Hot ti Install File just in the first time with WIX - wix

I have a component
<Component Id="ProductComponent" Guid="7935315f-4242-4c7a-a02c-6fd256805356">
KeyPath="yes" ></File>
I want to copy the file just on install , not upgrade.
But I can't find how to do it.
Any idea?

Have you tried using Condition element. I think you can provide a Condition inside Component element to check whether product is already installed or not. If not installed, then create file.
<Component Id="ProductComponent" Guid="7935315f-4242-4c7a-a02c-6fd256805356">
<Condition> NOT Installed </Condition>
KeyPath="yes" ></File>

This is a weak spot of MSI (which WiX uses).
MSI installs a file
User modifies the file
MSI goes to install the file. Should it:
a) overwrite and lose user data
b) not overwrite and lose new applciation data
c) merge --- MSI doesn't support this.
If the user data is only one or few attributes there are tricks with custom actions to harvest the user data and reapply it but this is very tricky stuff.
IMO, the best way to approach this is never keep user data in a file installed by the installer. Take app.config appSettings element as an example. It was an atttribute that allows you to extend the file with another file that overrides the settings in the first file. Using this pattern the installer can lay down the app config and the application can create the override file and everything just works because MSI doesn't have to deal with the problem at all.


WIX — Add files to both GAC and INSTALLFOLDER without changing the name

Despite the different Ids and GUIDs the following code refused to compile because the following components have the same name. Setting the Name attribute does the trick, but I don't want libraries to have different names in GAC and install folder.
So far I have circumvented the issue by creating a CustomAction that renames one of the components on install, but this clearly isn't optimal. Is there an out of the box solution?
<ComponentGroup Id="HistoryGroup" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER">
<Component Id="History" Guid="*">
<File Source="$(var.ProjectName.TargetPath)" KeyPath="yes"/>
<Component Id="HistoryGAC" Guid="*">
<File Source="$(var.ProjectName.TargetPath)" KeyPath="yes" Assembly=".net"/>
Give both file elements explicit unique Id attributes. For the one going to the GAC install it to another dummy folder that already exists. (Don't worry it won't get installed there, it'll go to the GAC.)

How to update INI file that is marked as read-only (WiX toolset)

I have a small installer project in Wix Toolset. One of the INI files I need to modify might be marked as read-only and the installer refuses to modify it.
Is there any way to force installer to do the INI modification? All I found was permission setting during file installation, however this file is not part of the installation.
My component looks like this:
<Component Id="FooBar.ini" Guid="GUID" KeyPath="yes" Permanent="yes">
<IniFile Id="FooBar.ini" Directory="FOOBARDIR" Name="FooBar.ini"
Action="addLine" Section="Foo" Key="Bar" Value="1" />

WIX does not remove shortcuts in the INSTALLDIR if not default

Why WIX does not remove a shortcut in the INSTALLDIR if it is not the default install directory is used? My WIX code look like?
<DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLDIR">
<Component Guid="..." Id="shortcuts_INSTALLDIR">
<RegistryKey ForceDeleteOnUninstall="yes" Id="shortcuts_reg_INSTALLDIR" Key="Software\MyCompany\MyProduct" Root="HKCU">
<RegistryValue KeyPath="yes" Name="shortcut_INSTALLDIR" Type="string" Value=""/>
<Shortcut Arguments="my args " Description="my description" Id="InstallDir_my_name" Name="my name" Target="[INSTALLDIR]mydir\my.exe" WorkingDirectory="INSTALLDIR"/>
It look like that the uninstaller does not know the new value of INSTALLDIR. Any idea?
Windows Installer is a bit of an odd beast here. It doesn't record the operations it performs; instead it tries to record the information necessary to reverse them. In this case it appears you're falling into a gap in that implementation.
Windows Installer notes that it has installed component shortcuts_INSTALLDIR. When a file is installed to a specific directory, it records the directory's location. Then during maintenance it restores all the directories it recorded. But it does not record (and thus does not restore) the directory for just a shortcut. Typically shortcuts are installed to predefined paths under the ProgramMenuFolder. Since such locations are not affected by changes to INSTALLDIR, this is usually not a problem.
To solve this you have to ensure the alternate INSTALLDIR is restored during maintenance. You can convince Windows Installer to do so automatically by installing any file directly to INSTALLDIR (if the extra file is not a problem, this is my preferred option). Alternately you can do so manually through the remember property pattern, possibly leveraging ARPINSTALLLOCATION and its saved value in the Uninstall key.

