JOGET - Update form field through Datalist - jogetworkflow

I am new in Joget. I need some help.
I have one form (CRUD). It's datalist like as below:
Now, I want to update status when I will click on assign button then selected checkbox's status value will be update to Assigned.

what you can do is set create a hyperlink against the row in datalist on that action you can either use JDBC or dormant record plugin to update status.


Window action without having so select any record

First and for reference, what I call a window action is an action on the top of a tree view.
Example below:
Problem: if I select no record, Odoo tells me that I have to select record.
Question: I would like the action to be called even if there is no record selected: Is that possible?
Example: the action for instance will start a popup wizard, if a selection of record is done this selection will be preloaded, if no record is selected I will process myself the data preloaded.
The following context in the window action will allow it to be triggered even if no record is selected:
Instead of Action menu you can put your own button inside control panel (e.g. beside create,import button)

Modify properties for individual controls in the details section of a form in continuous forms view

I have a form with a default view set to continuous forms. I want to set the enabled property of a command button control to disabled for records that have a null value in a specific column.
Short answer, you can't. What you need to do is start the button routine with an IF statement that says if the required control is null then exit sub. That way the button won't do anything if the field has a null value
Try setting the caption in the Detail_Paint event for the form:
cb_SetSpecies.Caption = [Species_Name]
This allows a different value to be set for each record.

Add unbound combo box to form that can trigger a BeforeUpdate() event?

I have a datasheet form ItemsForm based on table Items. Items is one-to-many related to table StatusHistory, between Items.ID and StatusHistory.ItemID. There is also a Status table, with the relationship between Status.ID and StatusHistory.StatusID.
I want to add a StatusBox combo box to ItemsForm so that when the user selects a Status value from the box and then moves out of the record, which should trigger the Form_BeforeUpdate() event, a new entry is added to StatusHistory with the Items.ID of the currently selected entry.
I've successfully added the StatusBox field to the form and populated its list by setting its RowSource with a query of Status. But there are two big problems:
I can scroll through the values in the box's list, but after I
select one, it doesn't show up in the field; the field stays blank.
When I select a value in StatusBox, and then click onto another
record, the Form_BeforeUpdate() isn't triggered. It seems that
Form_BeforeUpdate() is only triggered if I modify data in the
fields from Items that the form is based on. Is there a different event that I should be using here?
Solved it as follows:
The ID field for Status is actually named StatusID instead of
ID. Fixing this allowed me to enter values into the field.
I put the code into the BeforeUpdate() event for StatusBox, viz:
Private Sub StatusBox_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub
This means it gets triggered whenever I select an item in the list, rather than when I move to a new record, but for now that's all I need.

Can not select an item in an unbound combo box in access

I have form that is not based on any table and I have a combobox on it that gets it data from a query (which hs id and text).
When I look at form in formview, I can open the dropdown section of combobox and it has values from the query, but I am not able to selct it. I tried to select it by any of the following ways:
1- Clicking on an item.
2- DBClicking on an item
3- Pressing ener on an item.
What is the problen and how can I fix it?
I am using Accesss 2003 on windows XP
Have you by accident set the Locked property to Yes? You can still drop down a locked combo-box but can't select any items.
See if your Form has property Allow Edits set to True.

I need a button on the edit page to change attribute value

I am new to Rails. In my project, I have a task controller and a tasks table with a column name task_status. When task is saved, the status is set to open. Now, I want to place a mark closed button on the edit view page to set the status to closed.
You can do this in several ways. One way would be to include a check box, named close_task in your form. When this check box is checked and the form is submitted, you check for param[:close_task].
So for example:
def update
if param[:close_task]
#task.status = 'closed'