Using FastRTPS for a Command and Control Application - data-distribution-service

I'm trying to understand how to use the FAST-RTPS libraries to implement a Command and Control application. The requirement is to allow multiple writers to direct command messages to a single reader that is tasked with controlling a piece of equipment. In this application there can be one or more identical pieces of equipment being controlled, each using a unique instance of the same reader code. I already understand that I should set the reader's RELIABILITY_QOS to RELIABLE and the OWNERSHIP_QOS to EXCLUSIVE_OWNERSHIP. The part that I am still thinking about is how to configure my application so that when a writer sends a command to the reader controlling the piece of equipment, other readers that might also receive the message will not act on it. I would like to do this at the FAST-RTPS level; that is, configure the application so that only the reader controlling the equipment receives the command message versus allowing multiple readers to receive the control message while programming these readers so that only the controlling reader will act on it. My approach so far involves assigning all controlling writers and only the controlling reader to a partition (See Advanced Functionalities in the Fast-RTPS Users Manual). There will be one of these partitions for each piece of equipment. Is this the proper way to implement my requirements or are there other, better ways?
Thank you.

Since this question was asked in under data-distribution-service, this answer references the OMG DDS specification, currently at version 1.4.
Although you could use Partitions to achieve the selective delivery that you are looking for, this would probably not be the recommended approach for your use case. The main disadvantage that comes to mind is a situation where a single writer has to send control messages to multiple pieces of equipment. With your current approach, you need a single Partition for each equipment, and you additionally need each message to be written into the right Partition. This can only be achieved by attaching a single Partition to each DataWriter, which would consequently require a single DataWriter per piece of equipment. Depending on your set-up, you may end up with many DataWriters where you would prefer to have a few, from the perspective of resource usage perspective as well as code complexity.
The proper mechanism that is intended for this kind of use-case is the so-called ContentFilteredTopic, as found in section ContentFilteredTopic Class in the specification. For your convenience, I quoted some of it:
ContentFilteredTopic describes a more sophisticated subscription
that indicates the subscriber does not want to necessarily see all
values of each instance published under the Topic. Rather, it wants
to see only the values whose contents satisfy certain criteria. This
class therefore can be used to request content-based subscriptions.
The selection of the content is done using the filter_expression
with parameters expression_parameters.
Using ContentFilteredTopics, each DataReader would use a filter_expression that aligns with an identifier of the device that it is associated with. At the application level on the sender side, DataWriters would not be aware of that; they would just be writing their control messages. The middleware would take care of the delivery to those (and only those) DataReaders for which the filter expressions matches the data.
This is a core feature of many DDS-based systems. Although the DDS specification does not require it, in many cases the implementation is smart enough to do filtering on the DataWriter side, before the message goes onto the wire, in cases where that makes sense.
I do not know how much of this is actually implemented by Fast-RTPS.


In the Diode library for scalajs, what is the distinction between an Action, AsyncAction, and PotAction, and which is appropriate for authentication?

In the scala and scalajs library Diode, I have used but not entirely understood the PotAction class and only recently discovered the AsyncAction class, both of which seem to be favored in situations involving, well, asynchronous requests. While I understand that, I don't entirely understand the design decisions and the naming choices, which seem to suggest a more narrow use case.
Specifically, both AsyncAction and PotAction require an initialModel and a next, as though both are modeling an asynchronous request for some kind of refreshable, updateable content rather than a command in the sense of CQRS. I have a somewhat-related question open regarding synchronous actions on form inputs by the way.
I have a few specific use cases in mind. I'd like to know a sketch (not asking for implementation, just the concept) of how you use something like PotAction in conjunction with any of:
Username/password authentication in a conventional flow
OpenAuth-style authentication with a third-party involved and a redirect
Token or cookie authentication behind the scenes
Server-side validation of form inputs
Submission of a command for a remote shell
All of these seem to be a bit different in nature to what I've seen using PotAction but I really want to use it because it has already been helpful when I am, say, rendering something based on the current state of the Pot.
Historically speaking, PotAction came first and then at a later time AsyncAction was generalized out of it (to support PotMap and PotVector), which may explain their relationship a bit. Both provide abstraction and state handling for processing async actions that retrieve remote data. So they were created for a very specific (and common) use case.
I wouldn't, however, use them for authentication as that is typically something you do even before your application is loaded, or any data requested from the server.
Form validation is usually a synchronous thing, you don't do it in the background while user is doing something else, so again Async/PotAction are not a very good match nor provide much added value.
Finally for the remote command use case PotAction might be a good fit, assuming you want to show the results of the command to the user when they are ready. Perhaps PotStream would be even better, depending on whether the command is producing a steady stream of data or just a single message.
In most cases you should use the various Pot structures for what they were meant for, that is, fetching and updating remote data, and maybe apply some of the ideas or internal models (such as the retry mechanism) to other request types.
All the Pot stuff was separated from Diode core into its own module to emphasize that they are just convenient helpers for working with Diode. Developers should feel free to create their own helpers (and contribute back to Diode!) for new use cases.