Wix: Preventing a file from restoring by Windows Installer Service

We have a little situation here. We are writing an ini file at install-time using following code segment:
<Component Id="_CFG" Guid="{CADE766F-3AF0-40A6-9D35-12AC4FD5B278}" Feature="DefaultFeature" KeyPath="yes" Location="either" NeverOverwrite="yes">
<CreateFolder Directory="CFG" />
<Environment Id="SharedAppend" Name="Path" Value="[CommonFilesFolder]Company Shared\MyDir" Separator=";" Action="set" Part="last" Permanent="yes" System="yes" />
<IniFile Id="MyCFG.ini1" Action="addLine" Directory="CFG" Key="LOCAL_ROOT" Name="ata.ini" Section="ALIAS" Value="[CommonAppDataFolder]Company\MyDir" />
<IniFile Id="MyCFG.ini73" Action="addLine" Directory="CFG" Key="APPLICATIONS" Name="ata.ini" Section="GENERAL" Value="Product1;Product2;Product3;Product4;" />
<RegistryValue Id="Registry47asdf" Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\Company\MyProd" Name="LocalRoot" Value="[CommonAppDataFolder]Company\MyDir\" Type="string" />
This installation is conducted by an Admin user. Now a 2nd user (Standard) modify this file via some application. After that when a 3rd user would logged in and launch the application, Windows Installer Progress Dialog appear and that would restore the file to original one.
I thought, "NeverOverwrite" would prevent this, but it didn’t worked.
I’m assuming that "NeverOverwrite" attribute may not be applicable on element.
Anyone have any idea how to prevent this file from restoring by Windows installer service?
Thanks a bunch..
Modification of an ini file should not trigger Windows Installer Resiliency. What happens is that a component will be reinstalled when its keypath (i.e. a certain file or registry entry) disappears.
So you need to figure out these things:
Which component installs the INI file? (I suppose it is not the component you show in your question, because that one only modifies INI files.)
What is the keypath of that component? (If it is not marked explicitly, wix will take the first file or registry entry in that component.)
Why is the keypath file or registry entry disappearing, thus triggering the reinstallation of that component?
Also, you might want to consider putting the ini file in its own component. This way, it will be its own keypath and it will only be reinstalled by the windows installer resiliency mechanism when it actually disappeared (and not when some other file or registry entry disappears.)

WiX: keep (rename) file on uninstall

My application has a settings file which I need to keep when user uninstalls the app. Can I do this using components, or do I need to use custom actions?
This is what I have so far (not working):
<Directory Id="INSTALLLOCATION" Name="_MyApp">
<File KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.Source)\settings.ini" />
<Component Id="Backup" Guid="SOME-GUID">
<CopyFile Id="settings.ini" Delete="no" SourceProperty="INSTALLLOCATION" DestinationProperty="INSTALLLOCATION" SourceName="settings.ini" DestinationName="settings.ini.bak" />
If it matters, these components belong to:
<Feature Id="Default" Level="1">
<ComponentRef Id="settings.ini" />
<ComponentRef Id="Backup" />
I suspected this does not work because action MoveFiles runs after RemoveFiles and then there's nothing left to move, so I removed settings.ini from installer and copied it manually after installation. I was thinking this way the ini file is still there after RemoveFiles and it will be renamed. Well, the ini file is there indeed but it doesn't get renamed. Any idea why?
Windows Installer doesn't have a built-in mechanism for backing up and restoring files. Usually the solution is to use a custom action which copies the file.
I removed settings.ini from installer
and copied it manually after
installation. I was thinking this way
the ini file is still there after
RemoveFiles and it will be backed-up.
Well, the ini file is there indeed but
it doesn't get backed-up.
Try creating an uninstall log and see what happens when MoveFiles is executed. As a side note, I don't see how copying the file manually after install is better than a backup custom action.