Is there a way to control the number of bytes read in Reactor Netty's TcpClient? - spring-webflux

I am using TcpClient to connect to a simple TCP echo server. Messages consist of the message size in 4 bytes followed by the message itself. For instance, to send the message "hello", the server will expect "0005hello", and respond with "0005hello".
When testing under load (approximately 300+ concurrent users), adjacent requests sometimes result in responses "piling up", e.g. sending "0004good" followed by "0003day" might result in the client receiving "0004good0003" followed by "day".
In a conventional, non-WebFlux-based TCP client, one would normally read the first 4 bytes from the socket into a buffer, determine the length of the message N, then read the following N bytes from the socket into a buffer, before returning the response. Is it possible to achieve such fine-grained control, perhaps by using TcpClient's underlying Channel?
I have also considered the approach of accumulating responses in some data structure (Queue, StringBuffer, etc.) and having a daemon parse the result, but this has not had the desired performance in practice.

I solved this by adding a handler of type LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder to the Connection:
.doOnConnected((connection) -> {
connection.addHandler("parseLengthFromFirstFourBytes", new LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder(9999, 0, 4) {
protected long getUnadjustedFrameLength(ByteBuf buf, int offset, int length, ByteOrder order) {
ByteBuf lengthBuffer = buf.copy(0, 4);
byte[] messageLengthBytes = new byte[4];
String messageLengthString = new String(messageLengthBytes);
return Long.parseLong(messageLengthString);
This solves the issue with the caveat that responses still "pile up" (as described in the question) when the application is subjected to sufficient load.


Call `recvfrom` multiple times from different task on the same server socket

I am developing a system whereby I have to communicate with 18-different subsystems.
All 18-subsystems are UDP clients. I have created UDP server.
I'm using recvfrom to receive data these 18-subsystems.
char buf[1000];
int buf_len = 1000;
int sockfd;
//Code to configure socket
//Code to create Socket
//Code to bind socket
bytes_read = recvfrom(sockfd, (void *)buf, buf_len, 0,
(struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, &sock_addr_size);
//Spawn New Task to process data
I have three options process received data
Process the data immediately after receiving new data. This approach is not feasible as it will increase the latency in processing message and system will loose its deterministic hard-real time capabilities.
Spawn a new task after receiving new data. This new task will process incoming data and forward the processed data to appropriate task that will consume this data.
Create multiple task each running recvfrom on the same socket and will process data immediately after receiving the new data and forward the processed data to appropriate task that will consume this data.
I am more inclined towards Option 3. I wish to know is it allowed in vxWorks to call recvfrom multiple times from different task (disjoint task) on the same server socket or will it cause some complication.

Mutinty/Quarkus Mid Output Stream Failure Handling

I'm running a quarkus server that streams large datasets to clients. During processing of a dataset, an error can occur, and I'm unsure of how to best handle the situation.
fun example(#PathParam("fileName") fileName: String): Multi<Int> {
return Multi.createFrom().iterable((0 .. 10)).map { if (it != 4) it else throw IllegalArgumentException() }
Without any changes, this will stream "[1,2,3" and then stop without closing the connection (CURLs hang). I can handle the issue with ".onFailure().recoverWithCompletion()", but that closes the stream in a healthy fashion (resulting in [1,2,3]). Is there any way to close the connection, but leave the response as malformed? I need a way to communicate to downstream clients that the stream of data is not healthy.

How RabbitMQ handle if queue message bytes length large than x-max-length-bytes?

I had declare a queue like below:
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<String, Object>();
args.put("x-max-length-bytes", 2 * 1024 * 1024); // Max length is 2G
channel.queueDeclare("queueName", true, false, false, args);
When the queue messages count bytes is large than 2G, It will auto remove the message on the head of the queue.
But what I expected is That it reject produce the last message and return exception to the producer.
How can I get it?
A possible workaround is check the queue size before send your message using the HTTP API.
For example if you have a queue called: myqueuetest with max size = 20.
Before send the message you can call the HTTP API in this way:
the result is a JSON like this:
then you cloud read the message_bytes field before send your message and then decide if send or not.
Hope it helps
This workaround could kill your application performance
This workaround is not safe if you have multi-threading/more publisher
This workaround is not a very "best practise"
Just try to see if it is ok for your application.
As explained on the official docs:
Messages will be dropped or dead-lettered from the front of the queue to make room for new messages once the limit is reached.
If you think RabbitMQ should drop messages form the end of the queue, feel free to open an issue here so we can discuss about it

The receiveBufferSize not being honored. UDP packet truncated

netty 4.0.24
I am passing XML over UDP. When receiving the UPD packet, the packet is always of length 2048, truncating the message. Even though, I have attempted to set the receive buffer size to something larger (4096, 8192, 65536) but it is not being honored.
I have verified the UDP sender using another UDP ingest mechanism. A standalone Java app using The XML is around 45k.
I was able to trace the stack to DatagramSocketImpl.createChannel (line 281). Stepping into DatagramChannelConfig, it has a receiveBufferSize of whatever I set (great), but a rcvBufAllocator of 2048.
Does the rcvBufAllocator override the receiveBufferSize (SO_RCVBUF)? Is the message coming in multiple buffers?
Any feedback or alternative solutions would be greatly appreciated.
I also should mention, I am using an ESB called vert.x which uses netty heavily. Since I was able to trace down to netty, I was hopeful that I could find help here.
The maximum size of incoming datagrams copied out of the socket is actually not a socket option, but rather a parameter of the socket read() function that your client passes in each time it wants to read a datagram. One advantage of this interface is that programs accepting datagrams of unknown/varying lengths can adaptively change the size of the memory allocated for incoming datagram copies such that they do not over-allocate memory while still getting the whole datagram. (In netty this allocation/prediction is done by implementors of
In contrast, SO_RCVBUF is the size of a buffer that holds all of the datagrams your client hasn't read yet.
Here's an example of how to configure a UDP service with a fixed max incoming datagram size with netty 4.x using a Bootstrap:
import io.netty.bootstrap.Bootstrap;
int maxDatagramSize = 4092;
String bindAddr = "";
int port = 1234;
SimpleChannelInboundHandler<DatagramPacket> handler = . . .;
InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(bindAddr, port);
NioEventLoopGroup group = new NioEventLoopGroup();
Bootstrap b = new Bootstrap()
b.option(ChannelOption.RCVBUF_ALLOCATOR, new FixedRecvByteBufAllocator(maxDatagramSize));
You could also configure the allocator with ChannelConfig.setRecvByteBufAllocator

Why am I losing data when using a vxWorks pipe?

I am using pipes to transfer information between two vxWorks tasks.
Here is a code sample:
fd = open("/pipe/mydev", O_RDWR, 0777);
len = read(fd, rxbuf, MAX_RX_LEN);
len = write(fd, txbuf, txLen);
If we send a message that is longer than MAX_RX_LEN, (ie txLen > MAX_RX_LEN) we do 2 reads to get the remainder of the message.
What we noticed is that the 2nd read didn't receive any data!
Why is that?
VxWorks' pipe mechanism is not stream based (unlike unix named pipes).
It is a layer on top of the vxWorks message Queue facility. As such, it has the same limitations as a message queue: when reading from the pipe, you are really reading the entire message. If your receive buffer does not have enough space to store the received data, the overflow is simply discarded.
When doing a receive on a message Queue or a pipe, always make sure the buffer is set to the maximum size of a queue element.