2 separate systems, how to make them communicate

I got a DDS-system(OMG DDS) who's communicating with a ROS-node over radio. The information being received is a struct with velocity, state, longitude, latitude etc. This works well, and my DDS-client has no problem printing the information being transmitted from the node over the radio. Now, I've got a GUI-application written in Qt, who creates models and puts them on a predefined map. These modelse have defined set-information functions, which when triggered updates the map to give a smooth visualisation of the information it receives.
Now here is problem, I've no idea how to make the GUI application communicate with my DDS-client. I would rather not intertwine these two, since I've had enough trouble just making the DDS-client and sender work and compile with ROS. Ive though about a separate queue system, which can be included in the DDS-client and the GUI application, but I dont know if this could work. Ive also though about writing a SQL database, and then push new data, and pull new data when it is detected in my GUI application. Some sort of on_data_available function which triggers the pull-function. Ive heard the last one is a bad idea, since I'm working with only one set of data which is being continuously updated (the model represents one USV), and a database is then considered overkill, but I would love to get inputs here.
Im sorry if this isn't sufficient information, I can't really provide code examples for different reasons. If anyone have any inputs, shout out, would love to hear them. And if I'm not being specific enough, ill try to rewrite it as best as i can.
I've no idea how to make the GUI application communicate with my
Your question is not specific to DDS or your GUI application -- you essentially ask for a simple and convenient inter-process communication (IPC) mechanism. As you can see when you follow the link, there are loads of different options.
Given that you already have your data as well as the associated type definitions available in DDS, I suspect that using DDS for this task would still be the easiest way to go. You could set it up to communicate over shared memory or local loopback. DDS will do all discovery and communication under the hood, including (cross-language) de/serialization. If you choose a different mechanism, you might end up doing more work yourself.
As an alternative, some DDS implementations (commercially) support native integration with SQL databases. Those will introspect the DDS data definitions and create all required tables for you. Updates from DDS are automatically forwarded to the database, and vice-versa. You could feed your GUI off of that database.

How do I illustrate both sides of a transaction in BPMN?

We have a number of processes that rely on interactions between two people/groups. I am trying to figure out the best way to illustrate this in BPMN.
Using the example of a pizza order, I call a pizzeria to order, an order-taker answers the phone and then we discuss my order. I am trying to accurately capture the "we discuss the order" portion of the process. Here is how I envision the diagram playing out. I call, they answer, then there's branching for a simultaneous exchange, which converges at the end of the call and my order is finished. Is this illustrated correctly? or are there better ways to show that two different entities communicating with each other at the same time to accomplish a task?
The moment you want to show interaction in greater detail than high level bird view, you typically run into troubles when remaining within the paradigm of using "one pool with several lanes". In such a case you need to draw a so called "collaboration diagram", which means you make use of several pools and hence several process definitions interacting with each other by means of message exchange. I give you an example here:
You may use those envelope symbols attached to the message flows, but you don't need to.
The big advantage of that approach is that you can now show that those processes are dependent on each other, yes, but each participant also wants to remain in drivers seat of his/her own process, e.g. by deciding what to do if the other side doesn't provide the desired answer, doesn't do anything within a reasonable time and so on. Furthermore you can look at that diagram from both perspectives and people will actually see "their own process" - and not something mixed with the concerns of others involved.
For that same reason BPMN also offers the concept of "collapsed pools" to be able to look just at the communication from one side and treat the internal details of the other side as a kind of "black box":

How to illustrate an interrupt-driven process?

This question is related to diagraming a software process. As an electrical engineer, much of the software I do is for embedded micro-controllers. In school, we learned to illustrate our algorithm using a flowchart. However, nowadays, many of my embedded projects are heavily interrupt-driven where the main process runs some basic algorithm a variety of interrupt sources provide its stimulus. So, my question is, what are some diagramming techniques that I can use to illustrate my process such that future developers can understand what I am doing easily and get involved in development?
Here are some key features that I am looking for:
Shows data structures and how data is passed between processes & interrupts
Shows conditions that cause each interrupt
Shows how data is gathered and passed through a downlink
Shows how command messages are received, parsed, and executed
Ideally is well suited for hierarchical breakdown into smaller processes with greater levels of detail
I've always seen interrupt timing drawn as follows:
Or inline line so:
But I prefer the former as it gives more room for annotation.
In response to your comment, perhaps a UML state machine diagram (with some adaptation) may be closer suited to your purpose:
There are many of interesting approaches you can find in diagram drawing. I will post a few here. You will find a lot of Operation System and Architecture scpecific names in there such as register , event, function names and etc. It is more for representation so far, right? So he we are.
Use UML class diagrams for showing data structures. Use sequence diagrams to show interactions between classes and interrupt service routines (showing function calls only). Use activity diagrams to show how interrupts interact with processes (signals are good for this). An activity diagram can also be used to show the process of receiving data, parsing it, and dispatching it. This can also be represented in a static view by a package diagram where the command handler is in one package and the command parser is in another, connected by a dependency line. Use cases are good for a high level view of functionality.
The main point is that UML supports many different views (static, dynamic, logical, deployment) into your system. Don't try to express everything at once.
The diagram below shows an example of an interrupt to a process.

