Callback URL not working in Auth0, locally - authentication

I am trying to configure login using Auth0. As part of the initial steps, I created an application and added Allowed Callback URLs and Allowed Logout URLs. I have no hosted pages in /login, /login-results, /logout routes. I am just trying to learn working of Auth0 by getting the JWT token and test it in
I tried to use the login UI flow which available out of the box in Auth0. I created the login URL as mentioned in this doc to hit this endpoint
GET https://YOUR_DOMAIN/authorize?audience=API_IDENTIFIER&scope=SCOPE&response_type=code&client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&redirect_uri=https://YOUR_APP/callback&state=STATE
But I am getting this error while executing the endpoint which I created using the credentials of my application with above-mentioned callback URL.
Endpoint which I generated:{CLIENT_ID}&redirect_uri=
What is the actual issue? Am I missing any other configurations?

Service Not Found
This error message points to that you passed non existent API identifier as audience. Check that API is created in the API section of Dashboard.


Having problem Authorizing Authenticated user account in Web API

I'm using ASP.Net Core 6 to build a secured Web API.
dotnet new webapi --auth SingleOrg --aad-instance --client-id <CLIENT ID> --domain --tenant-id <TENANT ID> --calls-graph true -o GraphTestService
I added a Scope in the Export API "EmployeeRecord.Read"
Added permission for Graph API (User.Read)
Added permission "EmployeeRecord.Read"
I'm using "InteractiveBrowserCredential".
Everything works fine up until the Web service tries to call Graph API. It throws MsalUIRequiredException.
Understandable, since I did not include any graph API permissions when I requested a token.
When I inspect the Bearer token that's returned, it has the "EmployeeRecord.Read" scope. Ok, that's fine. The Web API authorizes it; but the token doesn't have any permissions for Graph API.
When I add a graph API permission to the scopes, I get
AADSTS28000: Provided value for the input parameter scope is not valid because it contains more than one resource. Scope api://<APP URI ID>/EmployeeRecord.Read offline_access openid profile is not valid.
If I only include the graph API permission, the Web API returns an Unauthorized error.
In addition to playing with the scopes, I tried adding my client application to the Web API app registration under the "Expose an API / Add A client Application". This made no difference. No difference in token or errors.
You are trying to add scopes for 2 different resource ,the scope parameter cannot be used to specify permissions for multiple resources similar issue .
we recommend you to use MSAL libarry , MSAL will store tokens for you and refresh whenever token is expired. Just call acquireTokenSilent to get an access token silently, and if you get an error, call acquireToken (see details on error handling here:
for more info please check similar issue

Not able to Authenticate using OAuth2 for Twitter from Postman

I am trying to send the Single Tweet GET request from Twitter API v2 collection. I used the OAuth2 Authorization Type.
When I click on Get New Access Token, after providing the Configuration Options I get the following window
But when I click on Back, I am logged in to my Twitter account.
Meanwhile, my Get New Access Token window is still waiting to receive a response.
Has anybody encountered this before?
I've tried using Bearer Token instead and it works without a problem.
I also tried logging out and logging back in from the Twitter login but still did not authenticate successfully.
For me, it's because I used localhost in my callback URL.
Don’t use localhost as a callback URL
Instead of using localhost, please use a custom host locally or http(s)://
My Problem is solved Now, This issue was caused Because I have not added the Callback URL in the postman that I have added in the Twitter developer account project.
And Second main reason for that because I did not add the accurate scopes tweet.

What is the redirect URL for karate like the one we have in Postman?

As per Auth0 below are the prerequisite for Auth0
Register your app with Auth0. To learn more, read Register Regular Web Applications.
Select Regular Web App as the Application Type. (Done)
Add an Allowed Callback URL of https://YOUR_APP/callback. (This part I am not able to find and question is related to this that what is the call back URL in karate?)
Make sure your application's Grant Types include Authorization Code. To learn more, read Update Grant Types. (Done)
Below are the details how this Auth0 API will be authenticated.
Authorization API is called to generate code.
Token API is then called with the code generated at step 1 in order to exchange code for token.
Both of above APIs require a redirect URL of the calling application like we have in Postman as can be seen in below image. What is the redirect URL that can be provided in karate so once the token is generated it gets redirected to karate and token is shown there in response.

Which Google Data YouTube API Client ID to use?

I am trying to access YouTube API using MVC 4.
Should I use :
Client ID for web application or Client ID for native application?
I tried both:
Using Client ID for web application will give me this error: The redirect URI in the request: http://localhost:55193/authorize/ did not match a registered redirect URI
Using Client ID for native application will redirect me to this page with a token: http://localhost:55318/authorize/?code=4/ufFRXOfT7GS28wg_eqA9pQ9wVtFN.cgyV3VCJtGkXdJfo-QBMszsijcV9jQI
I am confused of google limited documentation.
If you're building a WebApp, you should use the client ID for web application. The error messages you're seeing indicate that your app is configured to, after authorizing, redirect to the URLs you see there, but you haven't set, in the console, the permissions to let those URLs handle callbacks.
Visit the developer console ( and find your project, then choose the "credentials" link under the APIs & Auth section. Look for the client ID that you're using, and edit it; there will be a field to put in your allowed redirect URIs (in other words, the permissible places that your oAuth calls can redirect to after visiting google's auth endpoints).

Using JMeter with ASP .NET MVC 4 web app returns 500 status error when logging into web app. Why?

I'm using JMeter to load test my web app. I created two HTTP Requests, one visit login page and the other, log into my account. The visit login page HTTP request works fine and returns 302 Found status. JMeter displays the login page and there 0% errors on that page.
However, when I try to login into my account using the POST Data I retrieved from Firebug POST, it doesn't work and returns a 500 status error.
I am having difficulty getting the logging into my account feature to work. I have tried to send a POST request with the following:
1) __RequestVerificationToken
2) languageDropDown (My web app requires it)
3) UserName
4) Password
but I am still getting the error.
I followed this tutorial as it's the only one on ASP.NET MVC web apps...
But I didn't do the feedback form data because I don't need it. Just grab the general concepts and regular expression from that webpage and tried it on my app but it fails.
Why? How do I fix it?
Is it because I have cookies to store session and only unique users can login my web app at one time? I did add a cookie manager though.
BTW, this is on a deployed web application (not localhost).
Some photos, I blocked out all sensitive information (sorry) and some of the token's (Just in case?)
Are you sure you have static authentication token? May it dynamic?
Look at second video that deals with token at 5:37 min to understand how to extract dynamic authentication token.
Exept HTTP Cookie manager, try to add HTTP Cache manager