StartWord & "*", MatchWildcards:=True
.MoveStart wdCharacter, 0
.MoveEndUntil vbCr
End With
End Sub
First of all you need to add if statement which will check if your text is found. You will find that in the code below. However, I also improved the way you delete the whole content of cell where your text is found. My solution is better in situation when you have more lines/paragraphs/sentences in the cell.
Sub DeleteText_Improved()
Dim StartWord As String
Dim oTbl As Table
Dim oRng As Range
StartWord = "Mauris"
For Each oTbl In ActiveDocument.Tables
Set oRng = oTbl.Range
With oRng
.Find.Execute Findtext:=StartWord & "*", MatchWildcards:=True
If .Find.Found Then
'how to select whole cell range
oTbl.Cell(.Information(wdEndOfRangeRowNumber), _
End If
End With
End Sub
Final remark- your code is working only for the first occurrence of the word you search for. It will not remove other cells where the word appears.