Why use Queueing systems such as RabbitMQ

I am not a senior programmer but I have been deploying applications for a while and devloped small complete systems.
I am starting to hear about queueing systems such as RabbitMQ. May be, I never developed any systems that had to use a queueing system. But, I am worried if I am not using it because I have no idea what to do with this. I have read RabbitMQ tutorial on their site but I am not sure why I would use this for. I am not sure if any of those cannot be achieved by conventional programming with no additional component and regular databases or similar.
Can someone please explain why I would use a queueing system with a small example. I mean not a hello world example, but a a practical scenario.
Thanks a lot for your time
One of the key uses of middleware like message queues is to be able to send data between non homogenous systems. The messages themselves can be many things. Strings are the easiest to be understood by different languages on different systems but are often less useful for transferring more meaningful data. As a result JSON and XML are very popular for the messages. These are just structured strings that can be converted into objects in the language of choice at the consumer end.
Additional useful features:
In some MQ systems like RabbitMQ (not true in all MQ systems) is that the client handles the communication side of things very nicely.
The messages can be asynchronous. If the consumer goes down, the messages will remain until the consumer is back online.
The MQ system can be setup to varying degrees of message durability. They can be removed from the queue once read or remain until the are acknowledged. They can be persistent so even if the MQ systems goes down message will not be lost.
Here goes with some possibly contrived examples. A Java program on a local system wants to send a message to a system on the connected through the internet. The local system has a server connected to the internet. Everything is blocked coming from the internet except a connection to the MQ. The Java program can publish the message to the MQ with out needing access to the internet. The message sits on the queue until the external system picks it up. The Java program publishes a message, lets say XML, and the consumer could be a Perl program. As long as they have some way of understanding the XML with a predefined way of serialization and deserialization it will be fine.
MQ systems tend to work best in "fire-and-forget" scenarios. If an event happens and others need to be notified of it, but the source system has no need for feedback from the other systems, then MQ might be a good fit.
If you understand the pros and cons of MQ and still don't understand why it would be a good fit for a particular system, then it probably isn't. I've seen systems where MQ was used but not needed, and the result was not pretty.
Most of the scenarios I've seen where it's worked out well is integration between unrelated systems (usually out-of-the-box type system). Let's say you have one system that takes orders, and a different system that fills the orders and ships them. In that scenario, the order system can use a MQ to notify the fulfillment system of the order, but the order system has no interest in waiting until the fulfillment system receives the order. So it puts a message in a queue keep going.
This is a very simplified answer, but it gives the general ideas.
Let's think about this in terms of telephone vs. email. Pretend for a minute that email does not exist. To get work done, you must phone everyone. When you communicate with someone via telephone, you need to have them at their desk in order to reach them (assume they are in a factory and can't hear their cell phone ring) :-) If the person you wish to reach isn't at the desk, you are stuck waiting until they return your call (or far more likely, you call them back later). It's the same with you - you don't have any work to do until someone calls you up. If multiple people call at once, you don't know about it because you can only handle one person at a time.
However, if we have email, it is possible for you to "queue" your requests with someone else, to answer (but more likely ignore) at their convenience. If they do ignore your email, you can always re-send it. You don't have to wait for them to be at the desk, and they don't have to wait until you are off the phone. The workload evens out and things run much more smoothly. As an added bonus, you can forward messages that you don't want to deal with to your peons.
In systems engineering, we use the term "closely coupled" to define programs (or parts of programs) that work like the telephone scenario above. They depend very closely upon each other, often sharing implementations among various parts of the program. In these programs, data is processed in serial order, one at a time. These systems are typically easy to build, but there are a few important drawbacks to consider: (1) changing any part of the program likely will cause cascading changes throughout the code, and this introduces bugs; (2) the system is not very scalable, and typically must be scrapped and rebuilt as needs grow; (3) all parts of the system must be functioning simultaneously or the whole system will not work.
Basically, closely-coupled programs are good if the program is very simple or if there is some specialized reason to use a closely-coupled program.
In the real world, things are much more complex. Programs cannot be that simple, and it becomes a nightmare to develop enterprise applications in a closely-coupled manner. Therefore, we use the term "loosely-coupled" to define large systems that are composed of many smaller pieces. The pieces have very well-defined boundaries and functions, so that changing of the system may be accomplished more easily. It is the essence of object-oriented design. Message queues (like RabbitMQ) allow email-like communication to take place among various programs and parts of programs, thus making workflow much more like it would be with people. Adding extra capacity then becomes a simple matter of starting up and additional computer wherever you need it.
Obviously, this is a gross simplification, but I think it conveys the general idea. Building applications that use message queuing enables you to deploy massively scalable applications leveraging cloud service providers. Here is an article that talks about designing for the cloud: